Gosia on Spiritual Energy Cleanse
Scans from Gosia are closed now that the live calls have started.
Check our FB page for other scans available now.
You can download the podcasts and the separate Foreign Energies Body Clearing Mp3 click here.
Spiritual Energy Cleanse
Be your True Authentic Self
Energies are everywhere, all around us, inside bodies, spaces, places, and objects!
When your spiritual energy is clear, you are no longer entangled with these energies and frequencies and can be the true, authentic YOU. This makes life a lot easier!
Outside energies may be influencing you if you notice:
- Despite trying so many things that works for others, you just can’t make something happen in one or more areas of your life (money, relationship, health wise etc)
- Low or fading energy
- Inexplicable pains, aches, discomfort
- Inner resistance to focusing, taking action, and following through on important matters

- Moodiness and unexplained new behaviors, likes, or dislikes
- Depression, anger, aggression or other mental health issues
- Negative self talk and judgment, racing or intrusive thoughts
- Family patterns manifestations that you cannot change
- Voices or messages from outside of you

We often think of entities and immediately imagine scary-sounding demons and spirits, but we don’t need to be scared.
We are each a SOVEREIGN being of love and light and already have all the power we need to dismiss them, even the ones that might seem powerful.
But sometimes we can use a little help in even discovering them in the first place (they can be good at hiding!)
Gosia’s Unique Approach
- I quickly discover underlying energies that cause an issue or problem and clear them
- There is no place and space that I’m unwilling to go in order to clear the root of the problem
- My approach is traversing through space, time, dimensions, realties and lifetimes
- Your issues might be lodged in your physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual body, I’ll remove it from every level of existence
There are many types of outside energies that can affect you
- Entities and spirits (neutral, benevolent, malicious or a combination)
- Nano-technology and AI implants, DNA modifications, mutations, programs, and matrix*
- Alien influences creating victim mentality, disempowerment, sexual misery, patriarchal structures, harmful dogmas, and more
- Holograms, avatars, clones, synthetic overlays, lower and artificial timelines*
- Family and ancestor’s negative patterns, behaviors, beliefs, karma
- Cords, contracts, attachments
- Limiting thoughts, feelings, and emotions

* These are explained in more detail in the item descriptions
Why Gosia is the perfect expert to help you

The last fourteen years I have spent traveling all over North & South America, Europe, and Africa teaching classes and workshops on: entities clearing, consciousness, awareness, women empowerment, psychic abilities, spirit awareness and communication, health and energy healing, abundance, relationships, and many more.
Clients hire me to expand their lives, eliminate energetic blocks, negative frequencies, entity possessions, and mental health issues. I assist them to liberate themselves from limitations, fear, anxiety, painful past, experiences, and events that lead to raising their vibrations, light quotient, presence, source connection and aligning with their highest aspects. My work is highly intuitive, with powerful energy transmissions, activations, downloads, upgrades, recalibrations, and harmonizations.Once Gosia has helped you to clear these energies, you will feel
- Energetic clarity, presence, joy, lightness of the body
- Strong sense of self worth and strength
- Pains and aches gone
- Strong source connection
- Ability to connect to intuition and innate wisdom
- Monkey chatter and negative self-talk gone
- Stable, grounded, supported
- Invisible blocks and limitations gone
- Ready and able to create!
Here are your options...
8 MP3s
3 Recorded Group Calls
Optional: Add your Household

including synthetic intelligence, nano-technology, injections, toxins MP3
We live in a modern world surrounded by technology that makes our lives easier, connects us with people and places across the world in an instant, gives us access to a wealth of information but also presents serious threats to our divine sovereignty, freedom, health and vitality.
It has become crucial to address the immeasurable infiltrations, hijackings, DNA modifications, mutations, hybridization coming from the synthetic and artificial intelligence frequencies.
Through recent events and the introduction of medical interventions many bodies are flooded with nanobots, nano-technology, and unknown toxic substances slowly (or rapidly) changing the biology of a human being. Even if one opted out of receiving the injections, it is impossible to avoid it entirely. The contract element is not there (permission to be injected with those substances) but the exposure is present through transmission, chemtrails, polluted waters and food.
In this recording I address the many facets of the problem, consequences, influences, and results of the exposure, infiltrations, and hijacking of our divinity. One by one it will be cleared, pulled or transmuted, neutralized, demagnetized, extracted, or released. Your body will feel clearer, lighter, more balanced and harmonized.

