Lynn Waldrop on Biohack Anti-Aging
Original Podcast
Billionaire Biohack Series: Anti-Aging
They call this “bio-hacking”.
Biohacking (n) - attempts to improve the condition of your body and mind using technology, drugs, or other chemical substances.
- Looking Young
- Peak Energy
- Peak Productivity
- Peak Body Performance
- Peak Mental Health
- Ideal Body Shape / Weight
- Living Pain Free

But for us NON-billionaires,
these biohacks have always been out of reach
We don’t have the CASH or the TIME to spend on all these treatments.
We don’t have a “health concierge” coordinating the purchase and implementation, visiting our home or office to administer the procedures.
In the Billionaire Biohack Series, medical intuitive Lynn Waldrop is creating energetic versions of these cutting edge treatments so that your body can absorb the frequencies of the treatments without the time and expense of the physical therapies.
wow and wow.
I am particularly happy I had my favorite jacket that at beginning I was not able to button and now I am able to button my jacket. I also noticed my body start to go back to its normal shape.
I have been having trouble walking up my stairs without holding to the rails while joints and muscles were in pain. I can now walk up stairs without pain and without holding to the rails to assist me up the stairs.
Night vision was better and noticed I could see better at night even while raining.
As an added bonus, at the start my teeth had become discolored and starting to yellow and had chipped front tooth. The chipped front tooth is less noticeable and I have an even whiter, brighter smile. :) thanks again.
~ Deanna B. (Beta-tester for two weeks)
My skin seemed to tighten and lift. I had a facial before starting to listen to the MP3s but it didn’t really seem to do much. I was disappointed. But as the 2 weeks of listening progressed I noticed my face seemed to fill out some, lift and have a brighter more dewy complexion. Neck and jaw looked like it lifted also. Wrinkles much less noticeable and I had several people tell me I looked “beautiful”. I think I look more youthful.
~ D.W. (Beta-tester for two weeks)
What are Energetic Frequencies?

Why Energetic Frequencies
Are So Amazing
- RESULTS - This is the purest form of energy delivered directly to your entire body, to any part that needs it. It doesn’t have to go through the digestive system or through your bloodstream, but can pass through all parts of your body and be absorbed exactly in the right places.
- TIME - Each mp3 is only about 10 mins. You can play one a day on a rotation, or even just set it up so all play each day.
- CONVENIENCE - You can turn the volume down to low because there is no sound (frequencies are not in the audible range). Then do other things around the house or at work, you won’t be bugging anyone. Many people play them on their computer while they are working, while they are relaxing around the home, or while they sleep!
- PAINLESS - No needles or stinging or bruising
- PERFECT DOSE - Your body only absorbs what it needs! It’s like a buffet - your body chooses what it needs at that moment and ignores the rest. You don’t have to worry about how much or how often.
- SHARE THE LOVE - all your loved ones including pets will benefit if they are home when you play them
- AFFORDABLE - Let’s look at just a few of these biohacks to compare the physical form to the energetic form.
I noticed a difference in the fine lines above my eyebrows. Tone and texture of my skin improved and it seems brighter. I have one dark brown age spot close to my left cheek bone. I noticed that it diminished in color. The cracks on the heels and balls of my feet have healed nicely and are no longer painful. I was producing quite a bit of thick light green mucus prior to starting this series. It has changed in color to a slight yellow and the production is minimal. I was having some tooth pain on my left lower jaw. That particular tooth is no longer painful.
~ Katie O. (Beta-tester for two weeks)
Comparing the Physical Biohacks to
the Energetic Biohacks
$1000+ high dose PER infusion
TREATMENT: Red Light Full Body Panel
COST: $4349 for full body size setup
TIME: 20 minutes each side – 40 mins a day – standing with eyes closed
TREATMENT: Vitamin C Infusion
COST: $200 for low dose, $1000+ high dose PER infusion
TIME: At least 2 hours driving to the clinic, receiving treatment, driving home
COST: $500 PER infusion
TIME: 3 hours just receiving it, it has to be administered very slowly
one-time for all treatments for lifetime
Cost Sources: to infusion clinic in Sedona, Link here for Red light setup link
BONUS: Concerned about the world turning to chaos?
Many people wonder if the world is going to go completely sideways, and we won’t have access to basic services let alone these more advanced technologies. The good news is if it happens, you will have these energetic therapies in your personal library, to play for yourself and all the loved ones in your home.
If you want to be prepared for anything, these frequencies are a great tool to have to help you heal from many health issues (and see box below about a First Aid Kit).
My skin feels softer and smoother. The rosacea on my face is improved. I currently don’t have any acne, which is not normal. The wrinkles around my eyes look better and they’re a lot less puffy. The skin on my neck is firmer.
~ D.H. (Beta-tester for two weeks)
What do the technologies in this Anti-Aging Package help with?
- Skin / Wrinkles / Dark Spots / Scars Overall Youthfulness - the physical therapies for Red Light, Vitamin C, glutathione, and CoQ10 are all proven to help with improving skin texture, tone, and/or collagen production. Blue and green light help with acne and discoloration.
- Increased Energy - most of the physical therapies in this package have been proven to help the mitochondria by either repairing existing mitochondria or increasing quantity. Mitochondria are the energy factories in your cells, having healthy and increased numbers of mitochondria increases the energy available to you and allows your body to repair and maintain your overall health.
- Weight Loss & Contouring - physical Red Light Therapy helps with reducing fat and appearance of cellulite. Restoring mitochondria as mentioned above also raises metabolism. In a subsequent package in this series, we will have a collection of other therapies more targeted to weight issues.
- Mental Health - physical Methylene Blue helps improve anxiety and depression.
- Brain Function - the physical therapies CoQ10, Methylene Blue, Vitamin C, Vitamin B Complext also help with brain function, cognitive abilities, and brain fog.
- Repaired Damaged Tissues - Vitamin C, Red Light Therapy, CoQ10
- Infection - Methylene Blue, Vitamin C, Melatonin, Vitamin B
BONUS: Emergency First Aid for Stroke or Heart Attack
Both Melatonin and Methylene Blue can be used for immediate help after heart attack and stroke. Of course your first priority will be seeking emergency medical treatment, but depending on where you are at the time, this can take hours. After researching, some of us stock physical melatonin and methylene blue in our emergency kit, and now will be adding these energetic forms so that we are supported on both levels. We recommend doing your own complete research, but there are links of some places to start for each item in the Item Descriptions below.
The biggest change I felt was a significant increase in energy levels. I hate running. ( in the past). I immediately felt my body wanting to do more and increased to a Walk/ jog . I really enjoyed It and it felt great. I am a massage therapist. On days that I have a lot of clients, I don’t usually exercise and am pretty wiped out. After listening to the bio hack mp3s, I found that I was able to do cardio training on those days also!
~ Cathleen Malkus (Beta-tester for two weeks)
I have noticed much improvement in my skin tone and texture. The skin became tighter and looked much younger. The skin tone also looked much healthier. The “liver spots” discoloration on my hands became much lighter. My energy levels increased and I could increase exercise intensity. Also my sleeping habits became better and sleep improved.
~ Meirvav Schwartz (Beta-tester for two weeks)
Ready to dive into all the cool energetic technologies?
Special Offer
11 MP3s
Recorded Group Call

