Kari on Root Canals and Dental Infections
Part 1: Discussion/explanation of Dental Infections, why they are such a big deal, and how energy healing can help
Part 2: Group healing process / Q&A / Scan
Part 3: Q&A / Updates / Scans
Want a scan? Click through to Facebook below, follow the directions on the post, and Kari will reply with a scan.
You can download the podcasts and the separate Mercury Detox clearing from Part 2 here. Remember to listen to it no more than once per day.
Quantum Dental Health
Energetically repair and prevent major dental challenges that affect your whole body
Dental Health Affects the Whole Body
It’s not just about a pretty smile! Your dental health affects your entire body
- Your energy meridians connect to your teeth, and when a tooth is compromised, it affects the flow of energy to all the organs and systems related to that tooth
- Infections in a tooth can travel through the whole body. For example in one study, 78% of heart attack/blocked artery patients had DNA of root-canal bacteria in their blood clots
- Infections put your immune system in constant distress and allow for other seemingly unrelated health conditions to develop

What diseases have been correlated with dental infections and root canals?
- Heart disease
- Cancer
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Anemia
- Arthritis, especially rheumatoid
- Cerebrovascular disease
- Diabetes
- Erectile dysfunction
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Metabolic syndrome
- Osteoporosis
- Prostatitis and elevated levels of
- Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
- Pulmonary disease
- Sudden hearing loss
- Systemic lupus erythematosus
- Vascular disease
And it’s not just diagnosed disease, you may also notice:
- Bad Breath
- Fatigue
- Low energy
- Loss of vitality
- Brain Fog
- Inability to Focus
- Overwhelm
- Procrastination
- Poor immune function
- Skin conditions
Why are Root Canals especially such a concern?

Maybe like 15 million people a year in the USA alone, you have a root canal. You may think well I was in severe pain (totally get that), the dentist only cleaned out infected tissue.
The greater problem is when the root is filled, your body can no longer signal infection with pain, so the infection can fester undetected in the pocket, traveling to all other parts of your body without your even knowing there is a problem.
You can see all sorts of health issues in seemingly unrelated parts of your body, and never know the root cause is a tooth infection.
But I don’t have a root canal, does that mean I’m safe?
While it’s definitely more likely to have undetected infection in root canal teeth, you can still have painless infections in uncompromised teeth. Dental infections don’t always cause pain and can still travel throughout the whole body causing a host of problems.
And then there are tonsils…which can harbor infections for many years. One “incurable” cancer doctor in Germany found that 100% of patients had infected tonsils. He decided one of the first things to do for all patients was to remove the tonsils straight away (see Chapter 7 of Hidden Epidemic book linked at top of page).
Breast Cancer Connection
From Happivize host, Aimee Serafini: I first heard about the connection between root canals and breast cancer in the 90s when my mother developed breast cancer. She went to a bioresonance practitioner who asked her, do you have a root canal in *named specific tooth* and my mom said yes. She explained how root canals are linked to breast cancer and I thought well I’m never getting one of those!
And while the mainstream dental associations of course deny correlation (keep in mind these are the same associations that told us it’s fine to put mercury in our fillings and that we should drink fluoridated water) many holistic health associations have noticed a correlation and there is a lot of studies noting it.
Teeth and Your Meridians
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the teeth are energetically connected to all the organs in the body through meridians, which are channels that carry Qi (life force energy). Like blood vessels carry blood, meridians carry life force energy.
Each tooth is associated with a specific meridian, and each meridian is connected to one or more organs.
And each tooth and meridian are correlated with specific emotions, so when a tooth is unhealthy you are more likely to feel the negative emotions related to that tooth.
The following are some of the associations between teeth, organs, and emotions.
What Quantum Dental Health can help you with right away…
- Less tooth sensitivity
- Reduced Tooth Pain
- Start chewing on both sides!
- Relief of sore gums
- Reduced bleeding gums
- Headache relief
- Clearer focused mind
- Shift into engagement with LIFE
- Relief in sinus pressure
- Reduced breast pain
- Relief of anxiety
- 85% Experienced Improvement in their Energy Levels
- 100% Experienced Improvement with their Hormones
- 72% Experienced Improvement in their Sleep
- 85% Experienced Improvement in their Digestion
- 85% Experienced Improvement in their Heart and Cardiovascular Health
- 72% Experienced Improvement in their Overall Health
What Kari Noticed in the Beta-Test
Wow, so many things presented themselves during this beta test around dental issues.! Deep ties to family and lineage, contracts and agreements with struggle and suffering, and disconnect from life and relationships. These all needed to be cleared. One of the most common experiences with those that have dental health issues is their difficulty in moving forward in life, many bumps and detours happen to them that don’t happen to other people.
A big thank you to the beta testers for their invaluable feedback so that I could tweak the program for the larger group. I adjusted the listening order to provide consistent and continuous support, added in additional infection clearing, and created a new MP3 to give them a strong base in the roots of the teeth – that is the Root Sealant Mp3.
I also noticed those who completed my previous Parasite and Mold/Fungus programs saw results more quickly. My feeling is that those with compromised tooth meridians are more susceptible to parasites and fungus, and clearing those before allowed their bodies to focus mainly on dental restoration. You will still see results if you haven’t done those first, my suggestion is to start here and after doing this program email me for a recommendation if either of the other two programs are needed.
I noticed right away after starting this program that I have less sensitive teeth.
I’m really excited about this. My gums stopped bleeding!. It’s really nice to have no pink on my toothbrush for the last few days.
It feels like my tooth on the bottom left with holes in it is closing a little bit. I’m also finding that my tooth is less sensitive and I can chew on it sometimes.
I haven’t seen my period in months and it showed back up the first week I listened to the hormones one.
I really enjoyed this program. My teeth are less sensitive and a little bit whiter. The big win for me was my hormones and my heart health. The sealant MP3 is promising to be good so I will keep on listening to it. Now that it is shorter, it’s very easy to listen to. Thank you Kari for listening and being so gracious during the program. I see you and appreciate you.
~ Carole S.
After beginning this program, things became more quiet. This overwhelming ‘something’ I had before seems to be smaller. My gum issue got better without doing something about it.
Thank you so much for this! Your empathy and concern how you’re clients are doing is incredible. At the very moment I feel so much better. Thank you!
~ Christian T.
Dental Problems can affect so MANY things!
3 Group Calls
9 MP3s
Facebook Group

