Lynn on Biohack Age Reversal
You can download both the podcast and the separate Skin Tightening Group Process Mp3 click here.
Biohack Age Reversal
What is “bio-hacking”?
Biohacking (n) - attempts to improve the condition of your body and mind using technology, drugs, or other chemical substances.
- Looking Young
- Peak Energy
- Peak Productivity
- Life Extension
- Peak Mental Health
- Living Pain Free
- Ideal Body Shape / Weight

But for most of us, biohacks are far too expensive
Most of us don’t have the CASH or the TIME to spend on all these treatments. Many of the supplements are patented, very expensive, and require ongoing monthly subscriptions. The therapies listed below usually require packs of sessions, repeating them every month ongoing or for at least a year
In the Billionaire Biohack Series, medical intuitive Lynn Waldrop is creating energetic versions of these cutting edge supplements and therapies so that your body can absorb the frequencies of the treatments without the time and expense of the physical therapies.
If you've ever said "I hate getting old"...

- Wrinkles and Sagging
- Less energy
- Aches and pains
- Hurting yourself much more easily and slower recovery time
- Less ability to focus
- Feeling bloated or uncomfortable
- Being grumpy or irritable more often
The extreme biohackers in the tech world are now starting Age Reversal Biohacks in their 20s and 30s!
It doesn't matter how old you look or feel, you are never too young (or old!) to start
Getting older SHOULD be more fun, except for the mirror
Really, getting older should be great…we have much more experience and perspective, longer friendships, often more money. We have learned what we love to do and are less worried about what other people think about us.
But we HATE looking in the mirror and feeling old. Noticing things that previously happened to our “ancient” grandparents or “old” parents. It never seemed like it could happen to us!
But we are living in a time of accelerated aging and disease. Generally, “science” is working against us, creating chemicals, frequencies, and pollutants that rob us of health and life. Whether they are applied/added to our food, spewed in the air, injected into our bodies, in our drinking water…there is a lot working against us.
YET we are also living in a time of accelerating age reversal breakthroughs. So we need to leverage these breakthroughs:
- Cellular Reprogramming - science has discovered that retinal and other cells can be reprogrammed back to the state they were in 20 years ago. We can tap into this energetically.
- Peptides -short chains of amino acids that the body uses in many different capacities. The human body naturally produces more than 7,000 known peptide types to signal cells to start certain functions, including repair, metabolism, and regeneration.
- Stem Cells - Increase systemic production of healthy original blueprint stem cells for the body to create new healthy cells that replicate wherever cells are damaged or dying. Also providing the nutrients your body needs to support stem cell production and release.
What do the technologies in this Age Reversal Package include?
- Regenerate Skin and Organ Cells - short chains of amino acids call peptides have been a huge healthy breakthrough in science (and used to create very expensive products). They are great for reversing skin aging and they have actually figured out which natural peptides signal most organs to regenerate. The signaling declines with age, but we can retrigger it energetically!
- Speedy healing - you may have first heard about Michael Jackson having a hyperbaric oxygen machine where atmospheric pressure is increased so that more oxygen is dissolved into your blood. Not only does it boost your immune system and speed repair tissue, it also helps repair telemores which are the ends of DNA that deteriorate with age.dy
- Restore Original Blueprint of our Cells - stem cells are used everywhere from athletes to cancer treatment. These blank slate cells can become any needed cell in the body at the original blueprint of the body before it was affected by all the physical and enrgetic toxins. We'll help direct them to the areas of your body that make you look and feel the youngest.
- Senescent Cells - these dying cells are double trouble, not only do they stop functioning as they should but they also signal nearby cells to age more quickly and stop functioning. By energetically clearing those out, you are left with functioning healthy cells. Then you add in the original blueprint stem cells from above to create new healthy versions of all of your cells!
- Reprogram Cells in Eyes - they have figured out that retinal cells can be reprogrammed to an earlier age! We'll do this energetically and also provide other energetic supplements to support eye and vision health.
Comparing the Physical Biohacks to
the Energetic Biohacks
Hyperbaric Oxygen
$200 each in clinic, $30k machine
at least an hour with 10 minutes compressing and decompressing, it’s claustrophobic!
$100 in clinic, home units from about $1-$50k
30-60 minutes per session needs to be on-going
$50-$1000 dollars depending on type
must inject subcutaneously! continue on most indefinitely
Energetic Versions of the above + all the other supplments and therapies
15 minutes a day running an mp3 in the background while you do other things or while you sleep
TREATMENT: Hyperbaric Oxygen
COST: $200 each in clinic, $30k machine
TIME: at least an hour with 10 minutes compressing and decompressing, it’s claustrophobic!
COST: $100 in clinic, home units from about $1-$50k
TIME: 30-60 minutes per session needs to be on-going
COST: $50-$1000 dollars depending on type
TIME: must inject subcutaneously! continue on most indefinitely
TREATMENT: Energetic Versions of the above + all the other supplments and therapies
COST: $119 one-time for all treatments for lifetime
TIME: 15 minutes a day running an mp3 in the background while you do other things or while you sleep

We asked 9 people to test just FOUR of the tracks for 6 weeks and share with us what they noticed. These were the Hyperbaric Oxygen, PEMF, Skin Detox with C60, and Skin Peptides. Keep in mind this is just 35% of the program and only for 6 weeks. We didn’t know what to expect…What we found is everybody reported some improvement, it depended on the person for where it helped them. As Lynn says, bodies take energies for where they need them most.
- 100% reported improvement in an average of 12 areas
- 80% reported improvement in cheek hollowness
- 71% reported improvement in nasolabial folds and jowls
- 80% reported improvement in anxiety
Here are highlights of what the beta-testers reported...
See full reports at end of page
My eyesight and allergies appear to have cleared up. ~ BB
My hair looks younger. It is thicker and growing in darker. Last week, my neighbor surprised me with a text saying she saw me in the yard and that my hair looks amazing! ~ SD
My hollow cheeks made my face look drawn. Now, the cheek “”hollowness”” is no more. Definitely not concave and while they are not quite convex yet, they are in between, or straight. ~ GS
My hair seems to have regained some of its original brown color and fullness! ~ Barb
Puffiness under my eye and purplish circles have lessened. ~ Michelle D
Skin discolouration has gone, the slight nasolabial lines have smoothed out and marionette lines much improved.
~ GS
I’ve been dealing with lower back pain from three compression fractures in my spine. The pain has pretty much disappeared. ~ Sally
Lips are also fuller and lip feathering not noticeable ~ GS
We asked our testers what SURPRISED them...
I have experienced frequent upticks in my motivation, along with the incentive and energy to clear clutter throughout the house. On days when the weather allowed, I’ve had plenty of energy to do hours of heavy-duty yardwork. I’ve written poetry, a few essays, and even some song lyrics! Overall, I’m feeling more creative and productive. ~ Sally D
I think my cat’s gums improved. Less itchy. ~ MF
The last few weeks have been pretty stressful and i found my ability to deal with the stress was better than I would have expected. ~ Michelle D
I don’t know if it is related but my terrier is coming out of her dog crate and greeting me and when she hears me now she comes to see what I am up to. She was acting like a cat and mostly just wanting to stay in her crate except to eat and poop. ~ KH
What are Energetic Frequencies?

We all know on a fundamental level, everything is energy. Say for example intravenous arginine – which is a IV Infusion shown to increase the production of hGH which keeps us looking and feeling young. Arginine vibrates at a unique frequency. And while the physical form of arginine can for sure be beneficial, your body also can use the energetic form.
Why Energetic Frequencies
Are So Amazing
- RESULTS - This is the purest form of energy delivered directly to your entire body, to any part that needs it. It doesn’t have to go through the digestive system or through your bloodstream, but can pass through all parts of your body and be absorbed exactly in the right places.
- TIME - Each mp3 is only about 10-20 mins. You can play one a day on a rotation, or even just set it up so all play each day.
- CONVENIENCE - You can turn the volume down to low because there is no sound (frequencies are not in the audible range). Then do other things around the house or at work, you won’t be bugging anyone. Many people play them on their computer while they are working, while they are relaxing around the home, or while they sleep!
- PAINLESS - No needles or stinging or bruising or swallowing handfuls of pills
- PERFECT DOSE - Your body only absorbs what it needs! It’s like a buffet - your body chooses what it needs at that moment and ignores the rest. You don’t have to worry about how much or how often or adjusting the dosage.
- SHARE THE LOVE - all your loved ones including pets will benefit if they are home when you play them
- AFFORDABLE - No monthly subscriptions of expensive patented supplements, one-time payment for a lifetime!
11 MP3s

MP3 - available for immediate download
PURPOSE: Lengthening of telomeres to reverse aging, clearing of senescent (old) cells, immune system, revitalizing red blood cells
RESEARCH: Telomere Reduction; Improved Cognitive Function and brain blood flow
DESCRIPTION: Physical hyperbaric oxygen is when you are in an environment of pure oxygen under extra atmospheric pressure. Typically you climb into a white hard sided steel “tank”, the pressure is increased slowly over about 10 mins, you are full-0pressure breathing the oxygen for 10-30 minutes, and then it’s slowly decreased and you come out (coming out too fast can cause “the bends” like scuba divers.) Under pressure, your red blood cells can absorb more oxygen.
Studies have shown with this physical therapy:
- Immune cell telomeres elongated by 20%, another study showed 40%. Telomeres are the tips at the end of our chromosomes that shorten with each cell division. When there is no more telomere structure, cells die.
- Some senescent (dying and dysfunctional) immune cells reduced by 37%.
- Improved immune markers
- Hyperbaric oxygen treatments in healthy aging adults can stop the aging of blood cells and reverse the aging process.
- In the biological sense, the adults’ blood cells actually grow younger as the treatments progress.
We will use the energy of super saturating the cells with oxygen to be carried through the blood to all parts of the body. Most pathogens cannot live in the presence of oxygen. Cellular metabolism also needs oxygen. Use with the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) mp3 in the Biohack Longevity series to get best results, as CO2 allows the blood to release the oxygen.