HELPS: Skin Tone/Texture, Wrinkles, Inflammation, Healing, Recovery, Hair Growth
RESEARCH: Mercola Article on Red Light Therapy
Red and near-infrared light are a subset of natural sunlight, which actually acts and has value as a nutrient. In addition to therapeutic frequencies mentioned below, this may be particularly beneficial for people who aren’t getting enough natural sunlight exposure.
The following physical red light benefits are incorporated into the MP3 in energetic form.
- 630 nm - This wavelength penetrates into the skin cells and sebaceous glands to rejuvenate the skin’s tone and texture, smoothing out skin and evening out pigmentation. Also reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, stimulates hair regrowth, helps acne and even psoriasis.
- 660 nm - penetrates the epidermis to reduce inflammation, accelerate healing, reduce swelling, and reduce pain.
- 810 nm - penetrates the dermis to enhance muscular performance, provide quicker post-exercise recovery, accelerate tissue healing, allow better recovery from TBIs and strokes, and encourages hair growth even for those with alopecia.
- 830 nm - penetrates subcutaneous tissue to accelerate healing, reduce infection, reduce downtime after surgeries and injuries, release feel-good endorphins, and stimulates bone growth.
- 850 nm - penetrates into muscle and bone to reduce inflammation, provide speedy muscle and tissue recovery, reduce lines and wrinkle by increased collagen production, and evens out skin pigmentation.

HELPS: Acne, skin damage, dark circles, hyperpigmentation, broken capillaries, migraines, pain, stress management
RESEARCH: Blue Light Acne Study, Green Light Hyperpigmentation Study
Another subset of the natural light spectrum, the blue and green wavelengths also have nutrient-like qualities.
The following physical blue and green light benefits are incorporated into the MP3 in energetic form.
Blue Light (414 nm) in physical form can:
- Reverse skin damage, and it has been used to remove precancerous lesions
- Boost alertness and mood but be careful of the blue light on your electronic devices - it tricks the body into thinking it is daylight and stops the release of melatonin affecting your sleep
- Target acne-causing bacteria and reduces the production of oil in the skin
- Stimulate the production of serotonin and dopamine that affects your mood and sleep
- Targets dark circles, pigmentation issues, broken capillaries, and sunspots
- Ease migraines
- Lowers cortisol levels - the stress hormone - and blood pressure
- Reduce pain in the body

