Jo on Fascia Facelift Glow
Q&A with Hydration Process
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Fascia Facelift Glow
Match your outside to how young you feel inside!
When you look in the mirror do you feel…
- Dispirited because you always focus on the wrinkles and saggy bits
- Regret that you didn’t take better care of your skin (too much sun, smoking, junk food etc)
- Less confident, less valuable to society, less worthy of attention
- Depressed that it’s only going to get worse
- Or if you have had facial trauma or facial/mouth surgery, you could feel like a completely different person

The truth is we ALL want to look and feel our best. It makes us feel confident, healthy, and worthy. Nature has programmed us this way!
It can be depressing when we feel our face (especially) looks older than we feel inside.
You might blame the sun, gravity, diet, smoking..but there is really ONE main thing that needs to be addressed.Beta-Test Statistics
We asked our 14 beta-testers after 30 days of using just three mp3s in this program (Neck Toner, Heavenly Gaze, and Fountain of Youth) to provide us with feedback:
- Face and/or neck - 100% noticed improvement
- Overall - 92% noted significant improvement in one or more areas
- Skin Texture / Complexion / Glow - 92% noticed improvement
- Eyes - 92% noted improvement around their eyes
- Self- Confidence - 82% reported increased self-confidence
- Energy - 92% noted improvement in their energy levels
- Weight and/or depression - 50% saw improvement which were side benefits we weren’t targeting! Fascia work is truly marvelous. What's possible for you?
Notes about statistics above:
- Not everybody had an issue in every area, for example if someone doesn’t have any nasolabial folds (nose to mouth), she could not notice improvement, so people without an issue were not counted for that statistic.
- We ended up with a lot of 92% but it wasn’t the same group of people, different people noticed different things.
- We also had a couple of beta-testers who went through personal emergencies during this time and reported not being able to focus on the testing, but we still kept their data in the stats, because that’s real life!
Fascia is the Master Key to Youthening your Face and Neck
Fascia is finally being recognized as a main cause of the appearance of aging. Yes gravity, collagen, elastin they all play a part, but it’s the fascia that locks the sagging into place.
The fascia is the key to the communication of the skin and fat tissue, to hydration, to circulation.
When the fascia isn’t optimally functioning, your face and neck appear to age (and many other things affecting your health can also be affected). You will notice:
- jowls on jawline
- drooping or crepe-y skin
- Thicker skin texture
- brow wrinkles (horizontal)
- dark undereye circles
- undereye bags
- elevens / scowl lines between eye brows
- crow’s feet at corner of eyes
- dry eyes
- eye fatigue / strain
- sinus pressure
- headaches
- migraines
- insomnia
- nasolabial folds
- hollow cheeks
- pudgy cheeks
- marionette lines
- lip lines
- side of mouth wrinkles
- double chin
- turkey neck
- thinning hair
Beta-testers noticed the following amazing changes…
“Around my eyes looks clearer, more alive somehow, and the skin around them isn’t as puffy.” ~ Antje S.
“My neck laxity is about 50% improved, still working on that – nothing else had been able to help it. That kind of improvement in 30 days, I’ll take it!” ~ A.S.
“My complexion looks brighter and has more color to it.” ~ K.Q.
“The upper eyelids which were hanging have visibly tightened. I appreciate that very much!”~ Antje S.
“People at work noticed that I had lost weight from my face, my belly and that there was something different in my eyes. People could not believe I’m 45.” ~ Beronica G.
“The fine lines and wrinkles have greatly diminished, especially the 11’s.”~ Katie O.
“My hair has literally never looked better in my life, smooth and shiny, and I dont’ have to use a hair dryer or straightener!” ~ A.S.
“My lips are fuller, and the skin below my chin has tightened as well.” ~ Antje S.
“There is a healthy glow about my skin and it feels great to me. My eyelids are less droopy.” ~ Katie O.
“My complexion is super soft and smooth and pore size very small. It hasn’t looked this good in ages.” ~ A.S.
“Also the wrinkles around my lips have diminished. ” ~ Katie O.
“The droopiness of my upper eyelids which caused my biggest wrinkle on the corner of my eye is almost all gone, I saw a photo from 10 years ago and it now looks better than that!” ~ A.S.
“My neck has gotten tighter.” ~ D.G.
“Feels like I had a face lift and cosmetic surgery.” ~ R.D.
You can apply all the skin care products in the world, but without healing and realigning the underlying structure (fascia), you will get mild, temporary results at best!