MP3 - available for immediate download
PURPOSE: Cellular Repair, Cellular Metabolism & Energy, Inflammation, Pain, Lymphatic Drainage, Stress and Relaxation
DESCRIPTION: Our bodies run on electricity! The nutrition we give our body creates electrical charges that create the movement and functions of our cells.. Pulsed Electro Magnetic field therapy is a restorative cellular repair method of sending gentle short bursts of electrical energy through the body. These pulses facilitate movement and waste removal. When toxin elimination isn’t at peak efficiency, the wastes build up in our various tissues causing pain, brain fog, inflammation. The PEMF therapy gives it a gentle nudge so that the waste is eliminated and the cell can create energy and repair itself.
PEMF was originally designed to help speed broken bone repair. There are many theories of what frequencies are best for certain issues and which devices are best. There are a bewildering array of options, ranging from about $1k – $50k plus. Tony Robbins brings his $50k machine with him when he travels! See Page 274 in his Life Force Book:
“These days, I remain a staunch believer in the healing power of PEMF and its therapeutic magnetic field. I’ve since bought at least a dozen PEMF machines […].These machines are a godsend in terms of pain relief and healing. But I also use them for entirely different reasons: The machines boost my energy and concentration levels and improve my sleep. It has had a big impact on my overall daily function. And it’s not just me: Studies have shown that PEMF decreases pain, swelling, and inflammation, and improves cellular metabolism and energy.”
On this track, you will receive all a wide frequencies and let your body select which one it most needs right now and which area it is best directed.

MP3 - available for immediate download
NOTE FROM LYNN: Before I could create the skin peptide mp3 the bodies told me that the skin needed energies to support removing the residue of chemicals, plastics, and nanoparticles from all of the skin care products and sunblock we have used as well as for injections and procedures some of you may have had. Botox is literally a deadly poison as you know and the bodies unsurprisingly do not like it! If you have recently had any injections like fillers or botox, this could very well break it down faster than you would normally experience, so you may want to wait to use this one later until they dissipate on their own.
DESCRIPTION: These were the main energies that the bodies needed to get rid of to receive the age-reversal energies in this program:
Nanoparticles – we know they put these in sunblock like nano-zinc and nano titanium, but they also put them as fillers in skin care products to give the illusion of filling in wrinkles. The skin can also absorb them from fleece and other synthetic clothing, and we may also be exposed to nanobots. These nanoparticles can get trapped in the cells and fascia and extracellular matrix of the skin and block the skin’s natural repair function.
Chemicals – there are soooo many chemicals even in natural skin care products that can linger in the layers of the skin and can damage the skin and prevent it from reproducing healthy cells. These include pthalates and sulfates and carbomers. There are also chemicals and heavy metals in tattoo ink which will be detoxed here, but we’ll leave the pigment in tact.
Seed Oils – many skin care products have sunflower oil and other seed oils that get trapped in the fat cells and plasticize the membrane of other cells which can significantly age the appearance of the skin and block absorption of the energies in the skin peptide and tightening tracks.
Vitamin E – we are going to include the energies of Vitamin E especially as we liberate the seed oils that are so damaging to the body, vitamin E prevents further damage from the oils as the body eliminates them.
Sodium Bicarbonate – baking soda, the bodies love baking soda and requested it for this mp3, it will help not just with exfoliation of any dead or dying cells on the surface but also removing nanoparticles, chemicals, and plastics.
Glycolic Acid – we are going to layer the gentlest energies of glycolic acid to remove any dead or dying cells without damaging any healthy cells. This will also allow deeper penetration from the peptide mp3 and also it is safe for you to use this year round without risking sun damage like when using physical acids.
We are also going to apply the energies of methylene blue, vitamin c, carbon 60, and redox molecules to the epdierms, dermis, subcutaneous fat, fascia, and extracellular fluid.
Methylene Blue is helpful in getting rid of nanoparticles and is a strong antioxidant. This will also help with any bacterial infections and acne you may have in the skin.
A Vitamin C serum will support the repair and healing process
Lipsomal C60 (Carbon 60) will attract and bind toxins and eliminate them
Redox Molecules – we help the signaling and communication to get all the skin cells communicating with each other
The Vitamin C&E will also help protect your skin from sun damage and we are going to add in astaxanthin and Vitamin D to increase that natural sun protection, this is like an internal sunblock to increase the amount of time you can spend in the sun before needing physical sun protection, which will allow your body to create more of its own Vitamin D.
Astaxanthin is a red pigmented carotenoid naturally found in salmon, lobster, crab and crawfish, as well as in krill oil and algae. It’s well-established that astaxanthin can reduce age-related and sun-related skin deterioration owing to its extremely high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. But, two recent studies have extended this protection to sunburn as well.

MP3 - available for immediate download
PURPOSE: Increase systemic production of healthy original blueprint stem cells for the body to create new healthy cells that replicate wherever cells are damaged or dying. Also providing the nutrients your body needs to support stem cell production and release.
Energetic Stem Cells – Sourcing the frequencies from your own mesenchymal, bone marrow, and fat stem cells, and also the energy imprint of your own umbilical cord blood. Providing the energies of your own stem cells rather than those extracted from others gives you the best possible energetic match.
Seabuckthorn Berry Extract, AFA extract, Fucoidan to increases the number of circulating stem cells by 35%
Aloe extract, panax ginseng, and Beta-glucan 1-3 to support production and release of stem cells from the bone marrow.
Colostrum – abundant in antibodies, growth factors, and vital nutrients, it increases the mobilization of stem cells and overall health.

MP3 - available for immediate download
PURPOSE: Recycle senescent cells which are older cells that stop replicating and build up in the body causing inflammation and other disease processes. Some senescent cells are “zombie” cells that produce chemicals that make nearby healthy cells age faster. Using your own T-Cells, glycine, spermidine, quercetin, and other known senolytic substances that cause autophagy which is the recycling of senescent cells.
CAR T-Cells – we will turn on genes in your immune system to target senescent cells. CAR T cells have been used to treat a variety of blood cancers since 2017. Mice with this treatment for senescent cells had lower body weight, improved metabolism and glucose tolerance, and increased physical activity. All benefits came without any tissue damage or toxicity. Younger mice lived longer lives, aged mice rejuvenated.
Glycine – an amino acid that is the main component of collagen and connective tissue, it also induces autophagy (elimination of dead cells) has anti-inflammatory effects, acts as a neurotransmitter, and plays an important role in the epigenetic regulation that drives the aging process.
We will also add in NAC (n-acetyl cysteine) to help your body create its own glutathione and repair mitochondria. Glycine also has many other benefits, click the link above to read more.
Fisetin – Fisetin is a polyphenol found in many fruits and vegetables, including strawberries, apples, and onions. Studies have shown that fisetin reduces senescence markers in multiple tissues.
Quercetin – a flavonoid with strong antioxidant and senescent activity that is poorly absorbed in supplement form.
Spermidine – Spermidine (first identified in sperm but since found in other places in women and men) has emerged as an important metabolite that links cellular aging and autophagy. Spermidine is a naturally occurring polyamine involved in biological processes such as cell growth and proliferation, tissue regeneration and translation regulation, and improves longevity.
Turmeric with Black Pepper Extract – well known anti-inflammatory but difficult to fully absorb in supplement form, so we will deliver the full spectrum of energies of both of these directly to the cells. Clinically proven to be effective in more than 100 studies to support: healthy joint function and normal bile production in addition to mitigating the senescence-associated secretory phenotype.
Apigenin – another polyphenol with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune system boosting properties. It also helps to support against oxidative stress for better cellular function. Studies have shown that apigenin prevents excessive loss of NAD+ by reducing the amount of circulating CD38, allowing NAD+ stores to remain at higher, more youthful level.
Green Tea extract (EGCG) – EGCG is the major catechin found in green tea, with many potential benefits on health outcomes, including cell senescence, aging, and age-related diseases.
Astragalus root extracts – this can upregulate the absorption of nutrients and plant compounds in the gut,. repair ulcerated and damaged intestinal walls and reduce inflammation, and help maintain a healthy microbiota

MP3 - available for immediate download
PURPOSE: Stimulate production of klotho in kidneys, liver, and fat tissue for prevention of premature aging, protection against neuro-degenerative diseases like dementia and alzheimers, protecting kidney health, insulin signaling, nutrient metabolism, and extending lifespan.
DESCRIPTION: Klotho is a protein and a gene. The protein is produced mainly in the kidneys (but also produced in brain, endocrine glands, skin, and fat) and is involved in preventing premature aging, modulating insulin signaling, and utrient metabolism – making it a critical factor in maintaining overall health and well-being.
In mice studies, mice that had reduced klotho died prematurely and those with increased klotho lived much longer.
It is also thought klotho is associated with:
- Improvement of melanin production in the eye and prevention of age-related retinal degeneration and lens associated conditions such as cataracts.
- Lower likelihood of Cardiovascular Disease
- Decreased Klotho levels are associated with a decrease in Bone Mineral Density
- Improvement in mental health and mood
The α-Klotho protein, first identified in mice studies in 1997, primarily functions as a co-receptor for fibroblast growth factor 23 and is produced in the tubules of the kidney and has a crucial role in phosphate homeostasis, vitamin D metabolism, and vascular calcification. β-Klotho is primarily expressed in the liver, adipose tissue, and kidneys and plays a role in lipid and energy metabolism. There is a γ-Klotho too but less is known except that it is expressed mainly in the brown adipose tissue, skin and kidneys.
Klotho is also a gene that can downregulate klotho protein production when affected by inflammation and other factors and upregulated by vitamin D.
Balance is key with everything, excessive klotho is also not good, and the bodies can take just as much as they need for the correct balance for you
In this track are the energies of:
- Soluble, transmembrane, and shed forms of klotho molecules since it is unclear which forms do what
- Healing support for the entire kidneys but particularly the tubules where klotho is produce
- Vitamin D to positively affect the gene klotho
- The fungus extract cordycepin, the molecule curcumin present in turmeric, the ginseng root, and dong quai which have shown to help the body increase the production of klotho