HELPS: Nervous system, mucus, sprains, lungs, kidneys, digestion, parasites, hormones
The 9 main colors on the visible light spectrum (the colors we can see with human eyes) also all have healing properties. In physical color therapy, this is done by shining lights with these specific colors on various parts of the body. Records indicate that color and light therapy were once practiced in ancient Egypt, Greece, China, and India.
This MP3 rotates through the following 9 colors so your body can choose what it needs at the moment in time you listen.
- Red - stimulates the nervous system, raises blood pressure, detoxifies your liver, builds heme,
- Orange - dries up mucus and ooey gooey bruised tissues in sprains, lung builder – good for asthma and bronchitis, controls calcium production – bone spurs, kidney stones, build stomach acid to correct reflux, relieves gas and constipation, nerve builder
- Yellow - stimulates the nervous system, muscles, lymphatic system, adrenals and bowel movements and expels worms and parasites
- Lemon - (a combo of green and yellow) Kills bacteria, parasites, virus, fungi, works on all chronic disease, dissolves blood clots, promotes coughing (upper respiratory and bronchitis), bone builder
- Green - pituitary stimulant (produces hormones that control growth, blood pressure, sex organ function, thyroid function, metabolism, absorption of water in kidneys, water homeostasis), stimulates rebuilding of muscle and tissue, destroys microoranisms
- Turquoise - (blue and green) brain depressant and skin tonic (burns)
- Blue - relieves itching, mild sedative, reduces fever and inflammation, pineal stimulant (circadian rhythms)
- Indigo - parathyroid builder (controls calcium production, thyroid depressant, controls abscesses and lessens secretions, discharges and hemorrhages (orange is when the bruising and decongestion is within the body, but indigo is when there is any seepage), mammary depressant (a mom who is trying to stop milk production); anxiety, grief, lessens excitement and over mental activity – calm
- Violet - spleen builder, decreases muscular activity, including heart; tranquilizer for nervous system, psychological distress or emotional problems; promotes production of white blood cells

HELPS: metabolism, skin, anti-aging, infection, cancer, memory, depression, cognitive abilities
RESEARCH: Mercola Article on Methylene Blue, Amazon Book on Methylene Blue
Methylene blue is the parent molecule for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, off-patent drugs commonly used to treat not only malaria but also COVID-19. Best known as a fish tank antiseptic and textile dye for blue jeans, it was actually the first synthetic drug in modern history, developed in 1876. Since then, we’ve discovered it has many really important medicinal benefits. (description copied from Mercola article linked above)
The following physical methylene blue benefits are incorporated into the MP3 in energetic form.
- Improve metabolism
- Anti-aging, anti-infection, anti-cancer effects
- When taken with the red light therapy both are increased - so good to have together
- Anti-microbial and is effective against bacterial strains E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
- Reduce the formations of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer and dementia patients
- Repair mitochondrial function and cellular metabolism protecting against mental and physical decline
- Improve response in brain areas associated with short-term memory and attention
- Build connective tissue and elastin and collagen, the essential elements of healthy skin
ITEMS 5-11
Infusions have become a very popular biohack where nutrients are set up as a “drip” with direct injection into your bloodstream. Bypassing the digestive system can often dramatically increase absorption and the quantity possible. For example, Vitamin C causes diarrhea in high doses (over 5g) orally, but cancer protocols can deliver 200g of Vit C intravenously. The following items are the energetic frequencies of the most popular IV Infusion Therapies.

HELPS: Collagen, immune system, heart, memory, cognition, hormones, allergies, thyroid
RESEARCH: Mercola Article on Vitamin C
Vitamin C has a wide variety of precision effects, which can be generally classified into genomic, epigenomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic and immunomodulatomic effects. Vitamin C is typically thought of as an anti-oxidant, which is true orally and at lower doses, but in high doses, it becomes a pro-oxidant, and that’s actually what allows it to kill cancer cells and gives it its significant antiviral and antibacterial properties. (see Mercola Vit C article linked above)
The following physical Vitamin C benefits are incorporated into the MP3 in energetic form.
- Lightens dark spots, stimulates collagen production in the skin
- Boost your immune system
- Lowers blood pressure
- Lowers LDL and triglycerides
- Reduces uric acid levels preventing gout
- Improves your absorption of iron
- Lowers oxidative stress and inflammation near the brain – helping memory & cognition
- Increases progesterone and fertility
- Supports blood vessel integrity
- A natural antihistamine and can temper allergy attacks
- Helps regulate T3, T4 and TSH for thyroid health

