Dr. Jean Logan on Glyphs
Download both the podcast and the Healing in the Past group healing as a separate MP3 here
Note: Facebook scans are closed you can visit our FB community page to see if any other speakers are currently offering scans.
The Power of Glyphs
Access physical & emotional healing energies from Source, God, All That Is
Glyphs are a form of spiritual energy, a language of Light
According to Webster’s Dictionary, a glyph is: “a symbol that conveys information nonverbally.” Another site defined it as “a symbol or character, especially one that has been incised or carved out in a stone surface like the characters of the ancient Maya writing system.”

Back Pain and Sciatica Relieved
I have had long term chronic back pain and sciatica, and for the past year and a half some horrible frightening zapping feelings going on in my arms and hands. I am told it is due to pinched nerves in my upper back. Chiropractic adjustments have not really helped for more than a day or so, but I can say with confidence that since I started using the glyphs for resolving nerve damage and vertebrae support, I have experienced at least a 70% reduction in pain and hip instability , and at least an 85% reduction in the zapping feelings . I spend much less time lying down , and have resumed some “normal” activities and even some minor housecleaning. Bless you Jean for bringing the glyphs into being… I will always be sincerely grateful.
~ Evelyn Brown, Nanaimo BC, Canada
After giving myself a pedicure, I found myself with an infection behind the nail of the large toe on my left foot. The toe was red, swollen and very painful. I wrapped the Anti Bacterial glyph around it and taped it in place before going to bed. The next morning the pain, swelling and redness was completely gone. Two weeks later the skin was peeling off where the infection had been.
~ Jeanne
Homer Healed of Seizures and Tremors

Homer, a 75 pound pit-bull/boxer mix began exhibiting seizures in February 2018 (at 2 years old). We brought home the seizure medication the vet recommended but we were afraid to give it to him because of the liver damage it promised.Ireached out to Dr. Jean as I had read about the use of healing glyphs for a dog experiencing seizures. During a phone consultation on July 2nd Dr. Jean stressed the importance of exercise , quality grain free food and alternative holistic medicine for heartworm . Along with the application of Glyphs (I decided to use a teddy bear assurrogate )We increased Homer’s walks and continued to provide him his supplements of fish oil and cbd oil.I am grateful
and happy to share that it has now been 8 weeks to date, the longest ever, Homer has been seizure free!
Hi Jean .. I have had a couple of successful outcomes by having people use the glyphs.
1. My one friend had a toothache for several days so she put the glyph for teeth taped to her cheek for a couple of days and her toothache went way.
2. Another friend just had lung cancer surgery and was left with a stabbing nerve pain in his chest area. I gave him a couple of glyphs and said to put them in his pocket on his shirt facing in. He did it for about a week and just said the other day that the pain is gone.
Looking forward to using them a lot more with much enthusiasm and healing.
~ Jackie
How the Glyphs Started
Several years ago I received an e-mail that contained a small drawing of an insect. The person who created it wrote it would remove parasites that invite in fear programming. I printed it, cut the glyph out and placed it over my solar plexus. I got an overwhelming response in my liver. My guides then told me how to create glyphs of my own.
After much trial and error I established a channel with Source who guided me in the programming of the glyphs. At that time my life was a real mess, overwhelmed with every negative emotion in the book. As I removed layer after layer of density I became aware of what my mission is, to put the glyphs out for others as tools to help them heal. When I used the glyph to remove fear I felt like a little vacuum cleaner was pulling stuff out of my arms, legs and even my breasts. One needs to experience them to believe. I was given glyphs to kill bacteria and viruses, detox the body, remove parasites, and much more.
5 Powerful Healing Manual eBooks
Monthly Zoom Gatherings
Private Facebook Group
Note: You must be able to color print the glyphs to use this package

One of the most unusual books ever written,this is a collection of remarkable small drawings called glyphs that are Divinely guided and empowered by the company of heaven and energy from the Central Sun combined with prayers, intentions and blessings that have a strong healing ability. Manyof the glyphs are capable of drawing out negative emotions that hold people back from achieving their goals, while other can transmute toxic matter from the body to Light. Other glyphs can transmute pathogens, heal damaged nerve bundles, and speed the healing of damaged tissue.

A manual containing 34 empowered symbols that can: resolve malignancies, restore organs and glands that are diseased, resolve eye diseases, regenerate bone and cartilage loss, remove harmful vaccinations and repair their damage, remove etheric implants, resolve neurological problems, remove stagnant lymph, remove toxic matter from the body including kidney stones and much more. It also contains instructions in using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

Fist Sunday of Month, 3pm ET
Join Dr. Jean and other glyph lovers the first Sunday of each month to discuss glyphs, share stores, ask questions, and re-energize existing glyphs as Jean is directed by Source.
NOTE: While these calls are scheduled on-going, we of course cannot guarantee they will last forever. For the purposes of this program, we can guarantee 3 months of calls, but you can continue to attend indefinitely.