MP3 - available for download on May 13
PURPOSE: Each organ uses a very specific peptide (short chain of amino acids) that acts like a gene switch; to trigger repair and regeneration of the organ. Studies have shown the youthfulness of the targeted organ improved by 42% after each course.
This track uses the energy of the known peptide sequences that support our main organ systems. There is also a track for Endocrine Glands. And the eye regulator will be in the Vision track.
Brain/Central Nervous System Regulators help to protect, restore and improve the functions of the central nervous system and the brain. To help prevent nervous system dysfunction and various pathological states that can lead to serious diseases.
Cardiovascular Regulators interact directly with the proteins associated with the heart to help support the function of the cardiovascular system, stimulate protein synthesis by interacting directly with DNA strands. It has beneficial effects on the myocardial cells by regulating metabolism in cardiomyocytes.
Blood Vessel Regulators have a selective effect on various cells of the vascular wall, normalize metabolism in cells, and regulate the functions of the vascular system.
Muscle Regulators have a selective effect on myocytes, normalize metabolism in them, and increase their functional activity and to maintain the functional activity of muscles.
Kidney Regulators have a targeted and selective effect on the kidney cells, normalizes their metabolism and function; regulates the urinary system.
Cartilage & Bone have a selective effect on various cells of the cartilage and bone tissues, normalize metabolism in the cells, and regulate the functions of the joints and the spine.
Stomach Regulators supports the cells of the gastric mucosa, normalizing their metabolism and function.
Liver Regulators has a selective effect on various liver cells, normalizes their metabolism, and regulates their functions.
Bone Marrow Regulators supports production of new blood cells by restoring protein synthesis inside bone marrow cells.
Lung Regulators have a selective effect on the cells of the bronchial mucosa, normalize their metabolism, and increase their functional activity.

MP3 - available for download on May 13
PURPOSE: Each gland uses a very specific peptide (short chain of amino acids) that acts like a gene switch; to trigger repair and regeneration of the gland. Studies have shown the youthfulness of the targeted gland improved by 42% after each course.
Adrenal Regulators target the function of the adrenal glands and maintaining hormonal synthesis at optimum levels to prevent adrenal insufficiency, reduce stress resistance, apathy, and malfunction of adaptive mechanisms.
Thymus Regulators peptide compounds selectively act on the cells of the immune system, regulating its functions and normalizing cell metabolism to help restore immunity
Thyroid Regulators isolated peptides have a selective effect on various cells of the thyroid gland, normalize their metabolism, and regulate the functions of the thyroid gland.
Ovary Regulator peptides have a selective effect on ovarian cells, regulate metabolic processes, promote egg maturation, and restore their cyclic activity.
Testes Regulator helps regulate the metabolism and functions of testicular cells for support of testicular hypofunction, male infertility, low testosterone, and to maintain the health of their reproductive system.
Prostate Regulators targets the prostate tissue by regulating its function and metabolism and is recommended as a preventive measure for men to maintain the health of their reproductive system and for all prostate-related diseases like benign prostatic hyperplasia, chronic prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, male infertility, etc.
Pineal Regulator helps Improve melatonin levels and sleep patterns, lengthen telomeres and improve overall health of the pineal gland. It has helped with preventing cancer, normalizing the functions of the neuroendocrine system and diseases of the reproductive system.
Pancreas Regulators have a selective effect on various cells of the pancreas, normalizes their metabolism, and regulates the functions of the pancreas.

MP3 - available for download on May 20
PURPOSE: Tighten and tone the skin, improve texture, plump hollow areas and wrinkles. Targeting crepey skin, excess skin,, under eye circles and bags, furrows, folds, cheek hollows, improve fluid drainage, strengthen capillaries, and improve elasticity. Using peptides, botanical extracts, fillers, and fibroblast (skin stem cell) stimulation.
RESEARCH: Fibroblast Plasma
DESCRIPTION: We have selected the most healthful agents used in the highly competitive and pricey world of skin tightening from a range of brands and products. We are leaving out the noxious smells (who wants to walk around smelling like febreze?), seed oils, and synthetic or harmful ingredients, binding agents, and fillers. Also including skin stem cell stimulation.
Polylactic acid – a filler that promotes collagen and elastin production. We’ll target deeper lines like nasolabial lines between nose and mouth, marionette lines from lips to chin, the elevens in between the brows, deeper crows feet, forehead lines, and plump up the cheeks where needed to reduce cheek hollowness.
Fibroblast Plasma stimulation – the energies of cold/warm plasma charge which shortens, contracts, and tightens targeted skin tissue instantly and encourages your own body to create new fibroblast cells. Targets loose skin and stretch marks.
Red Algae Extracts – Re-densifies the extracellular matrix (ECM) as it works to reactivate 14 genes that deactivate with age that play crucial roles in synthesis of collagen and elastin, while also being rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Reactivates the metabolism of aging cells, resuming activity frequently found in the skin of patients 20 years younger and combats the effects of photoaging caused by the sun and maintains proper hydration by regulating the production of sebum (oil).
Pink PepperSlim – A plant extract that is proven to smooth the look of fatty skin.
Kangaroo Paw Flower Extract – A clinically proven botanical extract that freshens the look of skin for a tighter and smoother look.
Guarana Seed Extract – Wakes up tired skin by energizing and refreshing its appearance.
Hesperidin methyl chalcone – stabilizes microvessels reducing the capillary permeability.
Dipeptide-VW promotes local lymphatic circulation.
Trifluoroacetyl Tripeptide-2 – Helps smooth the look of crepey skin.
Chlorella Vulgaris Extract – Helps to diminish the appearance of stretch marks.
Squalane oil – saturated oil that moisturizes, enhance elasticity, make skin softer, and help blood circulation
Resveratrol – Reactivates anti-aging genes that become deactivated over time responsible for the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid (the skin’s natural filling and firming components)
CoQ10 – add in this lipid based antioxidant directly to skin to protect against free radical damage
NRM and NR precursors to NAD+ – to Increase NAD+ levels in the skin in order to reactivate anti-aging genes, lessen inflammation, breakouts, hyperpigmentation, minimize pore appearance, and fight free radicals.

MP3 - available for download on May 20
PURPOSE: Address vision, cataracts, Macular Degeneration, dry eye, glaucoma and all age-related eye health issues through reprogramming retinal cells to an earlier age, peptides, and supportive nutrients. Use in conjunction with the brain and blood vessel peptides in Organ Bioregulator mp3 for best results.
RESEARCH: Mercola Article
GROUPS: Facebook Group
DESCRIPTION: All the latest science on vision correction and eye health in this one!
Reprogramming Retinal Cells – energetically access the “backup copy” of youthful information in the cell to reboot to its younger state. In the study “Turning Back Time: Reprogramming Retinal Cells Can Reverse Age-Related Vision Loss,” Dr. Sinclair summarized the signicance of the published work as follows: “The main point of the paper is that we found that there is a backup copy of youthful information in the cell that we can access that gives us the ability to reboot cells, even in a living animal. In the case of the Nature paper, we found that we could reboot the cells of the mouse eye and rejuvenate them, taking them back in time. The vision system of the mouse didn’t just appear younger, it was literally younger.?
Eye Peptide Bioregulator – increase visual acuity, protect the eyes from the adverse effects of the external environment. It has a targeted and selective effect on the cells of the retina, ciliary muscles, and conjunctiva, normalizing their functions and metabolism; regulates the function of the eyes.
SkQ1 – a small molecule using plastiquinone that targets the reduction of excess ROS (reactive oxygen species) in mitochondria to prevent/repair oxidative damage and prevent/treat many age-related disorders across various therapeutic areas. Applied to the eyes can help reverse age-related vision degeneration, dry eye syndrome, non-infectious uveitis, cataract, and glaucoma.
Retina polypeptide fractions – normalizes vascular permeability, reduces local inflammation, and activates reparative processes in patients with diseases and traumas of the retina. It addresses excessive activation of glutamate receptors and subsequent entry of calcium ions into a cell. Excess of calcium launches processes resulting in necrotic and apoptotic cell death. These peptide fractions regenerate retinal neurons improving visual functions in case of glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and other eye disorders.
Energetic Nutrients
- N-acetyl- carnosine – studies have shown NAC can prevent protein misfolding that causes the cloudiness of the lens and can disassemble existing misfolded proteins.
- L-Carnosine – protects against advanced lipoxidation endproducts (ALEs) that result from polynunsaturated fats (PUFAs), and helps in prevention of cataracts.
- Acetyl-L-carnitine supports macular health to prevent macular degeneration
- Taurine – helps glaucoma and general longevity
- Zeaxanthin and Lutein – these carotenoids cross the blood-retina barrier to form macular pigment. Lutein helps form the retinal macular pigment, which is responsible for optimizing your visual performance and serves as a biomarker for the risk of macular diseases. Lutein is protective against age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases. Along with improving retinal thickness and function, lutein may lower the risk of development or progression of diabetic retinopathy.
- Choline, EPA, and DHA – choline produces LPC which shuttles the EPA and DHA into the eyes. Also great nutrients for your liver!
- Alpha-carotene – a carotenoid and vitamin A precursor found in pumpkins and carrots, protects retinal cells from light-induced oxidative damage and helps low-light vision.
- Sananga – still used by many tribes in the heart of the Amazon, sananga shows powerful potential to treat a spectrum of physical and psychospiritual illnesses:
- Treats and prevents ocular diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, farsightedness, nearsightedness, astigmatism, and blindness
- Increases visual perception and enhances colors
- Resets energetic fieldTreats spiritual diseases (“panema”) caused by negative energies in the body. These spiritual diseases can accumulate in a person’s energetic body and make a person depressed and anxious.
COMPLEMENTARY TRACKS: Oxygen and C02, Copper for optic nerve health and Zinc (Micronutrients track in Biohack Longevity), LIver in Longevity, PUFA detox in Biohack Weight (and eat less PUFAs!), Vitamin C in Anti-aging