Natural results without surgical intervention

Jo Fernandes
Jo Fernandes is an expert in working with fascia, both physically and energetically, with a deep intuitive understanding of the entire fascia system.
In Jo’s view, the heart is the key player conducting the whole fascial system – fascia, lymph, extracellular matrix, fluids etc. This system is completely outside the control of the brain and nervous system.
Once the fascia system is balanced, it allows ALL aspects of the human to come to a state of Grace.
Every line, wrinkle, mole, spot means something and is connected to other parts of your body through your fascial system. If something is going on in your life, in your body for example, with one of your organs, it will show up in your face.
Jo works with the whole human to help you balance and restore your fascia to its full functionality, balance the issues in the other parts of your body, and erase the impact on your face!
Beta-testers also noticed how they felt about themselves…
“I have been looking really great in photos! I’m seeing the world and myself in a more beautiful way.” ~ Sheila S.
“This has changed my attitude about my face more than anything else. I like how my face looks softer.”~ M.B.
“I look younger and happier when people took pictures of me.” ~ Antonia G.
“I feel more confident if they look at me. I am not hiding anymore.”~ Maite
“I really like how it seems to change my way of looking at life for the better. ” ~ M.B.
“I would highly recommend this program to other people. It is so simple to do and you can actually see visual results over time. The frequencies are pleasant to listen to and always made me feel cheerful.” ~ Katie O.
And there were these surprising side benefits
“I lost 10 pounds and I’ve been able to keep that off. My belly is flat, less bloated.” ~ D.G.
“After the first day I noticed remarkable improvement on my upper forearms which were much less wrinkly and firmer.”~ G.S
“While it is a cosmetic program, I feel the clearings have gone much deeper than that. I got a very meaningful change at the root level.” ~ Sheila S.
“ I feel like my confidence has improved and I like the way I’m looking.”~ Beronica G.
“My belly is slimmer.” ~ Jana J.
“My sex drive I felt changed for the better. ”~ D.G.
“I used to have a special kind of acne on the back of my neck and upper shoulder area, which completely cleared surprisingly fast and hasn’t come back since. So I guess it’s gone for good! This alone would have been worth using the program.” ~ Antje S.
“The feeling of needing less makeup is awesome!!!”~ Beronica G.
“I used to have a special kind of acne on the back of my neck and upper shoulder area, which completely cleared surprisingly fast and hasn’t come back since. So I guess it’s gone for good! This alone would have been worth using the program.” ~ Antje S.
“My hair is less gray.”~ Jana J.
Starting TODAY STOP feeling like a victim to the process of aging…and The feelings that brings
4 Group Calls
11 MP3s
Remote Healing
Fascia Facelift MP3s
- Emotional body clearing - guilt, fear, shame, grief etc
- Mental body clearing - disgust, embarrassment etc
- Etheric body - balance blueprint of the physical body
- Spiritual body - soul field, soul purpose
- Biochemical body - balance our biochemistry - eg hormones,
- Rhythmic body - balance all rhythms in the body eg breathing, heart
- Structural body - regenerate structures of cells, tissues
- Energetic body - balance energy field
- Sacred geometric shapes - cube, cone, sphere
- Colour Therapy - turquoise, indigo, violet, magenta, gold
- Cymatic organ frequencies (relevant to area)
- Telomere regeneration
- Hyaluronic acid - hydration of skin
- Collagen - cushioning in skin
- Elastin - the most important factor - the ‘springs’ of the skin



Nose, drooping, texture.






