Sue on Connecting to your Pet
Scans from Sue are closed now that the live calls have started. Check our FB page for other scans available now.
To download the podcast click here.
Connecting to your Pet
Pets give us the BEST times and the WORST times - Sue can help you with both!
Whether your pet is alive or passed over, we all just want the best for them
For Living pets
- Worry about health issues/aging and pain your pet may be in
- Stress over high vet bills especially when they aren’t helping!
- My pet is not him/ herself, why?
- I am confused by my pets emotions and behaviors
- What does my pet want most from me (besides love)?

For pets on the other side
- I am so sad! Does my pet have a message for me?
- Is my pet okay on the other side? Is s/he alone?
- Is my pet attempting to communicate with me?
- What happened to my pet when s/he crossed over
When you work with Sue you can
- Understand how your pet feels and if they are in pain
- Understand what you can do for them to make their life the best
- Connect to a pet who’s crossed over
- Turn your sadness and grief to peace and celebration as you understand why your pet was with you!

Why Sue is the Perfect Healer for your pet and you

- Over 30 years of healing experience and a lifetime connecting to the other side
- Visited the other side twice through 2 near death experiences and many times flashing back to other lifetimes
- Comprehensive understanding of exactly what pets go through physically, emotionally, and Spiritually
- Natural healer & Reiki Master teaching pet reiki
- Empathic
- Psychic
- Clairvoyant
Highlights from Sue's delighted clients...
My little 17-year-old dog India has cataracts. India’s greatest joy was chasing balls endlessly, she gets startled by sun and shade, and stumbles and falls. Sue’s healing has miraculously restored some of India’s vision. Today India actually chased a ball I tossed across the floor, she saw the ball for the first time in years! ~ Tina & India
Mitzi was limp, listless and in obvious pain. I honestly thought she was ready to cross the rainbow bridge. Sue contacted me shortly after getting my message to tell me Mitzi was NOT ready to cross over, but she would send Mitzi reiki healing. I did not expect Mitzi to survive the night. When Mitzi woke up in the morning, she was able to walk, not just walk but move with energy, her eyes were bright, and she was interested in life. The pain and discomfort are gone. ~ Kim Stewart
Sue let me know that Lola was having an allergic skin reaction, that was in no way evident (no scratching or anything) and after treatment with a recommended shampoo, she is much better. ~ Lucy Sharpe
I’ve had two previous sessions with “animal communicators” that were zero on a 10-point scale and was very disappointed. I couldn’t have anticipated how much I learned, not only about Nikki, my parrot, but myself, as well – both individually and as a team, together. On a 10-point scale, she’s an eleven! ~ Andrew Rogers
When we hung up and I went downstairs to the living room Snoopy jumped from his bed and greeted me, tail wagging and he was jumping up at me like he used to. ~ Marie Unis
My baby left me unexpectedly and I was so lost. Father Nathan, the Joyful Friar recommended Sue and she connected with my baby, but more than that she taught me how to connect with her and gave me the peace I needed at the time. It was amazing to be able to hear what my baby wanted to share with me.~ Sandra Layer
Brought me back from the depths of despair when I lost my beloved Blue, uplifted every spiritual and practical aspect of my life beyond my imagination. ~ Selya Price
Sue captured my dog’s essence and spirit in his continuing messages of love from the other side. Sue shared his kindness, wisdom and care.Sue clearly communicated their past, which I later validated with their previous owner. She also shared the ways that I can enrich their lives. ~ Elizabeth Enright
What Connecting to your Pet includes
- 7 Days of intensive healing for your pet if alive OR you if your pet has passed
- Group Calls with Sue - covering How Pets Communicate so you can understand your pets needs now and receive messages from those who have passed. What Happens when they Pass will be of comfort for those who have lost pets and for those with living pets what to expect
- 2 Meditations to help you connect with your pets and a morning meditation to start the day together!

- 2 Videos to help you clear energy from your space and from your pet - they are so attuned to and affected by energy we want to keep it clear and flowing for them!
- Private Session with Sue - add on a 30 or 60 minute session to get messages from your pet or pets (whoever wants to chime in!) and healing for you/your pet on your unique issues
3 Recorded Group Calls
Remote Healing
3 Videos + 1 MP3 +
ITEMS 1 - 3
For each Call you have the opportunity to ask Sue London a question about your pet and the topic we are discussing on that call or during the Q&A call . Sue guarantees one reading for one pet for each participant in one of the three calls, provided you send in the photo and question prior to the calls as instructed in the Resource Page. More readings may be given as time permits. If you have multiple pets, a private session in B or C is recommended
After Sue have given the talk she will answer the questions at that time.

