Jo on Teeth & Bone Rejuvenation
Nov 2024 Update on Dental Materials & Trauma
Scans are available for the first 3 weeks of a new program, so these are closed now
You can download the podcasts and the separate Teeth Remineralization Group Clearing Mp3 click here.
Teeth & Bone Rejuvenation
Energetically heal tooth and gum issues, joint pain, osteoporosis, and more
- Dental health directly affects all other parts of our bodies through the meridian system, each tooth is energetically linked to an organ or system in the body
- When there is infection or damage in the mouth, it affects the corresponding organ, the heart, and has been implicated in cancer
- Maintaining bone density and health is necessary for vitality as we age, not only for mobility, but it is where our body creates blood cells and is a reservoir of minerals
- Joint pain and arthritis are other symptoms of poor bone health, and can keep you from leading an active life

Tooth loss affects approximately 1 in 3 adults over age 65
Many experience these teeth and bone issues:
- Persistent toothaches
- Tooth sensitivity
- Cavities and enamel loss
- Root pain and extraction
- Periodontitis
- Tooth impaction
- Gingivitis
- Receding gums
- Fear and Avoidance of Dentist
- Self-consciousness or hesitancy to express joy through a smile
- Joint pain and mobility issues
- Brittle bones
- Osteoarthritis
- Arthritis
- Bone spurs
- Osteomyelitis (bone infection)
- Anxiety or stress due to chronic pain
- Depression stemming from limitations in daily activities
For over 8 months I was experiencing severe pain in my right elbow and in my left shoulder and upper arm that made it very difficult to sleep. I would awaken several times through the night in agony and would have to sleep on my back with my arms straight at my sides from elbow pain. Doctors only suggested steroids which I refused.
I started listening to the mp3s for bones and also for teeth and after about 2 weeks, I noticed that my pain was so much better that I even started gardening, and another two weeks later it occurred to me one day that I was no longer in pain AT ALL. I had forgotten all about it! I couldn’t believe it.
Aside from that, Over the past 2 years, my calcium levels had been around 10.2 to 10.4 which is high and could indicate osteoporosis. The latest blood test showed my calcium level was now 9.4 , perfectly normal!
All this time too a toothache that had been bothering me suddenly stopped and I forgot all about that as well.
I was SO skeptical (since I am a Ph.D. scientist) and I am truly in awe of how she was able to help me. Her gentle nature made me feel so safe that it allowed the energies to be so effective. I also feel that I’ve become a calmer person as a result from working with her. If you only follow one person, make it Jo Fernandes!
~ Cindy O.
I have been having teeth issues since I was a kid. Gum issues have gone on for years too.I had some crowns put in and I was so traumatised.
I had trouble with drinking water and couldn’t open my mouth correctly so the water would come out of the sides of my mouth and I could only drink from a straw for several weeks
Jo worked on my mouth and the next day I was able to drink without a straw. I also had a hard time eating.. After Jo helped me I was able to eat all foods. My cheeks also looked swollen and that went away with her help.
The MP3s have helped me a lot. My gums would bleed a lot after brushing my teeth. Now they no longer bleed. I’m so happy they stopped bleeding. When I had my crowns put in the Dentist said she couldn’t finish the procedure because of the excessive bleeding. My gums felt itchy, red, swollen and after listening they are no longer itchy swollen or red.
So my upper teeth were bothering me and I felt like the liquids I was drinking were getting in a tooth and it was bothering me. I no longer have that feeling and the tooth is not bothering me anymore. I also had some stains on my teeth that have cleared up.
I am feeling much calmer and feel like my body is healing.
Thank you so much, Jo. Your kindness and love have made a great impact in my life. I appreciate you for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this Beta group and for helping me heal my gums and teeth. I was losing hope on healing my teeth and gums and you have done what I thought was impossible.
Love you, Jo!!!
~ Beronica
I recently had a lot of dental work done and my mouth was still feeling very unsettled. My dentist placed a new crown over one of my lower left teeth. It felt tenuous and my bite felt off in the morning when I would wake up. I wasn’t sure if the tooth was still viable. I listened to the teeth and gum mp3’s once a day and I can honestly say that the tooth is feeling much better. I no longer have any pain around that tooth and the swelling is gone.
~ Katie O.
Our Expert

