Jo on Fascia Bodysculpt
Want a scan? Click through to Facebook below, follow the directions on the post, and Jo will reply with a scan.
You can download the podcasts and the separate Fascia Torque Group Process Mp3 click here.
Fascia Bodysculpt
Reverse sagging, aging, and pain through restoring your Fascia
Healthier Fascia = Smoother, Healthier, and More Youthful You!
- Lift areas that are sagging due to gravity by restoring fascia to its proper position
- Define the shape and contours of muscles, contributing to a sculpted appearance
- Reverse chronic pain especially in joints and muscles - See this article
- Restore hydration and plumpness to your skin through fascia
- Smooth out cellulite and rolls created by fascia

What is Fascia?

Fascia is a band of thin, fibrous connective tissue that wraps around and supports every structure in your body.
Surrounding each muscle, binding muscles to each other, joining muscle and skin, creating connections in seemingly separate body regions…the list goes on! Fascia is the “skeleton” that connects your whole musculoskeletal system.
Weakened fascia can lead to cellulite development, causing skin dimpling as tight fibrous bands push out underlying fat. Factors like dehydration, stress, trauma, injuries, surgeries, repetitive movements, and exposure to toxins can trigger fascia contractions, setting off a cascade of effects.
All of these aging issues can be improved by the fascia
- Cellulite
- Weight Issues
- Bloating
- Edema
- Hormone Imbalance
- Digestive system issues
- Fatigue
- Aches & Pain
- Brain Fog
- Memory Issues
- Cognition Issues
- Heart & Cardiovascular Issues
- Nervous System Issues
- Lymphatic System issues
- Prolapse
Our Expert

Jo Fernandes
Jo Fernandes is an expert in working with fascia, both physically and energetically, with a deep intuitive understanding of the entire fascia system.
In Jo’s view, the heart is the key player conducting the whole fascial system – fascia, lymph, extracellular matrix, fluids etc. This system is completely outside the control of the brain and nervous system.
Once the fascia system is balanced, it allows ALL aspects of the human to come to a state of Grace.
Every line, wrinkle, mole, spot means something and is connected to other parts of your body through your fascial system. If something is going on in your life, in your body for example, with one of your organs, it will show up in your face.
Jo works with the whole human to help you balance and restore your fascia to its full functionality, balance the issues in the other parts of your body, and erase the impact on your face!
What the program addresses