HELPS: anxiety, depression, heart disease, migraines, osteoporosis, migraines, blood pressure, inflammation, sleep, constipation, skin, brain fog, mental acuity
Most of us know by now the health benefits of Magnesium. Every cell in the body has Magnesium, it is a macromineral that is in humans, animals, the earth, sea and plants. It is required for most body functions and deficiency is implicated in most major diseases and symptoms of aging.
The following physical magnesium properties are incorporated into the MP3 in energetic form.
- Mood and brain function is greatly affected by magnesium levels
- Blood sugar - most diabetics have lower than normal levels, it helps to stabilize blood sugar preventing diabetes and insulin resistance
- Control blood pressure
- Reduce chronic inflammation which leads to aging, joint and mobility issues, weight gain and chronic disease
- Migraines - most people who experience them are magnesium deficient
- Boosts relaxation and sleep allowing your body to recover and create more energy for the next dayRelaxes the muscles in the digestive tract helping to relieve constipation
- Keeps skin hydrated, when you are hydrated you look younger!
- Lift brain fog and give you sharper mental acuity

HELPS: insulin balance, thyroid, pain, immune system, heart, blood pressure, gut health, eyes, migraines, heart attack, stroke
RESEARCH: Mercola Article on Melatonin
Melatonin is one of the most important antioxidant molecules. In the human body — aside from having direct antioxidant effects — it also stimulates the synthesis of glutathione and other important antioxidants like superoxide dismutase and catalase. It is produced in the pineal gland and has recently been discovered to be created in the mitochondria.
The following physical melatonin benefits are incorporated into the MP3 in energetic form.
- Major metabolic health promoter
- Anti-viral and anti-cancer effects
- Boosts immune system and protects cardiovascular system
- Lowers blood pressure
- Gut Health – dysbiosis, IBS, inflammation, colitis and GERD
- Prevents migraines
- Eye health and can lower pressures from glaucoma and protect nerve cells in the eye
- Insulin balance - Low night-time secretion of melatonin nearly doubles the risk of developing diabetes!
- Improve thyroid function
- Alleviate chronic pain

HELPS: skin, detox, inflammation, liver, digestion, immune system, needed for all body processes
RESEARCH: Glutathione Glow
Glutathione is your body’s principal antioxidant and exists in each of your cells. It functions by keeping all the other antioxidants performing at their peak. Its primary task is to help protect your body from free radical damage, wastes, and potentially harmful substances. It is not recommended orally because digestive enzymes break down the bonds converting into simple amino acids.
Your supply of glutathione seems to decrease as you get older and lower glutathione levels appear to be correlated with poorer health.
The following physical glutathione benefits are incorporated into the MP3 in energetic form.
- Skin “Glow” (“Glutathione Glow”)
- Skin Brightening
- Anti-inflammatory properties
- Gut Support
- Liver detoxification and Immune support
- Detox chemicals, including pollutants and drugs

HELPS: Skin, anti-aging, migraines, cataracts, energy, sleep, gut, mood, DNA repair, cancer, kidneys, brain, immune (pretty much everything!)
RESEARCH: Life Extension Article on B Complex
Low B-vitamin status increases the risk for age-related disorders, particularly cardiovascular and cognitive disease. Because B vitamins are water-soluble and not stored in your body, you must get the entire complex through your diet each day.
The following physical Vitamin B complex benefits are incorporated into the MP3 in energetic form.
- B1 Thiamin plays a major role in metabolizing food into energy and protecting the brain
- B2 Riboflavin helps your body break down and use the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in your diet and helps metabolize food into energy; also functions to keep your skin, the lining of your gut, and your blood cells healthy
- B2 is also preventive for migraine headaches and cataracts and can increase energy levels, boost the immune system, and treat acne, muscle cramps
- B3 Niacin is treatment to help control high blood levels of cholesterol and breaks down food we eat into energy we can use
- B5 Pantothenic Acid is needed for many of the biochemical reactions that go on in our cells each day, including the breakdown of carbohydrates and lipids for energy; is necessary for our bodies to produce hormones
- B6 is responsible for normal brain development and for keeping the immune system and nervous system working properly; it's involved in more than 100 enzyme reactions in the body's cells, helping us metabolize amino acids from our food and build new red blood cells
- B9 Folic Acid or Folate is a nutrient that's necessary for the body's growth and development
- B12 plays a significant role in nerve function, the formation of red blood cells, and the production of DNA

HELPS: liver, kidney, brain, addictions, stress, fatigue, blood vessels, DNA Damage
RESEARCH: Mercola Article on NAD
NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is one of the most important biomolecules in your body. It’s involved in the conversion of food to energy, maintaining DNA integrity, and ensuring proper cell function. Together, these functions help protect against or delay aging and disease. NAD also acts as fuel for longevity proteins called sirtuins. NAD levels dramatically decline with age, contributing to aging and chronic disease states.
The following physical NAD+ benefits are incorporated into the MP3 in energetic form.
- Detoxifies harmful effects of abused substances, preventing relapse by significantly reducing cravings
- Protects against neurodegenerative disease by protecting nerve cells from damage from toxins causing dementia, Parkinsons, ALS, and Huntington’s
- Enhances liver functions and helps prevent the accumulation of fats and lipids that damage liver health
- Boosts renal and skeletal muscle function
- Helps the body combat chronic stress and fatigue
- Enhances blood vessel performance and improves supply to muscles during activity
- Helps prevent and repair DNA damage - toxins, stress, and infections cause inflammation to occur in the body. Repeated inflammation damages the cells of the body