- This is the first mp3 to listen to upon registering for this program, recommended to listen once a day for the first week
- There are so many pathways in the body that stem from the roots of your teeth on physical and energetic levels. We must first address the energetic blockages and imbalances that started the problem
- Kari found in working in the beta-test that people with either current or a history of dental issues often have energetic challenges affecting their life in general. One of the biggest is a dis-connect with self and life at an energetic level. This can show up as on-going problems or fluctuations in your daily life with health, relationships, finances, and generally “doing life”
- This MP3 clears these energetic blocks from your field and restores flow to allow you to experience and receive the higher frequencies to heal the problems
- You can also expect to start feeling and experiencing more harmony and balance in your day to day life with less obstacles in your way

- Because the roots of the teeth and gums can be vulnerable, especially those with a history of dental issues, we want to build a protective shield that “seals” the roots of your teeth
- This extra support can help prevent future infection
- Without the constant barrage of infection in the roots of your teeth, you are able to heal not only the pain and discomfort, but restore the flow of the meridians in your body as well

- Destructure the bacteria and energies that have been silently lurking or causing noticeable problems in your tonsils
- Feel your energy rise as your tonsils are able to release and process infection correctly
- Notice the shift to overall well being as you are relieved from the constant stressor of infection

- Shifting away from the blocks and imbalances in your hormone center will allow balance into your roots of your teeth and your hormone systems
- Clearing this pathway will ensure your body is not weighed down by infection and toxicities in your hormone pathways
- Look for improvements in tooth pain, receding gum lines and bleeding gums


- Many holistic practitioners have noticed a strong correlation with root canals and breast cancer. If you have had a root canal, this mp3 will help to destructure infection and toxicity that connects your teeth to breast tissue
- If you have not had a root canal, it will help keep the energy pathways open that support breast health
- In the beta test, there was also reduction in breast pain and discomfort
- Notice your body shifting into a more peaceful state as correct balance is brought back

- Because the roots of the teeth and gums can be vulnerable, especially those with a history of dental issues, we want to build a protective shield that “seals” the roots of your teeth
- This extra support can help prevent future infection
- Without the constant barrage of infection in the roots of your teeth, you are able to heal not only the pain and discomfort, but restore the flow of the meridians in your body as well

- Infection in the roots of your teeth and gums can have both acute and systemic effects
- They can leave you feeling tired, susceptible to other infections and overall low vitality
- The infections can also travel throughout the whole body compromising the health of the organs and systems energetically related to that tooth
- These kinds of deep infection are very difficult to address using conventional method
- Releasing infection can also help bad breath because of bacteria and virus in the gums and roots of teeth
- Sometimes this has extended to sinus infections as well, so try it when you have sinus issues


- Feel more comfortable showing your full smile
- Release staining and discoloration in damaged teeth while listening to this mp3

I mentioned in the second podcast that I would provide a link to the handheld water pik that I use. Here it is: https://amzn.to/40CBNlR
I don’t think there is anything particularly special about that one, I did have my sister and father get it too. I then use a dropper full of the 12% food grade hydrogen peroxide in the reservoir with water. You can read more about it in the Hidden Epidemic book linked at the top of this tab.