Previously recorded and replay link provided

Previously recorded and replay link provided

Previously recorded and replay link provided
In this concluding Call with Sue London, seize the chance to engage in a Q&A session where your inquiries take center stage. Make the most of this unique opportunity to directly pose your questions to Sue and gain insights from her wealth of knowledge and experience.

send name and photo of pet to Sue's email - instructions on Resource Page

Vimeo Streaming only (not downloadable)

Vimeo Streaming only (not downloadable)

Vimeo Streaming only (not downloadable)


3 Recorded Group Calls
Remote Healing
3 Videos + 1 MP3 + eBook
- Call 1: What Happens When Our Pets Pass
- Call 2: How Pets Communicate
- Call 3: Q & A session
- 7 Days of Remote Healing
- Morning Meditation with Your Beloved Pet
- Clearing Energy From You and Your Space
- Clearing Negative Energy From Your Pet
- Becoming Present to Connect to Your Pet
- Signs from your Beloved Pet

Includes Everything in Package A PLUS

Zoom Video

Have you ever wondered what your pet would say to you if you could hear them speak? Whether your cherished companion is on the other side or still with you, Sue London offers a unique opportunity to unveil your pet’s thoughts, emotions, and the messages they wish to convey. Allow Sue to be the bridge, bringing forth messages that offer comfort, understanding, and a profound connection.
*Each session is personalized to what the client needs are. You can expect to leave our call feeling peace and comfort and next step actions to take for both yourself and your pet.
Private Session
3 Recorded Group Calls
Remote Healing
3 Videos + 1 MP3 + eBook
- 30 min Private Session - Messages from pet alive or passed
- Call 1: What Happens When Our Pets Pass
- Call 2: How Pets Communicate
- Call 3: Q & A session
- 7 Days of Remote Healing
- Morning Meditation with Your Beloved Pet
- Clearing Energy From You and Your Space
- Clearing Negative Energy From Your Pet
- Becoming Present to Connect to Your Pet
- Signs from your Beloved Pet

Includes Everything in Package A PLUS

Zoom Video

This 60-minute consultation, supporting both individuals and pets alive and crossed, assists by communicating their messages and delivering healing on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels to both yourself and your pet. Beyond offering insights, this session works to enhance and improve various life situations. If you’re concerned about your pet’s health issues, and especially if they are getting ready to cross, booking this healing session can provide comfort and support during this sensitive time. If your pet has crossed Sue will take you through a meditation to help you connect to your beloved pet.
*Each session is personalized to what the client needs are. You can expect to leave our call feeling peace and comfort and next step actions to take for both yourself and your pet.
Private Session
3 Recorded Group Calls
Remote Healing
3 Videos + 1 MP3 + eBook
- 60 min Private Session with Messages and Healing
- Call 1: What Happens When Our Pets Pass
- Call 2: How Pets Communicate
- Call 3: Q & A session
- 7 Days of Remote Healing
- Morning Meditation with Your Beloved Pet
- Clearing Energy From You and Your Space
- Clearing Negative Energy From Your Pet
- Becoming Present to Connect to Your Pet
- Signs from your Beloved Pet