HELPS: anti-aging, skin, energy, heart, brain, metabolism, eyes, kidneys, liver
RESEARCH: Life Extension Article on CoQ10, Article on PQQ
CoQ10 is produced and used in the body protecting the cellular membrane and other lipid particles on a cellular level. With age we produce less CoQ10 and expend more with daily oxidative stress. PQQ also helps produce more healthy mitochondria and recycling of damaged mitochondria, which are the energy factories in your cells.
The following physical benefits of CoQ10 and PQQ are incorporated into the MP3 in energetic form.
- CoQ10 improves heart and cardiovascular function, improves blood sugar levels, helps to preserve brain function and keeps your skin young
- PQQ supports mitochondrial health and cellular energy production, and protects the body from oxidative stress.
- PQQ stimulates the spontaneous growth of new mitochondria in aging cells, and activates genes that govern mitochondrial reproduction, protection, and repair.
- PQQ protects brain cells against damage when exposed to toxins and improves memory
- PQQ helps people get to sleep and stay asleep giving you more energy during waking hours
- PQQ has 100x more antioxidant power than Vit C giving a big boost to the immune system

Recorded and provided as downloadable MP3
Thoughts Feelings Emotions (TFEs) Stress and Traumas can actually block receiving the changes you are looking for when it comes to just about any health issue. The mind is so powerful, it can override change your body wants to receive. Look for a survey immediately after purchase so you can share what thoughts, feelings, and emotions might be blocking you. For example:
- I’ve tried everything, nothing works for me.
- This is too “easy” no way listening to mp3s will work.
- It doesn’t matter if I improve, I’ll still look awful.
- I’m afraid to start having more energy, people will expect more of me.
Billionaire Biohack Series:
11 MP3s
Recorded group call
- Red Light Therapy
- Blue & Green Light Therapy
- Color Therapy
- Methylene Blue
- Vitamin C
- Magnesium
- Melatonin
- Glutathione
- B Complex
- NAD+
- Group Call and Q&A
Includes Everything in Package A PLUS

