Kelly Hampton / Archangel Michael Advanced Healing
Want a reading? Click through to Facebook below, follow the directions on the post, and Kelly will reply.
Advanced Healing from Archangel Michael and the Pleiadians
The Unconditional Love, Healing, and Wholeness you deserve is within reach
- Having an intimate conversation with Archangel Michael to seek guidance and direction on matters important to you.
- Healing through his Star Codes and Intergalactic Star Healing that he sent to Kelly
- Removing energetic masks that keep you stuck and in painful patterns through his transmutation
- Clearing karmic events that no longer serve you and recalibrating your soul chart
You can when you spend time with Master Alchemist, Advanced Channel, and Master Healer In Ashtar Sheeran’s Light Army Kelly Hampton!

During your time with Archangel Michael and Kelly, you may feel led to ask questions about:
- Challenging or chronic health issues
- How to create more abundance in your life
- Next steps to take in love
- Clarity on life purpose
- Feeling stuck and seeking a new life direction
- Advice on making a decision or at a crossroads
Here's how you can work with Archangel Michael & the Pleiadians through Kelly
30 Min Private Session
2 Group Calls, 1 MP3
“Come to me with your questions and fears, I will help you find peace and clarity.”
~ Archangel Michael

- Looking for a body scan or guidance about your health?
- Would you like to know your soul's purpose or for family members?
- Are you curious about where your soul home is?
- When your infinity partner is entering?
- Are you a Starseed? Are your children Starseeds? Where is your star home? What is your star mission, if you have one?
- Would you like to know what miracles await you in 2023?
I just had a life-changing angel reading with messages from the Archangels Michael. It was very clear and spot-on. All the angel messages that came through were accurate, clear, direct, and inspirational. After this session, my energy fields changed from feeling drained to feeling hopeful about life. I was needing an energy boost and Archangel Michael provided that. Please consider doing an angel reading with Kelly Hampton for she is kind, loving, and brings forth the Michael messages in such a loving way.
~ Gabe, Ohio.
If you haven’t had a reading/guidance session w/Michael via Kelly, you NEED TO. My specific questions were answered, AS WELL AS details about my life/me that Michael thought I needed to know about that were not a part of my questions. (So, if you are wondering, “Is this real, possible?” The answer is YES.) Specific, relevant, expansive, beautiful, practical, and very accurate indeed. It’s an experience I will never forget and has helped me tremendously. It has given me the direction, clear guidance, and courage I need to move through some major upcoming transitions. I think you are the best psychic I have ever spoken to — simply beyond amazing with such accuracy and details. I was blown away!
~ Alice Claire, D.
~ Claudia C
My reading was exactly what I needed and I plan to have additional readings, or as I like to call them divine guidance, as I need all the help I can get. Thank you Kelly for being this genuinely kind and humble witness as Archangel Michael stepped in and helped me out.
~ Teresa L. San Diego, CA
~ Ruth, Wyoming, USA
Extremely detailed, high-level information that I know I can count on for my highest good.
~ Alice Norley, UK