MP3 - available for download on May 20
PURPOSE: Stimulate the skin to create collagen from fibroblasts (skin stem cells), elastin, nidogen, and laminims to have a healthy support structure for the skin and to diminish fine lines and wrinkles in the top layer of skin.
RESEARCH: Great article on importance of supporting the epidermal/dermal border as described below
Products with these ingredients in them: OneSkin, Elevai, Chara Omni
Decapeptide-52 – this eliminates “zombie” cells in the skin which are aging cells that release chemicals to encourage healthy cells to age faster. By eliminating the zombie cells, the healthy cells are encouraged to reproduce. [You can find this type of peptide in Oneskin products link above]
Dipeptide-2 – kickstarts the cell renewal process, improves lymphatic circulation and drainage and can improve dark and puffy under-eye circles
Copper Peptides (GHK-Cu) are naturally occurring amino acid chains that trigger the skin’s stem cells to produce collagen and elastin which can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and even out skin tone.
Matrikines are a certain class of peptides signals fibroblasts, which skin stem cells to produce collagen when the existing collagen protein is degraded. We will include the energies of two peptides palmitoyl tripeptide-1 and palmitoyl tetrapeptide-7. These two peptides work synergistically to restore and maintain the skin’s youthful appearance.
Palmitoyl tripeptide-38, a peptide derived from the tripeptide KMK naturally found in collagen VI and laminin. Studies have found it stimulates the synthesis of collagen I, II, IV, fibronectin, hyaluronic acid, and laminin 5.
Then we are going to focus on the epidermal-dermal border. The epidermis Is the thin top layer of skin where most topical products do their work. The dermis is below the epidermis and the border of the two provides an extracellular matrix to support the epidermis. Stimulating collagen, nidogen, and laminins in this border area gives structure to the skin for deeper results and is crucial for long term age reversal, it is hard to do without more invasive procedures. (see study linked above in research)
Exosomes are super tiny nano-vesicles released by stem cells. They mimic the body’s natural healing responses. They support improved blood flow and also promote the body’s natural ability to produce collagen and elastin. (see link to Elevai a product with exosomes above)
11 MP3s
- Hyperbaric Oxygen
- PEMF - (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields)
- Skin Prep with C60 & Redox Molecules
- Stem Cells
- Senescent Cells
- Klotho
- Peptide Bioregulators - Organs
- Peptide Bioregulators - Endocrine
- Skin Tightening
- Vision
- Skin Peptides

Includes Everything in Package A PLUS

dial in - note: it is NOT recorded

Ask Lynn to dive into your body and take a look, clearing whatever your specific issues are. When she works with people she literally dives into the many systems of the body: Nervous, Endocrine, Circulatory, Muscular & Connective Tissue, Organs, Digestive, Lymphatic, Immune, Reproductive, Respiratory, Urinary, Skeletal, and Integumentary.
For most clients, it is as if she literally shrank to whatever size she needed to be to pass through that part of the body. The body talks to her the entire time, showing her problem areas and whatever is required to do to change it, whether it be frequency baths, adding alkalinity to change pH, dissipating growths, activating organs and cells, and much more!
All of This Using the Consciousness of YOUR Body!
Some of the most common ailments she has worked on include things like: candida or yeast overgrowth; spinal adjustments; cleaning out plaque and more from arteries and veins; tuning the endocrine system to alleviate thyroid problems, change menstrual cycles or menopause issues and prostate problems; detoxing the body including heavy metals, chemicals & parasites; immune system boost and clean-out; inflammation reduction; soothing symptoms of IBS, Colitis, Crohn’s, and other digestive issues; and much more!
25 min Private Session with Lynn
11 MP3s
- 25 min 1:1 Private Session with Lynn
- Hyperbaric Oxygen
- PEMF - (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields)
- Skin Prep with C60 & Redox Molecules
- Stem Cells
- Senescent Cells
- Klotho
- Peptide Bioregulators - Organs
- Peptide Bioregulators - Endocrine
- Skin Tightening
- Vision
- Skin Peptides

What People are Saying...
For a year and a half, I’ve been dealing with lower back pain from three compression fractures in my spine. After listening to the mp3s, the pain has pretty much disappeared. Also, my hair looks younger. It is thicker and growing in darker (it’s not gray, but has gotten lighter in recent years). Last week, my neighbor surprised me with a text saying she saw me in the yard and that my hair looks amazing! :) ~ Sally D, beta-tester
I often wake up between 3-4 am, but try and go back to sleep or read for a while, but esp. after hyperbaric earlier in the day, I was ready to roar at 4 am, which is not like me at all. Legs full of “”get up and go””, but mind saying “”that is just too early. You will regret that later tomorrow.”” So I cut back on hyperbaric and only had it in the morning, then I had no trouble getting up at 6 or 7am, ready to go, which was nice for a change. I am usually a bit slow in the mornings.
~ MF, beta-tester
My hair seems to have regained some of its original brown color and fullness! Before starting the MP3’s, I had definite graying that seemed to come on overnight. My eyesight and allergies appear to have cleared up. It is the beginning of allergy season now so hopefully this improvement will continue. ~ Barb B, beta-tester
The one thing I wanted to change was the contour of my face, namely my hollow cheeks which made my face look drawn. I wanted to achieve this without having to put on weight.
The change started to become noticeable after Week 1. My cheeks felt better to a light touch of the hand. Then I looked into the mirror and my cheeks were not as concave as they were before I started listening to the audios.
Now, the cheek “”hollowness”” is no more. Definitely not concave and while they are not quite convex yet, they are in between, or straight. The effect is great because several related issues have also improved as listed below.
1. Skin discolouration has gone. This may be because with the filling out of the cheeks, there are no shadows being cast by the cheek bones which had given the impression of slight darker skin discolouration
2. The slight nasolabial lines have smoothed out and marionette lines much improved
3. Jowls were beginning to form but they have been lifted
4. Lips are also fuller and lip feathering … not noticeable
Or maybe these are all separate improvements because it is also very possible that the audios did the trick by targeting these issues specifically
Before I started listening to these audios, I would be reminded of the “”aging”” factor every time I was in front of a mirror. I never gave it any thought when the mirrored reminder was absent which suggests that I was happy with myself in other ways overall. Now my reflection can be included in my overall confidence about my appearance.
Needless to say, I am very happy with the results and will continue to listen to encourage further improvement. Thank you! ~ GS, beta-tester
I have puffiness under my eye and purplish circles. The puffiness is a bit reduced and discolouration has lessened. ~ Michelle D, beta-tester
The biggest improvement has been less lines on my forehead. The puffiness under my eyes something I have been trying to get rid of for a long time finally seems to be about half of what it has been. My sleep is a little bit longer. I was waking every two hours, now I only wake up once @3am. ~ KH, beta-tester
Although the “Blood & HOCATT Sauna + Niacin “ MP3s are my favorites, I listen daily to all of them for their synergetic effect on my body. My headaches are gone, my lungs have greatly improved, the edema in my legs is going down and my thyroid TSH is the lowest it has been in 40 years! I am now down from 168lbs to 148 lbs. ~ Sybil on Biohack Longevity
I am very happy with the program, but something else was fully unexpected and nothing short of miraculous. Normally my husband and I sleep separately, but last week we were on vacation together, and of course we shared a bedroom. And I was playing the program during the night at very low volume. I admit that I didn’t tell him because he is very sceptical about energy work. To him that’s just WooWoo.. But he was getting better and better and better from day to day. He is 70 years old and as someone who has been smoking all his life he has problems in his legs and feet and normally doesn’t walk well. But thanks to these audios he had no more pain after only 3 nights and was walking like he used to do 20 years ago!
~ Antje on Biohack Longevity
i really love this series. I am sleeping so much better, I’m having less bloating & more energy throughout my day. I play the mp3s every night & can’t wait to have the whole series. Thank you Lynn! ~ Diana on Biohack Anti-Aging
Lynn’s work is amazing and worth the investment. I have been using the Biohack audios once daily and the results are evident. My inflammation markers have improved, my lifelong pattern of constipation has shifted, I’m sleeping through the night and my skin’s appearance has improved. I’m looking forward to experiencing further improvements as I continue to use the audios. Thank you Lynn & Aimee! ~ Melissa on Biohack Anti-Aging
I have been a fan of Lynn’s for a long time, having bought several of her programs already. Since I have been listening to the biohack series I noticed some brown spots in my face becoming smaller. The skin also is much clearer and better. My night sleep is much deeper than before and I have more energy during the day. Thank you Lynn! ~ Angelina on Biohack Anti-Agining
25 min Private Session with Lynn
11 MP3s
- 25 min 1:1 Private Session with Lynn
- Hyperbaric Oxygen
- PEMF - (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields)
- Skin Prep with C60 & Redox Molecules
- Stem Cells
- Senescent Cells
- Klotho
- Peptide Bioregulators - Organs
- Peptide Bioregulators - Endocrine
- Skin Tightening
- Vision
- Skin Peptides
Special Offer

11 MP3s
- Hyperbaric Oxygen
- PEMF - (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields)
- Skin Prep with C60 & Redox Molecules
- Stem Cells
- Senescent Cells
- Klotho
- Peptide Bioregulators - Organs
- Peptide Bioregulators - Endocrine
- Skin Tightening
- Vision
- Skin Peptides
Special Offer

Lynn on Biohack Age Reversal
You can download both the podcast and the separate Skin Tightening Group Process Mp3 click here.
Lynn recorded this special video for this final sale weekend....
Note: Lynn says we are releasing the mp3s on Monday, but we decided to make them available Saturday! So as soon as you register, you will get access to the first SIX mp3 downloads with the Peptide Bioregulators to follow next.
Biohack Age Reversal
What is “bio-hacking”?
Biohacking (n) - attempts to improve the condition of your body and mind using technology, drugs, or other chemical substances.
- Looking Young
- Peak Energy
- Peak Productivity
- Life Extension
- Peak Mental Health
- Living Pain Free
- Ideal Body Shape / Weight

But for most of us, biohacks are far too expensive
Most of us don’t have the CASH or the TIME to spend on all these treatments. Many of the supplements are patented, very expensive, and require ongoing monthly subscriptions. The therapies listed below usually require packs of sessions, repeating them every month ongoing or for at least a year
In the Billionaire Biohack Series, medical intuitive Lynn Waldrop is creating energetic versions of these cutting edge supplements and therapies so that your body can absorb the frequencies of the treatments without the time and expense of the physical therapies.
If you've ever said "I hate getting old"...