Ask Lynn to dive into your body and take a look, clearing whatever your specific issues are. When she works with people she literally dives into the many systems of the body: Nervous, Endocrine, Circulatory, Muscular & Connective Tissue, Organs, Digestive, Lymphatic, Immune, Reproductive, Respiratory, Urinary, Skeletal, and Integumentary.
For most clients, it is as if she literally shrank to whatever size she needed to be to pass through that part of the body. The body talks to her the entire time, showing her problem areas and whatever is required to do to change it, whether it be frequency baths, adding alkalinity to change pH, dissipating growths, activating organs and cells, and much more!
All of This Using the Consciousness of YOUR Body!
Some of the most common ailments she has worked on include things like: candida or yeast overgrowth; spinal adjustments; cleaning out plaque and more from arteries and veins; tuning the endocrine system to alleviate thyroid problems, change menstrual cycles or menopause issues and prostate problems; detoxing the body including heavy metals, chemicals & parasites; immune system boost and clean-out; inflammation reduction; soothing symptoms of IBS, Colitis, Crohn’s, and other digestive issues; and much more!
Note: Sessions are recorded.
- 25 mins 1:1 Personal session with Lynn
11 MP3s
Recorded group call
- Red Light Therapy
- Blue & Green Light Therapy
- Color Therapy
- Methylene Blue
- Vitamin C
- Magnesium
- Melatonin
- Glutathione
- B Complex
- NAD+
- Group Call and Q&A
More Results from the Beta-test
Skin texture/tone
It was on the third day that I noticed improvement. My face was visibly smoother, brighter and clearer.
I have some hyperpigmentation on my face which is not very noticeable because they appear on contour lines. I have not done anything about it so I knew that any improvement, or otherwise, would be the result of listening to the MP3s. It was on the third day that I noticed a slight lightening which has continued to improve every day.
I had some milia on my forehead which is not visible but I can feel the bumps. This also started to show improvement from the third day. Over the two weeks that followed, most of them have disappeared. Only two remain and they are almost imperceptible to the touch.
Telltale signs of the face going South were beginning to appear but as with the skin texture/tone, I have noticed improvement. A slight uplift.
I have always been near-sighted and wear prescription lenses when I am out, when driving and when watching TV if it is some distance away. I do not require prescription lenses for reading and close work.
It is hard to tell with vision because the eyes adjust and the vision becomes “normal” … not normal as in a vision test, but what is normal for me. It was only on the third day that I thought of testing with a Snellen Eye Chart. The big E used to be blurry and still was on the third day, but I noticed improvement in the days that followed and can now read the third row clearly and while I can read the fourth row, it is still not as clear.
A week after I had started, climbing down stairs seemed somewhat uncomfortable or unstable (like when adjusting to a new prescription). This discomfort was no longer there when I removed my prescription sunglasses. At about the same time, it was more comfortable watching TV (which was across the room) when I removed the prescription lenses. So obviously, the prescription is too strong!
So I am happy to say there is considerable improvement in my distance vision.
I assume my headaches may be caused by dehydration and sugar. I don’t get them often and I usually sleep them off. I don’t take medications so I have not consulted doctors.
I did not have any headaches over the two weeks of trial. So the MP3s may have helped.
Muscle Pain / Nerve Pain
I sometimes get cramps in the calf of one leg when I stretch in bed. I’m not sure if this is muscle or nerve pain. I haven’t experienced this while I have been listening to the MP3s. Maybe the biohack has improved this condition. I
Obvious improvements were noticeable after three days. The improvement definitely continued over the rest of the two weeks. I understand the extent and level of changes is an individual thing so I might see more improvement with continued use of the MP3s. The complete package would definitely be useful since I have found that the packages I have purchased from Lynn previously, to be very effective.
~ Gita Shankar (Beta-tester for two weeks)
I noticed my energy levels went up somewhat; I found myself doing tasks around the house that I just did not want to even acknowledge let alone tackle. I rearranged some shelves, drawers, and even cut our hedges in the backyard with the electric hedge trimmer that is very heavy to lift to name a few.
I do seem to have had longer sleeping periods, not waking up every 2 hours each night. I was trying to track my longer length of time sleeping and a few nights I was up to six hours before waking up.
I have been more calm and situations have not been getting me to REACT;. I see and hear what is going on but I do not dwell or get upset at the situation or event. I have more energy for what is more important to focus on.
~ Kathleen H. (Beta-tester for two weeks)
Bio Hack Red Light mp3
I have listened almost daily for about a week and my body really likes this mp3. I am calm and feel serotonin-like sensations. Also, I feel internal work happening; like nerve endings are being seared or sutured/burned (nerve ablation) without the pain. I had open heart surgery five years ago, so I can feel this area internally being worked on at a cellular level. It feels like tissue repair or scar repair is rapidly happening internally.
There is a really yummy feeling from this energy and the mp3 ends too quickly, so I immediately build on it with the next two mp3’s below. I have been listening to all three in this order (red, blue then vitamin C) so the sensations continue throughout the set. The red mp3 seems to be the strongest, then the blue mp3, and then the vitamin C mp3.
Bio Hack Methylene Blue mp3
This feels like an extension of the red light although it’s a little milder in sensations. My heartrate is relaxed, and my brainwaves are flowing with ease. I think this mp3 is even more effective played consecutively with the red & vitamin C mp3s than on its own. I also seem to have deeper sleep cycles after listening to these mp3s.
Bio Hack Vitamin C mp3
I had to cut my fingernails because they grew rather quickly this week. It will be interesting to see what other benefits I receive in the weeks to come. This mp3 also feels wonderful, played right after the red & blue mp3s.
~ Alison E. (Beta-tester for two weeks)