In this Fascia Body Sculpt program Jo works with the fascia, brain and nervous system by applying quantum and a multiplicity of other tools to restore fascial communication allowing the body to return to its optimum condition.
The program is meticulously designed based on the latest scientific research to optimize the health and functionality of your body’s fascia network. It goes beyond the surface-level and targets the roots of the restrictions to the fascial system. It focuses on:
- Toning Specific Areas: Specific MP3 sessions are tailored to target and tone areas like ankles, tummy, feet, arms, butt, legs, and more for a sculpted appearance.
- Enhancing Mobility: The program helps to restore the fascia to its full functionality, which improves mobility and reduces sensations of tightness or discomfort in various parts of your body.
- Cellulite Reduction: It includes an MP3 aimed at melting cellulite by addressing the fascia's role in skin texture.
- Body Alignment: Calls provide exercises and creative visualizations to sculpt your body and bring it into alignment.
- Pain relief: This program is designed to utilise the latest scientific research to get to the true hidden root cause of our pain, inflammation, illness, dysfunctions, and random defections (and it is fascia!).
- Holistic Well-Being: The program promotes holistic well-being by addressing issues overlooked by conventional medicine, such as breaking up the energy blocks that bind your fascia system.
Not only will it help you look younger, it can also help with…
- Better sleep, less bloating, and weight loss
- Freedom to move your body how and when you want in life, with fluidity and intelligence
- Freedom to think the thoughts you consciously choose (instead of the chatter that keeps you stuck in painful story loops)
- Freedom to feel emotions and sensations (especially the painful ones) without spiraling into anxiety, fear and tension
- Freedom to behave in ways you choose, instead of feeling like a slave to your own survival biology.
Physical treatments are expensive, can have serious complications, and leave permanent scars
Invasive methods like liposuction, tummy tucks, and breast lifts result in discomfort and downtime and often times, complications. They also often leave scars, which disrupt the flow of communication through the fascia.
In contrast, this program employs holistic, non-invasive methods for safer and more comfortable sculpting, and overall rejuvenation.
Beta Test Results
We had 8 beta-testers test 3 mp3s (cellulite, tummy tuck, and breast lift) for 6 weeks, although most people did not listen every day. We had one live group call. This is what they reported:
- 100% felt better about their tummy
- 100% noticed improvement in cellulite in at least one area
- 100% noticed improvements in energy, productivity, and/or engagement in life
- 88% felt better overall about aging
- 88% noticed improvement in joint/muscle pain
- 75% noticed improvements in weight loss
Here are highlights of what the beta-testers reported...
“Definite improvement in cellulite and tightening of front of upper thighs as well as stomach.” ~ Gina Pontello
“I’ve lost a full 2 inches!!! in my measurement of the biggest part of my hanging tummy/hips.” ~ M.B.
“My legs and hips look younger, I feel more confident about my figure – I focus more what I wear to feel more attractive.” ~ J.J.
“Still saw quick results and lost so much from my stomach/abdomen area even though eating same as before. ” ~ Beronica Garcia
“Eating less and shirts also fit loose.” ~ Antonia G.
“Reduced appetite overall and less cravings.” ~ Gina Pontello
“My clothes fitting better and I was eating less.” ~ Neena M.
“Belly/ stomach went down a lot and I’m eating the same as before.” ~ Beronica Garcia
“Lower back and shoulder pain has decreased a lot. ” ~ Chreanne J.
“Mobility has improved and I have lost 10 pounds.” ~ M.B
“Breasts are higher and less loose.” ~ Beronica Garcia
“Inflammation in my belly went down a lot.” ~ Antonia G.
“Sleep deeper and have more energy.” ~ Chreanne J.
“My tummy is definitely flatter and my breasts are firmer and rounde.” ~ Barbara S.
“Cellulite on my arms not able to see it as much.” ~ Beronica Garcia
“I measured myself when I first started and I have reduced inches. Cravings and appetite have reduced.” ~ Chreanne J.
We asked our testers what surprised them...
I was surprised at how much my appetite decreased overall. ~ Gina Pontello
I am much closer to my intuition. I always find a parking place. :) ~ J.J.
Relationships are improving. ~ Neena M.
Noticed things working out for me. I Fall asleep quickly, feeling different in a better way. ~ Beronica Garcia
My husband is 87 and his pain level decreased and he has more energy also. ~ Chreanne J.
My sleep is much better, fall asleep easier. ~ Antonia G.
I have been surprised that my mood has improved a lot. Things just roll off my back and I am not taking things personal what others say and do. ~ Chreanne J.
I found so much synchronicity in my days. I would misplace something, ask for angel help, and the item just appeared!!! If my schedule was not working, I would get a phone call from the persons because they needed to reschedule and it fit right into my plans! ~ Barbara S.
My mother 78 years old, with much pain (taking opiates) is more willing to walk and socialize. Today is going to meet her school colleagues after several years staying just at home. My 6 years old daughter looks stronger about her body and is very good at sports at school and outside. ~ J.J.
My daughter is visiting and I feel more motivated to exercise. The exercises for the neck Jo gave me definitely improved my range of motion and lessened the pain level!!! ~ Barbara S.
Discover your best self and feel confident in the reflection you see in the mirror
3 Group Calls
12 MP3s
Remote Healing
Fascia Bodysculpt MP3s
These Fascia Body Sculpt MP3’s are layered with specific frequencies including ancient and cutting edge techniques to sculpt your body, even those stubborn areas such as the tummy and upper arms.
- Emotional body clearing - guilt, fear, shame, grief etc
- Mental body clearing - disgust, embarrassment etc
- Etheric body - balance blueprint of the physical body
- Spiritual body - soul field, soul purpose
- Biochemical body - balance our biochemistry - e.g hormones,
- Rhythmic body - balance all rhythms in the body eg breathing, heart
- Structural body - regenerate structures of cells, tissues
- Energetic body - balance energy field
- Sacred geometric shapes - cube, cone, sphere
- Colour Therapy - turquoise, indigo, violet, magenta, gold
- Cymatic organ frequencies (relevant to area)
- Telomere regeneration
- Collagen - cushioning in the skin
- Elastin - the most important factor - the ‘springs’ of the skin
- Mitochondria
- Light Frequencies