- Wrinkles and Sagging
- Less energy
- Aches and pains
- Hurting yourself much more easily and slower recovery time
- Less ability to focus
- Feeling bloated or uncomfortable
- Being grumpy or irritable more often
The extreme biohackers in the tech world are now starting Age Reversal Biohacks in their 20s and 30s!
It doesn't matter how old you look or feel, you are never too young (or old!) to start
Getting older SHOULD be more fun, except for the mirror
Really, getting older should be great…we have much more experience and perspective, longer friendships, often more money. We have learned what we love to do and are less worried about what other people think about us.
But we HATE looking in the mirror and feeling old. Noticing things that previously happened to our “ancient” grandparents or “old” parents. It never seemed like it could happen to us!
But we are living in a time of accelerated aging and disease. Generally, “science” is working against us, creating chemicals, frequencies, and pollutants that rob us of health and life. Whether they are applied/added to our food, spewed in the air, injected into our bodies, in our drinking water…there is a lot working against us.
YET we are also living in a time of accelerating age reversal breakthroughs. So we need to leverage these breakthroughs:
- Cellular Reprogramming - science has discovered that retinal and other cells can be reprogrammed back to the state they were in 20 years ago. We can tap into this energetically.
- Peptides -short chains of amino acids that the body uses in many different capacities. The human body naturally produces more than 7,000 known peptide types to signal cells to start certain functions, including repair, metabolism, and regeneration.
- Stem Cells - Increase systemic production of healthy original blueprint stem cells for the body to create new healthy cells that replicate wherever cells are damaged or dying. Also providing the nutrients your body needs to support stem cell production and release.
What do the technologies in this Age Reversal Package include?
- Regenerate Skin and Organ Cells - short chains of amino acids call peptides have been a huge healthy breakthrough in science (and used to create very expensive products). They are great for reversing skin aging and they have actually figured out which natural peptides signal most organs to regenerate. The signaling declines with age, but we can retrigger it energetically!
- Speedy healing - you may have first heard about Michael Jackson having a hyperbaric oxygen machine where atmospheric pressure is increased so that more oxygen is dissolved into your blood. Not only does it boost your immune system and speed repair tissue, it also helps repair telemores which are the ends of DNA that deteriorate with age.dy
- Restore Original Blueprint of our Cells - stem cells are used everywhere from athletes to cancer treatment. These blank slate cells can become any needed cell in the body at the original blueprint of the body before it was affected by all the physical and enrgetic toxins. We'll help direct them to the areas of your body that make you look and feel the youngest.
- Senescent Cells - these dying cells are double trouble, not only do they stop functioning as they should but they also signal nearby cells to age more quickly and stop functioning. By energetically clearing those out, you are left with functioning healthy cells. Then you add in the original blueprint stem cells from above to create new healthy versions of all of your cells!
- Reprogram Cells in Eyes - they have figured out that retinal cells can be reprogrammed to an earlier age! We'll do this energetically and also provide other energetic supplements to support eye and vision health.
Comparing the Physical Biohacks to
the Energetic Biohacks
Hyperbaric Oxygen
$200 each in clinic, $30k machine
at least an hour with 10 minutes compressing and decompressing, it’s claustrophobic!
$100 in clinic, home units from about $1-$50k
30-60 minutes per session needs to be on-going
$50-$1000 dollars depending on type
must inject subcutaneously! continue on most indefinitely
Energetic Versions of the above + all the other supplments and therapies
15 minutes a day running an mp3 in the background while you do other things or while you sleep
TREATMENT: Hyperbaric Oxygen
COST: $200 each in clinic, $30k machine
TIME: at least an hour with 10 minutes compressing and decompressing, it’s claustrophobic!
COST: $100 in clinic, home units from about $1-$50k
TIME: 30-60 minutes per session needs to be on-going
COST: $50-$1000 dollars depending on type
TIME: must inject subcutaneously! continue on most indefinitely
TREATMENT: Energetic Versions of the above + all the other supplments and therapies
COST: $119 one-time for all treatments for lifetime
TIME: 15 minutes a day running an mp3 in the background while you do other things or while you sleep

We asked 9 people to test just FOUR of the tracks for 6 weeks and share with us what they noticed. These were the Hyperbaric Oxygen, PEMF, Skin Detox with C60, and Skin Peptides. Keep in mind this is just 35% of the program and only for 6 weeks. We didn’t know what to expect…What we found is everybody reported some improvement, it depended on the person for where it helped them. As Lynn says, bodies take energies for where they need them most.
- 100% reported improvement in an average of 12 areas
- 80% reported improvement in cheek hollowness
- 71% reported improvement in nasolabial folds and jowls
- 80% reported improvement in anxiety
Here are highlights of what the beta-testers reported...
See full reports at end of page
My eyesight and allergies appear to have cleared up. ~ BB
My hair looks younger. It is thicker and growing in darker. Last week, my neighbor surprised me with a text saying she saw me in the yard and that my hair looks amazing! ~ SD
My hollow cheeks made my face look drawn. Now, the cheek “”hollowness”” is no more. Definitely not concave and while they are not quite convex yet, they are in between, or straight. ~ GS
My hair seems to have regained some of its original brown color and fullness! ~ Barb
Puffiness under my eye and purplish circles have lessened. ~ Michelle D
Skin discolouration has gone, the slight nasolabial lines have smoothed out and marionette lines much improved.
~ GS
I’ve been dealing with lower back pain from three compression fractures in my spine. The pain has pretty much disappeared. ~ Sally
Lips are also fuller and lip feathering not noticeable ~ GS
We asked our testers what SURPRISED them...
I have experienced frequent upticks in my motivation, along with the incentive and energy to clear clutter throughout the house. On days when the weather allowed, I’ve had plenty of energy to do hours of heavy-duty yardwork. I’ve written poetry, a few essays, and even some song lyrics! Overall, I’m feeling more creative and productive. ~ Sally D
I think my cat’s gums improved. Less itchy. ~ MF
The last few weeks have been pretty stressful and i found my ability to deal with the stress was better than I would have expected. ~ Michelle D
I don’t know if it is related but my terrier is coming out of her dog crate and greeting me and when she hears me now she comes to see what I am up to. She was acting like a cat and mostly just wanting to stay in her crate except to eat and poop. ~ KH
What are Energetic Frequencies?

We all know on a fundamental level, everything is energy. Say for example intravenous arginine – which is a IV Infusion shown to increase the production of hGH which keeps us looking and feeling young. Arginine vibrates at a unique frequency. And while the physical form of arginine can for sure be beneficial, your body also can use the energetic form.
Why Energetic Frequencies
Are So Amazing
- RESULTS - This is the purest form of energy delivered directly to your entire body, to any part that needs it. It doesn’t have to go through the digestive system or through your bloodstream, but can pass through all parts of your body and be absorbed exactly in the right places.
- TIME - Each mp3 is only about 10-20 mins. You can play one a day on a rotation, or even just set it up so all play each day.
- CONVENIENCE - You can turn the volume down to low because there is no sound (frequencies are not in the audible range). Then do other things around the house or at work, you won’t be bugging anyone. Many people play them on their computer while they are working, while they are relaxing around the home, or while they sleep!
- PAINLESS - No needles or stinging or bruising or swallowing handfuls of pills
- PERFECT DOSE - Your body only absorbs what it needs! It’s like a buffet - your body chooses what it needs at that moment and ignores the rest. You don’t have to worry about how much or how often or adjusting the dosage.
- SHARE THE LOVE - all your loved ones including pets will benefit if they are home when you play them
- AFFORDABLE - No monthly subscriptions of expensive patented supplements, one-time payment for a lifetime!
11 MP3s

MP3 - available for immediate download
PURPOSE: Lengthening of telomeres to reverse aging, clearing of senescent (old) cells, immune system, revitalizing red blood cells
RESEARCH: Telomere Reduction; Improved Cognitive Function and brain blood flow
DESCRIPTION: Physical hyperbaric oxygen is when you are in an environment of pure oxygen under extra atmospheric pressure. Typically you climb into a white hard sided steel “tank”, the pressure is increased slowly over about 10 mins, you are full-0pressure breathing the oxygen for 10-30 minutes, and then it’s slowly decreased and you come out (coming out too fast can cause “the bends” like scuba divers.) Under pressure, your red blood cells can absorb more oxygen.
Studies have shown with this physical therapy:
- Immune cell telomeres elongated by 20%, another study showed 40%. Telomeres are the tips at the end of our chromosomes that shorten with each cell division. When there is no more telomere structure, cells die.
- Some senescent (dying and dysfunctional) immune cells reduced by 37%.
- Improved immune markers
- Hyperbaric oxygen treatments in healthy aging adults can stop the aging of blood cells and reverse the aging process.
- In the biological sense, the adults’ blood cells actually grow younger as the treatments progress.
We will use the energy of super saturating the cells with oxygen to be carried through the blood to all parts of the body. Most pathogens cannot live in the presence of oxygen. Cellular metabolism also needs oxygen. Use with the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) mp3 in the Biohack Longevity series to get best results, as CO2 allows the blood to release the oxygen.

