Gosia on Free Your Mind
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You can download the podcasts and the separate Free Your Mind Group Process Mp3 click here.
Free Your Mind
Release anxiety, worry, and mind control programs to reclaim your vibrant, healthy mind!
There is a spectrum of experience with mental distress...
- Not feeling like yourself - feeling less motivation, focus, not as quick, being alone more - these are often the earliest signs
- Waking up in the morning with a feeling of dread...like something bad is probably around each corner
- Physical symptoms might be heart racing, chest tightness/heaviness or palpitations, holding your breath, stomach tension
- Decisions become tough, afraid you will make the wrong one or you don't have enough information, so you procrastinate
- Excessive scrolling or binge watching to distract yourself

- Pulling away from the people you love...canceling plans because socializing feels too overwhelming, then lying awake feeling guilty about it
- Being more judgmental of people, being annoyed and finding yourself just not liking anyone new you meet
- Panic attacks without warning...and you're worried this time it's really a heart attack
- You just want to stay home, preferably in your bedroom, because it is the easiest, but feeling guilty about not living life
- Almost but not quite resigning yourself to "this is the way life is going to be"...while still having a sliver of hope you can get yourself back
Other symptoms you may experience...
- Neck and chest tension
- Sleep issues
- Appetite problems
- Constant fatigue
- Headaches
- Racing heart rate
- Digestive issues
- Aches and pains
- Sadness
- Persistent worry
- Emotional numbness
- Irritability
- Hopelessness
- Social withdrawal
- Mood swings
- Fear and Dread
- Feeling worthless
- Racing thoughts
- Poor concentration
- Indecision
- Memory difficulties
- Negative self-talk
- Mental fog
- Rumination loops
Mind Control Programming...a hidden cause of mental struggles

- Illness, whether physical or mental, focuses people on their health issues, without the bandwidth or energy to look at whatever the powers that be are doing to manipulate us
- Fear is another huge tool to distract us, and then positioning themselves as the answer/savior to that fear so that we give them our power. Fear is also be a big contributor to anxiety and worry.
- Chemicals spread in agriculture and through chemtrails, environmental toxins, hormone disregulators, EMFs are all known to affect our mental health negatively
- Alien tech, biosynthesis, AI, infiltrations, sonic frequencies are all being used to expand on mind control and deadening our emotions
- The media is one of their primary tools to spread fear and anxiety, and large departments and companies are constantly experimenting with how to get the reactions they want. With the 24-hour news cycle, they bring to our attention every potentially scary thing they can find and then exaggerate it.
Did you know?

- The global cost of anxiety disorders is estimated at $1 trillion annually in lost productivity, according to the World Health Organization
- People with generalized anxiety disorder have a 47% higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease, according to a meta-analysis published in the American Journal of Psychiatry
- Depression accelerates cognitive decline by approximately 10 years, according to research published in Neurology
- 75% of people with panic disorder report significant strain on their intimate relationships, with 35% reporting relationship dissolution directly related to their condition
Real Results From Gosia's Clients
After years of fatigue, my energy returned and now my life is more fun. ~ Ken, Toronto
I’m sleeping deeper, more rested and relaxed. The sense of being overwhelmed has subsided. ~ Rosemary, Chicago
What makes the Free Your Mind program unique?

Egregors – conscious entities created by a collective that exert tremendous influence on our emotions and thoughts.

Mind Control – from technology, media, energetic implants, AI, alien tech, nanotech, negative entities

Multiple Dimensions – addressing roots of the problems from other lifetimes, dimensions, or realities

Family Patterns – anxiety, worry, panic often seem to run in families, we will address and clear these from your timeline
Why Gosia is the perfect expert to help you

- I quickly discover underlying energies that cause an issue or problem and clear them
- There is no place and space that I’m unwilling to go in order to clear the root of the problem
- My approach is traversing through space, time, dimensions, realties and lifetimes
- Your issues might be lodged in your physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual body, in this timeline and others, I work to remove it from every level of existence
When you get your mind back to who you really are, you can be...
- Having Fun Again - rediscovering genuine laughter and lighthearted moments that aren't overshadowed by dread and worry
- Easily Making Decisions - tapping into your inner wisdom rather than fear, trusting yourself to handle whatever comes your way
- Energetic and Rested - enjoying nights of uninterrupted sleep, waking up genuinely refreshed and ready for the day
- Emotionally Resilient - meeting life's challenges with stability, knowing difficult feelings will pass without overwhelming you