ITEMS 11-13

Recorded and replay link provided

Recorded and replay link provided

Recorded and replay link provided



3 Recorded Group Calls
12 MP3s
Remote Healing
- Tummy Tuck
- Melt Cellulite
- Breast Toner
- Butt Toner
- Waist Whittler
- Hip Toner
- Arms, Wrist, and Hands Toner
- Legs Toner
- Shoulder Balancer
- Ankles and Feet toner
- Call 1: Balancing Anatomy trains of the superficial back line and lateral line
- Call 2: Balancing anatomy trains of the deep front line, spiral line, arm line and functional line
- Call 3: Q&A/Mini Sessions
- 90 Days of Remote Healing
- Regulate Hormones
- Scar Balm

Includes Everything in Packages A PLUS

One personal session with Jo Fernandes is a profound and life-changing experience. Enjoy a 45-Minute Private Session with Jo to Receive a DEEP Dive into Your Unique Body for MEGA Energy Healing! Jo deploys her unique ability to tap into strange fields and virtual particles that momentarily exist in space but have never been considered in healing before.
This call is focused on YOUR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS including anything unique to you that hasn’t been cleared in the mp3s and group calls. If you have a particularly stubborn area, Jo will figure out the root cause and how to help bring that area into balance. She can also let you know which mp3s to work with the most going forward and give you a specific protocol for your issues.
Private Session with Jo
3 Recorded Group Calls
12 MP3s
Remote Healing
- 45 min 1:1 Private Session with Jo
- Tummy Tuck
- Melt Cellulite
- Breast Toner
- Butt Toner
- Waist Whittler
- Hip Toner
- Arms, Wrist, and Hands Toner
- Legs Toner
- Shoulder Balancer
- Ankles and Feet toner
- Call 1: Balancing Anatomy trains of the superficial back line and lateral line
- Call 2: Balancing anatomy trains of the deep front line, spiral line, arm line and functional line
- Call 3: Q&A/Mini Sessions
- 90 Days of Remote Healing
- Regulate Hormones
- Scar Balm

