Podcast: Lynn Waldrop on Biohack Weight & Contouring
Part 1: Original Interview
Part 2: Q&A
Part 3: Update
Want to download the podcasts (for free) with the three clearings as separate mp3s?
Billionaire Biohack Series:
Weight & Contouring
What is “bio-hacking”?
Biohacking (n) - attempts to improve the condition of your body and mind using technology, drugs, or other chemical substances.
- Looking Young
- Ideal Body Shape / Weight
- Peak Body Performance
- Peak Energy
- Peak Productivity
- Peak Mental Health
- Living Pain Free

But for those of us without connections,
these biohacks are often far too expensive
Most of us don’t have the CASH or the TIME to spend on all these treatments. Many of the supplements are patented, very expensive, and require ongoing monthly subscriptions. The therapies listed below usually require packs of sessions, repeating them every 6 months to a year.
In the Billionaire Biohack Series, medical intuitive Lynn Waldrop is creating energetic versions of these cutting edge supplements and therapies so that your body can absorb the frequencies of the treatments without the time and expense of the physical therapies.
LOST 2 inches from waist
I can’t believe that I lost 2 inches from my waist from just pressing play on my computer once a day and without any deprivation or dieting. And the waist is where I most want to lose it because I have thickened some there as I have gotten older…i don’t care about losing anywhere else really. Definitely measure yourself before starting because I was so surprised! I also found when I did eat sweets that I was satisfied with smaller helpings, usually I want to eat at least the whole serving (and would want to go back for more), but I just felt done and didn’t want to eat the rest. Very strange for me, is this what the people who always stay thin feel like?
~ A.S Beta-test of first 3 MP3s only Dec 5-26
2 inches off waist, 2 inches off bust, 1 inch off hips
I have a high stress job and during the beta-test my boss was out of office so I had to take on his workload and mine, however, even with the increase in stress I managed to lose 2 inches off my bust, 2 inches off my waist and 1 inch off my hips. My boss has now returned to work so I am looking forward to seeing my results without the added stress of doing my bosses work for the last few weeks. I was concerned that right when I started the challenge the extra stress would stifle my progress however, I am please with the 2 inches off my waist and bust while facing extreme circumstances.
~ Deanna B. Beta-test of first 3 MP3s only Dec 5-26
lost 7 lbs, 2 inches; less sugar
I have been very sick, with extreme swelling below my breasts, like enlarged liver, pain in this area above belly button. It measured 49 inches and very tight, lots of pain. Now the area is much softer, much less pain, and at 47″, and I have gone down in weight from 260 to 253. I had maintained a weight of 245 for years then huge water? swelling, inflammation gain up to 263 in March, after having a terrible bout of Covid, couldn’t get below 259.
I like to listen to them more than once a day when possible, and I find if I listen to all 3 twice I don’t even want to eat that day. Different in empty eating habits, and less sugar, for sure.
~ Rochelle Long Beta test of first 3 MP3s only Dec 5-26
Specific Focus:
Help your body work with you not against you
Who is this package for? Weight and contouring is a complicated subject and we have a specific focus here.
This program is designed to address the latest science on the biological processes in our body that work against us making it so hard to lose, maybe even harder to maintain, to control cravings, and feel satiated without large portions. It also addresses the tendency to gain weight in the abdomen, especially as you age, and to target fat pockets that regular weight loss does not touch.
This program also supports your overall health (for example, your whole body can benefit from improving insulin sensitivity and flattening glucose spikes and your digestion can improve as a result of enhancing gut bacteria that lean people have) and as a result can help other health issues. Be on the lookout for unexpected benefits!
But it is not specifically designed to address larger scope issues like balancing all of your hormones, resolving digestion issues, or the many, many thoughts feelings and emotions that surround weight and food, like those relating to childhood, trauma, abuse, feeling safe, protection, unwanted attention, relationship issues, feeling unworthy, etc.
Weight issues can be simple for some people and very complicated for others, and we hope with this package it will help your body work with you rather than against you as you figure out the pieces to your puzzle.
What do the technologies in this Weight & Contouring Package help with?
- Stop Storing Fat - this is HUGE. Up until the last hundred years, the body had to be prepared for starvation. So it has many mechanisms in place to hold on to fat for when starvation comes (even though for most of us it has never been an issue). Every time you gain weight, your body has many automatic mechanisms in place to keep it on. If you do find a way to lose it, your body employs other mechanisms to gain it back. There are several key biological pathways the body has to do these things, including the enzyme SCD1 and the hormone leptin. We will address both of these energetically so that your body doesn't think it's a bear always ready to go into hibernation!
- Contouring - the energies of five non-invasive therapies (like fat freezing, laser, ultrasound) that help remove fat from targeted areas are included. Everybody responds to the various energies differently, so this gives your body the ability to choose which works best.
- Belly Fat - certain body types and most people as they get older gain fat in their bellies, which can be attributed to the loss of both key hormones and from gravity. Several of the tracks help reverse the aging process so that fat does not concentrate there.
- Decrease Appetite / Cravings - if you have had struggles with weight, you know despite strong willpower, food and cravings can get the best of you. You've also probably experienced times where you didn't think about food and you had to remember to eat. So you know it is possible! The energies in several of the mp3s will help you get to the place where the hunger hormone ghrelin isn't always telling you that you are hungry, your gut bacteria is balanced and not making you crave foods, and leptin is balanced to tell you "I feel full, I don't feel like eating any more."
- Stress & Stress eating - Sometimes we eat for reasons other than hunger or cravings, we do it because we are stressed and food works for a lot of people to distract and numb us. Several tracks will help you find other ways to feel calm and relaxed so that stress doesn't trigger you.
- Clear toxins stored in fat - we know that fat is a storage place for toxins. As you begin releasing the fat, several therapies will help you safely remove the fat from your system without reabsorbing the toxins.