- Engaged in Relationships - looking forward and even initiating social connections instead of dreading them, feeling present and authentic
- Comfortable in Your Body - experiencing physical ease as anxiety releases, feeling at home in your own skin again
- Spiritually Connected - reconnecting to the deeper meaning beyond the fog of your struggles
Here is how to work with Gosia to reclaim a healthy, vibrant mind!
9 MP3s
3 Live Group Calls
4 Weeks of Silent Witnessing / Remote Healing

MP3 - 8:14 mins
PURPOSE: Clear the influences of mind control and remove the energetics that allow for it to infect and affect us negatively.
DESCRIPTION: We are all subjected to relentless mind control mechanisms that shape our way of thinking, behaving, and feeling. The government and other organizations have been studying how to control our thinking for many years and with the advancements of transhumanism, biosynthetic convergence, and mutil-dimensional influences, the power has become stronger than ever. News, advertisements, and information about most subjects can contain some elements of mind control that are influencing us adversely to decrease our energy, vitality, and mental health. This track will both clear and shield you from future attacks. Infused with Solfeggio frequency of 741 Hz.

MP3 - 5:50 mins
PURPOSE: Clear the different aspects of energies and frequencies creating worry. Reconnecting with your true self.
DESCRIPTION: Worry is imagining problems in the future that haven’t happened. It’s natural to want to be prepared for possible outcomes. But most of the time worry is not used to take action, or it’s about a negative outcome that can’t be prepared for. When worry becomes overwhelming, obsessive, and affects our daily life and performance it is time to take a closer look at the mechanisms creating it. This recording will clear those mechanisms, and the associated thoughts, emotions, feelings, sensations, patterns, and beliefs, instilling peace and calm. Infused with Solfeggio frequency of 396 Hz.

MP3 - 9:14 mins
PURPOSE: Clear the multitude of causes of anxiety. Instilling calm and peace. Aligning body, mind, spirit energetics.
DESCRIPTION: This track will clear those sudden feelings of fear, uneasiness, dread, overwhelm, tension, and the mechanisms creating them. It is using energetic clearing, recalibration, disentangling, and transmuting to create an instant shift and relief. The subject of negative entities contributing to anxiety will also be included in the clearing. Infused with Solfeggio frequency of 432 Hz.

MP3 - 7:28 mins
PURPOSE: Clearing the energetic, synthetic, emotional, and spiritual causes of intrusive, compulsive, and obsessive thoughts.
DESCRIPTION: If you are experiencing persistent, intrusive, unwanted, disturbing, repetitive, and compulsive thoughts that you can’t seem to control, this track is for you. It will clear the frequencies, energies, entities causing them and give you new suggestions for a different way of being and functioning. Infused with Solfeggio frequency of 417 Hz.

MP3 - 7:53 mins
PURPOSE: Clearing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual layers, along with family patterns, entities, and synthetic influences.
DESCRIPTION: These are emotions and feelings that can take you to a dark, desperate place. The track will clear those frequencies, energies, emotions and the underlying causes, like family history and patterns, entities, external negative suggestions, abuse, trauma, PTSD, and more. It will bring out your beautiful, true nature and purity. Infused with Solfeggio frequency of 639 Hz.

MP3 - 8:58 mins
PURPOSE: Hypnotic suggestions creating calm, relaxation, and peace
DESCRIPTION: Panic attacks are instances of intense anxiety accompanied by various physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual symptoms. They can appear suddenly with no warning signs. This track will address and clear possible reactions, sensations, and feelings as well as causes, invisible influences and infiltrations. Infused with Solfeggio frequency of 432 Hz.

MP3 - 7:36 mins
PURPOSE: Clearing multiple layers of energies and emotions, abuse, judgement, and wrongness of self.
DESCRIPTION: When you weren’t supported, seen, validated, respected, or loved as a child (and as an adult with spouse, career, children, parents) you can be experiencing self doubt and a feeling of unworthiness. You have trouble seeing, validating, respecting or loving yourself and aren’t able to see the gift that you are. You might struggle with self-esteem, your body image, relationships, jobs, finances. This track will clear one by one layers upon layers that could be contributing to doubting, judging, criticizing yourself and feeling unworthy. Infused with Solfeggio frequency of 285 Hz.