Recorded and replay link provided
Are you tired of feeling limited by pain, sickness, or physical suffering?
Have you been told that you have to “learn to live with” your illness?
That no treatment exists, or that the best you can hope for is to “manage” your pain?
Imagine what it would be like to be free from these limitations—no more pain, no more sickness, no more suffering.
How would it feel to finally live the happy, healthy life that you deserve?
Not only that, but imagine saving hundreds or thousands of dollars in healthcare costs—on endless doctor’s visits, expensive medications, and invasive tests that never seem to provide answers or relief.
What if you could instantly improve—or entirely remove—the dis-ease in your body?
With Star Codes, this can be your reality.
- The pain and stiffness of arthritis, gout, and other inflammatory conditions
- Aggravating and often debilitating respiratory conditions such as asthma and those caused by allergens
- Problematic Celiac disease, IBS, and other digestive concerns
- Psoriasis, rashes, and skin irritations
- Blurred eyesight and deteriorating vision
- Hearing loss, tinnitus, and difficulty understanding sounds or speech
- Fatigue
- Gland malfunctions, including thyroid, adrenal, pineal, and reproductive issues
- The bloating and pain caused by parasites, which can wreak havoc on your intestinal tract rendering you unable to digest and process the nutrients you need
- Malfunctions of all Glands: Thyroid, Adrenals, Pineal, Sex Gland
- Ease mood swings, slow metabolism and other effects of imbalanced hormone levels
“Viruses tend to be stubborn and resistant to change. Give the codes a minimum of two earth weeks to note improvement.”
~ Archangel Michael
A virus is a hostile invader that takes root in the body, creating another layer of disconnection between our third dimensional selves and Ascension. They can cause physical pain, embarrassment, confusion, and lack of desire.
Conventional medicine may help ease the symptoms of a virus, but cleansing these intruders from your body, mind, and soul, can require a different approach.
As Archangel Michael tells us, viruses are characterized by their resistance to change. But this stubbornness and resistance is a mirror to our own spiritual attitude. To convince and allow a virus to truly depart the body, we need to become a model of openness, showing it the way out.

The Universe knows that you matter, that you are beautiful, and that you are genuine, but the healing process relies on your ability to open yourself to this truth. Star Codes are a portal to openness, allowing you to access the angel’s wisdom and begin the true cleansing work it takes to dispel a virus for good. As the blessed angel shared many times people will increase their healing benefit by the use of multiple codes. Begin using the appropriate virus code(s) and allow time for integration.
- Chicken pox
- Shingles
- Hepatitis
- HepatitisHerpes and cold sores
- Lyme Disease
- Influenza and more
I am so excited! My knee pain, which I’ve had for over two years and which has prevented me from hiking, is down from a level 10 pain to a 3 in only a few days of working with the codes! And my back pain I’ve had forever, is gone!
~ Laura C.
I shared the motivation code with my teenage son who is going through some issues by placing it near where he sleeps and the next day he was laughing– and his mood improved.
~ Ayako
I contracted the Epstein-Barr virus and have been suffering from severe and chronic migraines. I used some of the harmonic codes and am astounded to say that my blood test showed the virus had left my body. This is amazing!
~ Melody
I am using the harmonic code for asthma. I have severe asthma which I take medicine to control for the last 18 years. I wrote down the code for asthma and sleep with it under my pillow. I was able to reduce my medicine down by a third with no side effects. I would like to thank Kelly and AAMichael for all of their help with my health.
~ Rachel, UK
shingles pain greatly reduced after 15 years
I’ve had shingles for over 15 years. The pain sometimes was so painful and the sun activated the shingles. Summer has not been my favorite season. When I am stressed the pain is a 10 and I can’t sleep at night. Here’s the miracle! The codes you give me for the shingles and sun sensitivity are working! The daily pain was a 7 or 8 now with the code its a 2 or 3. When I go out doing the code for the sun sensitivity is working, it’s not attacking the shingles as badly. Thank you so much!
~ Leah T.

Recorded and replay link provided
Who Can Benefit From Star Healing Intergalactic Energy?