ITEMS 10-13

Recorded and replay link provided
In this group call Jo will firstly be addressing the vascular and Lymphatics system, which have an integral relationship to the fascial system. Superficial fascia just under skin houses the lymph system. This system collects waste and moves out of the body. This is a vital step to obtain optimum results with any face lift.
Next she will focus on the head and forehead regions. As fascia exists as one single unit without interruption, penetrating, connecting, and separating every single part of the body, we will address the body holistically. Through applying a number of energetic processes and fascial exercises you will work on worry lines, frown lines, brow ptosis and related areas. You will also work on the frontal and temple areas and crows feet.
Finally she will open up a discussion on your goals on manifesting your outcomes which will continue over the next few calls. This is where the magic starts! You get to move energies like improving facial proportions using the Golden Ratio and other cool tools.
BONUS TIP: You can get started with better lymph flow now. This video is “Jo approved” for moving the lymphatic fluid which is key to detoxing and improving fascia function.

Recorded and replay link provided

Recorded and replay link provided

Recorded and replay link provided

Starts Monday, July 3, 2023 (after live calls are completed)
Each week for 90 days, Jo will send energies to all participants, including any people you add through the add-on package. These energies will be whatever comes up as most needed to support your age reversal journey. Nothing for you to do but receive!

We all make judgments about ourselves and others. Maybe the biggest issue with aging is the judgment we make when we see it! Aging is BAD and to be avoided we tell ourselves, which just draws more of it to us.
This mp3 calms the monkey mind allowing you to embrace a higher level of consciousness.You should feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders – a sense of lightening up.
The first person to use this mp3 was a friend who was socially and energetically hypersensitive. She was amazed how much it helped her with her relationships. Also wherever she went through airports she used to pick up so much information from people that she felt sick and wobbly. This mp3 helped her be calm and relaxed. She was also astounded that she wasn’t triggered by the fragrances when she passed through the perfumery section. It is surprising that clearing judgment could affect so many of our fields, it is very pervasive.

I have found in my work that ALL children have a deep loathing of themselves that continues into adulthood and wreaks havoc in their lives. Love is the most precious aspect of ourselves. It is the fire of our love, our ability to be filled with innocent amazement, the warmth of our heart and the trust we create with others. It is our soul energy that has been transformed through our lives and our experiences. This mp3 will help you release the deep loathing you brought with you from childhood and get you into a state of Awe and Bliss.
4 Group Calls
11 MP3S
Remote Healing
- Call 1: Lymphatic Drainage + Lifting and Toning Head & Forehead Regions
- Call 2: Eye, Nose and Cheeks
- Call 3: Mouth, Lower Face and Neck
- Call 4: Q&A/Mini Sessions
- Eyebrow Raiser
- Heavenly Gaze
- Nose Lift
- Cheek Toner
- Kissing the Sky
- Chin Lift
- Fascia Neck Toner
- Crowning Glory
- Fountain of Youth
- 90 Days of Remote Healing
- Bonus - Judgment
- Bonus - Love

Includes Everything in Package A PLUS

This call is focused on YOUR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS including anything unique to you that hasn’t been cleared in the mp3s and group calls. If you have a particularly stubborn area, Jo will figure out the root cause and how to help bring that area into balance.
She can also let you know which mp3s to work with the most going forward and give you a specific protocol for your issues.
Private Session with Jo
4 Group Calls
11 MP3S
Remote Healing
- 45 min 1:1 Private Session with Jo
- Call 1: Lymphatic Drainage + Lifting and Toning Head & Forehead Regions
- Call 2: Eye, Nose and Cheeks
- Call 3: Mouth, Lower Face and Neck
- Call 4: Q&A/Mini Sessions
- Eyebrow Raiser
- Heavenly Gaze
- Nose Lift
- Cheek Toner
- Kissing the Sky
- Chin Lift
- Fascia Neck Toner
- Crowning Glory
- Fountain of Youth
- 90 Days of Remote Healing
- Bonus - Judgment
- Bonus - Love