Jo Fernandes
Jo Fernandes is an expert in working with fascia (and yes teeth and bones ARE fascia, listen to the podcast to hear her explain this!), both physically and energetically, with a deep intuitive understanding of the entire cellular matrix and fascia system.
Once the fascia system is balanced, it allows ALL aspects of the human to come to a state of Grace.
Every tooth, bone, scar, injury, and ache or pain means something and is connected to other parts of your body through your fascia system. If something is going on in your life, with one of your organs for example, it will show up in your mouth. The messages go both ways! Jo works with the whole human to help you balance and restore your cellular matrix and fascia to its full functionality, balance the issues in the other parts of your body, and erase the impact on your face!What the program addresses

- Microbiome health: specific MP3s in this program are aimed at managing harmful bacterial, fungal, and viral overgrowth
- Inflammation intervention: The program helps to target inflammation triggers - hormonal disruption, immune system dysregulation, and neurovascular imbalance, addressing issues like brain fog, POTS, IBD, chronic infections, Coeliac Disease, and more
- Pain relief: This program is designed to utilise the latest scientific research to get to the true hidden root cause of your pain, inflammation, illness, dysfunctions, and random defections
- Movement & Flexibility: Going beyond the surface-level, this program initiates a body-wide revival that tackles root causes and regenerates every organ, muscle, and cell in your body, providing an improved range of movement and flexibility
I have had body pain for 55 years after I gave birth to my first born son. The pain has changed from one part of my body to another without knowing the cause and having episodes of extreme tiredness. After many X-rays and blood tests it shows that I have high thyroid antibodies and my spine (neck) is fusing and many bone spurs causing numbness in my hands and lower back bulging disks L3 4 & 5 with more fusing there.
My other joints have bone spurs. cysts and very loose ligaments. It has been a month since I have been listening to the Mp3s and had 2 sessions with Jo and my pain has decreased a lot and I have more movement in my neck and back with greater range with very little pain. My other joints are feeling more stable.
I would recommend Jo wholeheartedly to everyone no matter what you are dealing with as Jo works on all levels. Thank you Jo for all you help and look forward to working with you some more so I can have some good healthy and active years ahead of me ( I am 73 now)
~ Chreanne McLean-Jacobs
I’ve suffered from TMJ and neck pain for decades. Three disc’s in my neck were damaged in an automobile accident in 1981 and I clench & grind my teeth at night. I saw results within 2 weeks. Both the pain in my TMJ and my neck decreased greatly. As an added bonus, I have found myself to be less reactive and much calmer. I wholeheartedly recommend Jo Fernandes. Her packages are very comprehensive and filled with her deep understanding. I have purchased 3 of Jo’s offers and I highly recommend her.
~ MB-Florida
When your teeth and bones are rejuvenated, you can expect:

- Healthy gums
- Stronger teeth
- Brighter smile
- More confidence
- Improved range of movement and flexibility
- Enhanced overall well-being
- Better posture
- Pain relief
- Enhanced physical performance
- Improved joint health
- Reduced risk of osteoporosis
- Elevated energy levels
A Healthier, Happier YOU!
12 MP3s
Teeth & Bone Rejuvenation MP3s
- Psychological clearing thoughts, feelings and emotions
- Astral Body
- Mental body
- Etheric body - balance blueprint of the physical body
- Spiritual body - soul field, soul purpose
- Biochemical body - balance our biochemistry - e.g hormones
- Rhythmic body - balance all rhythms in the body eg breathing, heart
- Structural body - regenerate structures of cells, tissues
- Energetic body - balance energy field
- Sacred geometric shapes - cube, cone, sphere
- Colour Therapy - turquoise, indigo, violet, magenta, gold, silver, copper amongst others
- Cymatic frequencies (relevant to area)
- Telomere regeneration
- Collagen - cushioning in the skin
- Mitochondria
- Light Frequencies


This mp3 include powerful energies that support the mouth including the position of the tongue, alignment, digestion, poison exposure, choking tendencies, the acid/alkaline balance, spaces In between the teeth, saliva and dry mouth.
The frequencies are created to restore enable your mouth to return to its exuberant joy of life.

Also includes frequencies for Clenching & Grinding
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a very important joint in the mouth. Anything that goes wrong with the TMJ can affect any part of the body. This MP3 brings the TMJ into balance, and can restore the balance to the other areas that have been affected. Misalignment especially can cause headaches and also ear issues.
Clenching & Grinding – Many people clench their teeth, others grind them, others do both and usually while asleep. Clenching and grinding blocks important systems in the body in addition to damaging and wearing down the teeth. This MP3 also has frequencies that will bring teeth into alignment in these cases.
You may feel some subtle changes in your mouth. You may also notice your posture change.