Negative alien agendas plagued humanity from the very beginning, altering and corrupting our bodies, natural way of living, polluting our minds, siphoning our life force energy. Their false ideas have infiltrated education, politics, medicine, academia, religions, entertainment. It created victim mentality, disempowerment, sexual misery, patriarchal structures, harmful dogmas, and more. It did (and continues to do so) everything to disconnect us from our innate wisdom, divinity, remembrance, compassion, feeling empowered, authentic, and aligned.
In this recording I address various implementations of negative alien frequencies and agendas into our lives and shift or clear them out of your body, space and consciousness.

holograms, avatars, clones, synthetic overlays, lower and artificial timelines
This is an advanced clearing track of new phenomena I found during the sessions with clients that offered a great deal of relief and lightness. Holograms, avatars, synthetic overlays, connections to lower and artificial timelines drain your energy, create unhealthy control over your mind, steal your life force energy, impact your choices, make you feel rigid, robotic, and cold. This kind of technology is a part of the inorganic negative influence on the planet that has humanity enslaved for millenia. It desires to copy, hybridize, and control our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.
As a result of this clearing you might feel very different, more present with a stronger sense of self.

negative patterns, behaviors, beliefs, karma, contracts, agreements, etc.
We all have some kind of family issues. From displaying negative patterns that keep showing up, sad memories, events, relationships, traumas, to history of mental, spiritual, monetary, physical or sexual abuse. Some themes seem to be generational and no matter how hard we try to change them, we find ourselves in the same situations over and over again. Some examples of them are poverty consciousness, disempowerment, abuse, and health issues. We might have old soul contracts that bring us back together and need to be acknowledged, healed, and resolved.
All of the above will be addressed and cleared. You will feel lighter and happier without the burdens of your family and open the doors to more harmonious, loving, and compassionate relationships.

including attachments, spirits, death space, trickster spirits, negative created entities, demons, dark oversouls, cords, attachments, psychic attacks, curses
Entities in general are energies that surround us almost at all times. From spirits of people that passed away, earth spirits, created egregors/fields of energies, to their darker counterparts like demons or negative oversouls, we encounter them often without knowledge of their presence. They can have a powerful negative influence on our lives and bodies. Sudden, unexplained changes in mood, behaviors, likes and dislikes, sometimes accompanied by depression, anger, or even aggression, might be a sign of entities being present.
Not all spirits are bad and some are here to assist us or have a closure of some kind. They are usually family members or friends who passed away and didn’t have a chance to say goodbye or there were some unresolved situations. If they linger for too long or come into our body, their presence might not be to our benefit even if we loved them or cared about them. It might be better if they left and followed the correct trajectory of the soul.
In this recording I will address the presence of all possible entities and revoke any permissions they might have been given and clear them. It will work for you if any of those cases apply to you, if not, nothing will happen.

radiation, Cell Phone, 5G Towers and Antennas, Microwaves
We are surrounded by more and more advanced and powerful technology that is supposed to make our lives easier but it’s making us sick, weak, and compromised. Cell phones became inseparable from us, 5G and cell phone towers are everywhere, and there are all kinds of other harmful and nefarious radiations we are exposed to.
This recording will fortify your field to become more resilient to different types of radiation you are exposed to on a daily basis as well as have the capacity to transmute the frequencies on contact.

We often feel very connected to the vastness of the cosmos when we look up at a starry night. Many of us have this inexplicable longing for the real family that is not our biological family but a distant dream. There are thousands of different races in the universe. We were living on many different planets, in many different galaxies and even universes. If you are a Starseed you will feel pulled to creating or strengthening communication and contact with your Galactic friends and family.
In this recording we will open the pathways of communications and activate the galactic psychic receptor. We will also clear memories and traumas from any galactic wars, destruction of the planets or losing home.

During this and many other lifetimes we accumulate so much of what we truly aren’t. We are sovereign beings of light embodied having a (sometimes very) human experience. The more we claim and acknowledge this truth, the more light we embody.
In this recording we will activate, align, recalibrate, harmonize, amplify energies and frequencies that will facilitate more purity, light quotient, love, and strengthen your source connection. You came here to shine your light, be it!