- Reduction of elimination of skin cancers/tumors/bone disfigurement
- Circulatory disorders
- Clairvoyance enhancement
- Immune system dysfunction
- Asthma and other respiratory conditions
- Smoking
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Ringing in the ears
- Allergies
- Soul traumas from abuse and other emotional damage
- Addictions, compulsions
- Fears, phobias
- Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
- Body aches and pains including arthritis and slipped disks
- Sleep disturbances
- Depression, memory loss
- Migraines, gallstones and kidney stones
- Hearing loss, infections, nerve damage
- Overindulgence in food and alcohol
- Parasite removal and much more
(After one session) My insomnia is very much improved. Digestive problems are very much improved. I do not get acid reflux as frequently as I used to. Mental Chatter – there has been a remarkable shift in my ability to stay focused, meditate, and not be sidetracked by nonsensical mental chatter. Release of Hurt and pain -There is also no charge when I think about the people that have hurt me in any way and no anger against the people who have borrowed money and never paid it back. I am also able to speak my truth easier without fear of confrontations or backlash and this helps in letting things go much faster and easier. I am also able to listen to criticism without becoming defensive and find that I am more compassionate and less judgmental of others and even myself.
~ Barbara Ward, Canada
I have two ruptured cysts on my back and both of them have shrunk. They were smaller the next morning and have stayed at the smaller size.–Danamarie I. My cancer was cured!
~ Rosemarie, Italy
My elderly mother was able to walk without her walker after your 10-minute group healing session at the expo. We are all so blessed! It is a miracle! ~ Dorothy Malone I am no longer bowlegged!
~ Your (Catholic) friend in Arizona
My post-traumatic stress syndrome which has debilitated me in so many ways over the years, including depression is gone! I am again joyful. Gold energy comes from your eyes. I saw it. Blessings!
~ John Schulz
My right arm which had surgery is NOT bothering me since my healing. Had my appointment with my surgeon today (after my Star Healing), She was amazed at how well my arm had healed. Her words were – “This was to take 6 – 8 months to heal and you have healed to completion almost in 7 weeks! This is the most POWERFUL healing I have ever experienced. Amazing!!! And I have had a few….NEVER like this. I will always be very grateful to you both for what you have done. Bless You
~ Ferhn Rudy
I had been feeling a lump under my left ribcage. I also had smaller painful lumps on the side of my left ribcage. When I woke up on Saturday morning, laying on my back, I realized I felt empty. I had no pressure and no pain. The lumps along the side of my chest are also gone! I am amazed, astounded, surprised, and elated! I asked for healing of skin cancer on my face, and migraine headaches. I have far fewer headaches, and the surgery for my skin cancer was much less than my surgeon expected. I am so thankful that you have the courage and strength to bring them to the public so we can all go forward into the Ascension without fear.
~ Jennifer Danion
My social anxieties have improved – standing up for my own needs and experiencing more peace.
~ Nancy Renn
The ringing in my ears is not as high-pitched as it was. In 24 hours, this healing has accomplished more for me than years of consultation with traditional doctors!
~ Guillermo, Canada
A lot happened and healed. For example, many Reptilians left my system, not to come back. All the while I am in the Netherlands, and Kelly is in America. I had booked a session because of trouble with my dental gums. Once we got to that point I really felt strongly that work on my gums was happening. I saw rubbish being taken out, and I felt: “The beings who are doing this, do it with so much love for me, and with so much respect I am in awe. Later Kelly suggested making a ‘Star Gate Travel’. I answered that I wasn’t so sure that’s my kind of thing. She replied: ”It’s you”. Ahh …! That was soo clarifying! And then, of course, I went! I’m sure it will be different for everyone. For me, among other beautiful experiences, I saw Atlantis, … Andromeda … and more beautiful Planets… Home Planet? It doesn’t matter, since the home is Source / All. And I met St Germain. He showed me things of great depth and also the Flame of Divine Love and all my Twin Flames around it. I knew they were all here on Earth now and more, much much more. All ‘enlightening’ wisdom, joy, and even looks into the possible future. It was a beautiful healing experience. It was quite magical, strong, and very creative.
~ Love, DN (The Netherlands)
the most profound experience of my entire life
Thank you so very much for the most wonderful and amazing experience…I had with you. I have never ever experienced anything like it ever before. The Pleiadian energy I experienced through you was indescribable, I was flooded with love, peace, and joy which permeated my very being. I loved the way you shared what you were doing with me. The frequency made my whole body and self tingle and tremble as I was flooded with even more peace and calm, there was no stress in my body. I found myself in the heart of the huge and vast Galaxy in the middle of what can only be described as an explosion of stars. It was intensely blue and the stars were so bright, some huge, some near, all sizes and millions and millions were like dots. Kelly, the experience with you of Star Healing and channeled counseling from AA Michael himself has been the most profound experience of my entire life. I am humbled and privileged to have had this opportunity to find out who I am and where I am going. I have experienced many healing experiences in my 65 years but never ever anything like this! It has changed me forever and given me an understanding of my purpose.
~ Christine, UK