There are two types of bone marrow: red and yellow. Red bone marrow contains blood stem cells that can become red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets. Yellow bone marrow is made mostly of fat and contains stem cells that can become cartilage, fat, or bone cells.
This MP3 harmonizes the energetics of the two types of bone marrow to bring all the elements of these into balance.


About 47% of the population of the United States have gum disease.
There is always Inflammation in gum disorders. Gums deteriorate and teeth become loose.
Stress, worry and anxiety are always associated with gum disease, also living life in a coping or surviving mode.
This mp3 contains frequencies to restore the gums to health. You may find that your relationships are better.

Tooth decay occurs as a result of an infection causing cavities. Included are frequencies to clear the energies of cavities, tartar, plaque and also Implants (filling amalgams. titanium implants, bridges, and all other implants and explants).
This mp3 may take you to a place of expansion as these frequencies repair cavities and clear all energies and limitations of dental work done.


The frequencies in this MP3 will tone all your joints to bring them back into a balanced state. Some have remarked that they felt like they had a complete body workout.

Bones are complex and dynamic living tissue and continuously rebuilt by two processes known as remodeling. Both are vital for healthy bone. Bones are made of two components 65% mineralized collagen that give them their solid infrastructure and 35% collagen Matrix resembling a beehive. The matrix is made up of nutrients and minerals that give them flexibility to avoid breaking. This mp3 addresses issues with bone deterioration by providing an energetic mineral bath and clearing all patterns that prevent the remodeling from working optimally.
Often people feel a boost of energy with this mp3.

There are a number of generative points throughout the body that can become blocked. This MP3 is designed to open up those points so that your bones, gums, and teeth can start regenerating.
This MP3 will also open up your receiving in any area of your life and it would be worthwhile to consciously open yourself to receiving, noticing anything that’s changing or what is coming into your life.

12 MP3s
- The Cleanse
- Mouth Rejuvenator
- Jaw (TMJ) Toner
- Bone & Bone Marrow Regeneration
- Root and Crown Support
- Gum Regeneration
- Cavities, Implants, and Explants
- Spiritual and Psychological clearing of the Teeth, Bones, and Gums
- Joint Regeneration
- Remineralizing Bones & Teeth
- Bonus 1: Activating Generative Points
- Bonus 2: Total body Regeneration

Includes Everything in Packages A PLUS
3 Group Calls
90 Days of Remote Healing
ITEMS 11-13

Previously recorded and provided as downloadable file
- Chipped, cracked, or worn teeth
- Uneven, gapped, or overcrowded teeth and other small imperfections
- Stains and Discolouration
- Uneven gum line
- Loss due to tooth decay, gum disease
- Mercury toxicity and other materials like titanium, including in fillings, implants, dentures, and bridges
- Changes in the shape of teeth and size
- Dental mishaps

Previously recorded and provided as downloadable file
- Joint pain
- Pressure from extra weight
- Joint injuries
- Occupational issues like repetitive stress, carpal tunnel
- Swelling
- Infections
- Weak joints that have to be “babied”
- Stiffness
- Tenderness
- Reduced movement and flexibility
- Hormonal balance

Previously recorded and provided as downloadable file
This final group healing session is devoted ENTIRELY TO YOU!
Jo will offer mini-healings for participants and answer all of your questions. When Jo works with individuals during this session, EVERYONE that listens will receive the healing. That means every mini-healing is like an individualized mini-healing for YOU! All you need to do is say YES and be open to receiving. This is a not to be missed opportunity.

12 MP3s
3 Group Calls
90 Days of Remote Healing
- Call 1: Energetic Cosmetic Dentistry
- Call 2: Energetic Joint Repair
- Call 3: Personal Mini-Clearings and Q&A
- 90 Days of Remote Healing
- The Cleanse
- Mouth Rejuvenator
- Jaw (TMJ) Toner
- Bone & Bone Marrow Regeneration
- Root and Crown Support
- Gum Regeneration
- Cavities, Implants, and Explants
- Spiritual and Psychological clearing of the Teeth, Bones, and Gums
- Joint Regeneration
- Remineralizing Bones & Teeth
- Bonus 1: Activating Generative Points
- Bonus 2: Total body Regeneration