Previously recorded and replay link provided

Previously recorded and replay link provided

Previously recorded and replay link provided
Ask any question and/or share feedback. Mini-clearings for anyone who requests one, and those clearings will also be received by everyone listening live and or to the replay if beneficial for them. I process and shift energies very fast and explain while I’m doing it, be ready for a lot of shifts!
3 Recorded Group Calls
8 MP3s
- Clearing Artificial Intelligence and Nano-tech
- Clearing Negative Alien Influences
- Clearing New Phenomena of Enslavement
- Clearing Family and Ancestors
- Clearing Entities, Cords, Attacks, Curses
- Clearing Electromagnetic Sensitivity
- Connecting with your Galactic Family
- Being of Embodied Light
- Call 1: Bringing in the Light
- Call 2: Reading Energies and Maintenance
- Call 3: Q&A and Mini Clearings

Includes Everything in Packages A PLUS

We will work together to quickly discover underlying foundational energies that create limiting patterns, self destructive behaviors, negative programs, that I clear, change, and transform.
I am an expert on the world of entities (energies, spirits, light beings,
nature spirits, demons, extraterrestrials) and when necessary, I clear, and/or
communicate with them.
My work is very intuitive, inquisitive, and insightful, shifting the lives of everyone who experiences it.
My focus is to assist you in achieving your highest energetic purity, vibrations, and potential as well as state of harmony and balance in every aspect of your life.
Through multitude of tools and techniques I will empower you to shift and
change what is not working for you, clear the blocks, and invite you to live in a state of ease, joy and vibrant health.
25 min Private Session with Gosia
3 Recorded Group Calls
8 MP3s
- 25 min 1:1 Private Session with Gosia
- Clearing Artificial Intelligence and Nano-tech
- Clearing Negative Alien Influences
- Clearing New Phenomena of Enslavement
- Clearing Family and Ancestors
- Clearing Entities, Cords, Attacks, Curses
- Clearing Electromagnetic Sensitivity
- Connecting with your Galactic Family
- Being of Embodied Light
- Call 1: Bringing in the Light
- Call 2: Reading Energies and Maintenance
- Call 3: Q&A and Mini Clearings

What Gosia's Clients are Saying...
Look! All your tests are normal! It’s a miracle
~ Sanaz G. – CA
~ Alisa J. – FL
I had the most wonderful and incredible session with Gosia! Having a session with Gosia is like unlocking a deeper part of yourself. Where you can release the old, bring in the new and allow a better version of yourself to come through. Gosia is very insightful and listens to what your body is trying to communicate to you. Working with Gosia is magical, transformative and beautiful. Thank you Gosia :) ~ L. Wong
Fully Empowered
Gosia has a truly amazing skill set that is so needed at this time on the planet. She is highly trained and aware of the spirit world, helping people to free themselves from portals, ancestral ties, walk-ins, entities, galactic beings, demons, and past contracts, resulting in the ability to stand in their own power. At this time, when the astral plane is being compressed in preparation for the new paradigm, more and more people are dealing with past contracts that have come due from the many lifetimes lived. Whatever the issue, she has been able to give the tools necessary for clearing so that people can live the life they choose, fully empowered. She is truly fearless and helps each person to not only understand their own ability, but also their divinity. I trust her completely and will continue to refer people to her because of her ability to help people heal and evolve. ~ Dr. Kimberly Woods, CO
Gosia Lorenze’s work is a game-changer. It’s a deep spiritual cleanse for your soul. Initially, I didn’t realize how much I needed this, but after experiencing her unique abilities, I can’t imagine my life without them. I am an intuitive consultant and work with energy and the psychic realm daily. Her energy clearings have become as essential to me as daily self-care. I highly recommend exploring Gosia’s work if you seek a profound transformation at the cellular level! ~ Elly Molina – Intuitive Consultant, Visionary, Mentor and Dreamweaver
Last night, I listened to a meditation and felt a deep relaxation right from the beginning. I had been waking up at 3 a.m. and couldn’t fall back asleep, but today, to my surprise, I slept through the night like a rock.
It’s also worth mentioning that for the last two weeks, I felt very unwell – heavy, senseless, and aimless. What overwhelmed me exceeded my capacity, which resulted in procrastinating many tasks. However, today I got up with new energy, started to organize my affairs, and I feel much lighter, convinced that I can handle it. ~ Anna S. Bristol, UKDEEP CLEARING ON ISSUES I'VE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO ACCESS
I’ve known for years that I (like most people) have deep inherited family issues that are causing blocks in my life, specifically for me with money and self worth. The first time listening to Gosia’s family pattern clearing track it totally knocked me out and put me to sleep because of the deep clearing. The second time listening I had revelations surface that I’ve somehow never been able to see before. I’ve now been playing it on repeat in my free time for the past couple days and I feel so much lighter and more capable of manifesting in my life. I know this is doing very deep clearing work on issues I’ve never been able to access, and I know it’s shifting things in my internal and external world. ~ Melissa S. CA
In the negative Family Pattern Clearing I was able to connect with my inner child. I saw myself as five year old after being abused and abandoned without a single word, look or consolation. I came as a mother and I took my five year old self into my arms. I could feel her pain, fear, horror. I held her. She cried and I set with her in the space of the present moment. The time stopped and the healing magic came on silent feet….My inner child received all the love that it did not get back then when the trauma happened and she was left alone in silence…The old oozing wound was healed during this clearing. I am endlessly grateful for this transformative experience. ~ Anna Brown, CA
25 min Private Session with Gosia
3 Recorded Group Calls
8 MP3s
- 25 min 1:1 Private Session with Gosia
- Clearing Artificial Intelligence and Nano-tech
- Clearing Negative Alien Influences
- Clearing New Phenomena of Enslavement
- Clearing Family and Ancestors
- Clearing Entities, Cords, Attacks, Curses
- Clearing Electromagnetic Sensitivity
- Connecting with your Galactic Family
- Being of Embodied Light
- Call 1: Bringing in the Light
- Call 2: Reading Energies and Maintenance
- Call 3: Q&A and Mini Clearings

