Original Interview with Linda Braden - Freedom to Move
Q&A with Linda Braden
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Linda can help you
- Significantly reduce or eliminate pain
- Improve range of motion and flexibility
- Resume favorite activities
- Feel renewed hope that they just don’t have to live with it
About Linda Braden

As an advocate for wellbeing in all areas of life, Linda is passionate about enhancing the balance of mind body and spirit. Our bodies have an inner knowingness that allows for profound change and infinite possibilities in our lives. Supporting people as they move towards their goals and experience success every day is a passion. Linda believes that optimum health and wellness is attainable for everyone. Tapping into source energy and her spirit team as well as her knowledge of body-mind connectivity, anatomy and physiology and the mind provides a useful skillset for wellness. Kinesiology and craniosacral therapy encourage people to reach their own highest potential and achieve enjoyment of life.
Linda holds an International Diploma in Professional Kinesiology Practice from ICPKP and is a New Zealand Registered Senior Consultant Kinesiologist with KPAB (Kinesiology Practitioners Accreditation Board).
Additionally, Linda has a Diploma in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy through BodyIntelligence.com and is a Registered Craniosacral Therapist with PACT (Pacific Association of Craniosacral Therapists).
Danielle –
I had two sessions with Linda several months ago and I still listen to them. She was able to connect with my body in a way no other healer has. She helped with a kidney issue I didn’t even know I had, but it made such a difference! She also helped with my spinal alignment in multiple ways. She was warm, compassionate, and wonderful to work with. Her gift is powerful and she really cares about her clients. That matters to me. I highly recommend her.
Flora Hearst –
Linda is an incredibly skilled healer. Twice she has taken me away from the edge on a day when my physical and emotional challenges were overwhelming. The depth of her awareness is amazing! She works interactively but can also guide the way. Her healing methods create real healing change! She is also full of love and compassion, a true loving spirit. Even in a remote session it is as if she is there fully with you and your body. And knows what to do! So grateful for Linda.
Michael Riordan –
Linda helped me greatly as I was very stiff in my lower back lumbar region and very stiff neck and shoulder as well and wasn’t feeling as balanced as I had before. After a session with Linda I felt like I could completely move freely again with all the pain and stiffness gone and just felt more space and expansion rather than the stiffness and contraction I felt before. I feel balanced and renewed again to get back into life. Thanks Linda
Cyndi –
I had three sessions with Linda and was blown away by her ability to see patterns of pain and holding in the body, and facilitate healing and release. These could be patterns that go all the way back to childhood. Linda is so sensitive and skilled, though, that the process is one of gentle unfolding and unwinding rather than reliving trauma. I loved working with Linda and highly recommend her to anyone who wants more freedom, flexibility, fluidity, and health in their body!
Mary from London, UK –
I have been struggling to find words that do justice to express the depth, complexity and sheer joy of working with Linda. Accurate, intuitive, caring, clear, integrous and gentle are just some words to describe a session with Linda. She has a unique ability to identify the presenting issue, gently dig beneath that issue to find the emotion or event held in the body and release it.
In my mind I think of Linda as an “emotional archaeologist”. I caught myself remembering a childhood event that was upsetting and I asked myself “I wonder where in my body did I bury that hurt”? and I answered myself with
“Linda will know”!
Before my first session with Linda my ribs and spine had felt fused just behind my heart causing pain when breathing. I awoke the next morning after my session feeling taller, lighter and I could breathe more fully and deeply without pain. In just one session we covered a whole range of issues dealing with past life, re-birthing, reclaiming parts of me that had been ignored or lost, and bringing awareness to areas of the body that were holding unprocessed thoughts, emotions and memories that were quietly impacting on my body’s movement.
Through my follow up sessions, I have now gained a greater understanding of how Linda works. I am now able to read the information my body is feeding back to me e.g. I walk fast and yet I seemed to take longer to arrive at my destination. Through our session I discovered I was rolling from side to side therefore taking longer to arrive. With this information in mind, I was able to focus on going forward like an arrow with less effort and arriving relaxed and unstressed.
Working with Linda is an incredible journey of adventure and unravelling of who I am and unlocking the potential I have to become completely fulfilled. I am so glad to have discovered this amazing healer.
Mary, London, UK.
margret.clempson –
I slouch over my desk and computer so many hours each day at work and Linda’s package appealed to me.
I didn’t know what to expect regarding my session with Linda and was wondering why it would take an hour, as I thought she would just work on the spine. I had already listened to her MP3 Uwinding the spine and found that potent as I could feel the energy spinning this way then that before she even spoke.
During my hour long session Linda tuned into my body amazingly well, even I couldn’t describe as accurately as her about my energy behaviour. She was spot on. I have found Linda’s work to be very powerful, she is generous with her time and I appreciate the care she has shown me.
Thank You
Margaret Clempson
Neena Mehra –
I was really looking forward to my session with Linda Braden today and as usual it was just marvelous! Linda knew exactly which areas were problematic for me. Linda also did a beautiful meditation for me, very calming and showed me a great exercise to do when overwhelmed. I would recommend anyone with discomfort of any kind in their body to work with her. You will be happy that you did. Thank you Linda Braden!God Bless.???
My session was on October 21st, 2019 and I posted on the face book group but forgot to do so here.