Includes Everything in Packages A&B PLUS

One personal session with Jo Fernandes is a profound and life-changing experience. Enjoy a 45-Minute Private Session with Jo to Receive a DEEP Dive into Your Unique Body for MEGA Energy Healing! Jo deploys her unique ability to tap into strange fields and virtual particles that momentarily exist in space but have never been considered in healing before.
This call is focused on YOUR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS including anything unique to you that hasn’t been cleared in the mp3s and group calls. If you have a particularly stubborn area, Jo will figure out the root cause and how to help bring that area into balance. She can also let you know which mp3s to work with the most going forward and give you a specific protocol for your issues.
Private Session with Jo
12 MP3s
3 Group Calls
90 Days of Remote Healing
- 45 min 1:1 Private Session with Jo
- Call 1: Energetic Cosmetic Dentistry
- Call 2: Energetic Joint Repair
- Call 3: Personal Mini-Clearings and Q&A
- 90 Days of Remote Healing
- The Cleanse
- Mouth Rejuvenator
- Jaw (TMJ) Toner
- Bone & Bone Marrow Regeneration
- Root and Crown Support
- Gum Regeneration
- Cavities, Implants, and Explants
- Spiritual and Psychological clearing of the Teeth, Bones, and Gums
- Joint Regeneration
- Remineralizing Bones & Teeth
- Bonus 1: Activating Generative Points
- Bonus 2: Total body Regeneration