MP3 - available for immediate download
PURPOSE: Cellular Repair, Cellular Metabolism & Energy, Inflammation, Pain, Lymphatic Drainage, Stress and Relaxation
DESCRIPTION: Our bodies run on electricity! The nutrition we give our body creates electrical charges that create the movement and functions of our cells.. Pulsed Electro Magnetic field therapy is a restorative cellular repair method of sending gentle short bursts of electrical energy through the body. These pulses facilitate movement and waste removal. When toxin elimination isn’t at peak efficiency, the wastes build up in our various tissues causing pain, brain fog, inflammation. The PEMF therapy gives it a gentle nudge so that the waste is eliminated and the cell can create energy and repair itself.
PEMF was originally designed to help speed broken bone repair. There are many theories of what frequencies are best for certain issues and which devices are best. There are a bewildering array of options, ranging from about $1k – $50k plus. Tony Robbins brings his $50k machine with him when he travels! See Page 274 in his Life Force Book:
“These days, I remain a staunch believer in the healing power of PEMF and its therapeutic magnetic field. I’ve since bought at least a dozen PEMF machines […].These machines are a godsend in terms of pain relief and healing. But I also use them for entirely different reasons: The machines boost my energy and concentration levels and improve my sleep. It has had a big impact on my overall daily function. And it’s not just me: Studies have shown that PEMF decreases pain, swelling, and inflammation, and improves cellular metabolism and energy.”
On this track, you will receive all a wide frequencies and let your body select which one it most needs right now and which area it is best directed.

MP3 - available for immediate download
NOTE FROM LYNN: Before I could create the skin peptide mp3 the bodies told me that the skin needed energies to support removing the residue of chemicals, plastics, and nanoparticles from all of the skin care products and sunblock we have used as well as for injections and procedures some of you may have had. Botox is literally a deadly poison as you know and the bodies unsurprisingly do not like it! If you have recently had any injections like fillers or botox, this could very well break it down faster than you would normally experience, so you may want to wait to use this one later until they dissipate on their own.
DESCRIPTION: These were the main energies that the bodies needed to get rid of to receive the age-reversal energies in this program:
Nanoparticles – we know they put these in sunblock like nano-zinc and nano titanium, but they also put them as fillers in skin care products to give the illusion of filling in wrinkles. The skin can also absorb them from fleece and other synthetic clothing, and we may also be exposed to nanobots. These nanoparticles can get trapped in the cells and fascia and extracellular matrix of the skin and block the skin’s natural repair function.
Chemicals – there are soooo many chemicals even in natural skin care products that can linger in the layers of the skin and can damage the skin and prevent it from reproducing healthy cells. These include pthalates and sulfates and carbomers. There are also chemicals and heavy metals in tattoo ink which will be detoxed here, but we’ll leave the pigment in tact.
Seed Oils – many skin care products have sunflower oil and other seed oils that get trapped in the fat cells and plasticize the membrane of other cells which can significantly age the appearance of the skin and block absorption of the energies in the skin peptide and tightening tracks.
Vitamin E – we are going to include the energies of Vitamin E especially as we liberate the seed oils that are so damaging to the body, vitamin E prevents further damage from the oils as the body eliminates them.
Sodium Bicarbonate – baking soda, the bodies love baking soda and requested it for this mp3, it will help not just with exfoliation of any dead or dying cells on the surface but also removing nanoparticles, chemicals, and plastics.
Glycolic Acid – we are going to layer the gentlest energies of glycolic acid to remove any dead or dying cells without damaging any healthy cells. This will also allow deeper penetration from the peptide mp3 and also it is safe for you to use this year round without risking sun damage like when using physical acids.
We are also going to apply the energies of methylene blue, vitamin c, carbon 60, and redox molecules to the epdierms, dermis, subcutaneous fat, fascia, and extracellular fluid.
Methylene Blue is helpful in getting rid of nanoparticles and is a strong antioxidant. This will also help with any bacterial infections and acne you may have in the skin.
A Vitamin C serum will support the repair and healing process
Lipsomal C60 (Carbon 60) will attract and bind toxins and eliminate them
Redox Molecules – we help the signaling and communication to get all the skin cells communicating with each other
The Vitamin C&E will also help protect your skin from sun damage and we are going to add in astaxanthin and Vitamin D to increase that natural sun protection, this is like an internal sunblock to increase the amount of time you can spend in the sun before needing physical sun protection, which will allow your body to create more of its own Vitamin D.
Astaxanthin is a red pigmented carotenoid naturally found in salmon, lobster, crab and crawfish, as well as in krill oil and algae. It’s well-established that astaxanthin can reduce age-related and sun-related skin deterioration owing to its extremely high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. But, two recent studies have extended this protection to sunburn as well.

MP3 - available for immediate download
PURPOSE: Increase systemic production of healthy original blueprint stem cells for the body to create new healthy cells that replicate wherever cells are damaged or dying. Also providing the nutrients your body needs to support stem cell production and release.
Energetic Stem Cells – Sourcing the frequencies from your own mesenchymal, bone marrow, and fat stem cells, and also the energy imprint of your own umbilical cord blood. Providing the energies of your own stem cells rather than those extracted from others gives you the best possible energetic match.
Seabuckthorn Berry Extract, AFA extract, Fucoidan to increases the number of circulating stem cells by 35%
Aloe extract, panax ginseng, and Beta-glucan 1-3 to support production and release of stem cells from the bone marrow.
Colostrum – abundant in antibodies, growth factors, and vital nutrients, it increases the mobilization of stem cells and overall health.

MP3 - available for immediate download
PURPOSE: Recycle senescent cells which are older cells that stop replicating and build up in the body causing inflammation and other disease processes. Some senescent cells are “zombie” cells that produce chemicals that make nearby healthy cells age faster. Using your own T-Cells, glycine, spermidine, quercetin, and other known senolytic substances that cause autophagy which is the recycling of senescent cells.
CAR T-Cells – we will turn on genes in your immune system to target senescent cells. CAR T cells have been used to treat a variety of blood cancers since 2017. Mice with this treatment for senescent cells had lower body weight, improved metabolism and glucose tolerance, and increased physical activity. All benefits came without any tissue damage or toxicity. Younger mice lived longer lives, aged mice rejuvenated.
Glycine – an amino acid that is the main component of collagen and connective tissue, it also induces autophagy (elimination of dead cells) has anti-inflammatory effects, acts as a neurotransmitter, and plays an important role in the epigenetic regulation that drives the aging process.
We will also add in NAC (n-acetyl cysteine) to help your body create its own glutathione and repair mitochondria. Glycine also has many other benefits, click the link above to read more.
Fisetin – Fisetin is a polyphenol found in many fruits and vegetables, including strawberries, apples, and onions. Studies have shown that fisetin reduces senescence markers in multiple tissues.
Quercetin – a flavonoid with strong antioxidant and senescent activity that is poorly absorbed in supplement form.
Spermidine – Spermidine (first identified in sperm but since found in other places in women and men) has emerged as an important metabolite that links cellular aging and autophagy. Spermidine is a naturally occurring polyamine involved in biological processes such as cell growth and proliferation, tissue regeneration and translation regulation, and improves longevity.
Turmeric with Black Pepper Extract – well known anti-inflammatory but difficult to fully absorb in supplement form, so we will deliver the full spectrum of energies of both of these directly to the cells. Clinically proven to be effective in more than 100 studies to support: healthy joint function and normal bile production in addition to mitigating the senescence-associated secretory phenotype.
Apigenin – another polyphenol with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune system boosting properties. It also helps to support against oxidative stress for better cellular function. Studies have shown that apigenin prevents excessive loss of NAD+ by reducing the amount of circulating CD38, allowing NAD+ stores to remain at higher, more youthful level.
Green Tea extract (EGCG) – EGCG is the major catechin found in green tea, with many potential benefits on health outcomes, including cell senescence, aging, and age-related diseases.
Astragalus root extracts – this can upregulate the absorption of nutrients and plant compounds in the gut,. repair ulcerated and damaged intestinal walls and reduce inflammation, and help maintain a healthy microbiota

MP3 - available for immediate download
PURPOSE: Stimulate production of klotho in kidneys, liver, and fat tissue for prevention of premature aging, protection against neuro-degenerative diseases like dementia and alzheimers, protecting kidney health, insulin signaling, nutrient metabolism, and extending lifespan.
DESCRIPTION: Klotho is a protein and a gene. The protein is produced mainly in the kidneys (but also produced in brain, endocrine glands, skin, and fat) and is involved in preventing premature aging, modulating insulin signaling, and utrient metabolism – making it a critical factor in maintaining overall health and well-being.
In mice studies, mice that had reduced klotho died prematurely and those with increased klotho lived much longer.
It is also thought klotho is associated with:
- Improvement of melanin production in the eye and prevention of age-related retinal degeneration and lens associated conditions such as cataracts.
- Lower likelihood of Cardiovascular Disease
- Decreased Klotho levels are associated with a decrease in Bone Mineral Density
- Improvement in mental health and mood
The α-Klotho protein, first identified in mice studies in 1997, primarily functions as a co-receptor for fibroblast growth factor 23 and is produced in the tubules of the kidney and has a crucial role in phosphate homeostasis, vitamin D metabolism, and vascular calcification. β-Klotho is primarily expressed in the liver, adipose tissue, and kidneys and plays a role in lipid and energy metabolism. There is a γ-Klotho too but less is known except that it is expressed mainly in the brown adipose tissue, skin and kidneys.
Klotho is also a gene that can downregulate klotho protein production when affected by inflammation and other factors and upregulated by vitamin D.
Balance is key with everything, excessive klotho is also not good, and the bodies can take just as much as they need for the correct balance for you
In this track are the energies of:
- Soluble, transmembrane, and shed forms of klotho molecules since it is unclear which forms do what
- Healing support for the entire kidneys but particularly the tubules where klotho is produce
- Vitamin D to positively affect the gene klotho
- The fungus extract cordycepin, the molecule curcumin present in turmeric, the ginseng root, and dong quai which have shown to help the body increase the production of klotho

