Robin on Abundance Barrier Breakthrough
Want a scan? Click through to Facebook below, follow the directions on the post, and Robin will reply with a scan.
You can also get the podcast + abundance wall visualization (as separate mp3) here for free.
Abundance Barrier Breakthrough
Lack of Abundance can be beyond frustrating, it may feel like...
- You keep hitting the same financial ceiling
- You feel uncertain around your future resources
- You dread opening the bills every month
- Unexpected expenses pop up to use the money you do save
- You try to think positive, say affirmations, do your vision board, and still not get what you want
- You see other people seemingly do half the work you do and easily glide into success, while you take action and after action and it just feels like you are plodding upstream through mud
- You feel fear to take any big actions to make a difference because what if it doesn’t work

Your Financial Set Point
Just like a body weight set point, we each have a financial set point that is like a comfort zone. Our systems like the predictability of things staying the same.
In order to break through this uncomfortable comfort zone, you need to reprogram your set point in order to permanently and tangibly raise your internal financial set point programming.
In this new Abundance Barrier Breakthrough Program, we will be directly getting to the under-the-surface “influencers” why these patterns persist.
These influencers are entrenched in all parts of us
In our subconscious mind
limiting beliefs such as “Making money is hard”, “Rich people are bad”
In our emotional body
vibrations of helplessness, failure, insecurity, and low self-worth
In our energetic body
constricted chakras, negative cording to other people and ideas, and holes in our aura leaking our energy
In our spiritual body
In our genetic makeup
inherited remembrances of starvation, war, and struggle
In our physical body
diminished vitality, sluggishness, poor posture, and anxiety
Why Energy Works to Shift Abundance Patterns
The foundational qualities of energy work are:
- Everything is energy
- Energy moves
- Energy moves in habitual patterns
- Energy patterns can be changed
I had recently become unhappy at the previous employer. At my Abundance Clearing session, my abundance level started at 16% and went up to 96%. A number of limiting beliefs, such as ‘I am not worthy of happiness’ were holding me back as well. Not too long after my session with Robin, I was approached with a dream job offer which I accepted. It was perfectly aligned and I feel truly abundant.
~ I.P. Sydney Australia
When your energy is aligned and your Set Point Raised:
- Opportunities just show up
- Money and resources flow in, seemingly out of the blue
- Tasks that seemed so impossible now get done easily
- That heavy oppressive “I can’t do it!” feeling just disappears
- What were heavy obstacles seem to float away
- You have clarity on your goals and the steps needed to take care of it
- You feel good about yourself, you feel worthy
- You feel unlimited and know that this is an unlimited universe indeed
- You see the people around you in a different way, and then amazingly they start to treat you differently
- Your energy offers a bridge to others and those around you start attracting miracles
- Your career/business takes off
- Physical issues dissipate
- Vitality, energy and joy increases
- You have a sense of accomplishment and self-empowerment
- You feel unstoppable
- You see possibilities everywhere
- Family patterns that have always been with you no longer weigh you down
- You feel compassion for others shortcomings without being triggered by them
- You smile a lot, laugh a lot, and there is almost a child-like joy
- You feel a deep peace inside
- You feel more connected to your soul
- You feel like you are on your life’s path, doing your life’s purpose
- You are in the flow!
When I began, I knew I had abundance blocks. Sure enough beliefs such as “I don’t deserve abundance” and “Being successful has to be hard” were hard-wired in me. I was thrilled to let them go! My abundance level started at 27%, and went up to 98%! Who knew it could be so low and then shift so quickly! Truly my life has changed in every area. I have more than enough money to pay off huge debts, I truly love my work now, and things are even better with me and my husband. Wow! It’s like a new chapter in life. I am so grateful. ~ KDD
~ Johanne L. Quebec Canada
My career alignment started at 86%. After clearing some energetic blocks regarding career, I felt inspired and better immediately, and the alignment went up to 98%. Shortly afterward I was offered, out-of-the-blue, a position at a bigger and better firm with a $20,000 pay raise! ~ S.J.Massachusetts
The Abundance Barrier Breakthrough program is ready to align you with abundance!
Personal Abundance Scan
3 Group Calls
8 MP3S
Remote Healing