We really made this beta-test tough on ourselves by running it the three weeks up to and including Christmas (Dec 5-26).
Literally this time period is when people gain the most weight out of the whole year and eat the unhealthiest food, plus there is often major stress for a lot of people. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine says it averages 5 mos to lose the weight you gain during December! And that’s when we asked our participants to see if they could LOSE weight and eat healthier, when it is absolutely the most challenging.
Then we only gave them the first 3 MP3s (SCD1, Appetite Suppressant, hGH) to use.
So considering they got only 20% of the program AND tested during the worst time of the year…you wouldn’t expect much, right?
Here’s what we heard from the 17 participants. We invited women with a variety of starting points from already at ideal weight to being extremely overweight.
NOTE: We wanted to test this on women specifically, because we all know how men can like stop drinking beer for 2 weeks and drop 10 lbs. Many weight programs with great results are tested on men, but often work very differently for women…so the following are results from WOMEN only.
- 94% reported losing inches and/or weight
- 100% reported improvement in Appetite/Hunger
- 94% reported improvement around Cravings/Temptation
- 82% reported improvement in Healthier Food Choices
- 78% reported improvement in feeling "on track" with their weight/body goals
- 94% reported they were eager to try the rest of the program
You can read the comments from our testers throughout this page in the orange boxes with quote marks.
2 cm off waist, 2 lbs which is a lot for me, more toned - very happy with results
This definitely works! First let me tell you that I am 66 years old and diabetic. I inject insulin several times a day which doesn’t really help with weight loss, so usually it’s really difficult for me.
I have lost almost 1 kg of weight (900g to be exact (2 lbs)) in those 3 weeks, which may not sound like much, but it’s a lot for me. Especially at this time of the year where there’s temptation all around. AND I’ve lost 2 cm around my waistline (where I needed it the most) and 1 cm around my hips, which proves that my body is actually reshaping.
I also feel that my body is tighter and more toned – except for my lower tummy where the skin can’t keep up with the loss of the fat and starts getting soft and sagging.. but then that’s normal, I think. Maybe something to include in the program, to assist the rebuilding and firming of the extra skin?
The program also helped me with my food intake in general and with managing cravings (those temptations I already mentioned above) as well as portion sizes. This started after only 2 or 3 days into the program. There were long periods throughout the day when I wasn’t hungry at all, so I didn’t eat. And while I didn’t deny myself all the goodies I found it easy to limit the intake to just one piece.
I’m really VERY HAPPY with my results! I will definitely keep using these audios, and I’m looking forward to the release of the complete program which I intend to buy.
Thank you both so much for making me a part of this Beta-Test!
~ Antje S. 3-week beta-test Dec 5-26
BODY reshaping, clothes fitting better, no desire for sweets or alcohol
it is exciting that even though I am not seeing a huge difference on the scale my body is reshaping amazingly. My clothes are starting to fit better.
I usually have an insatiable desire for sweets this time of year and had no desire this time. Also, I typically like to enjoy adult beverages during the holidays, I had a lack of interest and desire, and when I would have one just had a couple sips and that was enough! I noticed I still bought the holiday junk food out of habit/ tradition but then did not want to eat it.
The difference between feeling insatiable hunger to choosing a smaller portion size and passing on empty fillers is amazing.
~ K.A. Beta-test for 3 weeks Dec 5-26
What are Energetic Frequencies?

We all know on a fundamental level, everything is energy. Say for example intravenous arginine – which is a IV Infusion shown to increase the production of hGH which keeps us looking and feeling young. Arginine vibrates at a unique frequency. And while the physical form of arginine can for sure be beneficial, your body also can use the energetic form.
Why Energetic Frequencies
Are So Amazing
- RESULTS - This is the purest form of energy delivered directly to your entire body, to any part that needs it. It doesn’t have to go through the digestive system or through your bloodstream, but can pass through all parts of your body and be absorbed exactly in the right places.
- TIME - Each mp3 is only about 10 mins. You can play one a day on a rotation, or even just set it up so all play each day.
- CONVENIENCE - You can turn the volume down to low because there is no sound (frequencies are not in the audible range). Then do other things around the house or at work, you won’t be bugging anyone. Many people play them on their computer while they are working, while they are relaxing around the home, or while they sleep!
- PAINLESS - No needles or stinging or bruising or swallowing handfuls of pills
- PERFECT DOSE - Your body only absorbs what it needs! It’s like a buffet - your body chooses what it needs at that moment and ignores the rest. You don’t have to worry about how much or how often or adjusting the dosage.
- SHARE THE LOVE - all your loved ones including pets will benefit if they are home when you play them
- AFFORDABLE - No monthly subscriptions of expensive patented supplements, one-time payment for a lifetime!
completely satisfied with smaller amounts, didn't want sweets
What I found surprising during the holidays is I barely filled my plate & was completely satisfied with the small amount I ate. I also found that eating sweets was too much for me this year. Almost gaggy trying to eat them. I can say that I really didn’t want more than a bite or two & that didn’t really taste very good.
I did have a reduction of 1/2 an inch in my waist & drastic reduction of my sweet tooth. Not even wanting sweets is all new to me. I even gave a bunch of sweets that I received for Christmas away because I just don’t want them. I’ve never done that. I usually want all of mine & everyone else’s also. I will continue listening & improving myself. Thank you!
~ Sheila S. 3-week beta-test Dec 5-26
2 inches lost, kept 5 lbs off, appetite much less
Ok so right as I was to start the mp3s and this 3 week listening each day I got really sick with a flu– and had no appetite for about 3 or 4 days which helped me lose weight –about 5 pounds which I have kept off. I noticed that I had a lot of body odor –maybe fat burning? Also I felt like my fat stored a lot of weight loss trauma and toxins?– from so many diets over the years. So I think this actually made me Neutral as to whether this was going to work plus I was really sick. I was surprised when I did my measurements this morning and had 2 inches off of Bust, Waist and hips. Wow! I was religious about listening to the MP3’s each day even sick.
My appetite is so much less– I did eat some desserts but very few on Christmas day. The one cookie I did eat was sickeningly sweet. I chose pumpkin pie for dessert choice which is full of vitamins and did not eat the crust which is normal for me. I also didn’t really get to exercise with my illness so who knows I might have lost more. I did feel a lot a grief this year –which maybe in the past I stuffed it with food.
~ Nancy P. Beta-test for 3 weeks Dec 5-26
Ready to dive into all the latest science?
Special Offer - Weight Loss
12 MP3s