MP3 - available for download on May 13
PURPOSE: Each organ uses a very specific peptide (short chain of amino acids) that acts like a gene switch; to trigger repair and regeneration of the organ. Studies have shown the youthfulness of the targeted organ improved by 42% after each course.
This track uses the energy of the known peptide sequences that support our main organ systems. There is also a track for Endocrine Glands. And the eye regulator will be in the Vision track.
Brain/Central Nervous System Regulators help to protect, restore and improve the functions of the central nervous system and the brain. To help prevent nervous system dysfunction and various pathological states that can lead to serious diseases.
Cardiovascular Regulators interact directly with the proteins associated with the heart to help support the function of the cardiovascular system, stimulate protein synthesis by interacting directly with DNA strands. It has beneficial effects on the myocardial cells by regulating metabolism in cardiomyocytes.
Blood Vessel Regulators have a selective effect on various cells of the vascular wall, normalize metabolism in cells, and regulate the functions of the vascular system.
Muscle Regulators have a selective effect on myocytes, normalize metabolism in them, and increase their functional activity and to maintain the functional activity of muscles.
Kidney Regulators have a targeted and selective effect on the kidney cells, normalizes their metabolism and function; regulates the urinary system.
Cartilage & Bone have a selective effect on various cells of the cartilage and bone tissues, normalize metabolism in the cells, and regulate the functions of the joints and the spine.
Stomach Regulators supports the cells of the gastric mucosa, normalizing their metabolism and function.
Liver Regulators has a selective effect on various liver cells, normalizes their metabolism, and regulates their functions.
Bone Marrow Regulators supports production of new blood cells by restoring protein synthesis inside bone marrow cells.
Lung Regulators have a selective effect on the cells of the bronchial mucosa, normalize their metabolism, and increase their functional activity.

MP3 - available for download on May 13
PURPOSE: Each gland uses a very specific peptide (short chain of amino acids) that acts like a gene switch; to trigger repair and regeneration of the gland. Studies have shown the youthfulness of the targeted gland improved by 42% after each course.
Adrenal Regulators target the function of the adrenal glands and maintaining hormonal synthesis at optimum levels to prevent adrenal insufficiency, reduce stress resistance, apathy, and malfunction of adaptive mechanisms.
Thymus Regulators peptide compounds selectively act on the cells of the immune system, regulating its functions and normalizing cell metabolism to help restore immunity
Thyroid Regulators isolated peptides have a selective effect on various cells of the thyroid gland, normalize their metabolism, and regulate the functions of the thyroid gland.
Ovary Regulator peptides have a selective effect on ovarian cells, regulate metabolic processes, promote egg maturation, and restore their cyclic activity.
Testes Regulator helps regulate the metabolism and functions of testicular cells for support of testicular hypofunction, male infertility, low testosterone, and to maintain the health of their reproductive system.
Prostate Regulators targets the prostate tissue by regulating its function and metabolism and is recommended as a preventive measure for men to maintain the health of their reproductive system and for all prostate-related diseases like benign prostatic hyperplasia, chronic prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, male infertility, etc.
Pineal Regulator helps Improve melatonin levels and sleep patterns, lengthen telomeres and improve overall health of the pineal gland. It has helped with preventing cancer, normalizing the functions of the neuroendocrine system and diseases of the reproductive system.
Pancreas Regulators have a selective effect on various cells of the pancreas, normalizes their metabolism, and regulates the functions of the pancreas.

MP3 - available for download on May 20
PURPOSE: Tighten and tone the skin, improve texture, plump hollow areas and wrinkles. Targeting crepey skin, excess skin,, under eye circles and bags, furrows, folds, cheek hollows, improve fluid drainage, strengthen capillaries, and improve elasticity. Using peptides, botanical extracts, fillers, and fibroblast (skin stem cell) stimulation.
RESEARCH: Fibroblast Plasma
DESCRIPTION: We have selected the most healthful agents used in the highly competitive and pricey world of skin tightening from a range of brands and products. We are leaving out the noxious smells (who wants to walk around smelling like febreze?), seed oils, and synthetic or harmful ingredients, binding agents, and fillers. Also including skin stem cell stimulation.
Polylactic acid – a filler that promotes collagen and elastin production. We’ll target deeper lines like nasolabial lines between nose and mouth, marionette lines from lips to chin, the elevens in between the brows, deeper crows feet, forehead lines, and plump up the cheeks where needed to reduce cheek hollowness.
Fibroblast Plasma stimulation – the energies of cold/warm plasma charge which shortens, contracts, and tightens targeted skin tissue instantly and encourages your own body to create new fibroblast cells. Targets loose skin and stretch marks.
Red Algae Extracts – Re-densifies the extracellular matrix (ECM) as it works to reactivate 14 genes that deactivate with age that play crucial roles in synthesis of collagen and elastin, while also being rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Reactivates the metabolism of aging cells, resuming activity frequently found in the skin of patients 20 years younger and combats the effects of photoaging caused by the sun and maintains proper hydration by regulating the production of sebum (oil).
Pink PepperSlim – A plant extract that is proven to smooth the look of fatty skin.
Kangaroo Paw Flower Extract – A clinically proven botanical extract that freshens the look of skin for a tighter and smoother look.
Guarana Seed Extract – Wakes up tired skin by energizing and refreshing its appearance.
Hesperidin methyl chalcone – stabilizes microvessels reducing the capillary permeability.
Dipeptide-VW promotes local lymphatic circulation.
Trifluoroacetyl Tripeptide-2 – Helps smooth the look of crepey skin.
Chlorella Vulgaris Extract – Helps to diminish the appearance of stretch marks.
Squalane oil – saturated oil that moisturizes, enhance elasticity, make skin softer, and help blood circulation
Resveratrol – Reactivates anti-aging genes that become deactivated over time responsible for the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid (the skin’s natural filling and firming components)
CoQ10 – add in this lipid based antioxidant directly to skin to protect against free radical damage
NRM and NR precursors to NAD+ – to Increase NAD+ levels in the skin in order to reactivate anti-aging genes, lessen inflammation, breakouts, hyperpigmentation, minimize pore appearance, and fight free radicals.

MP3 - available for download on May 20
PURPOSE: Address vision, cataracts, Macular Degeneration, dry eye, glaucoma and all age-related eye health issues through reprogramming retinal cells to an earlier age, peptides, and supportive nutrients. Use in conjunction with the brain and blood vessel peptides in Organ Bioregulator mp3 for best results.
RESEARCH: Mercola Article
GROUPS: Facebook Group
DESCRIPTION: All the latest science on vision correction and eye health in this one!
Reprogramming Retinal Cells – energetically access the “backup copy” of youthful information in the cell to reboot to its younger state. In the study “Turning Back Time: Reprogramming Retinal Cells Can Reverse Age-Related Vision Loss,” Dr. Sinclair summarized the signicance of the published work as follows: “The main point of the paper is that we found that there is a backup copy of youthful information in the cell that we can access that gives us the ability to reboot cells, even in a living animal. In the case of the Nature paper, we found that we could reboot the cells of the mouse eye and rejuvenate them, taking them back in time. The vision system of the mouse didn’t just appear younger, it was literally younger.?
Eye Peptide Bioregulator – increase visual acuity, protect the eyes from the adverse effects of the external environment. It has a targeted and selective effect on the cells of the retina, ciliary muscles, and conjunctiva, normalizing their functions and metabolism; regulates the function of the eyes.
SkQ1 – a small molecule using plastiquinone that targets the reduction of excess ROS (reactive oxygen species) in mitochondria to prevent/repair oxidative damage and prevent/treat many age-related disorders across various therapeutic areas. Applied to the eyes can help reverse age-related vision degeneration, dry eye syndrome, non-infectious uveitis, cataract, and glaucoma.
Retina polypeptide fractions – normalizes vascular permeability, reduces local inflammation, and activates reparative processes in patients with diseases and traumas of the retina. It addresses excessive activation of glutamate receptors and subsequent entry of calcium ions into a cell. Excess of calcium launches processes resulting in necrotic and apoptotic cell death. These peptide fractions regenerate retinal neurons improving visual functions in case of glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and other eye disorders.
Energetic Nutrients
- N-acetyl- carnosine – studies have shown NAC can prevent protein misfolding that causes the cloudiness of the lens and can disassemble existing misfolded proteins.
- L-Carnosine – protects against advanced lipoxidation endproducts (ALEs) that result from polynunsaturated fats (PUFAs), and helps in prevention of cataracts.
- Acetyl-L-carnitine supports macular health to prevent macular degeneration
- Taurine – helps glaucoma and general longevity
- Zeaxanthin and Lutein – these carotenoids cross the blood-retina barrier to form macular pigment. Lutein helps form the retinal macular pigment, which is responsible for optimizing your visual performance and serves as a biomarker for the risk of macular diseases. Lutein is protective against age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases. Along with improving retinal thickness and function, lutein may lower the risk of development or progression of diabetic retinopathy.
- Choline, EPA, and DHA – choline produces LPC which shuttles the EPA and DHA into the eyes. Also great nutrients for your liver!
- Alpha-carotene – a carotenoid and vitamin A precursor found in pumpkins and carrots, protects retinal cells from light-induced oxidative damage and helps low-light vision.
- Sananga – still used by many tribes in the heart of the Amazon, sananga shows powerful potential to treat a spectrum of physical and psychospiritual illnesses:
- Treats and prevents ocular diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, farsightedness, nearsightedness, astigmatism, and blindness
- Increases visual perception and enhances colors
- Resets energetic fieldTreats spiritual diseases (“panema”) caused by negative energies in the body. These spiritual diseases can accumulate in a person’s energetic body and make a person depressed and anxious.
COMPLEMENTARY TRACKS: Oxygen and C02, Copper for optic nerve health and Zinc (Micronutrients track in Biohack Longevity), LIver in Longevity, PUFA detox in Biohack Weight (and eat less PUFAs!), Vitamin C in Anti-aging