Right after you enroll in this course, Robin will personally complete your personal abundance and goal alignment BEFORE scan, and then she will do another AFTER you complete the course so you can document your progress. Each scan/assessment consists of:
#1 – Individualized Goal Alignment Assessment
What affects our abundance or how easily we can accomplish a goal? It is how aligned our energy is with that goal. Take the example of wanting to write and produce a book – if you are only 21% aligned with that goal, it will be a struggle and you will be working against yourself the whole time. If you are 97% aligned with that goal, it will more likely be easy, joyful, fun, and everything needed will just show up at the right time. So by aligning your energy with your goal, it doesn’t mean the book is magically already written, it means the process will be smooth and joyful because literally your mental, emotional and spiritual energy are in ALIGNMENT with the energy of a successful book. You are in the flow. Each person will be guided to formulate, in a way that the subconscious can understand and implement, a personal goal that is important to them, and you will get a Before and After rating for that. This goal can be related to health, love or business – anything you choose.
#2 – Find out your own Personal Abundance Rating
Did you know that some of your energy is literally pulling towards lack? If your parents ever said, “Money doesn’t go on trees”, “We can’t afford that.” “Don’t be so greedy!”, “Who do you think you are to want that house, job, those clothes, etc?” Or do you have relatives who were affected by the great depression, immigration, an illness or business failure? If so, some of your energy is pulling towards LACK. How much of your energy system is literally pulling towards ABUNDANCE? The energy pulling towards abundance resonates with ideas such as Money comes easily to me. I can have money and love. It is safe to shine. I am worthy and capable of creating all the good I desire. Each person will receive their own personal Abundance and Lack percentages at the beginning of the program and again at the end of the program.
Three Group Calls

Recorded and replay link provided
In the present we see the exact results of our abundance vibration. Putting consciousness on your current thoughts, your current emotions, your current real life results is the first powerful step to change. We will learn how to change our beliefs.
The two ailments affecting almost everyone are “I’m not good enough” and” It’s not safe to . . ” Even though nearly every child is born pure and joyful, by the time we are grown up, most of us think that we are not good enough. Changing this one belief can totally change the rest of your life. It is like the small cog in the center of your life that directs huge change in outflow into our outer life. Once you feel worthy and deserving at the core, goodness and abundance can rush in.
However, if there is the program that says it isn’t SAFE to shine, to soar, we will stay small for preservation’s sake. Our own brilliant intelligent system’s main job is to keep us safe, and even if it means being constricted in abundance in happiness, safety is the first priority.
Clearing these two is life-changing. You will learn and use three tried and true powerful belief changing tools. This is taking up the sceptre of your dominion – if you can take responsibility and ownership for the beliefs that you have, and put the effort and intention into changing them, there’s no holding you back!

Recorded and replay link provided
What was your parents’ money experience? And your ancestors? Genetic influences are powerful!
In one study at Emory University, mice were given an electric shock every time they smelled cherry blossoms. Their offspring were not given any electric shocks, but still experienced fear and stress at the smell of cherry blossoms – for four generations!
The next generation was protected from the “harm” of the cherry blossom smell, even though there was no shock, no harm. It caused actual physiological changes in them.
We will clear the energies of war, struggle, conflict and lack. We can still honor our ancestors AND release these ties, and actually releasing them and becoming all we can be, is a fulfillment of their dreams.

Recorded and replay link provided
Life Purpose, Life Path, Gifts & Talents Hologram. This week is about Clarity, Passion, Empowerment and Manifestation. Did you know that each one of us energetically has a hologram of our life purpose, gift and talents? We have this in our energy system whether or not we are actively living our purpose. After doing the first two weeks of clearing, we will be ready to consciously clear anything else in the way of this and align to activating this energy hologram.
Creating your prosperous, abundant, on-purpose OMG thrilling life. You may not even be able to see what this would be, until you clear away some of the debris that has been obscuring your view. Once you get a glimpse, you can’t really un-see it, so life changes! You will see it, create it and magnetize it. This isn’t just for this one hour together, but you will energetically lock it in place and set it in motion for it to even increase and develop along with us.
ITEMS 5-12
8 MP3s

Of primary importance is to consciously connect to the infinite. There is infinite air and infinite chi. Just as we can breathe in as much air as we like, we can take in as much abundance energy as we like as well. It is natural, free, good for our health, and available to all. In this mp3 we expand our breathing, we connect down to the earth, up to spirit, and we open the front and back of our heart chakra, in order to fully receive, as well as fully give. We are a channel for vibrant, healthy life.

Water and nurture your actual abundance energy with this fun technique that works with the power of your subconscious. You will see your abundance energy grow before your eyes, and this process can be used daily.