MP3 - Available to Download Immediately
PURPOSE: Stop Storing Excess Fat
RESEARCH: Fire in a Bottle – Brad Marshall
SCD1 is an enzyme that tells your body to increase fat storage.
Animals going into hibernation drastically increase this enzyme so they can increase and maintain fat storage, it’s called torpor. In animal tests, animals with higher SCD1 gain more weight on the same calories. Testing of obese humans demonstrates high SCD1 and lean humans have low SCD1, and when raising SCD1 in lean humans, the lean increase fat storage.
The above research article is a great blog post overview to get the big picture. The author makes valid points that SCD1 as a major cause of extra weight means it’s not a result of slothfulness or lack of willpower. It’s a physiological mechanism where your body wants to store a lot of fat to get through what it thinks is coming – a long dark winter. Helpful if you are bear, not so much for a human.
Research consistently shows that lower SCD1 levels keep animals lean, even on a diet that normally would make them fat. The lack of the SCD1 enzyme causes an increase in the rate of using up fat for fuel in the mitochondria. This increased fatty acid β-oxidation is through activation of the AMPK pathway. Decreased SCD1 also increases insulin sensitivity, decreases cholesterol, and inflammation.
In animal studies, decreased SCD1 caused the stem cells to differentiate into beige adipose tissue, rather than white. Beige fat has much higher energy usage than white fat.
This track will help reduce the overexpression of SCD1 with the energies of the following things known to decrease SCD1:
- Sterculic and Malvalic acids which inhibit the enzymatic activity of SCD1
- Pu-Erh Tea
- French Lilac (the plant Metformin is based on)
- Berberine
- G. pentaphyllum (Chinese herb)
- Fish Oil

MP3 - Available to Download Immediately
PURPOSE: Reduce Appetite, Mindless Eating and Caloric Intake
RESEARCH: A peptide fraction also from yeast hydrosolate for reference and other natural appetite suppressants
The body also has mechanisms to keep you hungry to gain the weight it wants you to put (back) on as a defense against starvation. These biological signals make you want to eat larger quantities, more often, and without thinking, resulting in increased calories. And while calories are definitely not the only thing that cause weight gain, they are still a piece of the puzzle, especially when resetting the mechanisms of the body to that of a “constitutionally thin” person.
We are going after Triple Action – feelings of fullness, appetite suppression, and curbing sugar cravings.
This MP3 has the energies of:
- Peptides created from yeast hydrolosate from Saccharomyces cerevisiae that
- Lower Ghrelin – your hunger hormone – makes the stomach growl and increases HCL acid in the stomach
- Lower the expression of NPY in the Hypothalmus, neuropeptide Y (NPY), the neuromodulator of appetite
- Can reduce appetite for sweets
- Fenugreek , Glucomannan, Conjugated Lineolic Acid (CLA) and other high fiber energies for feeling of fullness in the stomach
- 5-HTP & Carallumbra Fimbriata & Garcinia Cambogia – increases serotonin circulation in the brain to suppress appetite
- Green Tea – boosts cholecystokinin (CCK) which is a hunger-suppressing hormone
- Yerbe Mate – increases glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) & Leptin levels
did not buy sweets
I did not buy any sweets or pastries, and for me that was a big deal! ~ B.S. Beta-test first 3 mp3s only for 3 weeks (Dec 5-26)
long periods i wasn't hungry, easy to limit
The program also helped me with my food intake in general and with managing cravings as well as portion sizes. This started after only 2 or 3 days into the program. There were long periods throughout the day when I wasn’t hungry at all, so I didn’t eat. And while I didn’t deny myself all the goodies I found it easy to limit the intake to just one piece.
~ Antje S., Beta-tester

MP3 - Available for Immediate Download
PURPOSE: Reduce Belly Fat, Increase Lean Muscle Mass
RESEARCH: Benefits of Intermittent Fasting, hGH Accelerates Fat Loss
One of the biggest benefits of intermittent fasting is a huge increase in Human Growth Hormone (hGH), estimated 1200% over one week of fasting.
Human growth hormone (hGH) is a peptide hormone that is best known for influencing bone and muscle growth and body composition. hGH is secreted from the pituitary gland in pulses, with the majority being released at night.
In women, human growth hormone levels start to decline in their early 20s, and signs of HGH deficiency include greater belly fat, dry skin, thinning hair, and loss of muscle tone (sarcopenia). hGH promotes muscle gain and muscle tone. Decreased levels oi hGH are also associated with weight-loss resistance.
For this program, we want to focus on the hGH properties of belly fat reduction and lean muscle mass increase, lowering blood sugar, and inducing autophagy (clean up of dead and dying cells). And welcome better skin, hair, less wrinkles, and denser bones as side benefits!
- Increase HGH
- Energetic IV of Arginine
- Energetic GHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) – a hormone from the hypothalamus that stimulates the release of growth hormone – It has been observed in mouse studies that obesity / excess fat tissue causes reduction in GHRH which causes reduced release of hGH. Another feedback loop with obesity that makes it harder to lose
- Energetic Growth hormone releasing factor (GRF) - GRF is released from the hypothalamus and binds to receptors in the anterior pituitary to induce the release of growth hormone
- Energies of ornithine, ornithine salt (OKG), glycine, and lysine – some studies show synergistic effects when these are taken together with arginine, maybe your body needs them!
- Glutamine – shifts the fuel for muscle from glucose to fatty acids and accelerates fat burning

PURPOSE: Stop Storing Fat, Feel Satiated, Burn More Calories
RESEARCH: Leptin, Sulforaphane
Leptin is a hormone that when working properly tells you: 1) you are full and to stop eating 2) it increases energy expenditure and thermogenesis (body heat which burns calories – beta oxidation), and 3) regulates fat storage.
Fat tissue produces leptin so that the more fat you have the more leptin you produce. As you store more and more fat, leptin should signal to your brain/hypothalamus to stop eating and burn fat. But studies show that obese individuals become “leptin-resistant” where their brain becomes desensitized to leptin and doesn’t recognize the signals. When the brain doesn’t sense any leptin due to the resistance, it erroneously thinks that your body is starving and makes you want to eat more, reduce energy levels to conserve energy, and burn fewer calories at rest.
Leptin resistance is another feedback loop for obesity, developing resistance to leptin increases the predisposition of patients to diet-induced obesity, which in turn contributes to a further aggravation of existing leptin resistance in a vicious cycle. Leptin resistance can also be caused by inability to get leptin across the blood brain barrier and inflammation.
- Energies of Sulforaphane, most plentiful in broccoli sprouts, can reverse leptin resistance. Sulforaphane also has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, lowers blood sugar, and is beneficial for the gut
- Balance Leptin levels – most people have too much leptin resulting in desensitization, a few genetically don’t have enough, we want to ask the body to circulate just the right amount
- Balance chronic stress and stress hormones (the stress eating mp3 will also help with this)
- Balance Leptin receptors & BBB
- Turn off ObR gene mutation that interferes with leptin receptors and is associated with obesity (for those bodies that need it)