- Restoring energy flow to your eyes that have been impacted by root canals or major dental surgery
- Destructure any low grade infections impacting your vision
- Experience healthier eyes and increased brightness in your vision

Recorded and replay link provided

Join this call to create an energetic shift into deep connection. A common experience of those who have root canal imbalances is difficulty connecting with self and with others, and experiencing life in a way that is not supportive. In this live call we will be eradicating blocks that have created a lack of connection with life, and set the groundwork for full transformation in tooth health.

Recorded and replay link provided
In this call we will be doing a deep dive into creating a clean space for your gums, teeth, root canals, and spaces where teeth have been removed.
But without the scraping, poking, and pressure!
By increasing the frequency, we will set the stage for a clean and healthy mouth. Covering all areas of the tooth, you will notice much improvement in tooth health.

Recorded and replay link provided

Join this call for a full fascia release around your mouth along with a palate restoration. By releasing the fascia and expanding the palate, you will experience a release of pressure, and contraction you may not have realized you had, along with common problems associated with this such as mouth breathing and snoring.

Private Chat Group
We mentioned in the podcasts that there are a number of natural things you can do to prevent and heal infection and teeth problems in the physical reality that are very complementary to energy healing. We also talked about using a holistic dentist and what dental procedures might be necessary to help resolve your dental issues (you can find recommendations in the book linked at the top of this tab). Here are links to a couple of products we use:
1) Waterpik with hydrogen peroxide added. Aimee puts about a dropper full of 12% food grade peroxide in a full reservoir of water. Here is a link to the one she got about 7 years ago…there isn’t anything particularly special about it, but it shows you what we mean. Aimee had her dad and sister get it too, so she does recommend it! https://amzn.to/40CBNlR. You can read more about it in the Hidden Epidemic book linked at the top of this tab.
2) Put oil of oregano on your toothbrush and brush with it. Make sure that it is in a carrier oil and not 100% strength because full strength can burn the skin off your lips! Organic wild oregano from a reputable brand is best. Note we no longer recommend Garden of Life brand since they were bought by Nestle. Here is a link to Amazon for the brand I just purchased. It’s kind of expensive but you need very little each brush.
From Aimee: I told the story in the 2nd podcast about a lady I met at the bottom of the Grand Canyon the week before we introduced this program. She was asking me what I do and it’s always easiest for me to explain with an example, like this Monday I’ll be interviewing a medical intuitive about dental health especially root canals. She was on board right away with the impact your teeth have on the rest of your body, connected dots with her own experience, said it made perfect sense, and had a great story to tell about her father.
Her father was diagnosed with kidney cancer and given 6 months to live. He had surgery to remove the tumor encasing his kidney but wasn’t recovering. She had him start using oil of oregano on his toothbrush and he started recovering! That was 12 years ago! I explained how if he had an infection in the front tooth which is linked to the kidney that it could be compromising the whole system and make it hard for him to heal (and more than likely could have contributed to causing the cancer). Now that the oregano could help him resolve an infection, his kidneys were able to rebound. She said that was the only change they made…and her intuition told her that it was the reason.
3 Group Calls
9 MP3s
Facebook Group
- Call 1: Connection with Life
- Call 2: Deep Clean
- Call 3: Fascia and Palate Restore
- Energetic Pathways of the Teeth
- Energetic Root & Gum Sealant
- Tonsil Toning
- Dental Hormone Connection
- Breast Health Support
- Heart and Cardiovascular Support
- Root Boot and Infection Release
- Love my Smile
- Vision Connection
- Facebook Group
Note you can add on your entire household (pets included) to the program on the checkout page. AFTER you complete checkout, you will be given the option to add on Parasites or Mold/Fungus programs for a substantial discount.