What People are Saying...
I rarely relax mostly due to having stiff painful joints and don’t always realise how wound up I am. Jo picked up on this during a session with her. My left hand is a little disfigured with rheumatoid arthritis. My middle finger wouldn’t bend as the knuckle joints were red, raw and calcified.
Prior to this I couldn’t make a fist, but following this clearing my middle finger bent and I was able to form a fist. it was that instant! I would say since then my whole body has been more supple generally. Just brilliant, Jo never fails to amaze me! She gets to the heart of the matter so quickly.
~ M.C.
35 Year right foot limp gone, confidence greatly improved
I had polio as a child and walked with a limp in my right foot. The surgeon at the time put a metal pin so I could walk. A few months ago the pin broke and I also had a minor fracture. I had to have surgery to remove it.
Jo immediately got me walking and I was finally able to drive again. For years I had a stomping gait as I could not flex my right foot. For the first time after Jo worked on me there was so much flexibility, as good as my left foot. I can rotate it as my ankle is so much looser and move my toes and heel up and down. I am no longer embarrassed about my foot. I no longer feel like a cripple and my confidence has greatly improved. I felt such a sense of freedom. I am enjoying wearing different shoes and fashionable clothes and quite frankly what I want!
Jo has completely changed my life. She is kind and generous
~ Nin G.
One other significant thing that I have noticed is less grinding on my left knee. I used to feel quite a bit of grinding when I would move my knee forward and backwards. The grinding noise is gone and my knee feels like it has regained some of the fluid that cushions the knee when it moves.
~ Katie
I have suffered with chilblains over several years. It’s been the bane of my life and has stopped me from doing many things, especially as I am very creative.
Having tried the medical route and not getting anywhere I decided to try this even though I was very skeptical about it. I played the Five Elements Alchemy mp3 for a period of two weeks and was surprised how my nails improved. (See Photographs)
I also felt calmer each time I played it although I wasn’t aware how stressed I actually was until I felt the difference whenever I listened to it.
Usually my fingers and toes are cold in the Winter. This mp3 helped immensely as they don’t get so cold as previously. I am grateful to Jo for providing me with the life altering frequencies in this mp3.
~ Baptist
Stomach Issues, Stubborn Dry Cough, Concussion, Neck Pain, and Throat Pain Healed in One Session!
I had issues with my heart and shortness of breath that remained long after covid (six months). Jo magically diagnosed and cleared in this session.
My breathing was instantly better, and gradually went back to completely normal, and issues with my heart (palpitations, skipped beat, pains) that were occurring daily, decreased to weekly, then monthly, and now hardly ever appear, and are much lighter.
On another occasion, she successfully helped me with different stomach issues, stubborn dry cough, concussion, neck pain, a strong throat pain on one side, for which the doctor sent me to the ultrasound that I never did because she healed it in one session, as well as many other physical and emotional issues.
The greatest additional benefit is my improved family dynamics! The relations in our family are much better!
I would absolutely recommend her work to other people wholeheartedly. I wish that everyone can get this kind of help. I wish her healing to everyone. Her personality is an additional remedy. This is why I asked her to work with my son too, and I am so grateful that she is helping him! Thank you for everything that you do!
~ Vladana Dimitriou
50 year Face swelling gone and I Now Love Having My Photo Taken
I had an amazing and interesting session with Jo regarding a problem that I had for almost 50 years, where my face would swell up almost daily, and on some days my face would look distorted and uneven. It was something I had struggled with my whole life, was often embarrassed about, and would avoid photos being taken of me.
Within a few weeks of my session with Jo my face looked/looks amazing, and I now love having my photo taken. The biggest added bonus was that immediately after the session I felt freer, more in control, so much happier, less stressed, less conflicted and much clearer on what direction my life should go in. Also, since the session so much of my life and life decisions made more sense to me, and I was able to move on from the past leaving it behind me and move forward into the present with much more excitement. I feel reborn! I would wholeheartedly recommend Jo! Her compassionate, kind, gentle and sweet nature, and at the same time her assertiveness to see what is not right; together with her incredible gifts as a healer, and her deep knowledge of the human body and mind; is not only impressive, but also reassuring knowing you are in good hands with an ethical healer.
~ PB
My symptoms were Bloating and my body felt twisted hence my knee was hurting. The Bloating has been for about 40 years and the twist for about 10 years. The bloating is much better, I feel lighter and my clothes are not as tight. I am delighted that my walking gait has changed, and my pelvis is now moving correctly and is no longer blocked which means I feel much straighter and my pelvic muscles are not as tight on my right hand side. I feel much more natural now when I am walking so I can walk the dogs further and my knee doesn’t hurt.
I feel lighter now and more connected to my higher self and the direction I need to follow to fulfill my purpose. Each session touched on an emotional block and Jo sensitively released them without me needing to remind myself of any difficult or painful feelings. Jo is very genuine, kind, and generous and hugely talented.
~ Helen S.
When I first went to Jo, over six years ago now, I’d been suffering with the effects of PCOS for 10 years. I had all the usual symptoms, weight gain, bad skin, irregular periods, among others. Jo worked specifically on this condition and the results were amazing! The morning after the appointment, I noticed a large jelly-like ball the size of a large marble when I went to the toilet. Over the next few weeks, I noticed an improvement in my mood and my skin looked clearer, my periods became regular too. A few months later I went for my checkup scan and the operator was left speechless when the ultrasound had revealed both ovaries were normal in appearance. I continue to see Jo on a regular basis as she keeps my body in balance. I honestly can’t recommend Jo enough, no matter what ailment you suffer with I am 100% sure Jo can heal it.
~ O. Willis
Scoliosis is one of my son’s challenges. His back is so much better that he stopped wearing a brace he purchased himself from the internet. While writing this, I realized that his back is much straighter, so much straighter that I did not notice it lately.
About 2 weeks ago, I asked Jo to check my thyroid because I had a physical coming up. She said that my thyroid was fine. Today, I had my annual check-up. My doctor could not find the lump I had in my thyroid. Yay! She was right. It’s gone. Thanks Jo! Yay!
~ Laurie
I requested treatment from Jo as I was in constant pain in my hamstrings and could barely walk. I was on countless pain killers that didn’t work, and doctors said they couldn’t do anything to alleviate my pains. Since October 2021 to the present day, I had eleven falls. A fall about 6 weeks ago caused my left wrist to fracture. I often drop things. I also have shoulder pain and difficulty lifting my right arm.
I’ve also had repeated TIAs as a result of extractions of most of my upper teeth 3 years ago which made my jowls sag and also affected my memory.
The session felt so good! After that, I was standing more upright and completely pain free in my legs, shoulder and wrist immediately after the session and have been for a few days now. I can also lift my right arm and am walking better and further.
I noticed there was a remarkable lift in my face after the session. To my delight when my husband got home from work, he remarked how upright my posture was and how my face was glowing and also said how younger I looked.
Jo is an extraordinarily talented healer. I have worked with so many. She is thoughtful and caring and has a wealth of knowledge. I have more sessions booked as there are a lot more issues to heal.
~ Louise Cesa
40-Year Lymphedema in Both Legs Completely Reversed!
I had been suffering from Lymphedema in both legs for close to 40 Years. My thighs to my feet were enormous and swollen though I was very slim in my upper body. In one session this completely reversed!
~ Anne
Private Session with Jo
3 Group Calls
90 Days of Remote Healing
12 MP3s
- 45 min 1:1 Private Session with Jo
- Call 1: Energetic Cosmetic Dentistry
- Call 2: Energetic Joint Repair
- Call 3: Personal Mini-Clearings and Q&A
- 90 Days of Remote Healing
- The Cleanse
- Mouth Rejuvenator
- Jaw (TMJ) Toner
- Bone & Bone Marrow Regeneration
- Root and Crown Support
- Gum Regeneration
- Cavities, Implants, and Explants
- Spiritual and Psychological clearing of the Teeth, Bones, and Gums
- Joint Regeneration
- Remineralizing Bones & Teeth
- Bonus 1: Activating Generative Points
- Bonus 2: Total body Regeneration

