Join us for the Live Call with Karina
Tuesday, September 10, 4pm ET
(your time here)
- Phone – gives you phone number and pin code (you can raise your hand *2)
- Web Call – like the phone but connects over the internet. Opens new window. Click Raise Hand to be a live caller.
- Broadcast – streaming (cannot raise hand, enter written questions in form)
About Karina Grant

Karina was born in 1977 and attended her first Louise Hay and breath work seminar at age 12.
When her Father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2005, she searched for ways to help his symptoms and discovered Quantum-Touch (QT). After seeing the immediate effect the treatment had on his posture, which straightened completely in just one session, she decided to explore this incredible technique fully in order to be able to help him herself.
The profound results from their Quantum-Touch sessions led her on a fast track journey into exploring the most powerful energy healing methods available in the world, in order to help others. Her passion for pro active natural healthcare that stimulates the body’s innate capacity to return to health has since inspired her to teach this powerful form of energy healing to as many people as possible, through workshops and private sessions.
In 2007 Karina was invited to become England’s advanced instructor for Quantum-Touch, and has instructed many large workshops internationally.
As a natural progression in her fulfilling journey as a practitioner and instructor, Karina started the HI CHI Integrated Health Institute in 2015. The HI CHI Integrated Health Institute offers powerful resources to facilitate balance and wellness.
Karina thoroughly enjoys connecting with people from all walks of life and all belief systems. She spends her time teaching workshops and facilitating energy healing for others in Central London and via skype. Karina is able to perceive energy clearly, which is incredibly useful when helping others.
Karina has spent over a decade teaching mindfulness, wellness and energy healing to both medical and complementary health care professionals. Her workshops are attended by Doctors, nurses, public health advisors, research scientists, CEO’s, parents, carers, charities, teachers and a variety of other professional backgrounds. She has also enjoyed teaching meditation in large corporations and has trained people from The World Health Organisation and other prestigious organisations.
Karina has been invited to teach Wellness and Mindfulness sessions at global corporations and also at The British Government’s Department of Energy and Climate Change.
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