What People are Saying...
I noticed definite improvement in cellulite and tightening of front of upper thighs as well as stomach. I also noticed reduced appetite overall and less cravings in general.
~ Gina Pontello
My absolute biggest improvement is my measurement of the biggest part of my hanging tummy/hips. I’ve lost a full 2 inches!!! And this is without exercise!!! My mobility has improved and I have lost 10 pounds. I have never been able to slim down like this without massive exercise!!
~ M.B.
I feel stronger to deal with everyday tasks as I take care of my little daughter and my old mother. My legs and hips look younger, I feel more confident about my figure – I focus more what I wear to feel more attractive. I didnt do this before, I only took care of my family and dont feel important to look attractive.
~ J.J.
I definitely noticed my clothes fitting better and a lot of people asking me if I lost weight. Before starting, I did have a bloated belly issue which is better now. I also noticed I was eating less.
~ Neena M.
I’m so happy with the results from the Beta test. So grateful for this change in my body.
I noticed that my belly/ stomach went down a lot. Before a misses XL shirt was tight and had no extra room. After listening to the MP3, I’m able to buy Misses XL tops. Before, I would feel bad when I would go shopping because I felt that the plus size section did not have what I wanted to wear. Now I am able to go straight to the Misses area.
I’ve been very surprised by my overall results.I’m saying this because I’ve been under so much stress with personal problems. I’m eating the same as before and couldn’t listen to the MP3s daily. I still saw quick results.
My friends keep telling me how good I look and said that I had lost so much from my stomach/ abdomen area and also from my sides and back. She also said that my face looked less round. I feel like my breasts are higher and less loose. I had some cellulite on my arms and now I flex my arms and I’m not able to see it as much. Sometimes I would notice when people stared at my arms and haven’t noticed that lately.
~ Beronica Garcia
I noticed that I have been under a lot of stress but am eating less. My shirts also fit loose. I wear a 2xl in shirts but most of them look big now. The inflammation in my belly went down a lot.
~ Antonia G.
I feel happier overall. I find I am not as hungry and I don’t think about food all the time.
My tummy is definitely flatter and my breasts are firmer and rounder rather than pear shaped. My skin seems to look a little fresher.
~ Barbara S.
My lower back and shoulder pain has decreased a lot. I can now sleep deeper and have more energy. I have also found that my cravings and appetite have reduced.
~ Chreanne J.
My symptoms were Bloating and my body felt twisted hence my knee was hurting. The Bloating has been for about 40 years and the twist for about 10 years. The bloating is much better, I feel lighter and can my clothes are not as tight. I am delighted that my walking gait has changed, and my pelvis is now moving correctly and is no longer blocked which means I feel much straighter and my pelvic muscles are not as tight on my right hand side. I feel much more natural now when I am walking so I can walk the dogs further and my knee doesn’t hurt.
Jo is very generous with her knowledge and she has given me tools such as geometric shapes which I use to harmonise and balance my energetic field, I use these in-between sessions and when working with Jo the results hit new levels. I feel lighter now and more connected to my higher self and the direction I need to follow to fulfil my purpose. Each session touched on an emotional block and Jo sensitively released them without me needing to remind myself of any difficult or painful feelings. My dreams are more memorable now and I am learning more from the messages that I receive from these too. Jo’s work has accelerated me to a place of transformation and life feels very exciting.
I felt the results Immediately and it’s ongoing since as she is my mentor!
I Wholeheartedly recommend Jo. She is very genuine, kind and generous and hugely talented
~ Helen S.
For over 8 months I was experiencing severe pain in my right elbow and in my left shoulder and upper arm. I would awaken several times through the night in agony. There was no reason given for what caused my pains except that I was suffering from “connective tissue disorder”. Doctors only suggested steroids which I refused.
I started listening to the mp3s and after about 2 weeks, I noticed that my pain was so much better that I even started gardening (which I hadn’t done in years). After another 2 weeks (4 total), it occurred to me one day that I was no longer in pain AT ALL. I had forgotten all about it! I couldn’t believe it.
Aside from that, my calcium levels went from high to normal and a toothache suddenly stopped hurting. Jo is truly an amazing healing facilitator and a sweet and caring woman. She is like none other. I was so skeptical (since I am a Ph.D. scientist) and I am truly in awe of how she was able to help me. I also feel that I’ve become a calmer person as a result from working with her.
~ C.O.
This is just a short reminder of the time that you cured my very painful gout in my wrist in a matter of minutes when normally these things take two weeks. Not only was I grateful for the speedy recovery but I must admit I was puzzled how you did it.
You explained to me that you were able to link the gout to a stressful situation that occurred before that when Elizabeth, my wife, had had a painful fall from which she could not get up and had accused me wrongfully that I had not taken proper care of her when she was put to rest eventually. You had successfully linked the two events on a psychic level and worked it out on that level. As a biochemist I am more familiar with the explanation of gout on a chemical level, so-called blood chemistry as performed in a clinical laboratory.
~ Hans J., Ph.D.
I had been suffering from Lymphedema in both legs for close to 40 Years. My thighs to my feet were enormous and swollen though I was very slim in my upper body. In one session this completely reversed…as Jo found and instantaneously healed an imbalance in the right kidney area due to a childhood school trauma.
~ Anne
15 years of bald patches gone - FINALLY FEELING ATTRACTIVE Again
For over 15 years, I had been trying to live with the very visible bald patches on the crown of my head. I had tried so many things. Nothing worked and the bald patches continued, making me feel less than a woman and so unattractive. I was at a very low point, having recently returned from a professional wig fitting, when Jo came into my life.
Jo started to work on my condition. Within days, my hairdresser noticed a fine new growth appearing. After only 6 months, it was no longer possible to see my scalp. Even on close inspection! My happiness and my confidence soared!! I felt amazing within myself. I began to feel more confident in how I dressed, and I started to enjoy socializing and going out. I felt I was smiling constantly, from my insides out!. To me this felt like winning the lottery. Jo is incredibly intuitive and creative, whilst remaining so down to earth and caring. She is very lovely and approachable. Her clients are always her priority. I will be eternally grateful to Jo for my miracle hair.
~ Mags
Private Session with Jo
3 Recorded Group Calls
12 MP3s
Remote Healing
- 45 min 1:1 Private Session with Jo
- Tummy Tuck
- Melt Cellulite
- Breast Toner
- Butt Toner
- Waist Whittler
- Hip Toner
- Arms, Wrist, and Hands Toner
- Legs Toner
- Shoulder Balancer
- Ankles and Feet toner
- Call 1: Balancing Anatomy trains of the superficial back line and lateral line
- Call 2: Balancing anatomy trains of the deep front line, spiral line, arm line and functional line
- Call 3: Q&A/Mini Sessions
- 90 Days of Remote Healing
- Regulate Hormones
- Scar Balm
Special Offer