3 Group Calls
90 Days of Remote Healing
12 MP3s
- Call 1: Energetic Cosmetic Dentistry
- Call 2: Energetic Joint Repair
- Call 3: Personal Mini-Clearings and Q&A
- 90 Days of Remote Healing
- The Cleanse
- Mouth Rejuvenator
- Jaw (TMJ) Toner
- Bone & Bone Marrow Regeneration
- Root and Crown Support
- Gum Regeneration
- Cavities, Implants, and Explants
- Spiritual and Psychological clearing of the Teeth, Bones, and Gums
- Joint Regeneration
- Remineralizing Bones & Teeth
- Bonus 1: Activating Generative Points
- Bonus 2: Total body Regeneration

12 MP3s
- The Cleanse
- Mouth Rejuvenator
- Jaw (TMJ) Toner
- Bone & Bone Marrow Regeneration
- Root and Crown Support
- Gum Regeneration
- Cavities, Implants, and Explants
- Spiritual and Psychological clearing of the Teeth, Bones, and Gums
- Joint Regeneration
- Remineralizing Bones & Teeth
- Bonus 1: Activating Generative Points
- Bonus 2: Total body Regeneration

Sharron –
This is my second program from Jo Fernandez and I am already noticing a difference in my gums.
I have a cracked tooth that the dentist says fixing, so fingers crossed it repairs by itself through listening to the program. I will update on the progress in a few weeks.
Vivian –
I am seeking help with my jaw, a broken tooth and shoulder pain. Jo has been teaching me how to relieve the pain to promote healing as well helping me by working on my jaw energetically Jo is so lovely to talk to and I look forward to appointments with her. I have had some relief of the jaw pain and I am just at the beginning stages of sorting out my other challenges and I feel confident that Jo will help me navigate these issues.
Laura –
I have just finished my third time through this program and must say my teeth are feeling so much better. I have much less pain when I’m eating and certain foods don’t trigger pain anymore. While listening to the sessions I can often feel the healing occurring, it’s amazing. So much thanks to you Jo xx
Deirdre C. –
I asked Jo to assist with a crown replacement which involved healing for the original tooth. Her healing resulted in an wonderfully easy, flowing experience. But Jo did more. She asked what the issue was. It turned out to be a relationship with a parent. Jo had me do a surprising and surprisingly simple ritual right then. The result was profound healing and closure with that relationship beyond what I could imagine. The experience still moves me months later. My deepest gratitude Jo.
Linda Janssen –
All I can say is Jo is a gift from God! She has helped me immensely with my teeth issues, had infections a lot and they have stopped. Had a session with Jo and she has helped me with so many issues, I feel so much better just talking with her, she is kind, gentle and oh so helpful, I will continue to follow Jo.
SC Robinson –
I have an upper molar that the dentist compares to fine china–full of tiny cracks (a.k.a., fragile). I bit something wrong. It was a minor mis-bite, but the tooth started hurting. I figured I had chipped it. The pain got worse. My jaw started hurting. Eating was not fun. I was afraid the dentist would want to pull the tooth, so I started doing everything I could think of to heal it. And I remembered Jo talking about how teeth could regrow. I focused on that and the energy. The tooth healed. I play the dental program daily. If I forget for a couple of days, the tooth starts having tiny twinges. Clearly, there is some good healing still going on. I am so happy and glad I have Jo’s program. I believe that my teeth are in better shape because of it. Thank you!
Bee Bee –
I’m incredibly grateful for Jo’s dental program and private session. Since starting, I’ve noticed a significant reduction in pain in my teeth and gums compared to before. There has definitely been a noticeable change, and my teeth feel much stronger now. Highly recommended!
Ann Adams –
I was very pleased to find Jo’s package as I have been looking for help in the mouth/teeth area for a while and was at a loss about what to do. I had a tooth that needed to come out but due to previous radiation I had for throat cancer regular dentist could not take it out. I also had low saliva flow which led to other teeth and gum issues. I have spent the last 2 years having infections in my mouth, jaw and other parts of my body due to the infections under the tooth. Jo’s processes brought up traumas and also helped clear them, more was done in my session and she also cleared the radiation. It helped me to have hope that I can fix this problem so sought out a holistic dentist. I found one who has since taken the tooth out successfully and removed the infection and dead tooth and bone it caused. Also, I have used Jo’s mp3s to assist with the healing around this. I am now free of infection and have a little more saliva flow. I am looking forward to regenerating my other teeth and gums and growing a new tooth.