Join Dr. Jean’s private Facebook group to discuss glyphs with other members and ask questions. Currently there is a database one member created that makes all the glyphs easily searchable. You can also access glyphs that were re-energized. While Dr. Jean does participate now and then, this is primarily a way to talk to each other.

This is a Complementary download of the Sacred Symbols of Mu, a digital book of Symbols and a story about the ancient civilization of Mu, a continent that existed in the Pacific thousands of years ago. This book was written by Col. James Churchward.
5 Powerful Healing Manual eBooks
Monthly Zoom Gatherings
Private Facebook Group
- Unlocking the Power of Glyphs
- Sacred Symbols of Light
- Symbols of the Dawn
- Symbols of the New Age
- Monthly Zoom Gatherings
- Private Facebook Group
- Bonus: Sacred Symbol of Mu

Includes Everything in Package A PLUS

Can be divided into two 30-minute sessions if you prefer
Get a specific protocol from Dr Jean for your unique issues. With an extensive knowledge of nutrition, years of experience in healing and spiritual counseling, Jean can help in a wide range of varied subjects

Private Session with Jean
Programming Statements
5 Powerful Healing Manual ebooks
Monthly Zoom Gatherings
Private Facebook Group
- 60 min 1:1 Private Session with Jean
- Programming Statements
- Unlocking the Power of Glyphs
- Sacred Symbols of Light
- Symbols of the Dawn
- Symbols of the New Age
- Monthly Zoom Gatherings
- Private Facebook Group
- Bonus: Sacred Symbol of Mu

What People are Saying...
Tumor Dissolves

My sister mentioned in a phone conversation that she had seen a podiatrist because of pain on her right foot and was naturally concerned about it. She was scheduled for an MRI to determine how to proceed .I told her that I would send her healing .I applied the malignant tumor glyph on the right foot on a surrogate teddy bear immediately after our call. I never spoke to her about the healing glyphs ever . About a month later , we spoke again …she mentioned she had gone for her follow up… for the MRI and the doctor was perplexed that the mass had decreased by half and her pain had decreased significantly ! I asked her what she had done differently and said, “nothing ”. She had actually been working more. She said she was going for another follow up that very next day after we spoke. She called me the next day to say that the doctor declared the mass completely dissolved. The healing glyph did its work! We are so grateful!
Collapsed Lung Healed

My 78 year old father had a collapsed lung during a recent hospital visit this past November . Just 43 hours after his lung collapsed and about 38 hours of having applied the glyph on a surrogate , his lung inflated . The right image was the initial ultrasound on 11/26/2018 at 8: 49 pm and the left image was thefinal ultrasound on 11/ 28/2018 3: 10 pm. One of the residents came rushing in the ICU and showed us that my father’s collapsed lung had resolved and NO SURGERY was to take place
Cervical Stenosis Improved

I was recently diagnosed with Cervical Stenosis and told there was no alternative but fusion surgery . Dr. Logan put a glyph for my neck on a surrogate . I went in several weeks later for a second opinion to a Neurosurgeon and he stated my Stenosis was moderate but did not need surgery . My neck continues to improve and I rarely have a bad day . I believe in divine intervention and the use of empowered glyphs . I highly recommend you keep an open mind and give it a chance , you will be shocked at the results.
~ Donna
Coco Loves the Glyphs