Here's more input from the Beta-Testers
The dark circles under my eyes are lighter now. There is a softness to the crease in my cheek.
An incredible amount of tension was released inside my eye sockets. My eyes are much more relaxed and I’ve released TONS of emotion.
And I’m seeing the world and myself in a more beautiful way. I don’t see any more beady eyes in photos and actually have been looking really great in photos! The energy of who I am is coming through more clearly and I’m looking better overall.
Yes! I would recommend this program. While it is a cosmetic program, I feel the clearings have gone much deeper than that. My face and body and eyes are healthier, my mindset too.
I feel I got a very meaningful change at the root level and function is more important than form, though of course, I want to look awesome too.
~ Sheila S.
My biggest issue and biggest change (to me) from this program is my eyes. It’s not a huge dramatic change. But to me…. it’s a fabulous start. I’m really happy and will purchase the program to keep this going. I do have people noticing that I look better. I can only imagine what else is possible with a complete program. Jo is Amazing!!
~ M.B.
It’s obvious my face has changed. The greatest effect can be seen on and around my eyes They look clearer, more alive somehow, and the skin around them isn’t as puffy anymore. Especially the upper eyelids which were hanging have visibly tightened. I appreciate that very much! My lips are fuller, and the skin below my chin has tightened as well.
As I said before starting the test I have looked significantly younger than my age for many years, but recently that started to change, and I could no longer deny that I am aging as every other human does. I didn’t really like it! Now I am very happy with the results of this program after only 30 days and I’m looking forward to seeing the long-term effects as I keep using it.
The first thing I noticed less than a week into the program was completely unexpected: I used to have a special kind of acne on the back of my neck and upper shoulder area, which completely cleared surprisingly fast and hasn’t come back since. So I guess it’s gone for good! This alone would have been worth using the program. The audios are so pleasant and relaxing to listen to, as all you hear is beautiful bird song. I definitely recommend!
~ Antje S.
My neck has gotten tighter my eyes somewhat. I lost 10 pounds and I’ve been able to keep that off fluctuating maybe 2 to 3 pounds up and down and my sex drive I felt changed for the better as well.
Absolutely I would recommend this for aging women we need help I don’t like to do needles I don’t like to have facelifts or injections, and I feel Jo is amazing energy healer, and I believe in energy healing, and I would rather do this type of energy healing than to do anything else This definitely helped after one month which I absolutely love. I want to continue to grow younger every day.
~ D.G.
My complexion looks brighter and has more color to it, my face looks less drawn, the dark circles under my eyes have improved and my eyes look brighter. There is less hollowness in my cheeks, some of the horizontal lines on my forehead have decreased. I feel a little more hopeful now that maybe I can slow down the aging process and even reverse it a bit.
~ K.Q.
I noticed more lightness in the face and brighter skin. The rosacea around lips started clearing up.There was less loss of hair. My hair looked fuller. The wrinkles softened up. Reduced swelling of the eyelids and under eyes. I look younger and happier when people took pictures of me. Would highly recommend.
~ Antonia G.
I was feeling sad when I would see my skin texture and the aging of my skin. My face looked so round in pictures and I disliked that. I was spending a lot of money on oils for my skin.
Now I notice that my skin looks brighter and younger. I feel like I’m ok without wearing makeup when I go out to the stores. I had some bulging in the neck and I don’t see that anymore. The dark patches on the side of my cheeks have lightened. The whites of my eyes look whiter but I still have some irritation.I have received compliments on my hair on how healthy and shiny it looks.I feel like my nose looks thinner and I’m excited about that. I feel like I look younger.
Thank you so much, Jo!!!
~ Beronica G.
The journey with the audios and the speakers was fantastic. I feel my face is “”opening””, when I talk to people I feel more confident if they look at me. I am not hiding anymore.
Before getting started I was not paying attention to products I put in my skin. Now I have been choosing more delicate and nourishing oils and take better care of my skin. My hands are not painful anymore and I feel like doing exercises with my fingers very often.