Beth –
Jo is a compassionate healer who always goes the extra mile for clients. I had a mass biopsied and was scheduled for surgery. A week prior, I had a session with Jo. Day of surgery, doctors could no longer locate the mass.The teeth and bone program is extensive. The group calls were amazing, but did require a large block of time. Interestingly, I just read an article about the field of dentistry admitting a certain percentage of people have a 3rd set of teeth and research is ongoing in the field of regenerative methods. Collective consciousness can change! My only issue is I have to be more disciplined to listen to the MP3’s. I always watch for Jo’s programs. She is a gift!
Gina –
Absolutely LOVE Jo! I have been working with her for a couple years and she is one of the most generous healers I’ve worked with. She is extremely giving of her time and energy and is truly invested in helping people heal. I have several of her packages and I’ve received healing from each one of them!
Leigh Crooks –
I have gone through and fully done the program, its pleasant easy listening. I need to do it again for the second time as I know I will get more benefit. I found that I had almost a physical detox reaction on some of the mp3s and purging of emotion that I found uncomfortable but as a healer myself I understand how valuable and necessary this was. So far I have found that I have less pain in my teeth and gums than I had before, There has certainly been a change but I intuitively know I will need to do this program a few times as my dental issues were quite severe.
I love Jo’s work and have been listening to her for years on various shows, highly recommend any of her programs. Happivize your show rocks, and thank you for allowing your listeners to download a copy of the podcasts for future listening, much gratitude for this:-)
Eileen –
This is my third program with Jo and she never ceases to amaze me with her knowledge and healing powers. I’ve noticed my teeth are whiter and my jaw doesn’t hurt as much. I’m not grinding my teeth as much when I sleep. My bones feel different and stronger. I enjoyed my private session and listen to it often. I’m very grateful for Jo and highly recommend her programs.
Barbara Szmyt –
I am very grateful for Jo’s dental program and private session. Her manner was very sensitive and insightful. She touched on the heart of my challenge and, in addition, adressed a very personal issue and cleared it. Jo was so patient and understanding that I felt much lighter just talking to her. As I continue to listen to the MP3’s, l am more aware of subtle improvements in my toe joints (hammertoes) and neck pain.
Jo is a very special person with very special gifts!!! I am most grateful!❤️
Deborah Lamb –
I have enjoyed listening to the replays and feel benefit even after the fact. I would suggest repeating questions so that when we listen to the replay, we have a better recollection of the true meaning of the answers.
I really like Jo’s manner and am impressed with her knowledge.
Carolyn –
Jo’s work is absolutely incredible and all encompassing! After years of suffering with gum and jaw issues, I am now healing and am experiencing a huge shift physically and on many levels. I have been using her teeth and bone Mp3’s for 5 weeks now and felt a shift in the first couple of days. I just had the most wonderful phone session with her and feel like I have shifted again on many levels. Thank you Jo! You are amazing!
Valerie –
Jo programs are all amazing. My gums are strong er and my teeth are whitening with every listen. Also pain I had in knee from a sports injury gone. Thank you
Chreanne –
Thank you Jo, your healings are fantastic
I have been listening to the Bones Mp3’s and they have helped me so, much. For years I have had loose joints and ligaments which has cost me a fortune at the Chiropractor. Now I listen to these mp3’s and I have an adjustment without leaving home and not the cost either. My pain level has gone down a lot and I am feeling so much better. My personal Chiropractor home visit. These mp3’s will be used for a long time to come.
Michelle Godsell –
Hi there. I am amazed at the changes since using these mp3s. No side effects from drugs i need to take. Heavy head and aches from tmj are gone. Missed a few nights when i was away and noticed myself slipping back. Definitely the tapes are working. Would recommend anyone to give them a try. Thank you Jo and Aimee for changing my life.
Nancy Blair –
I’m thrilled with Jo’s energy healing! My knees feel stronger & don’t feel like they are having l caving on me anymore as the energy flowed through legs. My teeth are healing. And my gums are not as receding as much. I’m so pleased with all that’s going on in my body! Thank you Jo! You’re amazing! 🥰💕💞💝
Beronica Garcia –