MP3 - 5:07 mins
PURPOSE: Quick activation, download, restoration, recalibration, alignment to create an instant shift of mood.
DESCRIPTION: This track is a quick pick me up stopping the spiraling down or spinning out of control. Infused with vibrations of joy, ease, calm, love will be used to shift you, your emotions, feelings, and thoughts in a moment. Infused with Solfeggio frequencies of 528 Hz and 852 Hz.

MP3 - 11:49 mins
PURPOSE: Clearing conscious and unconscious blockages, created by negative mind states and emotions like fear, anxiety, worry, depression, panic stopping you from inviting more abundance in your life.
DESCRIPTION: We limit our receiving of abundance and money based on low self-esteem, self-doubt, and unworthiness and other negative emotions surrounding it (worry is a big one). We have accumulated countless points of view and limiting beliefs abut abundance, money, riches, wealth, having, receiving throughout all the lifetimes based on the state of our mind and outlook on life. We set our bar low, we won’t go beyond the state of surviving and never allowing ourselves to have ease and flow in our life. This MP3 will be clearing, shifting, and recalibrating our energy field to create more. Infused with 4096Hz frequency.
FAQs about Gosia’s mp3s
The following are general guidelines. If your inner guidance is directing you to listen to the mp3s in a different way, please follow that advice (except don’t listen while driving etc). Click the toggle button to expand each answer as needed.
The MP3s are a mix of narrated guided meditation, frequency transmission, clearings, and hypnosis. They are infused with different Solfeggio frequencies, chosen intuitively.
Depends on the severity of the issue, I would recommend listening to all recordings (except Panic Attack, which is hypnotic suggestion to be used at the onset of a panic attack) at least once a week until the symptoms lessen or disappear. If experiencing intense symptoms, please listen several times consciously, doing your best to fully engage (not drift away or fall asleep).
Absolutely! Please follow your guidance and intuition, you know best! Keep in mind if you feel like listening to a recording that doesn’t sound like it exactly match issues you are experiencing, follow that guidance! It may well be there are energies in that track that overlap with your issues, or you are working with subconscious/unconscious layers. For example you may think, I don’t think I struggle with Unworthiness, at least consciously, but there may be lifetimes or layers that do.
I would recommend continuing with the regular listening to the MP3s. They will go deeper and deeper. If you feel that they are bringing you comfort and calm you down in stressful events that cause worry, anxiety, or panic. please listen to them several times in the row, loud or on low.
At least once a month for maintenance because we live in a very challenging times and it might be hard to sustain the elevated spirit. The mind control programming is all around us at all times, and we can all use support to stay clear.
It’s always most impactful if you can listen to them consciously since the MP3s are packed with information and clearings, and your conscious mind is participating. After you become familiar with the content you can listen to them on low. Listening on low is preferable to not listening, so do the best you can.
Items 8-10 Three Live Group Calls

Wed, Apr 9, 3pm ET (your time here) - will be recorded and replay link provided
Going even deeper into how we are subjected to mind control, the various forms, and how protecting ourselves from it is essential to protect our mental health. We will be expanding the scope and clearing everything that will be coming up. A dynamic conversation with clearings, Q&A’s.

Wed, Apr 16, 3pm ET (your time here) - will be recorded and replay link provided
We will be clearing additional aspects of those issues, infiltrations, entities, and going deep into the underlying energies, addressing specific concerns and situations. We will start talking several tools for self discovery, self love, to start living as an empowered, clear, confident, and a happy human being. Clearings and Q&As

Wed, Apr 23, 3pm ET (your time here) - will be recorded and replay link provided
We’ll clear obstacles, burdens, karma, contracts, infiltrations, cords, and anything else that might be standing in your way to create your future, stay on your path, live in alignment with your soul purpose. Q&A and mini-clearings.
Wednesday, Apr 9, 2025

Starts on every Thursdays April 10, 17, 24, May 1, 3pm ET
Bring your list of troubles, concerns, and problems to this zoom call (whether you listen live or by replay) and Gosia will both silent witness and send remote healing to allow for the energy to dissipate, neutralize, and release with no judgement, non-polarity, neutrality, and compassion.

Add everyone in your household to your program, including pets, for just $49 per household (not per person)! Save $20 when you add on at time of purchase (it’s $69 if you ask to add it on later).
Every person/pet living under your same roof will receive the the remote activations and transmissions of the live calls (whether they listen or not). Remote healing is included too if purchased before bonus expires. Directions will be given to email your names after checkout.
NOTE: This option will be a checkbox to select on the checkout page.