These codes can help you find unconditional love / soulmate, heal from anxiety, abuse, depression, and calming overwhelming emotions
Emotional suffering is as painful and debilitating as any physical illness—but there’s a catch that makes it even worse.
People can’t “see” emotional trauma, which means those with emotional wounds are often left alone, forgotten, and without help.
The truth is you are NOT alone and you are NOT forgotten. You simply need to know the right number (code), and the Universe is on speed dial, ready to guide you to your soulmate, help you find emotional clarity, turn your life’s obstacles into opportunities—whatever it takes to heal your particular spiritual injuries.

But how can you know that number?
How do you call out to the Universe and get the response you deserve?
The answer is much easier than you might think. Emotional, psychological, and spiritual trauma does not require thousands of dollars or tens of years to overcome. With harmonic healing Star Codes, you can reach out to the Universe and begin your journey to transformative wholeness.
- Abuse: Emotional, Physical, Sexual
- Depression
- Grief
- Anger/Rage
- Low self esteem which may result in eating disorders including Anorexia, Bulimia, and substance abuse
- Abandonment
- Anxiety and other fears
- Social phobias including Panic Disorder, Obsessive/Compulsive
- Loneliness
I have experienced a great deal of sadness in my life. Also experienced profound grief from working with others in Bosnia and the loss of my son. I placed the code for grief near my bedside. The first night I experienced a lot of heat which needed to be released. Then I began experiencing a great deal of peace inside and it remains so! So my heartfelt thanks!
~ Norah, Ramsey
Private Session with Kelly
2 Group Calls
1 MP3 + 1 PDF
- 30 mins Private channeled reading with Kelly and Archangel Michael
- CALL 1: Star Codes Group Class
- CALL 2: Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Group Healing Session
- Spiritual Guidance on The Healing Power of Gratitude
- Bonus: Harmonic Healing StarCodes for Emotional Issues

Includes Everything in Package A PLUS
2 more Transformational Private Sessions with Kelly!

1:1 Session - approximately 30 min combined with Session Below total 1 ½ to 2 hours