Hello, This package has been amazing like all of the previous packages from Jo,
My gums don’t feel as swollen and my teeth looked yellowish before but now they look whiter. There was a tooth that was bothering me and with Jo’s help it stopped bothering. I feel like I had an infection going on and Jo cleared that. My mouth and teeth are feeling better. Still have to continue listening to the call replays and MP3s and I’m excited about all the possibilities. Love all the clearings that Jo does on the calls. Love Jo and I am so grateful to work with this powerful , beautiful, loving and caring healer.
What else is possible and how does it get any better than this.❤️❤️❤️Thank you
Eileen –
I love Jo. She is kind and generous in her being and so knowledgeable.
Susan Cress –
I had been having constant neck pain for a year ever since some shelves collapsed on my head. The pain went away during the live call. I bought the program. The pain does come back after a day or two, then goes away when I listen to the mp3s. I am confident the healing will continue to get stronger as I am consistent with the program.
Faye –
Faye – My teeth feel much stronger than previously. Thank you so much for all that you bring to your programs!
Donna –
Very happy with the results.Pain I had in one troublesome tooth is better.Teeth are whiter.
Jo is AMAZING! She doesn’t waist anytime! I had struggled for years with anxiety in my gut and I could INSTANTLY feel the release of inflammation! Thank you Jo
Deirdre –
Amazing. Thank you so much. On Christmas Eve I was experiencing severe pain in my jaw, gums, teeth and felt an upper tooth very loose and likely to come out. I experienced complete relief with Jo’s recordings and the loose tooth is now secure. I’m deeply grateful. I continue to work with the recordings daily as preventative measure.
Vanessa Stewart –
Jo gives so much of her time, knowledge and healing energy. I always feel better after a session with Jo, emotionally, physically and mentally. Thank you Jo!
Linda McCallum –
I was so impressed with Jo, she was accurate in her reading and gave me hope that I can overcome this issue. She gave me great ideas to help with my health issue. Jo is very kind and compassionate and I would definitely consult with her again and recommend her to others.
Kathleen –
I highly recommend all of Jo’s work. Not only do my teeth feel better but my jaw has been realigned and the group calls were specific and very helpful.
Eva Gilde –
Jo cleared my overarm When it was broken. It was as if every fiber in it were turned around. Very painful. To prepare for the healing. A lot of work for me to do, but I believe in her powerful meditations. She is a strong seer and healer.
Ann –
I can’t recommend Jo’s Teeth and Bone package highly enough. Jo,s packages have a very generous content and this one is no different. If you are at all drawn to it I don’t think you will regret purchasing it.
The package came up after my dentist had referred me to a periodontist for an assessment for a couple of gum issues involving one of my front teeth which was slightly loose. I have put the visit to the periodontist on hold (I wasn’t sure about it anyway).
The most noticeable breakthrough for me is my front tooth has much less movement in fact now it is barely noticeable at all!! I would say the gum around that tooth is no longer inflamed in fact I think the gum ‘pocket’ has gone.
The information I have gleaned from her with not only the first call with Aimee but the calls within the package has made me review all of my dental care (heavily fluoride based etc.). It’s also made me realise that I have probably followed my dentists advice (he is a big fan of fluoride) and flossing with “brushes” which I now believe has created some further gum recession rather than ease it.
I am continuing with listening to the mp3s of this package to improve not only my dental and bone health but other areas of the body.
I am looking forward to my one to one with Jo in a few weeks time.
Thank you Jo and thank you Aimee for introducing me to Jo’s work
Marion –
Jo is such a sweetheart and this package is wonderful. I play it out loud for myself and my 4 furbabies and they love it too – has calming effect on them. I would highly recommend this to anyone.
Rae –
Very effective and Jo is a dream come true of kindness and knowledge. in our one on one she discovered some things no-one has ever told me before and i am better for working with her. i will continue! the mp3s are easy and wonderful to listen to and my very scary tooth cavity is about half the size it was. also all my teeth some more solid in the gums and, even better, i no longer stress about them at all! this is a life changing course and i loved every minute of it.
carmen –
Huge breakthroughs !!!! And the sensitivity in my teeth is gone. Thanks you Jo!