MP3 - available for download on May 20
PURPOSE: Stimulate the skin to create collagen from fibroblasts (skin stem cells), elastin, nidogen, and laminims to have a healthy support structure for the skin and to diminish fine lines and wrinkles in the top layer of skin.
RESEARCH: Great article on importance of supporting the epidermal/dermal border as described below
Products with these ingredients in them: OneSkin, Elevai, Chara Omni
Decapeptide-52 – this eliminates “zombie” cells in the skin which are aging cells that release chemicals to encourage healthy cells to age faster. By eliminating the zombie cells, the healthy cells are encouraged to reproduce. [You can find this type of peptide in Oneskin products link above]
Dipeptide-2 – kickstarts the cell renewal process, improves lymphatic circulation and drainage and can improve dark and puffy under-eye circles
Copper Peptides (GHK-Cu) are naturally occurring amino acid chains that trigger the skin’s stem cells to produce collagen and elastin which can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and even out skin tone.
Matrikines are a certain class of peptides signals fibroblasts, which skin stem cells to produce collagen when the existing collagen protein is degraded. We will include the energies of two peptides palmitoyl tripeptide-1 and palmitoyl tetrapeptide-7. These two peptides work synergistically to restore and maintain the skin’s youthful appearance.
Palmitoyl tripeptide-38, a peptide derived from the tripeptide KMK naturally found in collagen VI and laminin. Studies have found it stimulates the synthesis of collagen I, II, IV, fibronectin, hyaluronic acid, and laminin 5.
Then we are going to focus on the epidermal-dermal border. The epidermis Is the thin top layer of skin where most topical products do their work. The dermis is below the epidermis and the border of the two provides an extracellular matrix to support the epidermis. Stimulating collagen, nidogen, and laminins in this border area gives structure to the skin for deeper results and is crucial for long term age reversal, it is hard to do without more invasive procedures. (see study linked above in research)
Exosomes are super tiny nano-vesicles released by stem cells. They mimic the body’s natural healing responses. They support improved blood flow and also promote the body’s natural ability to produce collagen and elastin. (see link to Elevai a product with exosomes above)
11 MP3s
- Hyperbaric Oxygen
- PEMF - (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields)
- Skin Prep with C60 & Redox Molecules
- Stem Cells
- Senescent Cells
- Klotho
- Peptide Bioregulators - Organs
- Peptide Bioregulators - Endocrine
- Skin Tightening
- Vision
- Skin Peptides

Includes Everything in Package A PLUS

dial in - note: it is NOT recorded

Ask Lynn to dive into your body and take a look, clearing whatever your specific issues are. When she works with people she literally dives into the many systems of the body: Nervous, Endocrine, Circulatory, Muscular & Connective Tissue, Organs, Digestive, Lymphatic, Immune, Reproductive, Respiratory, Urinary, Skeletal, and Integumentary.
For most clients, it is as if she literally shrank to whatever size she needed to be to pass through that part of the body. The body talks to her the entire time, showing her problem areas and whatever is required to do to change it, whether it be frequency baths, adding alkalinity to change pH, dissipating growths, activating organs and cells, and much more!
All of This Using the Consciousness of YOUR Body!
Some of the most common ailments she has worked on include things like: candida or yeast overgrowth; spinal adjustments; cleaning out plaque and more from arteries and veins; tuning the endocrine system to alleviate thyroid problems, change menstrual cycles or menopause issues and prostate problems; detoxing the body including heavy metals, chemicals & parasites; immune system boost and clean-out; inflammation reduction; soothing symptoms of IBS, Colitis, Crohn’s, and other digestive issues; and much more!
25 min Private Session with Lynn
11 MP3s
- 25 min 1:1 Private Session with Lynn
- Hyperbaric Oxygen
- PEMF - (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields)
- Skin Prep with C60 & Redox Molecules
- Stem Cells
- Senescent Cells
- Klotho
- Peptide Bioregulators - Organs
- Peptide Bioregulators - Endocrine
- Skin Tightening
- Vision
- Skin Peptides

What People are Saying...
For a year and a half, I’ve been dealing with lower back pain from three compression fractures in my spine. After listening to the mp3s, the pain has pretty much disappeared. Also, my hair looks younger. It is thicker and growing in darker (it’s not gray, but has gotten lighter in recent years). Last week, my neighbor surprised me with a text saying she saw me in the yard and that my hair looks amazing! :) ~ Sally D, beta-tester
I often wake up between 3-4 am, but try and go back to sleep or read for a while, but esp. after hyperbaric earlier in the day, I was ready to roar at 4 am, which is not like me at all. Legs full of “”get up and go””, but mind saying “”that is just too early. You will regret that later tomorrow.”” So I cut back on hyperbaric and only had it in the morning, then I had no trouble getting up at 6 or 7am, ready to go, which was nice for a change. I am usually a bit slow in the mornings.
~ MF, beta-tester
My hair seems to have regained some of its original brown color and fullness! Before starting the MP3’s, I had definite graying that seemed to come on overnight. My eyesight and allergies appear to have cleared up. It is the beginning of allergy season now so hopefully this improvement will continue. ~ Barb B, beta-tester
The one thing I wanted to change was the contour of my face, namely my hollow cheeks which made my face look drawn. I wanted to achieve this without having to put on weight.
The change started to become noticeable after Week 1. My cheeks felt better to a light touch of the hand. Then I looked into the mirror and my cheeks were not as concave as they were before I started listening to the audios.
Now, the cheek “”hollowness”” is no more. Definitely not concave and while they are not quite convex yet, they are in between, or straight. The effect is great because several related issues have also improved as listed below.
1. Skin discolouration has gone. This may be because with the filling out of the cheeks, there are no shadows being cast by the cheek bones which had given the impression of slight darker skin discolouration
2. The slight nasolabial lines have smoothed out and marionette lines much improved
3. Jowls were beginning to form but they have been lifted
4. Lips are also fuller and lip feathering … not noticeable
Or maybe these are all separate improvements because it is also very possible that the audios did the trick by targeting these issues specifically
Before I started listening to these audios, I would be reminded of the “”aging”” factor every time I was in front of a mirror. I never gave it any thought when the mirrored reminder was absent which suggests that I was happy with myself in other ways overall. Now my reflection can be included in my overall confidence about my appearance.
Needless to say, I am very happy with the results and will continue to listen to encourage further improvement. Thank you! ~ GS, beta-tester
I have puffiness under my eye and purplish circles. The puffiness is a bit reduced and discolouration has lessened. ~ Michelle D, beta-tester
The biggest improvement has been less lines on my forehead. The puffiness under my eyes something I have been trying to get rid of for a long time finally seems to be about half of what it has been. My sleep is a little bit longer. I was waking every two hours, now I only wake up once @3am. ~ KH, beta-tester
Although the “Blood & HOCATT Sauna + Niacin “ MP3s are my favorites, I listen daily to all of them for their synergetic effect on my body. My headaches are gone, my lungs have greatly improved, the edema in my legs is going down and my thyroid TSH is the lowest it has been in 40 years! I am now down from 168lbs to 148 lbs. ~ Sybil on Biohack Longevity
I am very happy with the program, but something else was fully unexpected and nothing short of miraculous. Normally my husband and I sleep separately, but last week we were on vacation together, and of course we shared a bedroom. And I was playing the program during the night at very low volume. I admit that I didn’t tell him because he is very sceptical about energy work. To him that’s just WooWoo.. But he was getting better and better and better from day to day. He is 70 years old and as someone who has been smoking all his life he has problems in his legs and feet and normally doesn’t walk well. But thanks to these audios he had no more pain after only 3 nights and was walking like he used to do 20 years ago!
~ Antje on Biohack Longevity
i really love this series. I am sleeping so much better, I’m having less bloating & more energy throughout my day. I play the mp3s every night & can’t wait to have the whole series. Thank you Lynn! ~ Diana on Biohack Anti-Aging
Lynn’s work is amazing and worth the investment. I have been using the Biohack audios once daily and the results are evident. My inflammation markers have improved, my lifelong pattern of constipation has shifted, I’m sleeping through the night and my skin’s appearance has improved. I’m looking forward to experiencing further improvements as I continue to use the audios. Thank you Lynn & Aimee! ~ Melissa on Biohack Anti-Aging
I have been a fan of Lynn’s for a long time, having bought several of her programs already. Since I have been listening to the biohack series I noticed some brown spots in my face becoming smaller. The skin also is much clearer and better. My night sleep is much deeper than before and I have more energy during the day. Thank you Lynn! ~ Angelina on Biohack Anti-Agining
25 min Private Session with Lynn
11 MP3s
- 25 min 1:1 Private Session with Lynn
- Hyperbaric Oxygen
- PEMF - (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields)
- Skin Prep with C60 & Redox Molecules
- Stem Cells
- Senescent Cells
- Klotho
- Peptide Bioregulators - Organs
- Peptide Bioregulators - Endocrine
- Skin Tightening
- Vision
- Skin Peptides
Special Offer

11 MP3s
- Hyperbaric Oxygen
- PEMF - (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields)
- Skin Prep with C60 & Redox Molecules
- Stem Cells
- Senescent Cells
- Klotho
- Peptide Bioregulators - Organs
- Peptide Bioregulators - Endocrine
- Skin Tightening
- Vision
- Skin Peptides
Special Offer

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