There was less effort required to be productive at work. I seemed to be more in the flow.
Physically, there was a marked decline in joint pain.
~ Suzanne G. (Beta-tester for two weeks)
My chest and shoulders seemed to be smoother and less wrinkled. My legs are a little less ashy. I feel more comfortable in my skin than usual. I’m keeping up with commitments and daily tasks better.
~ Dale A. (Beta-tester for two weeks)
The big difference I did experience was in my bowel movements, I apologize for the TMI but I have always had issues with going regularly, since I was a teenager. In the past two weeks the quality and consistency of my bowel movements has dramatically improved. I am now going every day, which is not always the case for me, and have been routinely going at the same time every morning, quantity is more per movement, and now I sometimes have a second movement in the afternoon.
~ Kim Q.
Eyes were bright and less irritation
Joint pain completely went away
Slept 8 hours and felt refreshed in the morning
~ Laurie B.
I did get to listen for a solid 7 days. My skin had started to look tired and drained, but with these MP3’s my skin looked brighter, fuller, and more rested. I also slept and felt better. The first day I could feel it working on that dreaded arm sag.
~ Stacy S.
11 MP3S
- Red Light Therapy
- Blue & Green Light Therapy
- Color Therapy
- Methylene Blue
- Vitamin C
- Magnesium
- Melatonin
- Glutathione
- B Complex
- NAD+
- Group Call and Q&A
- 25 mins 1:1 Personal session with Lynn
11 MP3S
- Red Light Therapy
- Blue & Green Light Therapy
- Color Therapy
- Methylene Blue
- Vitamin C
- Magnesium
- Melatonin
- Glutathione
- B Complex
- NAD+
- Group Call and Q&A
Donna –
I love that I can have so many supplements and alternative care mp3’s that I could not afford if purchased on their own and use them forever.
Yl** Erik**** –
Lynn as a healer is very down to earth and she picks up emotions related to the healing. That is so important if you want to go further in life There is a learning also in the audios not just healing. I love a lot of the work from Lynn.
Thank you Lynn
Steve Suh –
I can really tell the difference with the gluthathione one as I used to get IV chelation regularly which had a good amount of gluthathione. All of them are fantastic.
Valerie –
Short mp3 with great results . Save money on vitamins and face creams. Love this package and Lynns healing work. Thank you
Susan Wyatt –
A Very Big Thank You to Lynn for her
Biohack Anti-aging Series! The mp3’s are
Powerful. I continue to work with them on a daily basis. Even with a busy schedule,
I find that this is important to me and I
Can feel a difference.
Sheila –
So happy I purchased this package! I’ve used it to create shifts in my menstrual cycle. And while I don’t have sleep issues, I slept better after using the melatonin. I take more than enough magnesium, but still had deficiency in my testing. Grateful to have another way to support my body with it. Looking forward to using these again and again.
Madeleine –
Very interesting information, love the idea, hard to know for sure if it works though.
Kristin –
Energy healing is not sudden (at least for me). It isn’t like taking an aspirin and having your headache gone. It works from the inside out and the results appear later, but they tend to last. I’m 66 years young, and I feel more energetic and vibrant since I began using biohacks.
Barbara Käser –
I feel more alive less tired during the day and my hands are looking younger!
Christin Eng –
I really love this series, the different tracks boost my energies in different ways and help my body rejuvenate. I check in with my body to see what it needs and I immediately feel better once I play a track. Thank you! 🙂
Audra Christensen –
I sleep deeper at night and less pain in my knee
Renee Russell –
I am not sure if they are working, but I like the idea and enjoy listening.
Maureen –
I haven’t really had a chance to work with all the mp3s.. but I found they were a great comfort especially the vita C during a recent cold.. and the blue green light and glutathione . magnesium for my heart. ty for a great pkg
I’m 70 and my skin is feeling softer, less red, and age spots lighter Also sleeping better
Debra –
The melatonin MP3 has worked wonders for me. I play it each evening and then sleep soundly every night. This is a BIG change for me!
Diana Young –
i really love this series.I am sleeping so much better, I’m having less bloating & more energy throughout my day. I play the mp3s every night & can’t wait to have the whole series.Thank you Lynn!
Stacy Kenyon –
Unfortunately I haven’t had the wonderful results others have. I will continue to listen and hope it works soon!
Kim Bowling –
I cannot tell that this is doing anything yet, but I gave it five stars because Lynn is a gifted healer. So I am sure that this is working I just have not noticed anything yet. I own much of her work and have something from her playing every single day.
Sylvie –
Since I started listening to the Biohack Series, about a month ago, I’ve noticed that I don’t get cramps in my legs and feet, anymore.
Thank you so very much.
Melissa Stewart –
Lynn’s work is amazing and worth the investment. I have been using the Biohack audios once daily and the results are evident. My inflammation markers have improved, my lifelong pattern of constipation has shifted, I’m sleeping through the night and my skin’s appearance has improved. I’m looking forward to experiencing further improvements as I continue to use the audios. Thank you Lynn & Aimee!
Margaret Staab –
I have purchased many of Lynn’s products and this series did not disappoint. The blue and green light biohack is relaxing. I look forward to working with melatonin this week and listening again to the live call.
s13576s –
I have MANY of Lynn’s programs and I love how easy it is to assist my body to stay in homeostasis with her intuitive healing mp3’s!
Antje Seebohm –
Since buying this packet I have listened to the audios once a day, and as Lynn Waldrop recommends I put the “green and blue light” audio on loop and let it run on low volume while I sleep. During those COVID lockdowns I didn’t move enough and gained a lot of unwanted weight, and I had been extremely tired and unmotivated. That has totally changed now. This program definitely works, I have much more energy. I have even lost a little weight even though I didn’t change my diet. my muscle pain in the lower back and shoulders is gone. And I’m actually sleeping through the night which hadn’t happened for a very long time. Getting this package was one of my best investments ever! I highly recommend this program.
Angelina Clarke –
Angelina Clarke, November 20, 2022
I have been a fan of Lynn’s for a long time, having bought several of her programs already.