PURPOSE: Absorb fewer calories in digestive tract, heal gut lining; increase bile acid production and excretion
RESEARCH: Akkermansia reverses diet-induced weight gain, inflammation, and insulin resistance;
Theabrownin modulates gut microbiota;
Bifidobacterium significantly decreases body mass in obese mice;
Danish study on how some bacteria extract more calories
- Akkermansia muciniphila – recent studies show this bacteria restores the gut lining, reduces the absorption of calories, decreases inflammation and insulin resistance. Studies also show a higher percentage of akkermansia in lean people and lower percentage in overweight people. When akkermansia is increased, obese people have reversed obesity symptoms. It also stimulates the production of the hormone GLP-1 which helps maintain a healthy balance between insulin and glucose levels. It likes to eat apple peels and onions!
- Bifido family of bacteria – we first receive multiple strains from mother’s milk, and bifido are found in higher percentages in the young and lean, and lower in the older and obese. Studies have shown different strains reduce fat storage, decrease body mass, and visceral fat. It likes to eat HMO sugars from breast milk and green banana starches.
- Lactobacillus gasseri – has been shown to promote weight loss
- Theabrownin – is shown to increase bile acid production and excretion through gut microbiota modulation, reduce cholesterol, and decrease fat creation, it is found in high percentages pu'erh tea. Millions of dollars are being spent in phase 3 research by big pharma on drugs to influence bile acid production/excretion to heal and prevent fatty liver disease.

PURPOSE: Reduce calorie consumption, especially of processed foods; decrease cortisol
RESEARCH: L-Theanine lowers stress; GABA reduces anxiety
Food is one of the most popular self-soothing “medications” people use when stressed. Generally stress eating is directed toward ultraprocessed, fried, and or sugary foods. It’s usually not stress eating spinach!
This track will help soothe your stress through the energies of new and known stress reducing supplements to reduce triggers to stress eat.
- L-theanine – an amino acid found in gren tea, promotes stress relief, calm, and relaxation—without causing drowsiness. Subjects taking L-theanine reported significantly less subjective stress than those taking placebo. It decreases cortisol and increases alpha brain waves
- GABA – (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) a neuotransmitter that calms the nervous system and is thought to have a natural calming effect by reducing feelings of of anxiety and fear by decreasing neuronal excitability. GABA is also thought to help body increase production of hGH
- Cannabinoids – the endocannabinoid system is active in almost all tissues in the body. It helps to regulate and maintain the optimal function of many bodily systems, and especially affects mood and sleep. These energetic frequencies of CBD, full-spectrum phytocannabinoids, and terpenes can help balance the system creating feelings of peace and calm. It can also help to decrease pain and increase quality of sleep

PURPOSE: Flatten Glucose Spikes and Lower Insulin – helps with weight AND aging
Research: Glucose Goddess
One of the main causes of weight gain is glucose spikes. This happens when we ingest a lot of glucose (simple carbs by themselves cause the biggest spikes) which are absorbed quickly into the bloodstream. The body releases insulin to remove the glucose and store it away into fat cells. If the body is insulin resistant, the glucose stays in the blood causing inflammation and accelerated aging.
From The Glucose Goddess site linked above (her book is highly recommended):
“With flatter glucose curves, we enjoy fewer cravings, better energy, more restful sleep, slower aging, improved fertility and sex hormones, better skin, fewer wrinkles, healthier heart, less cognitive decline, fewer menopause symptoms, easier management of gestational diabetes and type 1 diabetes, and less risk of type 2 diabetes.
When we spike, insulin gets released, and excess glucose gets stored as fat. Weight loss is always preceded by insulin levels lowering. Lowering insulin is key to weight loss.”
In this track we will use the energies of known strategies to flatten glucose spikes.
- Berberine - chinese and ayurvedic herb that reduces blood sugar, glucose spikes, and insulin resistance, and improves sensitivity of liver, muscle tissues and fat to insulin. Helps with fatty liver disease.
- French Lilac (what the diabetes drug Metformin is based on) - increases insulin sensitivity and reduces glucose spikes
- Apple Cider Vinegar - reduces glucose spikes and increases satiety

PURPOSE: Help body get rid of stored excess PUFA
RESEARCH: Mercola article (he has many on this subject); L-Carnitine & Pyruvate here
The use of Polyunsaturated Fats (PUFAs) has skyrocketed in the last 60 years in the form of vegetable oils like soybean, canola, sunflower, safflower and most all other oils produced from seeds, grains, nuts, or vegetables. Most nuts and seeds are also high in PUFA. The increase of PUFAs in the diet tracks closely with the rise of obesity – with America being one of the first adopters and the first to get very obese. As their use spread throughout the world, so also obesity has spread.
PUFA oils are much cheaper than saturated fats. The restaurant and food industry uses them almost exclusively so anything fried, most all pre-made salad dressings, mayonnaise, prepared/frozen foods – when you read the label you will see predominant use of these PUFA oils. Even when a salad dressing has olive oil on the front, read the label and you will see there are other oils mixed in. Chicken is high in PUFAs too, especially those raised on corn, as is conventionally raised pork and lard.
Our bodies need PUFAs but only in very small quantities, estimated 2 grams a day, while most Americans get 50g a day, and other countries aren’t far behind. PUFAs do not burn clean and so the body stores them in fat, where they cause inflammation and reductive stress (causing obesity and aging). The half life of PUFA in the body is estimated to be 2 years, meaning it can take up to 7 years to clear the excess from the body.
Believe it or not, healthier alternatives are butter, beef tallow, coconut oil, and grass fed animal meat. Things we have been told were unhealthy for many years by our governments and mainstream media. Shocking they got it wrong, right?
PUFAs also help put hibernating animals into torpor, increasing SCD1 and lowering body temperature. Acorns for example are very high in PUFAs, and when ground squirrels don’t get enough PUFAs, they cannot enter torpor. We humans don’t ever need to enter torpor so avoiding PUFAs is an important step, but what about the PUFAs most of us have already stored?
This track will include the energies of the few identified substances that might help the body safely clear PUFAs and repair the damage caused by PUFAs. This area is still being heavily researched and most likely when a supplement will be identified, it will be patented and very expensive (which is the way of most biohacking tools). For this track we are going to rely primarily on Lynn’s connection to the bodies to ask and give the bodies what they require to get these toxins out in addition to the known supplements that can help.
- L-carnitine - When mitochondria are incubated with increasing amounts of l-carnitine, their metabolic rate increases 8-fold. The CrAT actually takes the acetyl groups from acetyl-CoA (which are cause by PUFAs) and transfers them to l-carnitine, which escorts them out of the mitochondria. Research for l-carnitine and pyruvate are listed above in Research..
- Pyruvate - pyruvate allows cells to offload surplus NADH. This allows them to activate sirt1, leading to activated AMPK and increased metabolic rate. It is synergistic with l-carnitine.
- r-Alpha Lipoic Acid - the very expensive form of ALA targets the mitochondria converting NADH into NAD+ eliminating the reductive stress caused by PUFAs.

