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[offer_tagline]Upgrade Your Upper Body With Spirit
by Mia den Haan[/offer_tagline]
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Allow your soul and Spirit to upgrade your physical, mental, and emotional bodies to greater wellbeing
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Introducing a new spiritual process to provide support for your physical body
Receive healings in multiple dimensions with the help of Mia den Haan’s clairvoyant and channelling ability, and through the guidance that her connection with Spirit and the Divine provides.
The soul channellings in this package hold energetic imprints and instructions for your soul, to help it support and improve your physical body, to help with:
- Better sleep
- Headache relief
- Less stress and tension in the shoulder and neck area
- Stress reduction in the forehead and frontal lobes
- Release of stuck energy anywhere in the body
- Stronger central nervous system
- Improved autonomic nervous system
Your physical body is part of your soul. Your soul, by its very nature, has a divine intelligence which can help your body to improve its present state of being.
Your soul knows your true nature. It can clear physical, mental, and emotional issues in many dimensions to assist your physical body, as all of the different parts of your body are inter-dimensionally connected and work as a whole.
Your Divine Intelligence knows what is needed to heal obstacles and misalignments for greater wellbeing. With the help of spirit and your soul, the channeled content on these MP3s and live calls will automatically begin to clear blockages and misalignments. This will all happen in a gentle way, at your own pace, and with the intent to strengthen your life force in the affected areas.
In the testimonial below, you’ll hear how Mia, with this same soul-directed process, was able to improve the quality of life for a client who was no longer able to communicate what he experienced.
Kayla’s testimonial of how Mia has helped her and her husband with his Lewy Body dementia. 2.5-minute audio at:
[/offer_testimonial] [offer_section width=”narrow”]Your physical body is part of your greater self, which includes many different energy structures like meridians, chakras, and mental, emotional, and other energy bodies. These different energy structures have unique frequencies and functions, and can cause a misalignment in your physical body.
Your body also sometimes holds awareness of past lives and unprocessed traumatic events from this lifetime. Memories of fear and trauma can create imbalance which can lead to stress, pain, and disease.

Marcia talks about how she was so ill that she spent most of her time in bed, and none of the healers she consulted with, nor other modalities, had been able to help her until she began Mia’s healings.
your life force, and build a stronger version of you? [/offer_heading]

Listening to the MP3s and group calls will benefit:
- Better cognition and improved intuition
- Clarity and focus
- Improved feelings of wellness
- Improved quality of living
- Increased awareness of your self
- The strengthening of your life force
- Better alignment with your core nature
- Feeling more relaxed
You will begin to release any unnecessary issues, blockages, trauma, and stress at a mental, emotional, cellular, and subconscious level.
We all have a spiritual life force that constantly supports us.and will be strengthened with use of MP3s
- Permanent healing of diabetic retinopathy after laser eye surgery failed
- Permanent disappearing of ovarian cyst—confirmed by physician
- Cleared weight gain issues
- Multiple Sclerosis pain reduction, improved mobility, no longer needing a walking aid
- Reduced swollen feet that previously would not change by any means
- Cleared severe tonsillitis that no longer responded to antibiotics
- Long-standing diabetes type 1, permanent reduction of insulin intake, as well as stable blood sugar levels
- High blood pressure back to normal on a permanent basis without the need for medication
- Relief of backaches, headaches, and neck and shoulder pain
- Reduced stress levels, panic attacks, anxiety, and trauma
- Cleared sexual abuse issues both from early childhood and in relationships
- Cleared grief, sadness, loss, loneliness, and abandonment in both children and adults
- Cleared childhood issues, including those that are often no longer remembered (your soul always remembers)
- Cleared bullying issues, being stalked
- Improved self-worth, social anxiety, and shyness in adults and children
- Increased mental and emotional wellbeing
- Reduced carer strain or overload
- More harmonious family relationships between partners, siblings, and parent and child
- Reduced workplace stresses, cleared issues such as bullying and control in the workplace
- Spiritual guidance in career options, career development, help with study anxiety
- Improved corporate decision-making and management of business
- Improved management skills in dealing with difficult clients and staff
- Clarity with your purpose in life
- Insight through spiritual means, clarity on any issue
- Further development of Spiritual Gifts, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance
- Spiritual guidance on any issue
- Improved mobility
- No more autism, improved cognitive development, such as speech impediments
- Cleared nightmares with panic, improved sleeping patterns, and no more relentless crying
- Cleared fears in the classroom for other children or teachers, learning issues, bullying issues
- Cleared extreme shyness relative to the child’s developmental age
- Cleared headaches, bumps, bruises, and pains that were not quantifiable
- Cleared sibling rivalry, stopped biting issues, and cleared restlessness and anxiety-driven behavior
- Cleared any issues of loss, such as with a close friend, relative, or parent, or in the classroom
- Cleared suicidal thoughts or tendencies—however, always immediately seek professional help first
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