Using your hands, you will be clearing the energy of pain, abandonment, heartache, and hurt out of your heart chakra. Then fill up with and open to love, joy, bliss and connection to good, helpful people. Simple yet profound.
Ever since the wall clearing, I haven’t felt this wonderful in such a long time! Now I feel so free and more connected with myself. I do the techniques you taught me and I notice everyday how confident and clearer I am than ever. ~ J.S
After clearing that wall, I noticed a change this last week with my motivation–seemingly out of the blue, I just up and did a couple things from my To Do list that have been on there forever. Those things that I have pushed to the bottom of the list for almost a year, I just all a sudden was like “oh, I think I’l do them”. Easy peasy. No forcing myself. lol And the accomplishment feels so good! ~ I.A

A lack of worthiness underlies all lack of abundance. If you grew up thinking you weren’t good enough, this vibration may still be running under the surface, and affecting what is coming to you. Use this clearing any time a feeling of not good enough or low self-worth comes up. Standing in your authentic self is the most effective change you can make.





After the classes end, the abundance continues. Every Tuesday beginning June 13, for 60 Days, Robin will clear for whatever is coming up for the group and email you what cleared. The results and abundance will continue to rise!
Personal Abundance Scan
3 Recorded Group Calls
8 MP3S
Remote Healing
- 2 Personal Abundance and Goal Alignment Scans & Assessments - Before and After
- Call 1: The Present
- Call 2: The Past
- Call 3: The Future
- Energetic Connection to the Infinite
- Abundance Garden Miracle Grow
- Heart Chakra Vortex Clearing
- Clearing Worthlessness, Low Self-Esteem, Lack of Confidence
- Clearing The Energy of Failure
- Clearing Procrastination, Indecisiveness and Creative Insecurity
- Harnessing The Power of Jealousy and Envy
- Radiate a High Vibration When Those Around You Aren’t
- 60 Day Remote Healing

Includes Everything in Package A PLUS

In this one-on-one clearing session we will be able to zero in specifically on what is holding up your current issue. These may be energetic blocks in a chakra, bone, gland, organ, tissue, belief or energetic resonance.
In a private session, the missing puzzle pieces can be found! This is unique, specific, and different for each person. There may be a belief absorbed from parents that you are selfish if you are wealthy; there may be a fear of shining because you were persecuted in the past; there may be trapped vibrations of indecisiveness or creative insecurity – literally any one of a thousand things. It is similar to taking your car in to a mechanic – maybe one tiny broken hose is preventing the car from working as it should, but yet 99% of the car is totally fine.
(You can use this session for yourself, a pet, and/or your child under the age of 18.)
Private Session with Robin
Personal Abundance Scan
3 Recorded Group Calls
8 MP3S
Remote Healing
- 30 min 1:1 Private Session with Robin
- 2 Personal Abundance and Goal Alignment Scans & Assessments - Before and After
- Call 1: The Present
- Call 2: The Past
- Call 3: The Future
- Energetic Connection to the Infinite
- Abundance Garden Miracle Grow
- Heart Chakra Vortex Clearing
- Clearing Worthlessness, Low Self-Esteem, Lack of Confidence
- Clearing The Energy of Failure
- Clearing Procrastination, Indecisiveness and Creative Insecurity
- Harnessing The Power of Jealousy and Envy
- Radiate a High Vibration When Those Around You Aren’t
- 60 Day Remote Healing