My daughters dog passed away a few months earlier and their family made the decision to bring a new puppy into their lives.We sent glyphs via distance to their soon to be puppy so he was receiving these before he was born.When he came into our lives (brown lab) he would literally eat the glyphs… (now) he
gathers them and lays on the glyphs , he must feel the love! Last year I had photo blankets made for each of my children but his Mom doesn’t get to use hers. Her blanket is coveredwith glyphs, and Coco just takesit over. Thank you for continuing to create glyphsfortheworld.We absolutely love them!
Heart Issue Result
Two years ago I spent ten days in the Cardiac Care Unit of my local hospital. Since then I occasionally have a rapid heart beat and labored breathing. I was having one such episode that really frightened me. Since I am not one to rush into anything having to do with conventional medicine I reached for the “Heart Healing and Support” glyph in book II. I placed the glyph over my heart, chanted the affirmation, and said some additional prayers to my guides. Fifteen minutes later I stood up feeling better than I had in weeks. I have not had an episode since. Thank you Jean, for making this glyphs available to everyone , and more your beautiful relationship with Spirit.
~ Carol H.
I have just recently been introduced to Jean Logan’s book, “Unlocking the Power of Glyphs”. Having never heard of this modality of healing before, I quickly scanned through the book checking out all the different purposes for which the glyphs can be used. One in particular really “jumped out” at me, which was titled Repair Damaged Nerves. I had felt for years that I had possibly done nerve damage due to past substance abuse, namely crystal methamphetamine and cocaine, the aftermath of which left me severely unable to focus, and it took a couple years and much energy work to come out of anxiety mode. I worried about almost everything and generally had trouble just keeping on top of my game in life.
I put the glyph above my eyebrows, which is the third eye chakra, read the affirmation for this glyph and laid back for about 15 minutes. I could feel lots of intense energy as if a loving hand was holding the glyph down. After about 15 minutes I got up as it was the middle of the day and I had an on-line class to attend. I immediately was aware that I had energy but it was a calm, focused energy which I rarely had felt before trying the glyph. I found that I was alert but calm throughout the class, and then this feeling maintained until I went to bed.
I slept very well that night and was completely relaxed. The next morning I woke up feeling really good and well rested. I got up and looked at the clock thinking I had overslept. It was an hour earlier than I normally get up. I felt so good I stayed up! Then something happened that was totally unexpected, and I was not looking for this to happen. I got fiercely sexually aroused. I had not felt this way since pre-meth days, and I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I had killed my sex drive by using meth. It was back all the way. I felt like a 20-year-old again. When I did finally have an orgasm, I felt it through every fiber of my being! And you know how they say, the proof is in the pudding, well, I rest my case.
I have done what I consider to be a lot of spiritual and energy work. I consider the result I got from this first glyph that I used to be one of the most dramatic and powerful results of any modality thus tried. The glyphs do exactly what it says it does. I have used other glyphs and have had equally powerful if not more powerful results which I will also write about.
To Jean, thank you for bringing this to our world when we need it most. You are truly an instrument of Thy peace.
~ Love, Dave
Several months ago I broke my left wrist. Since I was in Peru when it happened, it was not set correctly. I have been back in Atlanta undergoing physical therapy for the wrist for several months. The therapy has not been going well. My doctor advised me that about 30% percent recovery was the most I could expect. So I contacted my friend, Jean Logan, author of the powerful book, “Unlocking the Power of Glyphs.” She provided me with the glyph on bones, cartilage and ligaments. The first day my fingers tingled for the first time since the injury when I placed the glyph under my wrist as the author had instructed me. The next day both the fingers and wrist not only tingled, but I could feel energy coming from the wrist. As of today, just a week after I began using the glyphs, I have much more flexibility in both the wrist and fingers of the damaged hand. I estimate that in just one week my recovery has gone from 30% to 50%. I feel confident that the damaged hand will continue to get better. The most spiritual person I know, Jean Logan is a modern day healer. I highly recommend “Unlocking the Power of Glyphs.”
~ Leon Jones, Atlanta, GA
On Saturday night our little Yorkeepoo, Belle, was sitting on the floor acting very strange. I picked her up and she was drooling excessively. The water was just running out of her mouth, her nose was warm, her eyes were glazed and she was disoriented, walking around in circles. Since it was Saturday night we could not take her to the vet. We had just purchased Jean Logan’s book of glyphs a few days earlier and saw it sitting right near by so I (Beverly) cut out three of the Anti-Bacterial glyphs and following the drawing in the book, put one on her crown chakra, one on the back of her neck and one on the back of her solar plexus. We said the prayer together and affirmed our belief that she would be well. We could hardly hear her breathe and her heart beat felt very faint. I laid down in bed holding her. About 1:30 in the morning she jumped up acting very perky, her nose was cold and her eyes seem bright again. The next day she was completely back to normal. We are so grateful.”
~ Beverly Allen and Raymond Braziel (Franklin, NC – USA)
Private Session with Jean
Programming Statements
5 Powerful Healing Manual ebooks
Monthly Zoom Gatherings
Private Facebook Group
- 60 min 1:1 Private Session with Jean
- Programming Statements
- Unlocking the Power of Glyphs
- Sacred Symbols of Light
- Symbols of the Dawn
- Symbols of the New Age
- Monthly Zoom Gatherings
- Private Facebook Group
- Bonus: Sacred Symbol of Mu
Special Offer

5 Powerful Healing Manual ebooks
Monthly Zoom Gatherings
Private Facebook Group
- Unlocking the Power of Glyphs
- Sacred Symbols of Light
- Symbols of the Dawn
- Symbols of the New Age
- Monthly Zoom Gatherings
- Private Facebook Group
- Bonus: Sacred Symbol of Mu
Special Offer

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