3 Recorded Group Calls
12 MP3s
Remote Healing
- Tummy Tuck
- Melt Cellulite
- Breast Toner
- Butt Toner
- Waist Whittler
- Hip Toner
- Arms, Wrist, and Hands Toner
- Legs Toner
- Shoulder Balancer
- Ankles and Feet toner
- Call 1: Balancing Anatomy trains of the superficial back line and lateral line
- Call 2: Balancing anatomy trains of the deep front line, spiral line, arm line and functional line
- Call 3: Q&A/Mini Sessions
- 90 Days of Remote Healing
- Regulate Hormones
- Scar Balm
Special Offer

Sandi Chadwick –
While I listened to Call # 1, I felt & heard my neck release. It felt good. I was then able to very easily turn my head right & left, further than I have been able to for a long time. It also helped my left eye feel better. It had been banged in a big car accident, when my car rolled 3 times down the side of a small mountain. Thank you for your good work.
Thank you Jo! I feel my body getting stronger every day! This is fantastic, I can no longer enjoy the gym with all the energies flying around and this is the great thing!
Zdenka –
Ms. Jo is amazing healer, who always dive deep, and discover a physical issue very accurately, and clear it with undoubted result. She is just amazing, very humble and beautiful person.
Terry –
It was a joy to have a session with Jo. Her down to earth, caring and intuitive self provided me with a peaceful and trusting healing experience. Her intuitive skills honed in on areas which I had no idea of. A great healing and learning experience. Also, J o provided some supportive guidance and follow up. Totally hooked and listen to the mp3s almost daily.
Melissa S –
I’m relatively new to Jo’s work and I am super impressed! I have worked with a lot of different healers over the past 20 years, and I have to say that Jo is one of the best that I have had the pleasure to connect with. She is an amazing intuitive healer, unbelievably accurate with fast & miraculous results. I’m a bit of a complex case, so I opted for a private healing session which took my healing to another level. Thanks to Jo we cleared so much and by the end of it I felt years younger… it’s hard to put into words. Thank you, Jo and Aimee, for offering this program!
Tricia –
I’ve had noticeable improvements in leg strength (so important as you get older), posture and vision after listening to the Fascia Bodysculpt mp3s. I play a different mp3 each day in the background. Fascinating and appreciated results!
Joanne darrach –
Jo is a very intuitive and skilled healer. Her gentle manner and humble way was very nurturing to me . She takes her time and I felt completely safe with her. I highly recommend Jo as I am noticing more changes as I listen to the body sculpt and more awareness of my body.
Neena –
I just had my one on one session with Jo on the 20th of December, it was the icing on the cake! I love her MP3’s and do listen to them playing in the background daily. I do highly recommend that one has a session with Jo, as she can specifically pinpoint your difficult issues in the body and give you the healing that you need. As well as specific exercises to continually release the negative energies in your body that are causing the issues. I am so grateful to have come across Jo and receive her healings. Jo is so caring and generous. God Bless her!
Diana –
Amazing, the importance of fascia, it holds everything together which means that almost everything is a fascia problem. I had no idea! Jo is a real expert and healer. my results so far are: better vision, no stiff neck and shoulders, my eyes and face have a fresher look. finally, after 5 years, i can walk with normal shoes without knee pain. my body is more flexible, better deep breathing. this fascia package is healing so much more than i could ever imagine. much gratitude Jo! thank you, thank you, thank you !
Adriano Cardoso –
She is generous healer will to ho a extra mile
She is a blessing
Lorna –
NOTE: Customer is actually referencing Jo’s Fascia Facelift Glow program
There is so much content in this programme that I’ve not been able to listen to all of it.
However, I’ve been conscientious about listening to the Crowning Glory” followed by 2 others in the same upper facial area and WOW I can see a marked difference in.the skin on my forehead the lines have all but disappeared and the skin in general looks smoother and healthier and that’s with me not getting enough sleep and being under a lot of stress.
I cannot wait for our one to one session and listening to all the other mp3.
Jo is remarkably generous with her packages and time.
Anne –
Jo is so generous with her gifts talents and abilities. She intuitive insights are very clear an accurate. I am blessed to have been on her calls and received a mini healing. I can’t wait for a private session. She is truly a blessing to the healing community.
Samantha Theodore –