Add a loved one living anywhere to the Remote Healing and Live Call Transmissions, for just $49 per person. Save $20 when you add on now at time of purchase ($69 if adding later). Directions will be given to email your names after checkout.
NOTE: This option will be a checkbox to select on the checkout page.
9 MP3s
3 Live Group Calls
4 Weeks of Silent Witnessing / Remote Healing
- Mind Control - Clearing and Shielding
- Worry
- Anxiety
- Intrusive, Compulsive, Obsessive Thoughts and Monkey Chatter
- Depression, Despair, Hopelessness, Sadness and Grief
- Panic Attacks
- Self Doubt and Unworthiness
- Bonus: Happy Pill - Quick Fix
- Bonus: Free Your Abundance
- Call 1: Deep Dive on Mind Control
- Call 2: Worry, Self Doubt, Judgement and Negative emotions deep dive
- Call 3: Engaging with Life
- 4 Weeks of Silent Witnessing / Remote Healing
- Add on your Household for All Remote Healing and Live Transmissions for $49
- Add a Loved One

Includes Everything in Packages A PLUS

We will work together to quickly discover underlying foundational energies that create limiting patterns, self destructive behaviors, negative programs, that I clear, change, and transform.
I am an expert on the world of entities (energies, spirits, light beings,
nature spirits, demons, extraterrestrials) and when necessary, I clear, and/or
communicate with them.
My work is very intuitive, inquisitive, and insightful, shifting the lives of everyone who experiences it.
My focus is to assist you in achieving your highest energetic purity, vibrations, and potential as well as state of harmony and balance in every aspect of your life.
Through multitude of tools and techniques I will empower you to shift and
change what is not working for you, clear the blocks, and invite you to live in a state of ease, joy and vibrant health.
25 min Private Session with Gosia
9 MP3s
3 Live Group Calls
4 Weeks of Silent Witnessing / Remote Healing
- 25 min 1:1 Private Session with Gosia
- Mind Control - Clearing and Shielding
- Worry
- Anxiety
- Intrusive, Compulsive, Obsessive Thoughts and Monkey Chatter
- Depression, Despair, Hopelessness, Sadness and Grief
- Panic Attacks
- Self Doubt and Unworthiness
- Bonus: Happy Pill - Quick Fix
- Bonus: Free Your Abundance
- Call 1: Deep Dive on Mind Control
- Call 2: Worry, Self Doubt, Judgement and Negative emotions deep dive
- Call 3: Engaging with Life
- 4 Weeks of Silent Witnessing / Remote Healing
- Add on your Household for All Remote Healing and Live Transmissions for $49
- Add a Loved One