PURPOSE: Remove toxins released from fat
RESEARCH: Binders for detox, Zeolite
One of the jobs of fat cells is to safely store toxins. As you are eliminating fat cells and burning them for fuel, the body can use extra support to escort these toxins out of the system. This track will have the energies of a number of binders that target different types of toxins, while not affecting important nutrients.
- Zeolite Clinoptilolite - Zeolites are naturally occurring minerals, typically found in rocks and clay. It has magnetic properties that pull heavy metals out of the surrounding tissue and into itself, which is then safely eliminated through urination and defecation. The Clinoptilolite form has been shown to remove toxic heavy metals without removing important electrolytes see study linked above.
- Humic and Fulvic Acids - made of decomposed plant matter and have been shown to detox glyphosate.
- Modified Citrus Pectin - made from the citrus peels that particularly attracts lead, but also other heavy metals. -
- Chlorella - Chlorella is algae that attracts heavy metals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides, herbicides, and mycotoxins.
- Soluble fiber - inulin, acacia, jerusalem artichoke absorb toxin containing bile acids in the digestive tract so they can be excreted instead of recycled back into the body

PURPOSE: Remove excess fat, convert existing fat from white to beige
RESEARCH: Cryotherapy
This is a two-part mp3 using the energies of low temperatures to 1) convert fat from white fat to beige fat where beige fat is metabolically active, keeps you warm and burns calories and 2) target excess fat pockets.
1) COLD THERAPY – Our body has two main types of fat, white fat, which is storage and brown fat, which burns calories to keep us warm. Brown fat also produces adiponectin which protects against diet induced obesity, increases fax oxidation, reduces insulin resistance, diabetes, and other diseases.
Your body can convert white fat into brown fat, by a process called “beiging” or “briting” and this track helps it to do that.
The most studied way to do it is very chilly! It’s called cryotherapy, and you probably have heard of it. Immersion in cold water (57F/14C) helps convert white fat into brown fat and increases the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which provides a feeling of elation, by 500%. This track brings in the energies of cryotherapy to help your body “beige” it’s white fat.
2) FAT FREEZING or cryo-lipolysis, is when fat cells are reduced to a temperature so low that they are no longer viable and the body clears them out as waste during the next few months.
An example of a technology that uses this is CoolSculpt, which first uses a vacuum to suck the fat into a specific area and then applies the cool temperatures, over a period of multiple sessions.
In this track, the bodies will be given the energies to freeze unnecessary fat cells to the point where the fat cells are no longer viable so that the body can naturally clear them out. Your body will be able to take only as much of these energies as it can use safely for areas of excess fat.

PURPOSE: Reduce appearance of belly fat due to fascia sliding or muscle separation
RESEARCH: Fascia, Abdominal Separation
As we age, our fascia gravitates downward, anchoring our fat into our midsection. One of the reasons so many women and men end up with a belly in their later years is because the fascia is anchoring fat tissue there.
Another cause which may affect two out of three women is a separation of the abdominal muscles, known as diastasis recti. This happens when the abdominal muscles become weakened and pull apart at the midline, often due to pregnancy, weight gain, or injury.
In this track, Lynn provides the energies of:
- Fascia release - so that your fat and tissues aren’t compressed in the mid-section, particularly focusing on releasing any fascia anchored to the ribs, hips, and other bones in the torso. It includes the energies of myofascial therapy, foam rolling, and fascia stretching.
- Abdominal repair - repairing and/or strengthening as required of the diastasis recti abdominal muscles

MP3 - Available for immediate release
PURPOSE: Delete negative programming around Food
The concept of food and what it is or should be is triggering for many people. Food is often tied to thoughts, feelings, and emotions which can program your body to act in certain ways. Then there is all the conflicting information about what we are supposed to eat and when and that changes regularly. in this mp3, Lynn guides you to energetically delete negative programming around food.
12 MP3S
- SCD1 - Stop Storing Fat
- Appetite Suppressant
- Intermittent Fasting and hGH
- Leptin
- Gut Microbiota
- Stress & Stress Eating
- Flatten Glucose Spikes / Lower Insulin
- Decrease Stored PUFA (Polyunsaturated Fat)
- Binders to excrete toxins
- Cold Therapy / Fat Freezing
- Belly Fat
- Bonus: Food Thoughts Feelings & Emotions

Body Contouring
ITEM 1-4

PURPOSE: Remove excess fat, convert existing fat from white to beige
RESEARCH: Cryotherapy
This is a two-part mp3 using low temperatures to 1) target excess fat pockets 2) convert fat from white fat to beige fat where beige fat is metabolically active, keeps you warm and burns calories.
1) FAT FREEZING or cryo-lipolysis, is when fat cells are reduced to a temperature so low that they are no longer viable and the body clears them out as waste during the next few months.
An example of a technology that uses this is CoolSculpt, which first uses a vacuum to suck the fat into a specific area and then applies the cool temperatures, over a period of multiple sessions.
In this track, the bodies will be given the energies to freeze unnecessary fat cells to the point where the fat cells are no longer viable so that the body can naturally clear them out. Your body will be able to take only as much of these energies as it can use safely for areas of excess fat.
2) COLD THERAPY – Our body has two main types of fat, white fat, which is storage and brown fat, which burns calories to keep us warm. Brown fat also produces adiponectin which protects against diet induced obesity, increases fax oxidation, reduces insulin resistance, diabetes, and other diseases.
Your body can convert white fat into brown fat, by a process called “beiging” or “briting” and this track helps it to do that.
The most studied way to do it is very chilly! It’s called cryotherapy, and you probably have heard of it. Immersion in cold water (57F/14C) helps convert white fat into brown fat and increases the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which provides a feeling of elation, by 500%. This track brings in the energies of cryotherapy to help your body “beige” it’s white fat.