1:1 session - 60-90 minutes, combined with Mask Removal total 1 ½ - 2 hours

“I have now been granted permission by high authority of the God Mind presence not granted to me previously through the ages, to retrieve soul charts from the Halls of Wisdom for the purpose of recalibrating them. This is much more than a trip to the Akash.”
~ Archangel Michael
My mask removal and soul chart recalibration were absolutely amazing! When we started, Kelly told me to settle into a meditative state. I started swaying circularly and it wasn’t something I was doing consciously, so I knew this was going to be very powerful. During the session, I felt very disconnected from my physical body. Afterward, I immediately felt so incredibly free from stress, resentment, and trauma. Shortly thereafter, I took a nap and had a dream that Archangel Michael was still working on me. I am amazed at the results! When I think about some tough times, both current and past now, there is no fear, resentment, or pain. I am so thankful and grateful for Kelly and Archangel Michael. This session has completely transformed me and I will carry it with me always.
~ Kelly Wolf
I am so grateful to you and AAMichael for the Mask Removal and my Soul Chart Recalibration session. Never in my life have I received such life-changing information from such amazing teachers AAMichael and Kelly! Every page of my soul chart was like discovering myself, who I really was. This is a priceless gift to anyone who wants to clear his/her karmic burden and review their Soul Chart for benefit in this lifetime!
~ Syliva K.
I have noticed clearer thinking, less fatigue and people seem to be able to “see” me better- if that makes sense. Also, I feel like there is a joy present that wasn’t there before and a shield of protection as well.
~ Jolie Hansen
As I experienced the Mask Removal and Soul Chart process, my body kept having releases as AA Michael and I worked to make the changes. But, the really significant change became evident several days later. I was suddenly aware that I was free of many of the beliefs, thoughts, and emotions that had haunted me all my life. I was suddenly free of judgment, which was my biggest stumbling block. It’s like getting a clean slate to work with where you can begin to create your life in a new, fresh and therapeutic manner. Nothing seems impossible now, and I am creating a whole new existence. I wish everyone could have this priceless process.
~ Lorraine E. Castro
The process of going through the mask removal and recalibration of my soul chart was enlightening, transformational, and magical! I have since felt the freedom of flowing more with my desired intentions and dreams where I felt blocked before. A door has opened allowing me to trust more in myself without the doubts and fear limitations we all deal with. There was also magic from the pages and memories known and some forgotten that stirred my soul with tears and laughter…which allowed the blocks to dissolve with a greater understanding. I am very grateful to Kelly and ArchAngel Michael for the guidance and love through both. I definitely feel a transformation and know more will follow as I was guided and assisted in recalibrating certain pages/ages in my life plan for which I am thankful. I happily flow toward and embrace with deep gratitude! Love and a huge smile.
~ Wendy D. Canada
What a wonderful experience I had doing my mask removal & soul chart recalibration! Working with Archangel Michael said he was glad to reconnect again and I could refer to him as Big Mike, he is so fun! The session for me was very powerful. I could feel the energy working in different parts of my body and experienced several high-pitched tones during recalibration. It was for me a tingling, high-vibrational kind of energy. When I was asked to work with my book the energy and visions were even more profound. My book is alive full of colors and magic. On one page when I was asked to put my hand on two pages and un-wrinkle them I had an energetic sensation of touching pages made of ruby and the color was a beautiful watermelon color. This was just one of the sensations I experienced! Another was when he asked me to put my palm on the cover and my hand sunk into the book integrating with the energy as it flowed through the book into my hand. I didn’t think it could get any better but as our session was ending the angel asked me if I would like to be a hall monitor. Of course, I said yes@ He said I would get more information later. Wow Wow Wow! Thank you, Kelly. I’m so grateful for your assistance and guidance on our awakening journey.
~ Bernadette Romero
I would like to share briefly my experience that I cannot find the words to describe its magnificence! It was a magical journey. When Archangel Michael placed my soul chart in my hands and took me through its pages or the stages of my life that would be amplified, the magic began. I have been reshaped! We went through my soul chart transmuting, dissolving, and disintegrating all the hard-future lessons that I don’t need to experience anymore. When he released the burdens of my past written lessons, I felt born again! The visualizations I experienced in this magical journey were full of unique surprises. I have no one moment better than another, but the encounter with my beloved Mother was an indescribable instance. I felt immensely blessed! Then near the end, energetically hugging my updated and beautiful chart -like a happy child hugging her favorite doll- I squeezed it so hard that I heard an Ouch! We all laughed! With my humble heart, I thank you Archangel Michael and Kelly for taking me to the Mask Removal and Recalibration Journey that makes me born again! Namaste.
~ L.Mirza Gutierrez
I felt like a ton of weight came out of me…not off my shoulders, but from inside my chest. What happened at the time I was 9 has weighed heavily on my life. I have finally been freed from that and I am so grateful!! Thank you very much for working with me today!
~ Catherine W.
I’m feeling fresher, lighter, and more energetic since the healing. I saw many aspects of what was being presented to me. Some “pages” felt heavier than others. When it was complete, my book was lighter.
~ Rose A.
I recently had a mask removal and recalibration session with Kelly and AA Michael. I found the mask removal to be easy to do and powerful. The recalibration was a process of energetically going through your life and with the assistance of AAM removing the denser experiences and life lessons we wrote into our life plan and then expanding the lighter or positive experiences. After my session, my boyfriend signed up to have his own session. I highly recommend it.
~ DP
It was a gift and the energy was lingering and long-lasting. I am so grateful to you and Michael for the experience. I am looking forward to growth, healing, and positive change! It was a beautiful process but the unique part is that you can continue the process on your own with Archangel Michael if you so choose. Anyone who is a warrior of Michael’s army should not miss this opportunity to move forward on their personal journey. Adoni Adoni Adoni.
~ DP
I experienced a powerful mask removal and Soul Chart recalibration from AAMicheal through Kelly Hampton. During the session, I was feeling elated as well as healed as I was removing pages in my book! The cover of my book was made with velvet, silk, and colored jewels. At one point there were pink hearts flying out of the pages, and beautiful rainbow effects on the pages I replaced. It’s amazing how hard lessons could be replaced with love, joy, abundance, and prosperity! Thank you so much, Kelly and AAMichael for bringing me this gift at this time!
~ Linda Quaglieri
It was very powerful for me to remove the masks that have been holding me back, and the process of updating my soul chart was very profound. I did feel a bliss-like lightness and energetic release afterward. I felt that some deep healing occurred especially when you had the vision of Jesus’ face. It was very emotional for me at that point. Much love and gratitude to you and Archangel Michael.
~ Linda Graydon xo
3 Private Sessions with Kelly
2 Group Calls
1 MP3 + 1 PDF
- 1:1 Session Energy Mask Removal Process
- 1:1 Session Soul Chart Recalibration
- 1:1 channeled reading with Kelly and Archangel Michael
- CALL 1: Star Codes Group Class
- CALL 2: Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Group Healing Session
- Spiritual Guidance on The Healing Power of Gratitude
- Bonus: Harmonic Healing StarCodes for Emotional Issues