What Gosia's Clients are Saying...
clear and reset from anxious and angry
I am so grateful for this meditation. In one instance I felt really confused, anxious, and angry . It helped me clear and reset quickly when I was unable to get out of my negative state.
Also my work can be loud and chaotic putting me in a constant mode of fight or flight. I’ve used this meditation to assist in grounding quickly so I could tackle the obstacles of my day with a clearer mind. This has been a helpful tool for me and I will continue to use it daily! Thank you! ~ Donna B, CA
endless loop of worry stopped
Dear Gosia, I love your new clearings and meditation series. I call them the soothing mind snacks. The other day I could not come out of the endless loop of worry and here we go. I took ten minutes of the worry meditation and was able to detach from the eeyore state of mind. The happy pill works in any state well as it guides me to my true essence and opens up so many blocked channels of giving and receiving. Your work has truly impacted my state of being for the better while providing food for thought for working through unexplainable issues. Looking forward to discovering new horizons with your guidance. ~ Anna B., CA
anxiety dissolving & becoming less of my identity
I have had varying degrees of anxiety for my entire adult life. Lately it’s been particularly debilitating. After listening to Gosia’s “Anxiety” recording I had so many awarenesses about my anxiety that I had never been aware of before – especially that I’m addicted to emotional rollercoasters and dramas – wow! That lightened things up. Each time I listen to this track I have more awarenesses, and the anxiety dissolves and becomes less and less a part of my identity. Melissa S.
shiny, joy, and play - not wrongness
It’s a fact that the love and compassion shine through, and you feel more held and more seen and more self-loving. The one I have listened to over and over is the one on self-doubt.. I grew up hearing the question “what’s wrong with you?” from the person who was supposed to love me unconditionally and know me best. This clearing leaves me feeling shiny. Like I am meant to feel. It releases all the ways that I made my mom’s sense of her own wrongness and the wrongness of some bad people who were part of my early years, mine. I am joy and play, I am not wrongness. I highly recommend this course and these recordings to anyone who wants to shift into the truth of who they are. ~ Tara Alisbah Earth Walker
I have been dealing with manageable but annoying anxiety and depression for most of my life. I’ve been listening to Gosia’s clearing tracks for a couple weeks now, and specifically her Being Light Embodied clearing, and honestly it is clearing up these lifelong anxiety/depression spells. I don’t get these moods nearly as often now, and when I feel them coming on I either put on her clearing or remember her clearing (if I’m not in a space where I can put it on) and it immediately soothes the anxiety and puts me back in a state of peace. I know these clearings are doing deep deep work on me that nothing else has been able to and I am so grateful. ~ Kyreniyya, California
~ Sanaz G. – CA
I had the most wonderful and incredible session with Gosia! Having a session with Gosia is like unlocking a deeper part of yourself. Where you can release the old, bring in the new and allow a better version of yourself to come through. Gosia is very insightful and listens to what your body is trying to communicate to you. Working with Gosia is magical, transformative and beautiful. Thank you Gosia :) ~ L. Wong
Last night, I listened to a meditation and felt a deep relaxation right from the beginning. I had been waking up at 3 a.m. and couldn’t fall back asleep, but today, to my surprise, I slept through the night like a rock.
It’s also worth mentioning that for the last two weeks, I felt very unwell – heavy, senseless, and aimless. What overwhelmed me exceeded my capacity, which resulted in procrastinating many tasks. However, today I got up with new energy, started to organize my affairs, and I feel much lighter, convinced that I can handle it. ~ Anna S. Bristol, UKOLD CHILDHOOD WOUND HEALED
In the negative Family Pattern Clearing I was able to connect with my inner child. I saw myself as five year old after being abused and abandoned without a single word, look or consolation. I came as a mother and I took my five year old self into my arms. I could feel her pain, fear, horror. I held her. She cried and I set with her in the space of the present moment. The time stopped and the healing magic came on silent feet….My inner child received all the love that it did not get back then when the trauma happened and she was left alone in silence…The old oozing wound was healed during this clearing. I am endlessly grateful for this transformative experience. ~ Anna Brown, CA
Thank you so very much for all of this that thanks to you I have!!!! I’m so grateful to have you in my life!!!! This course changed my life to a whole new level filled with richness and only good things!!!! I am no longer scared of entities or demons!!!! That is huge for me and everything is becoming clearer everyday!!! Although my stomach was funky and I threw up 3 times on Sunday I feel that’s just a release of all the junk that no longer serves me anymore!!! Abundance of blessings and Love!!! ~ Melva C – FL
25 min Private Session with Gosia
9 MP3s
3 Live Group Calls
4 Weeks of Silent Witnessing / Remote Healing
- 25 min 1:1 Private Session with Gosia
- Mind Control - Clearing and Shielding
- Worry
- Anxiety
- Intrusive, Compulsive, Obsessive Thoughts and Monkey Chatter
- Depression, Despair, Hopelessness, Sadness and Grief
- Panic Attacks
- Self Doubt and Unworthiness
- Bonus: Happy Pill - Quick Fix
- Bonus: Free Your Abundance
- Call 1: Deep Dive on Mind Control
- Call 2: Worry, Self Doubt, Judgement and Negative emotions deep dive
- Call 3: Engaging with Life
- 4 Weeks of Silent Witnessing / Remote Healing
- Add on your Household for All Remote Healing and Live Transmissions for $49
- Add a Loved One

9 MP3s
3 Live Group Calls
4 Weeks of Silent Witnessing / Remote Healing
- Mind Control - Clearing and Shielding
- Worry
- Anxiety
- Intrusive, Compulsive, Obsessive Thoughts and Monkey Chatter
- Depression, Despair, Hopelessness, Sadness and Grief
- Panic Attacks
- Self Doubt and Unworthiness
- Bonus: Happy Pill - Quick Fix
- Bonus: Free Your Abundance
- Call 1: Deep Dive on Mind Control
- Call 2: Worry, Self Doubt, Judgement and Negative emotions deep dive
- Call 3: Engaging with Life
- 4 Weeks of Silent Witnessing / Remote Healing
- Add on your Household for All Remote Healing and Live Transmissions for $49
- Add a Loved One

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