PURPOSE: Remove excess fat
Instead of freezing the fat cells, this method uses high temperatures to render the fat cells no longer viable and the body clears them out as waste during the next few months.
An example of a physical technology is Sculpsure, which uses lasers to heat targeted fat cells, over multiple sessions.
In this track, the bodies will be given the energies to heat unnecessary fat cells to the point where the fat cells are no longer viable and the body can naturally clear them out. Your body will be able to take only as much of these energies as it can use safely for areas of excess fat.

PURPOSE: Remove excess fat and Skin Tightening
This method uses ultrasound to damage the fat cell walls via vibration and “liquefy” them, so that again the fat cells are no longer viable and the body clears them out as waste.
The physical technology is called “ultrasonic cavitation”, and example of this is Ultrashape that uses pulses of sonic energy to destroy the fat cell walls. It is also used in ultrasonic assisted liposuction where they first liquefy the fat cells before sucking them out with a vacuum.
One of the benefits of this is skin tightening in the area too, which we welcome as a side effect!
In this track, the bodies will be given the ultrasonic energies to damage fat cells to the point where the fat cells are no longer viable and the body can naturally clear them out. Your body will be able to take only as much of these energies as it can use safely for areas of excess fat.

MP3 - Will be release on February 20
PURPOSE: Remove excess fat and Skin Tightening
This method uses radio frequency (RF) to damage the fat cell walls, so that again the fat cells are no longer viable and the body clears them out as waste.
An example of the physical technology is Trusculpt ID that uses monopolar radio frequencies to target fat cells.
One of the side benefits of this is skin tightening in the area.
In this track, the bodies will be given the RF energies to target fat cells to the point where the fat cells are no longer viable and the body can naturally clear them out. Your body will be able to take only as much of these energies as it can use safely for areas of excess fat.

MP3 - Available for Immediate Download
PURPOSE: Reduce Belly Fat, Increase Lean Muscle Mass
RESEARCH: Benefits of Intermittent Fasting, hGH Accelerates Fat Loss
One of the biggest benefits of intermittent fasting is a huge increase in Human Growth Hormone (hGH), estimated 1200% over one week of fasting.
Human growth hormone (hGH) is a peptide hormone that is best known for influencing bone and muscle growth and body composition. hGH is secreted from the pituitary gland in pulses, with the majority being released at night.
In women, human growth hormone levels start to decline in their early 20s, and signs of HGH deficiency include greater belly fat, dry skin, thinning hair, and loss of muscle tone (sarcopenia). hGH promotes muscle gain and muscle tone. Decreased levels oi hGH are also associated with weight-loss resistance.
For this program, we want to focus on the hGH properties of belly fat reduction and lean muscle mass increase, lowering blood sugar, and inducing autophagy (clean up of dead and dying cells). And welcome better skin, hair, less wrinkles, and denser bones as side benefits!
- Increase HGH
- Energetic IV of Arginine
- Energetic GHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) – a hormone from the hypothalamus that stimulates the release of growth hormone – It has been observed in mouse studies that obesity / excess fat tissue causes reduction in GHRH which causes reduced release of hGH. Another feedback loop with obesity that makes it harder to lose
- Energetic Growth hormone releasing factor (GRF) - GRF is released from the hypothalamus and binds to receptors in the anterior pituitary to induce the release of growth hormone
- Energies of ornithine, ornithine salt (OKG), glycine, and lysine – some studies show synergistic effects when these are taken together with arginine, maybe your body needs them!
- Glutamine – shifts the fuel for muscle from glucose to fatty acids and accelerates fat burning

MP3 - Available to Download Immediately
PURPOSE: Curb cravings, appetite, mindless eating/snacking
RESEARCH: A peptide fraction also from yeast hydrosolate for reference and other natural appetite suppressants
NOTE: At first we weren’t planning to put this track in the Contouring package BUT based on the feedback from the beta-testers, we found that our testers that didn’t want/need to lose weight really, really appreciated eating less sugar and having fewer cravings, more mindful eating, so now it has been added.
The body has mechanisms to signal you to eat larger quantities, more often, and without thinking. Even if you don’t gain weight, often these are unhealthy foods that we eat too much or crave. This track has shown to be particularly helpful for sugar cravings!
This MP3 has the energies of:
- Peptides created from yeast hydrolosate from Saccharomyces cerevisiae that
- Lower Ghrelin – your hunger hormone – makes the stomach growl and increases HCL acid in the stomach
- Lower the expression of NPY in the Hypothalmus, neuropeptide Y (NPY), the neuromodulator of appetite
- Can reduce appetite for sweets
- Fenugreek , Glucomannan, Conjugated Lineolic Acid (CLA) and other high fiber energies for feeling of fullness in the stomach
- 5-HTP & Carallumbra Fimbriata & Garcinia Cambogia – increases serotonin circulation in the brain to suppress appetite
- Green Tea – boosts cholecystokinin (CCK) which is a hunger-suppressing hormone
- Yerbe Mate – increases glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) & Leptin levels

PURPOSE: Flatten Glucose Spikes and Lower Insulin – helps with weight AND aging
Research: Glucose Goddess
One of the main causes of weight gain is glucose spikes. This happens when we ingest a lot of glucose (simple carbs by themselves cause the biggest spikes) which are absorbed quickly into the bloodstream. The body releases insulin to remove the glucose and store it away into fat cells. If the body is insulin resistant, the glucose stays in the blood causing inflammation and accelerated aging.
From The Glucose Goddess site linked above (her book is highly recommended):
“With flatter glucose curves, we enjoy fewer cravings, better energy, more restful sleep, slower aging, improved fertility and sex hormones, better skin, fewer wrinkles, healthier heart, less cognitive decline, fewer menopause symptoms, easier management of gestational diabetes and type 1 diabetes, and less risk of type 2 diabetes.
When we spike, insulin gets released, and excess glucose gets stored as fat. Weight loss is always preceded by insulin levels lowering. Lowering insulin is key to weight loss.”
In this track we will use the energies of known strategies to flatten glucose spikes.
- Berberine - chinese and ayurvedic herb that reduces blood sugar, glucose spikes, and insulin resistance, and improves sensitivity of liver, muscle tissues and fat to insulin. Helps with fatty liver disease.
- French Lilac (what the diabetes drug Metformin is based on) - increases insulin sensitivity and reduces glucose spikes
- Apple Cider Vinegar - reduces glucose spikes and increases satiety

MP3 - will be released on February 20
PURPOSE: Tone Muscle
High intensity electromagnetic impulses can stimulate thousands of muscle contractions just below the surface of the skin. This stimulates muscle growth and can create a contouring effect on the body.
An example of the physical technology is EmSculpt where over a series of sessions you have electrodes placed on you that make your muscles contract many thousands of times, create muscle tone.
In this track, the bodies will be given the energies of these muscle contractions to increase muscle tone. Your body will be able to take only as much of these energies as it can use safely.