3 Recorded Group Calls
8 MP3s
- Clearing Artificial Intelligence and Nano-tech
- Clearing Negative Alien Influences
- Clearing New Phenomena of Enslavement
- Clearing Family and Ancestors
- Clearing Entities, Cords, Attacks, Curses
- Clearing Electromagnetic Sensitivity
- Connecting with your Galactic Family
- Being of Embodied Light
- Call 1: Bringing in the Light
- Call 2: Reading Energies and Maintenance
- Call 3: Q&A and Mini Clearings

Carolyn –
Gosia Lorenz and her work is first class! My private session wirh her went deep and cleared so much stuff I did not know was in my body and energy fields. I definitely reccomend her work and a session with Gosia!
Tracey Holmes –
Definitely reccommend 100%
I definitely felt a shift in my energy especially with the attachments of energies gone ..
Gosia helped me on my journey of shifting energies …now its up to me ..Thankyou Universe and Thankyou Gosia ..I appreciate you
Carole –
I had the best session ever with Gosia. The clearing was deep and precise. She was loving and reassuring and cleared so much. I was able to be and now stay in my body. I recommended Gosia to my daughter and her session was amazing, she has not had night terrors since then. I also love the mp3s I play it constantly to clear negativity in the house. I 100% recommend her, you won’t regret it.
Tara –
I found some of the recordings incredibly helpful and potent. My body responded right away with deep breaths, a more spacious feeling, like I was actually in my body and present as and with more mental clarity. The one on ones were very helpful. Gosia makes you feel like you have a true ally; like you’re not alone. Super genuine, super loving and gentle but firm. It’s all a blast. I’d love to be doing this stuff all day long.
Seann Ryon –
Gosia is gifted and sincere. Her abilities are evident and I felt instantly comfortable with her during the private session. I would say her program requires revisiting on my part but there is value in it. Worthwhile for me to work with her offering from Happivize. The group clearings were powerful but could have used more concentrated work as opposed to info. Thanks.
Rajeshwari –
Gosia’s energy is very calm and nurturing. I especially found the 1-1 call to be the most supportive as she identified some issues right away. It felt to me like there could be more mini-clearings on the call recordings but the first call was good for aligning us to be the only one in our bodies. I am continuing to listen to the MP3 recordings and while I don’t have significant shifts in my 3D yet, I have overall felt more centred and there are more bursts of peace than before.