I first came across jo on a online show .. and was amazed by how she could identify and use her abilities… I couldnt afford to buy the package however I replayed the interview and much started to shift and align financially and money started flourishing for me … the second I was aware she was doing this bodysculpt I purchased as well as one on another show it was a investment of myself and my health body issues many unexplained or detected by doctors I have been doing the both packages and she is so Amazing ! Her packages is full of everything that you will need to kick start your journey to heal thyself I have seen changes in my life as my body my intuition and healing gifts are more understanding now and I’m feeling more peace harmony within.. jo picked up several things that was happening with my body and helped align me I have noticed a difference in my mental clarity my body weight and tummy is reducing toning more after years of pregnancy sagging… my skins brightness my periods have balanced and chronic back pain almost disappeared * I feel a zest of life now and every day I’m getting stronger.. the group call is intense energy healing of many people who have similar symptoms or discomfort so it’s really good healing sessions – jo gives unconditional love in all she does and her mp3s are so beautiful simple easy listening to no words just ease to absorb listening I play mine all around the house including at bathtimes. I play them with my family they have been calmer relaxed harmonious my relationship has grown stronger my heart is more open … I have better connection to my guides now and loved ones that had passed over … I will cherish Jo’s blessings and gifts services and continue to better myself as my life and pay it forward after ten years of self healing work within 6 weeks I’ve had been the greatest results thank you x 3 Samantha xx
Antje –
This time it’s a bit more difficult cause I had purchased another program from Happivize almost at the same time, so I can’t surely attribute my very positive results to the one or the other. But one really amazing result is definite proof this one works. I am a retired Reiki master/teacher, and during my active time my energy flow was very strong. But for 5 years during which there was COVID and the lockdowns and I also experienced some trauma my energy flow kind of shut down. They say it never gets lost completely once you’ve been activated, but there definitely are ups and downs depending on what’s going on in your life and whether you work with it regularly or you don’t. Now during the second live call when Jo reconnected the deeper lines suddenly my hands turned hot and the energy flow was back as it had been before. It was amazing – and it’s still there!
Jeanne –
Wow! Jo went all out with the fascia package! She is a gracious healer who gives generously of her skills, knowledge, and time. The Q&A went 4 1/2 hours because of her individual healings for all participants. The group calls also contain extensive help for all of the fascia lines. Jo identified the root cause of my pain, and I am feeling better! I highly recommend her!
Valerie –
Jo’s programs are amazing. Jo is totally with everyone to make there healing journey a success. ❤❤
Véronique –
It’s the second time I work with Jo in a few months: great results. I am able to sit without pain, my neck shoulder pain went from an almost constant 10 to a 1 or even a 0 when I am not working full time behind a computer. Her calls are a fountain of insights which I think helps to speed up the healing. She is the most respectful and thorough of all the healers I have ever worked with, my theory is that her energy is so soft that the body/mind/soul is not resisting the change or the healing. There is no boomerang effect after a few days or weeks. If you can afford it go for the package with a session. I delayed some other expanses to buy this package and the glow package in one go and I am so grateful I did. Know that I was greatly helped by using the free tork mp3, I was having a flare up and my neck went from a 10++ to a 2 by just listening to it.
Christina Adolphsson –
I love working with Jo. Her soft kindness and wisdom is beyond what I have met in a long time, and so very important when working out trauma.
Deborah Turner –
Jo is wonderful to work with, she gives 100+% to the processes and making sure your needs are being met. This is my first program working with Jo, I still feel like it’s the beginning and my fascia is making adjustments. Doesn’t always feel good, but I know it’s working.
Hanny Schouten –
Jo Fernandes is a great healer. I love hear healing methode, its simple and working very wel.
Vivien Chun –
I am very lucky to discover Jo. She told me I have fascia problem when I bought the 1st package Crystalline Matrix. I then went on to buy Package B Fascia Bodysculpt. During the Group call meditation I felt so light n tears of joy. Thank you Jo you are my guiding star. I can’t wait for my one on one healing .
Gina Pontello –
Absolutely love this program!! I leave it on a loop and play all night every night while I sleep and am amazed at how much flatter my stomach gets after just a few days. Overall, it feels like everything is tightening and my saggy upper arm looks like I’ve been lifting some weights cause I can see more definition of muscle and less cellulite and well. I also feel like my metabolism speeds up cause I feel less sluggish and have more energy.
Barbara –
I listen to Jo Fernandez fascia bodysculpt daily. Her program is very informative, revealing how Fascia affects every part Of the body.
I had very uncomfortable pain in my neck due to osteoarthritis. After having listened to Jo’s MP3s, I am hardly aware of any neck pain! It is such a great relief to be free from this debilitating pain. My quality of life is much improved. These MP3s have worked for me like no other ones have before. I am very grateful and send Jo and Happivise Divine blessings and infinite gratitude.