3 Private Sessions with Kelly
2 Group Calls
1 MP3 + PDF
- 1:1 Session Energy Mask Removal Process
- 1:1 Session Soul Chart Recalibration
- 1:1 Private channeled reading with Kelly and Archangel Michael - 30 mins
- CALL 1: Star Codes Group Class
- CALL 2: Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Group Healing Session
- Spiritual Guidance on The Healing Power of Gratitude
- Bonus: Harmonic Healing StarCodes for Emotional Issues
Special Offer
Private Session with Kelly
2 Group Calls
1 MP3 + PDF
- 1:1 Private channeled reading with Kelly and Archangel Michael - 30 mins
- CALL 1: Star Codes Group Class
- CALL 2: Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Group Healing Session
- Spiritual Guidance on The Healing Power of Gratitude
- Bonus: Harmonic Healing StarCodes for Emotional Issues
Deborah –
I have noticed that my heart rate which was often increasing to 140 beats per minute has settled and I have only had one incidence of an increased heart rate since I had the healing with Archangel Michael.
Juliana –
I can’t really leave a rating for my medical condition until I have an MRI scan which is scheduled for the end of April.
I did appreciate being able to ask Archangel Michael any question as part of the package.
Eileen –
Working with Kelly and AA Michael is a gift for heaven. I’ve worked with them before and it’s the main reason I found happivize. The healing program offered was wonderful and I’m still feeling the love from my private session.
Audra –
I asked for the healing code for brain fog but Kelly said the Paladians and AAM will heal it during the group session.Well the brain fog is there.
Susan –
I have had several sessions with Kelly and AA Michael in the last 2 months and I feel so much better and at peace. I got beautiful clarity on a couple of issues I was having with people. One person subsequently reached out to me and everything is now working out. Whenever I need direction, Kelly and AA Michael is where I turn.
Laurie Hargrove –
Excellent session of opening ourselves to AA Michael & the love given to us from God. Kelly with AA Michael have been instrumental to my spiritual awakening.