Teresa –
Linda Braden is a powerful and amazing healer, whose loving presence puts you immediately at ease. She has the ability to know what it feels like to be in your body, then hones in on the root cause of problems. For the past thirty years, I have experienced intense chronic pain and stiffness throughout my body. During the first session with Linda, I experienced more flexibility in my legs and hips than I have had in years. In days following the session, pressure and pain in the lower spine significantly decreased. During the second session, I experienced a marked reduction in shoulder and neck pain, which had been acute. I also felt an increase in vitality, lightness and ease and felt a certainty that I was supported. At one point, Linda lovingly delved into the deeper layers of clearing ancestral lineage energies, which was a powerful experience. With pinpoint accuracy, gentleness and wisdom, she identified and helped me with my most persistent negative beliefs and patterns. And there was so much more that I received. I so look forward to working further with Linda and would encourage anyone to give themselves the gift of a session with her
Judy –
I’ve had four sessions with Linda and continue to be amazed at the depth of her work and it’s help. In each session, so many areas have been covered and energy moved, allowing for releases in my body. I had extensive spinal fusion with metal rods and screws, leaving my hips and legs increasingly immobile and causing increasing walking difficulties (as well as many organs have been affected by the immobilized spinal cord). I had been working with a gifted chiropractor and having very slow, minimal improvement. After Linda’s sessions, the next two chiropractic sessions, brought opening up in my hips and my legs and feet moving much more normally. My spinal cord in the fused spine has come into almost normal alignment and movement!
Linda’s sessions have also brought deep insights into ancestral patterns and a very traumatic past lifetime that have finally brought clarity to root cause of extreme physical illnesses and problems of this lifetime . Linda gently and lovingly guides you through the deep emotional pain of such trauma and guides you to move into a space of inner peace. I had been working to heal my emotions and change my beliefs with limited results. Linda’s sessions have gotten to the deepest root cause and brought compassionate understanding that has finally made sense of my life. Her work has allowed me to feel confident to move forward and change things that I had never been able to move beyond, regardless of the emotional work I had done or who I had worked with.
I highly recommend Linda’s work, her caring and supportive personality, her gifted energy work and her deep inner seeing! She truly is amazing!
Karyn C –
Thank you Linda Braden for my healing session with you on Monday the 5th August. I immediately felt the connection and felt unwinding up and down my spine. My main challenge at the time was my compromised ankle and pain and the way my body had compensated over the years. Working on my hip and lower back released a wave of energy down the opposite leg ? the rest of the (recorded) session you picked up a lot of other minor issues throughout my body. In the following days and weeks my body has continued to heal.. my ankle being pain free after day 3!! And finally this week my neck has released! I am so looking forward to my next session. Thank you again for your gift!?
Marin Megas –
Linda Braden is a true master of the divine and profound healing craft.
She knows how to sense energy, knows how to hold it, she knows how to transmute and deal with it, and wow!!! can this healer move energy.
Her intuitive hits are off the charts. I have had the single most powerful, palpable healing experiences in our sessions.
bluheron44 –
Linda is amazing! After the private session I had with her, I felt good energy moving throughout my body. She addressed the things I felt I needed help with, and I want to thank her.
Anna D –
PAIN DOWN FROM 15 (out of 10!) to 0
I have had two sessions with Linda so far and the results have been absolutely amazing, the hour passes quickly and so much is being taken care of. Linda is easy to talk to and makes you feel completely at ease so you can lay back while she shifts and releases what is up to release. Linda and her team work with efficient speed unwinding, expanding and tightening where required. I could feel the energy moving throughout my body while getting calmer and relaxed as the work was being done. She has a keen sense and is able to relate the pain, or issue with something that happened at a certain age or relate to how you move on a day to day basis. Once she voices this the team moves in and releases the pain, unwinds and expands the area allowing the emotion that was trapped there to release. I noticed in the week after my session that there was no pain in the parts she worked on, feet and hips especially. I was much more flexible overall and my day to day was more energized and I was able to accomplish more with less effort. I had one more session left because I had purchased 3 as per my original scan, however, I am so impressed I bought an extra session to ensure I take care of all the layers and check back in to see what my body is ready to release on a deeper level. Linda takes care of your issues with ease and grace, with integrity and speed, my results were instant I had a very swollen lymph gland and I showed Linda through video chat and after the session, I showed her my neck again and the swelling was gone. All pressure in my head, sinuses, and ear had dissipated. The pain was intense a 15 on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most painful. If you are ready to let go of your pain than book a session with Linda. Thank you Linda for your contagious joyful laughter and empathic compassionate humanness, I appreciate with much gratitude and love for your detailed attention to each step of the process.
Blessings in Love, Joy, and Light Aimee and Team,
Shelley –
I just had a lovely session with Linda Braden. She was spot on with her comments regarding my body. During the session I was able to give my body permission to release the tension that I’ve been holding on to since an accident many years ago. Linda’s image of being bamboo instead of a solid unbending stick will remain with me. I am feeling tension release and expansion in my neck/spine/jaw. I am walking lighter as well. Thank you Linda; this was exactly what I needed at this time. I appreciate it!
cathylwatson –
I feel different from head to toe after my first session with Linda yesterday. she is gifted with opening the life force up to flow through the body. this work feels transformative and I just bought a 2nd session.