Mia den Haan’s Success & Spirit Special Offer
[/offer_section]All recordings work with higher guidance to allow a natural and gentle progressive shift to occur. This happens in your own divine timing, in alignment with what you need at any given time. Your Soul and Spirit will always automatically align you to your “next best version” of you.
Your Soul knows what you need and will always provide the right insight and support for your highest good.
When you start listening to each of these MP3s your Soul and your own innate wisdom will recognize your true intent and begin to release any unnecessary issues, blockages or patterns that may prevent success for your chosen topic.
Each of these products builds a new flow from within. This happens with help of Spirit to make it easy for you to create a shift in belief or attitude and to provide new insights.

Create more success in any chosen area of your life. Create more well-being and feel successful from within by allowing Spirit to heal areas in any given part of your life preventing your success.
With help of the Your Divine Soul Essence™ method of healing with Spirit you can now allow more successful outcomes to flow into all areas of your life.
Mia received this method from Spirit in 2002 through her ability to channel, and has helped many people all over the world in bringing more wellness back in all areas of their life.
The spiritual energy and channeled content in each module allows you and your Soul to shift rapidly from your existing state to a better, more successful state.
Each module looks at one of the many different ways your success can be blocked and each module hold its own unique clearings. These modules will clear deeper subconscious layers and beliefs such as fears of failure and success, fears of the unknown, fears of the future and resistance to change.
If you want more success in your life then each of these modules can assist you.
Each of these 9 modules includes an eBook or worksheet, which helps with focus in relation to the clearing process on the accompanying recording.
Your Soul knows who you are and can assist in bringing success in any chosen area of your life. It knows the overall direction of your life at any given point in time. It completely understands you and knows what is needed to heal the obstacles or misalignments to your success. It knows what you are able to clear at any given NOW moment.
With the help of Spirit and the channeled contents on the MP3s, blockages and misalignments to success will automatically begin to clear. This will all happen in a gentle way and in alignment with your present activities and situation.

The wisdom of your Soul and Spirit will do all the clearings for you, while you can continue with your normal day-to-day living.
This healing process called “Your Divine Soul Essence™ method of healing with Spirit” is unique and was given to Mia in 2002, after which her healings became more profound and she was able to perform more and more miracle healings. Mia has a multisensory awareness and can simultaneously provide healings in multiple dimensions with help of her clairvoyant and channeling ability and with help of spiritual guidance.
Recently I bought Mia´s Your Divine Soul Essence Healing Package on Success. I bought it together with a personal session which adds extra value. I feel the personal session takes care of that which needs deeper digging so I always take the opportunity to buy the version with a session included. This is the 3d or maybe 4th time I bought one of her packages. I think they give much value in that they provide so much healing/clearing and can be used again and again. I just finished listening to the 5 modules on Success for the 2nd time and it feels like I am going to continue repeating them as I feel improvements each time. All in all I have seen great improvements since I started with Mia´s healing work about a year ago. Highly recommended!
Mia’s Divine Essence Soul Healing on Success is an amazing and unique healing program for continuous spiritual growth and soul maturation in the here and now. It goes deep and wide. This is support for life. Clearings go not only deep into many layers but also heal many aspects of the bigger picture to ensure continued success in the many areas where success is blocked.
I started the program in a bit of a hurry as there were potential complications and delays brewing around an extra income source. As a result of using Mia’s Divine Essence Soul Healing on Success, not only did the best outcome to my situation come about within the week I completed my first round of the 5 modules, another long-delayed project got the push it needed to progress. After 4 years of confusion, procrastination and feeling jinxed, these events were the long-awaited breakthroughs I needed to regain my confidence. I feel more directed than ever before.
Mia’s unique teachings and clearings have furthered my understanding of soul and spirit in a way that has allowed my mind to quieten down enough for my heart to now lead the way to a life with less stress and more happiness. I am now ready to show up fully in the world, aligned with my Soul’s purpose, and with Spirit’s guidance.
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