What People are Saying...
India saw the ball for the first time in years!
My little 17-year-old dog India has cataracts that rendered her almost completely blind. The vet told us a couple of years ago that India could only see shadows and she would eventually be completely blind. This was devastating news as India’s greatest joy was chasing balls endlessly. All of that came to a halt as she became inactive due to her vision loss. Even going for walks has been difficult as she gets startled by sun and shade, and stumbles and falls.
I am beyond grateful for meeting Sue London!! Sue’s healing has miraculously restored some of India’s vision. Just yesterday after seeing Sue, India confidently walked through the crowd on a sunny day without stuttering her steps and could see where she was going. Today India actually chased a ball I tossed across the floor. She saw the ball for the first time in years! I’m beyond grateful for Sue’s healing abilities for my little girl. Thank you Sue. India and I will continue this healing journey with you. So much gratitude for you!! Thank you so much for giving of yourself Sue.
~ Tina & India
Mitzi was NOT ready to cross the rainbow bridge – moving with energy, eyes bright
This is a testimonial to the gift that Sue London has. On the night of December 2nd, my dog Mitzi was limp, listless and in obvious pain. I was carrying her outside to urinate, and carrying her back in. I was lifting her up on her bed, I honestly thought she was ready to cross the rainbow bridge. Mitzi is a 14-year-old Bichon, and has been prone to bladder stones her entire life. I contacted Sue and asked her if Mitzi was ready. Sue contacted me shortly after getting my message to tell me Mitzi was NOT ready to cross over, but she would send Mitzi reiki healing. I did not expect Mitzi to survive the night.
Later that evening Sue sent Mitzi reiki, and more again the following morning. When Mitzi woke up in the morning, she was able to walk, not just walk but move with energy, her eyes were bright, and she was interested in life. The pain and discomfort are gone. I am so glad to have had Sue’s guidance, that Mitzi was not ready to cross and her healing energy to help Mitzi through her pain.
~ Kim Stewart
Lola was having an allergic skin reaction that was not evident
Sue is incredible! I am so glad that I took my dog to see her! My little girl Lola had been feeling stressed out and I was stressed out not knowing what was going on. Sue let me know that Lola was having an allergic skin reaction, that was in no way evident (no scratching or anything) – and after treatment with a recommended shampoo, she is much better. Sue also discovered that like me, Lola is a healer and empath, my sidekick. As such, Lola, feels others’ emotions and blockages, and so like me, she needs regular clearing which I now do. Lola is so much more relaxed and at ease after meeting with Sue and getting a reiki treatment. I think Lola feels heard. I highly recommend Sue.
~ Lucy Sharpe
Helped both my cat and me
I came to Sue about my cat who would only eat the one food he was fed in the kitten rescue before he came to live with me.. PROBLEM WAS: they no longer make it!!!! While this was the “identified problem” and Smokey Joe was the “identified patient” Sue helped me personally in so many ways and connected me with others who could help in my own journey. Thank you Sue for your abilities and your gifts of love and dedication to making the world a better place.
~ Jeanie Griffin D.D., LMFT, LPC, LCDC Addiction Specialist, Shamanic Practitioner and Healer
My boy sent me messages after my session with Sue
Hi Sue, it’s Julie, Echo’s mom. Just want to let you know what happened last night (after my session with you). I very rarely watch TV and often have trouble even choosing something to watch. Last night I put on Netflix and picked a movie I knew nothing about right away, without browsing. Well….shortly into the movie…it showed the sign for town….and it was named Echo Falls. That name was shown over and over throughout the movie. I took that as a definite sign from my boy. Thank you so so much for last night. You have made me feel so much better. We both appreciate it! I also tried meditating tonight, and I could smell wet dog….and my husband smelled him this morning when he woke up.
~ Julie Kinnaird
Snoopy jumping up like he used to
Hello Sue! I just wanted to say thank you again for your time and help. I am so grateful that Cindy led me to you. I want to share with you when we hung up and I went downstairs to the living room Snoopy jumped from his bed and greeted me, tail wagging and he was jumping up at me like he used to. He has been sleeping so much and like I said not himself and I was worried. I’m not ready to let him go. I am excited to see the change, I am continuing to declutter and I’m taking him for short walks (even one of my cats has joined us) lol! Working on my self-care. I ordered the video healing meditation. I’m so happy to have your support.” Warm regards.
~ Marie Unis
Olive left me unexpectedly, Sue both connected to her and helped me to connect with her
It was an amazing experience. My baby left me unexpectedly and I was so lost. Father Nathan, the Joyful Friar recommended Sue, so that was the best stamp of approval for me. And she didn’t disappoint. Sue connected with my baby, but more than that she taught me how to connect with her and gave me the peace I needed at the time. Our pets are not dead they are now alive in spirit. That is so reassuring to know. Sue is sweetheart who only wants the best for you and your pet and that is translated through her service. It was amazing to be able to hear what my baby wanted to share with me. Thank you so much Sue for spending the day with my Olive and thank you sharing her messages for me and providing me healing. Olive will be missed, always loved and never forgotten!
~ Sandra Layer
Brought me back from the depths of despair
Sue is truly my guardian angel. She not only brought me back from the depths of despair when I lost my beloved Blue, she is an incredible teacher and coach and has uplifted every spiritual and practical aspect of my life beyond my imagination. I couldn’t be more grateful for her love, generosity and wondrous energy. Every time spent with Sue is joyous, life-affirming, and life-transforming. I am on a new, healthy and happy path in life thanks to Sue.
~ Selya Price
Someone who understands my story, feel so much better
Thanks so much for your time, words and encouragement. I totally believe that me being at that dog show last Saturday was for a reason. It led me to you, someone who understands my story and someone who is willing to help me. I feel so much better due to you giving me healings.
~ Cindy M. (at the event this woman shared with me that she had tried suicide attempts… she is no longer in that place!)
New and enriched perspective of Daisy’s unique view of life
Sue’s intuitive ability to tap direction in the soul of my darling dog Daisy has blessed me with a unique insight to her impressions, feelings, thoughts and desires. Daisy’s unique view of life has blessed me to improve the remaining time by giving her comfort and share the unconditional love with a new and enriched perspective and appreciation. Thank you, Sue, for the spot-on reading. My heart was filled from this gift of insight you share. Thank you. You truly are The Intuitive Pet Messenger!
~ Brenda P.
Messages from Bodhi about experiences only he and I knew about; knew parakeets past
Sue London is the best animal communicator I have ever experienced. Her messages from my recently departed beloved companion Bodhi, were filled with truthful experiences that he and I experienced and no one else knew of. Sue captured my dog’s essence and spirit in his continuing messages of love from the other side. Sue shared his kindness, wisdom and care which she combined with her “how to” teachings. Our next session was with my beautiful parakeets Uriel and Raphael who are my fun and adventure teachers. Sue clearly communicated their past – which I later validated with their previous owner. She also shared the ways that I can enrich their lives. I am grateful for her ability to share her gifts and have since referred others who benefitted from her loving wisdom.
~ Love Elizabeth Enright
2 previous communicators 0/10, Sue is an 11!
I’ve had two previous sessions with “animal communicators” that were zero on a 10-point scale and was very disappointed. Recently, I was talking with a friend in Arizona who told me about Sue and how pleased she was with her session. Excited, I was on the computer that night and scheduled a reading with Sue – surprisingly, for the next day. I only booked a half hour, though, because I was still a little skeptical. Well, thank goodness she had the time as we were able to go much longer – booking another half-hour. She was on a roll; I didn’t want to stop! I couldn’t have anticipated how much I learned – not only about Nikki, my parrot, but myself, as well – both individually and as a team, together. I thought it was just going to be a phone session but, fortunately it was over Zoom – so I was able to easily record the session with a little digital recorder. That was fortunate because there was just so much information and am anxious to listen to it again. A few days before, I had cancelled a session I had made with a psychic reader. I knew “why” after the session with Sue – she gave me exactly what I needed. She’s a remarkable lady! I’m sure you’ll get what you need to hear. On a 10-point scale, she’s an eleven!
~ Andrew Rogers
After thousands of dollars on useless lab tests, Enzo back to cheerful self from Sue’s healing
Warm, wise, wonderful . . . Engaging, enlightening, educational, and insightful all describe Sue London. Sue’s gift of helping pet owners understand the feelings and behaviors of their pets is nothing short of miraculous!
After weekly visits to the vet that included multiple tests costing thousands of dollars, no one was able to explain why my puppy, Enzo, was throwing up. After one conversation with Sue and a few Reiki treatments on Enzo, he returned to his happy, cheerful, energetic self. I recommend Sue to anyone who has any questions about their pet. Talking and learning with Sue will not only be informational, it will bring you comfort and peace of mind.
~ Lynn Burgess, Founder and Owner of Yoga from the Heart, Sarasota, FL
Private Session
3 Recorded Group Calls
Remote Healing
3 Videos + 1 MP3 + eBook
- 60 min Private Session with Messages and Healing
- Call 1: What Happens When Our Pets Pass
- Call 2: How Pets Communicate
- Call 3: Q & A session
- 7 Days of Remote Healing
- Morning Meditation with Your Beloved Pet
- Clearing Energy From You and Your Space
- Clearing Negative Energy From Your Pet
- Becoming Present to Connect to Your Pet
- Signs from your Beloved Pet