PURPOSE: Reduce Appearance of Cellulite and increase skin thickness
RESEARCH: Dr. Axe article, Carboxy Therapy, Collagenase
It’s estimated 90% of women have cellulite, and it is known to increase as we get older. It is caused by fat pushing up against and through a lattice of collagen fibers, which gives the fat the dimpled appearance.
It’s now believed that dysfunction of these collagen-rich fibers, called “fibrous septae”, is what causes cellulite dimples, so these are now the target of most professional cellulite treatments.
Thin skin also contributes to the appearance of cellulite.
In this track we are using the energies of the following therapies to break down the fibrous septae, increase dermal thickness, and prevent new fat from being formed
NOTE: These therapies can also be beneficial for varicose veins and stretch marks, so be on the lookout for that! And research has show they are also synergistic with the ultrasound therapy track above.
- Collagen - collagen peptides have shown to reduce appearance of cellulite, skin waviness, and increase skin density. Oral collagen supplementation is not ideal because some of the amino acid chains are broken down in digestion, with the energetic form it can go straight to where it's needed. See study here.
- Grapefruit Oil - Anti-inflammatory enzymes help break down cellulite and prevent the formation of new fat cells under the skin.
- Carboxy Therapy - injection of carbon dioxide just below the surface of the skin which breaks up fatty deposits and aids in collagen repair
- Collagenase Injection - the fibrous septae are made of collagen, and specific types of collagenase, an enzyme that breaks down collagen, can help release the fibrous septae. This is the energetic version of this.

PURPOSE: Remove toxins released from fat
RESEARCH: Binders for detox, Zeolite
One of the jobs of fat cells is to safely store toxins. As you are eliminating fat cells and burning them for fuel, the body can use extra support to escort these toxins out of the system. This track will have the energies of a number of binders that target different types of toxins, while not affecting important nutrients.
- Zeolite Clinoptilolite - Zeolites are naturally occurring minerals, typically found in rocks and clay. It has magnetic properties that pull heavy metals out of the surrounding tissue and into itself, which is then safely eliminated through urination and defecation. The Clinoptilolite form has been shown to remove toxic heavy metals without removing important electrolytes see study linked above.
- Humic and Fulvic Acids - made of decomposed plant matter and have been shown to detox glyphosate.
- Modified Citrus Pectin - made from the citrus peels that particularly attracts lead, but also other heavy metals. -
- Chlorella - Chlorella is algae that attracts heavy metals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides, herbicides, and mycotoxins.
- Soluble fiber - inulin, acacia, jerusalem artichocke absorb toxin containing bile acids in the digestive tract so they can be excreted instead of recycled back into the body

PURPOSE: Reduce appearance of belly fat due to fascia sliding or muscle separation
RESEARCH: Fascia, Abdominal Separation
As we age, our fascia gravitates downward, anchoring our fat into our midsection. One of the reasons so many women and men end up with a belly in their later years is because the fascia is anchoring fat tissue there.
Another cause which may affect two out of three women is a separation of the abdominal muscles, known as diastasis recti. This happens when the abdominal muscles become weakened and pull apart at the midline, often due to pregnancy, weight gain, or injury.
In this track, Lynn provides the energies of:
- Fascia release - so that your fat and tissues aren’t compressed in the mid-section, particularly focusing on releasing any fascia anchored to the ribs, hips, and other bones in the torso. It includes the energies of myofascial therapy, foam rolling, and fascia stretching.
- Abdominal repair - repairing and/or strengthening as required of the diastasis recti abdominal muscles

MP3 - Available for immediate release
PURPOSE: Delete negative programming around Food
The concept of food and what it is or should be is triggering for many people. It is usually tied to thoughts, feelings, and emotions which can program your body to act in certain ways. Then there is all the conflicting information about what we are supposed to eat and when and that changes regularly. in this mp3, Lynn guides you to energetically delete negative programming around food.
12 MP3S
- Fat Freezing / Cold Therapy
- Fat Heating / Laser
- Ultrasound for Fat
- Radio Frequency for Fat
- Intermittent Fasting and hGH
- Appetite & Craving Suppressant
- Flatten Glucose Spikes / Lower Insulin
- Tone Muscle - Electrical Stimulation
- Cellulite & Collagen
- Binders to excrete toxins
- Belly Fat
- Bonus: Food Thoughts Feelings & Emotions

Add on Private Session
Add to Pkg A, B, or Combo

NOTE: availability to book sessions starts in March. You can add this on to your order on the checkout page for $199