Since I have been listening to the biohack series I noticed some brown spots in my face becoming smaller. The skin also is much clearer and better.
My night sleep is much deeper than before and I have more energy during the day.
Thank you Lynn!
Sandra Pino –
listening the audios only once a day I have noticed the dark circles under my eyes disappeared, constipation gone, rash in my arms almost gone but no need for antihistamine anymore which is fantastic. Am sleeping much better now too so it is a constant renovation of my entire body. Can hardly wait for the other mp3s and the new benefits. Thank you Lynn!
Karin Henn –
I’m still enjoying the benefits as there are still some mp3s to be released. Thank you.
Pam Lepisto –
Lynn never disappoints. I have been using the Bio-hacks daily and liking the mp3’s. The group call kicked my healing to another level. I feel that I am in good hands when I work with Lynn and her top notch technology team.
Dawn –
Initially, I noticed a greater ease physically from the methylene blue audio. I’ve had several weeks to listen to more of these audios–the blue/green light audio makes a HUGE difference in my overall ease of well-being when I play it. As an experiment, I played the red, methylene blue and blue/green audios last night in bed before going to sleep, and slept very soundly for the first time in many months. Looking forward to more positive changes as I continue to use these interesting audios–thank you, Lynn!
Cindy Williams –
I have many of Lynn’s mp3s, and am glad I purchased this series. While listening to the recordings, I feel a sense of calm and well being. As another reviewer mentioned, the glutathione and melatonin recordings were especially helpful. It is as if my body is craving them. I’m not sure what is happening, but I feel so peaceful during and after listening to them.
Michele de Laine –
Like some of the other reviewers, I also have many of Lynn’s recordings and they are my go to health strategy. Listening to the original interview I could feel that my body responded and wanted more. I was particularly interested in the supplements as I take most of them physically. This series has given me an enhanced sense of well-being.
Ann Wilson –
Wow I follow Lynn and have lots of her work this however feels completely different. I wasn’t listening to the Mp3s consistently in the first week but felt more upbeat and somehow fresher. The second week I did listen every day then added them as they were released and within this really short space of time I feel completely alert and have so much more energy. My skin is looking vibrant and I need a haircut!!! Much sooner than usual. I am not only sleeping for longer, I slept without any interruption for two nights in a row, something I have not done for years. I am so excited to see and feel more improvements as this continues.
Tahni Lamonde-Lyle –
I loved this Program. The energetic nutrition was something I had never tried before. I can definitely see plumper skin and the Light therapy also worked really well for me too. It has helped lighten several dark spots. I’m excited about what else will happen over time.
Tahni (London, U.K)
Caroline Kreutz Karlsen –
Love this series… I notice lots of difference in the skin and also in energy levels…My teenagers acne has miraculously cleared up… Cant wait for the rest of the mp3s to be released!!
Marie Hoglund –
I loved the series. I’ve slept better during the night, I’ve also been more relaxed or energized depending on what recording I play. I can highly recommend this!
Susanne –
I am a ‘night person’, always finding things to do when other people go to bed. Since I started the biohacks I seem to go to bed a ‘little’ earlier and my sleep feels deeper.
knissja –
My skin has improved, more energy
I look forward to listening to Lynn’s mp3s. My skin is smoother, less lines and soft to touch. More energy as well! Thank you Lynn!
Tima Maclaurin –
My skin has become clear and smooth, and several friends have commented that I’m glowing and wanted to know my secret! Also, the blue & green light mp3 made me sleep deeply and peacefully, waking up refreshed. Thank you so much.
Paula Leaf –
My body really likes the biohack series. I have felt more energized and alive since starting to listen to the recordings. I really feel the energy and something good happening. I highly recommend it.
Patty MacKay –
I have purchased healing sessions from Lynn Waldrop before, so I already knew how powerful her healings were. I am so grateful that I purchased the Billionaire Biohack series. Right off the bat, I started having BMs every day (which is amazing for me). I love putting these on at bed time – without volume if I’m listening or watching something else. Started working with the melatonin and glutathione this week. Insomnia has been a problem of mine; so I am open to receive this beautiful healing! Thank you Lynn!
Gita Shankar –
Additional feedback after beta-testing the 3 mp3s Red Light, Methylene Blue, and Vitamin C and now also using Blue/Green Light, Magnesium, Gluathione, and Melatonin.
I wash my hair every day because it goes flat and limp if I don’t. After listening to Lynn’s audios, I noticed that my hair held its bounce and volume for 2 days. It might have continued to do so for longer but habit prompted me to wash my hair. So anyway, there was great improvement.
This one is more interesting. I have a patch of gray hair which is somewhat camouflaged with colour shampoo. I noticed that the roots are growing dark. It is not as dark as my natural hair colour, but a light brown and since it is not the stark white of gray hair, it looks natural and blends well. Perhaps it will continue to darken but it’s great as it is.
Skin and eyesight continue to improve.
I check my face in natural light each morning and it’s funny how my face has changed, I had mentioned that the darker pigmentation was along the contour lines so it wasn’t that noticeable. But now I see that the pigmentation was actually causing the perceived contour lines! So now that it is fading, my face looks fuller and younger.
The last two audios Melatonin and Glutathione did something after listening to them for the first time. I’m not sure what … perhaps it was something inside. All I know is that I felt different. “Good” different!
Dawn Buffalo Heart –
Very interesting and great information presented in this interview! Love the detailed information presented in printable format for reference. After listening and reading the information, I decided to purchase right away. To my surprise, when I listened the first time to the Methylene Blue audio following download, I really felt something good happening with my body! Thank you for having Lynn on your show with this topic!!