Private Session
3 Recorded Group Calls
Remote Healing
3 Videos + 1 MP3 + eBook
- 30 min Private Session - Messages from pet alive or passed
- Call 1: What Happens When Our Pets Pass
- Call 2: How Pets Communicate
- Call 3: Q & A session
- 7 Days of Remote Healing
- Morning Meditation with Your Beloved Pet
- Clearing Energy From You and Your Space
- Clearing Negative Energy From Your Pet
- Becoming Present to Connect to Your Pet
- Signs from your Beloved Pet

3 Recorded Group Calls
Remote Healing
3 Videos + 1 MP3 + eBook
- Call 1: What Happens When Our Pets Pass
- Call 2: How Pets Communicate
- Call 3: Q & A session
- 7 Days of Remote Healing
- Morning Meditation with Your Beloved Pet
- Clearing Energy From You and Your Space
- Clearing Negative Energy From Your Pet
- Becoming Present to Connect to Your Pet
- Signs from your Beloved Pet

Laurie –
Talking to Sue brought peace back into my life.
Sue Collins –
Meeting with Sue was a wonderful and informative session. We were concerned about our 2 rescue dogs and their issues and Sue clarified so much for us and provided numerous ways for us to help our dogs….. and ourselves, too!! Thank you so much!!
Joan –
I think Sue is such a loving spirit and connected to our pet. Helpful information and advice… a very positive experience.
Becky –
Very personable!