Results of private sessions with children and pets show that it is not ‘just in the mind’!
~ D.A. Derbyshire UK
Just wanted to give you an update on Ted since you did energy work with him. Ted had spinal surgery a year and a half ago and didn’t walk for five months. He has been doing great, walking again, playing, and enjoying the yard. But he would not chase a ball like he used to love to do and bring it back to me. Two days after your session with Ted he has begun to chase a ball, race back to me to throw it again. That is a first since his surgery and it’s because of the work you did with Ted. Also, he has more energy, he has a bounce again in his walk, and we can see his confidence has gone way up too! So appreciative! Thanks
Fussy baby healing: First of all thank you so much for helping my son, a few hours after the session already he was smiling and interacting and laughed for the first time and he’s been so much calmer, happier and interactive since!!
~ O.S.
Session for little boy not wanting to touch. the last session for my son was amazing and it worked instantly. He comes for hugs all the time now!
~ M.L.
My affectionate 9-month old cat Antonio was getting increasingly unhappy because I started a new job. Each day he got more remote towards me when I came home, and on the sixth day he went rigid when I tried to stroke him, and he refused to engage with me at all. Robin did an Emotion Code session for him, and cleared Antonio’s insecurity. Before she finished the session Antonio had relaxed and rolled on his side, then laid his head on my hand. The next day when I came home he rushed towards me, leapt into my arms, dotted his nose all over my face while purring loudly, then snuggled into my lap. This was truly a miraculous and beautiful result from Robin’s clearing session!
~ A.A
What People are Saying...
Robin absolutely helped clear my abundance blocks. I had been doing well in my business but I was working ALL the time and I had some business debts I just couldn’t break free from. Now, even with Covid, I am so profitable that I paid off all the debts, gave myself a raise, and I’m taking time off to golf and have fun with family and friends. Another sign of abundance is that my clients are getting fabulous results because my programs are so high vibe. Amazing opportunities keep showing up for me and so does the money! So grateful and appreciative!
~ Karen Donaldson, MS, RD, LD, EXCEL Weight Loss Solutions
When I was laid off in 2018, I was completely lost and depressed. I was very insecure about finding work because it had been 20 years since I interviewed for a position. Honestly, I wanted to crawl under a rock. My abundance rating started at only 12%, but during the energy sessions with Robin, my limiting beliefs, such as ‘”I am not worthy of freedom” and “I am not worthy of being recognized and acknowledged” were cleared and I completely felt a difference in my overall confidence. I no longer felt insecure. I was ready to move forward. My abundance rating soared to 94% and two months later I landed a new job! I can’t thank you enough, Robin!
~ Renee L., Portland OR
My abundance rating went from 45% to 85%. Which I thought was really great.
My biggest “aha” moment came when I realized how much my friends and family affect my abundance level. They are not actually doing anything directly, it was just my perception that they would not like me (or feel jealous and be mean) if I was to become financially successful. During one of the exercises when we were writing a list, it just came up so strong that I started to write affirmations around how much I could help my family by increasing my financial abundance. This started me thinking about how many wonderful people there are in the world that are very wealthy, and how I could have both great relationships and wealth at the same time.
~ Laura S.
My abundance level started at 46% and went up to 98%. Since then I’ve gotten corporate teaching opportunities, more clients buying my biggest packages, and have been flooded with inspiration for courses that help people cultivate higher consciousness, which feels like aligning to my true purpose. We found a subconscious belief that I didn’t deserve abundance, and that has definitely been released. I deserve it, and now I help everyone in my classes receive it as well.
~ Helen McConnell, Portland, OR
After working with Robin on abundance, I initially tested at 33%. This means that I only felt one-third of my potential sense of abundance in my life. It doesn’t really matter what you have in your life, how much of this or that, if you don’t recognize the value of what you do have. In my case, I wound up feeling 95% of my actual abundance and as well as self-worth. This has stayed with me for months now – I recognize the abundance in my life and I am feeling joyful and appreciative for everything, even in this time of unprecedented change and upheaval.
~ Marie Geyer, Sydney NSW AU
Since working with Robin, my abundance ‘score’ went from 78 to 98 and many things have changed since then: I was able to purchase the car of my vision board, 4 properties have sold in the last 2 months which have been on the market forever, and it looks like we will be debt free before the end of this year! WOW!!!
~ S.G.U.
Private Session with Robin
Personal Abundance Scan
3 Recorded Group Calls
8 MP3S
Remote Healing
- 30 min 1:1 Private Session with Robin
- 2 Personal Abundance and Goal Alignment Scans & Assessments - Before and After
- Call 1: The Present
- Call 2: The Past
- Call 3: The Future
- Energetic Connection to the Infinite
- Abundance Garden Miracle Grow
- Heart Chakra Vortex Clearing
- Clearing Worthlessness, Low Self-Esteem, Lack of Confidence
- Clearing The Energy of Failure
- Clearing Procrastination, Indecisiveness and Creative Insecurity
- Harnessing The Power of Jealousy and Envy
- Radiate a High Vibration When Those Around You Aren’t
- 60 Day Remote Healing
Special Offer
Personal Abundance Scan
3 Recorded Group Calls
8 MP3S
Remote Healing
- 2 Personal Abundance and Goal Alignment Scans & Assessments - Before and After
- Call 1: The Present
- Call 2: The Past
- Call 3: The Future
- Energetic Connection to the Infinite
- Abundance Garden Miracle Grow
- Heart Chakra Vortex Clearing
- Clearing Worthlessness, Low Self-Esteem, Lack of Confidence
- Clearing The Energy of Failure
- Clearing Procrastination, Indecisiveness and Creative Insecurity
- Harnessing The Power of Jealousy and Envy
- Radiate a High Vibration When Those Around You Aren’t
- 60 Day Remote Healing
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