Ask Lynn to dive into your body and take a look, clearing whatever your specific issues are. When she works with people she literally dives into the many systems of the body: Nervous, Endocrine, Circulatory, Muscular & Connective Tissue, Organs, Digestive, Lymphatic, Immune, Reproductive, Respiratory, Urinary, Skeletal, and Integumentary.
For most clients, it is as if she literally shrank to whatever size she needed to be to pass through that part of the body. The body talks to her the entire time, showing her problem areas and whatever is required to do to change it, whether it be frequency baths, adding alkalinity to change pH, dissipating growths, activating organs and cells, and much more!
All of This Using the Consciousness of YOUR Body!
Some of the most common ailments she has worked on include things like: candida or yeast overgrowth; spinal adjustments; cleaning out plaque and more from arteries and veins; tuning the endocrine system to alleviate thyroid problems, change menstrual cycles or menopause issues and prostate problems; detoxing the body including heavy metals, chemicals & parasites; immune system boost and clean-out; inflammation reduction; soothing symptoms of IBS, Colitis, Crohn’s, and other digestive issues; and much more!
Note: Sessions are recorded.
17 MP3S
- SCD1 – Stop Storing Fat
- Appetite Suppressant
- Intermittent Fasting and HGH
- Leptin
- Gut Microbiota
- Stress & Stress Eating
- Flatten Glucose Spikes / Lower Insulin
- Decrease Stored PUFA (Polyunsaturated Fat)
- Binders to excrete toxins
- Cold Therapy / Fat Freezing
- Belly Fat
- Fat Heating / Laser
- Ultrasound for Fat
- Radio Frequency for Fat
- Tone Muscle
- Cellulite & Collagen
- Bonus: Food Thoughts Feelings Emotions
Special Offer
12 MP3S
- SCD1 - Stop Storing Fat
- Appetite Suppressant
- Intermittent Fasting and hGH
- Leptin
- Gut Microbiota
- Stress & Stress Eating
- Flatten Glucose Spikes / Lower Insulin
- Decrease Stored PUFA (Polyunsaturated Fat)
- Binders to excrete toxins
- Cold Therapy / Fat Freezing
- Belly Fat
- Bonus: Food Thoughts Feelings & Emotions
Special Offer
12 MP3S
- Fat Freezing / Cold Therapy
- Fat Heating / Laser
- Ultrasound for Fat
- Radio Frequency for Fat
- Intermittent Fasting and hGH
- Appetite & Craving Suppressant
- Flatten Glucose Spikes / Lower Insulin
- Tone Muscle - Electrical Stimulation
- Cellulite & Collagen
- Binders to excrete toxins
- Belly Fat
- Bonus: Food Thoughts Feelings & Emotions
Special Offer
More Results from the Beta-test
obsessive sugar cravings diminished
I have very strong sugar cravings.
I had developed a habit of eating chocolate or cookies and having pop in the evenings after I put my son to bed.
I couldn’t stop thinking about having the sweets even if I was full from dinner.
I would go for a walk to the grocery store and pick up a chocolate bar and pop for myself that I would have before I got back home.
My thinking (obsessing) about having the sugar has diminished and a few evenings I have gone to the store and Not picked up a pop and chocolate bar. I just didn’t feel like having it!
This change stared in the last week.
It’s a pretty big deal for me and I’m super excited.
I am feeling less like a prisoner to my cravings!
I didn’t put in a lot of effort as I wanted to isolate for the one change in my life.
I’m excited with the results this far though and am hopeful that as I intentionally modify my eating habits and start to get more active I will see more significant improvements.
I would teccommend this to others.
~ Michelle D. Beta test of first 3 MP3s only Dec 5-26
ATE a ton due to stress and holidays but only gained 2 lbs and lost 1/2 inch in my waist! Normally would have gained 5 lbs eating like this
Well this has been an interesting time period, in this beta test time frame I tested positive for covid and was asymptomatic and tested negative on day 7. Then I had health issues going on for one of my cats, including a four hour trip to the emergency vet and felt a lot of stress around money about this. And it’s the holidays. So…. I gained two pounds, after a week of total stress with my cat and I literally ate 3 dozen ginger snaps and generally ate a ton on Christmas. And honestly I was pretty surprised to only have put on 2 pounds and lost a half inch around my waist. In other years this would be a five pound or more weight gain. Even though I had an indulgent holiday (writing this a couple days after Christmas) I do feel like overall my appetite is reduced, that I am eating less and feeling full, that I’m not snacking as much, that I feel more satisfied after I eat, and I am getting out for more walks and moving more.
~ Kim Q.Beta test of first 3 MP3s only Dec 5-26
weight stayed down, good eating choices
Given my traveling from coast to coast for a stressful (but fun) competition, TV pilot shooting, during the most important time of year for my stressful sales job back home, I was pretty amazed my weight stayed down. For the most part I made good eating choices. I had little to no change in my measurements but I thought I looked pretty good in my clothes.
~ D.W.Beta test of first 3 MP3s only Dec 5-26
less sugar, healthier choices, self-confidence
I was already just a few pounds away from my thinnest ever, and I wasn’t sure how it would help. I was pleasantly surprised how quickly it helped me greatly reduce my sugar intake and make healthier food choices. I have a history of binging disorder so thinking about what I’m eating is a very welcome benefit. I also noticed my self-confidence improved a lot in these three weeks, I’m not sure why but I’ll take it! I will definitely keep listening and plan to buy the other mp3s! I think the Stress / Stress-eating one will help me a lot, and I really want to try the fat freezing and laser!.
~ Karina M. Beta test of first 3 MP3s only Dec 5-26
no temptation, digestion much better
I did not overeat at all. I ate a regular meal and was not tempted to eat more. My digestion which used to be very sluggish took off and I started having sometimes multiple bowel movements during the day. I would 100 percent recommend this to others.
~ Martina M. Beta test of first 3 MP3s only Dec 5-26
made it through very stressful december and jeans still fit! don't have to "clean my plate"
It seems like in the last 6 months to a year I have done nothing but gain weight. And I had been having a lot of crazy eating just before bedtime. All of a sudden I would desperately want some food. That is better now. I am moving better, which is nice. Having work year-end stuff happening and Christmas and a special weekend trip just before Christmas as well as work being done on the house–definitely hard. But with this program I have emerged on the other side of the holidays and my jeans still fit. That is cause for celebration. I thought had gotten past the frantic, late night food binge that had been pretty consistent, but it does still happen. But not as much and I am able to shut it down sooner. When I am eating a meal, I finding that I am often able to stop without “cleaning my plate.”
~ SC R. Beta test of first 3 MP3s only Dec 5-26
17 MP3S
- SCD1 – Stop Storing Fat
- Appetite Suppressant
- Intermittent Fasting and HGH
- Leptin
- Flatten Glucose Spikes / Lower Insulin
- Gut Microbiota
- Cold Therapy / Fat Freezing
- Stress & Stress Eating
- Decrease Stored PUFA (Polyunsaturated Fat)
- Binders to excrete toxins
- Belly Fat
- Fat Heating / Laser
- Ultrasound for Fat
- Radio Frequency for Fat
- Tone Muscle
- Cellulite & Collagen
- Bonus: Food TFEs
Special Offer
12 MP3S
- SCD1 - Stop Storing Fat
- Appetite Suppressant
- Intermittent Fasting and hGH
- Leptin
- Gut Microbiota
- Stress & Stress Eating
- Flatten Glucose Spikes / Lower Insulin
- Decrease Stored PUFA (Polyunsaturated Fat)
- Binders to excrete toxins
- Cold Therapy / Fat Freezing
- Belly Fat
- Bonus: Food Thoughts Feelings & Emotions
Special Offer
12 MP3S
- Fat Freezing / Cold Therapy
- Fat Heating / Laser
- Ultrasound for Fat
- Radio Frequency for Fat
- Intermittent Fasting and hGH
- Appetite & Craving Suppressant
- Flatten Glucose Spikes / Lower Insulin
- Tone Muscle - Electrical Stimulation
- Cellulite & Collagen
- Binders to excrete toxins
- Belly Fat
- Bonus: Food Thoughts Feelings & Emotions
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