Includes Everything in Package A PLUS

This call is to discuss and target your biggest areas of concern. If Root Canal/Dental Health issues are the highest priority, we will address this. We will be able to focus on unique issues impacting your health and well-being and clear as much as we can in our time together.
Private Session with Kari
3 Group Calls
9 MP3s
Facebook Group
- 30 min 1:1 Private Session with Kari
- Call 1: Connection with Life
- Call 2: Deep Clean
- Call 3: Fascia and Palate Restore
- Energetic Pathways of the Teeth
- Energetic Root & Gum Sealant
- Tonsil Toning
- Dental Hormone Connection
- Breast Health Support
- Heart and Cardiovascular Support
- Root Boot and Infection Release
- Love my Smile
- Vision Connection
- Facebook Group
Note you can add on your entire household (pets included) to the program on the checkout page. AFTER you complete checkout, you will be given the option to add on Parasites or Mold/Fungus programs for a substantial discount.

What People are Saying...
After starting the program ,I didn’t have any headaches this week. I am now experiencing very little breast pain, a big reduction in the sharp breast pain I often experienced.
~ Sharon B.
I am experiencing better overall health in the mouth after starting the program. I am noticing less sensitivity in a tooth that has been bothering me.
I’m also noticing that I am feeling into a space of more expanded possibilities.
During the time that I was receiving Kari healing I experienced a strength both mental and emotional which also translates to a more balanced physical state.
Before the healing my teeth were sensitive and my gums had inflammation.
They are now feeling overall healthy. I am very grateful to Kari for her dedication and standout healing abilities. I look forward to continuing my journey with her in the restorative program.
~ Sonya
teeth & Gums Healthy, emotional strength
During the time that I was receiving Kari’s healing I experienced a strength both mental and emotional which also translates to a more balanced physical state.
Before the healing my teeth were sensitive and my gums had inflammation.
They are now feeling overall healthy. I am very grateful to Kari for her dedication and standout healing abilities. I look forward to continuing my journey with her in the restorative program.
~ S.C.
After starting the Root Canal Cleanse,I realized I didn’t feel the cold in my tooth a few days ago.
I noticed the last day or 2 when I drink something cold it’s not as profoundly cold. The cold is not such a shock to that nerve on the left side.
When I listened to the root boot infection release I noticed swelling went down on my left cheek making both sides of my face look more symmetrical. I also noticed less water retention overall.
I noticed my eyes were seeing clearer every time I listened to the Mp3. Thank You!
~ Faye N.
My teeth feel better. They don’t hurt and I felt some vibrating in my teeth. My gums don’t seem to be bleeding or swollen like they were.
~ Maria Z.
After starting this cleanse, I noticed feeling very grounded when listening to the MP3’s. The bump that appeared last week around the one root canal problematic tooth has healed. I am finding such calmness and serenity.
It was incredible, I loved listening to the Mp3’s each day. When I went for my last teeth cleaning they said that my teeth and gums were in great shape.
I have not had my failed root canal have any recent swelling or discomfort. I cannot say if the bone loss has changed. But I can now eat on that side without any discomfort.
~ Roxanne L.
I’m continuing to notice that I am grinding my teeth less. It’s something that I have not had a lot of control over even though it only happens when I am awake.
~ Sydney S.
I really enjoyed this program. My teeth are less sensitive and a little bit whiter. The big win for me was my hormones and my heart health. The sealant MP3 is promising to be good so I will keep on listening to it. Now that it is shorter, it’s very easy to listen to. Thank you Kari for listening and being so gracious during the program. I see you and appreciate you.
~ Caro
Private Session with Kari
3 Group Calls
9 MP3s
Facebook Group
- 30 min 1:1 Private Session with Kari
- Call 1: Connection with Life
- Call 2: Deep Clean
- Call 3: Fascia and Palate Restore
- Energetic Pathways of the Teeth
- Energetic Root & Gum Sealant
- Tonsil Toning
- Dental Hormone Connection
- Breast Health Support
- Heart and Cardiovascular Support
- Root Boot and Infection Release
- Love my Smile
- Vision Connection
- Facebook Group
Special Offer
Note you can add on your entire household (pets included) to the program on the checkout page. AFTER you complete checkout, you will be given the option to add on Parasites or Mold/Fungus programs for a substantial discount.
3 Group Calls 9 MP3s Facebook Group
- Call 1: Connection with Life
- Call 2: Deep Clean
- Call 3: Fascia and Palate Restore
- Energetic Pathways of the Teeth
- Energetic Root & Gum Sealant
- Tonsil Toning
- Dental Hormone Connection
- Breast Health Support
- Heart and Cardiovascular Support
- Root Boot and Infection Release
- Love my Smile
- Vision Connection
- Facebook Group
Special Offer
Note you can add on your entire household (pets included) to the program on the checkout page. AFTER you complete checkout, you will be given the option to add on Parasites or Mold/Fungus programs for a substantial discount.
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