Listen to the Interview
Original Interview with Gloria Shaw about Whole Heart Healing with many Activations
Listen to the Q&A
Gloria takes more live callers and does more activations
Gloria can help you...
- Awaken the authentic, healthy, happy, abundant, joyful version of yourself
- Get off the pain & suffering roller coaster ride
- Experience a state of health and wealth consciousness
- Receive whole heart "reset" healing & transformation
About Gloria Shaw

creativewalls –
After two months my 5 yo grandson’s warts are completely gone. We had tried treating them with wart solutions and nothing helped. We hadn’t tried anything else for months until I included him in my package, so I know it is Gloria’s energy work that has done it. My daughter reads his affirmation out loud each day and he says “I accept”.
The first picture is from October 17, a couple weeks after we started with Gloria (the warts were actually worse than this at the beginning). The second picture is from December 3, so 6 weeks later.
I still can’t believe they are gone!
Anita –
Hello Aimee and Gloria (Shaw)-
I just finished listening to the Q & A session with Gloria Shaw. I was only half listening to it,
because I have been so disheartened by my lack of success with receiving healing energy
and changes, so I really didn’t expect to feel any energy.
Although I have never experienced any sexual abuse in this lifetime, when you were doing the healing for
the lady who was abused by her uncle and told her that she had a loving angel at her back supporting her,
the tears started flowing out of my eyes and I started sobbing. I live alone now and holidays
are extremely lonely for me, now that my kids all have their own partners and families, and I
often feel like my life is stuck in slow motion, where I’m unable to see my way out of the
box I’m in. Hearing your voice saying that there was an angel wrapping supporting wings
around the lady on the call, touched me at a very deep level and I want to express how very
grateful I am that you included everyone else in on the energy. I pray that whatever heart
walls I had up, were taken down during this moving call. The little girl inside me just
wants a GIANT hug right now!
If I wasn’t currently unemployed, I would purchase your package. My heart tells me that
you’re the real deal. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Aimee, for having Gloria on
your show and providing emotional support for people who are financially blocked. I am
hopeful that in the near future my financial situation will have improved radically so I can
find ways to give back, and purchase a package from Gloria.
Much love-
Cathy W –
Dearest Gloria I felt something was unique and wonderful about the work you do and Whole Heart Healing when I listened to the Happivize call. Unfortunately I missed the live show, however I just had to tell you I received the energies and benefits from listening to the recording only. I listened to that call everyday for 5 days in a row. Something quite magical started happening. I started noticing all the pains I had been experiencing in my body for the past two years, started vanishing, each
day it felt better so when I decided to purchase the 30 days by day 20 all the discomfort was gone. I am so grateful I decided to listen to your call, my life has changed in such a positive way being free of the pains and limited mobility as well as I am having the best sleep ever and I feel so at peace and happy. I haven’t done anything else so I know there is something quite magical about your work and the whole heart healers. I don’t know you, but, I can tell you I love and appreciate you and your work. I am a believer in energy work. Thank you.
Raquel –
I feel that your healing is the best I experienced. I want to thank you for your beautiful session. Since then I have a deep sense of peace. It takes a little time to get used to having peace of mind. I feel that in order to solidify what we have done, an extra 2 months should be added. I know how overprotective my ego is and so I want to continue with the work we started.
Thank you very much for your heart felt, kind work.
Jen G –
I so enjoyed your last healing session with me over the last 30 days. I found it really helped calm and soothe me and make me look at the bigger picture. Also to not get ahead of myself as my thoughts tend to do. So THANK YOU
Deanna – all I have to say. Gloria Shaw is a true gem. I initially was introduced to Gloria because I wrote in on telesummit and she took my question and she mentioned it was my time and she was right. I have suffered with Hashimotos thyroid disease for several years and as result have experienced side effects such as extra heavy menstrual cycles that are devastating and crippling. I am happy to report that during the 30 days I actually had a “normal” menstrual cycle which I could not believe because I have not had one in *years* but working with Gloria shifted that. I also had become sick with migraine, upper respiratory infection and after having a session with Gloria, the next day everything thing had cleared up. I went from feeling run down coughing up thick green mucus to the next day, I coughed once and noticed everything was clear and my chest felt better. After the session, my infection, seemed to heal itself, it was amazing. I also have a new sense of self like it is my time and a refreshing outlook and happier than ever. I also changed a few things in my diet thru her recommendation, and I have slimmed down and lost some weight. Simply amazing!!! I would highly recommend a 30 day remote healing and session with Gloria. It was life changing for me and I am so grateful to her for sharing her gift. Blessings to you Gloria:) You make my heart sing and smile:) Thank you.
Dianna V –
I’ve been using energy healing for over 10 yrs. My experience with Gloria has been amazing and I’m still working with her because the issue I needed help with was a difficult one that I knew would require more than one month of healing support.
Isabelle –
I loved working with Gloria! She helped redirect me back to a place of wholeness, heart centered awareness and enthusiasm for life. Her insight into my 3 questions was amazing. I felt she really saw me. Through her loving guidance over the next 30 days, I was able to make some major shifts in my life. I would highly recommend her work.
Donna K –
The only powerful word I can use to describe my experience in and after my session is “whole”, “ wholeness”, ……!!!
Each time my mind wants to revert or go to a perceived lack, it is as if, my mind gets “redirected”to an experience of wholeness, …cool! I am even remembering so many experiences when younger when I was enveloped in wholeness. I feel lighter, and freer as a result.
And, one last, when I was in my 20’s and 30’s, I used to have what I termed “ direct” contact ~ communication, with Source/ God/ in my meditations. It was like speaking to a good friend and very natural. Well, the day after our session, I awoke and started to have and trust this experience once again. This is really neat, and quite nourishing.
Jan –
I bought package B from Gloria Shaw. I sent her my 3 issues. I am amazed at her email response. How does know me so well?! Her responses seem unrelated to the issues I identified for her and yet they are things I have been dealing with (in some cases for decades)! Things she couldn’t have known about. Thanks for connecting me with people who can help me “Love Myself, Love My Life!” If people are wondering if Gloria could help them, I’m happy to recommend her.