~ Maite
It felt like my face was being pulled and regenerating and every cell was vibrating very high. I also noticed as I directed the mp3 to the rest of my body , I felt that my body was also vibrating. My neck was also feeling much better.
My headaches were much better. I found my face looks more glowing and it feels more like I have had a face lift and cosmetic surgery. I would recommend this to others. Jo is an amazing healer and she is very lovely inside and out. A very warm and genuine lady who is so generous and deeply cares for those she helps.
As I have spent a lot of time at home taking care of others I didn’t feel so much need to spend money on myself. On the other hand I was afraid of going out and dating because of my looks. It is changing. I definitely feel more beautiful and want to continue and want to spend some money on a new dress :) I was not so happy with my haircut and I feel much better about it, my hair looks better despite this cut. My skin was very soft not so dry. My belly is slimmer and my hair is less gray. Jo is an extraordinary healer and person.
~Jana J.
My self confidence dramatically improved and I actually wore a two piece bathing suit while we were on spring break in Florida just last week. Not something I would have done a few months ago.
I met another mom at my daughter’s school and during our conversation, I shared with her my age. Her mouth literally fell open when she realized I was 12 years older than her and she said you look so young! I really noticed how much firmer my skin feels especially after I wash it and apply my moisturizer. It makes me feel youthful! I was amazed when I started noticing more definition in my abdominal area.
I would highly recommend this program to other people. It is so simple to do and you can actually see visual results over time. The frequencies are pleasant to listen to and always made me feel cheerful.
~Katie O.
I’m most excited about my hair. All my life I have struggled with its various textures and frizzes. For over a month now I have had smooth, shiny hair and don’t have to blow dry or straighten. I am still in shock about this.
My face complexion is also as smoothx` and clear and tiny pores as it has been in ages. I keep wanting to run my fingers over it.
I’m really surprised about I’ll call upper eye droopiness which caused a wrinkle extending out my from the corner of my eye. It’s like my eye lifted, and that wrinkle is only visible in a super enlarged mirror. I never thought that was possible!
And examples of what else Jo can do...
Jo helped me heal the terrible “chronic and incurable ” psoriasis covering a good portion of my leg. My skin started healing almost immediately after our 2nd session, the insatiable itch was gone, so were the angry, ugly, red and purple lesions, the layers of thick, peeling dry skin (sorry I have to be graphic to emphasise how bad it really was), the painful swelling due to the infection and the debilitating anxiety this brought on – ALL gone! Looking at it then, it was hard to imagine my skin ever being restored and now there’s only the scar which is also fading.
I asked my daughter if she sees anything different in my face after listening to this mp3 and she pointed to my eyes .. my eyes do feel lighter and the puffiness is gone taking with it that defeated fatigued 40s look!
~ H.S.
Fine new hair growth after visible bald patches for over 15 years!
For over 15 years, I had been trying to live with the very visible bald patches on the crown of my head. I had tried so many things, in the hope that the hair on my scalp would re grow. Nothing worked and the bald patches continued, making me feel less than a woman and so unattractive. I felt like my hair loss was restricting the choices I was making in my life and preventing me from being happy within myself.
I was at a very low point, having recently returned from a professional wig fitting, when Jo came into my life. For me, this was the beginning of an amazing journey.
Jo started to work on my condition. Within days, my hairdresser noticed a fine new growth appearing. 6 months later, my hairdresser and I were amazed by the increase in volume of hair on the crown of my head. After only 6 months, it was no longer possible to see my scalp. Even on close inspection!
My happiness and my confidence soared!! I felt amazing within myself. I began to feel more confident in how I dressed and I started to enjoy socialising and going out. I felt I was smiling constantly, from my insides out!
I definitely felt that I was now an attractive female. To me this felt like winning the lottery. I felt encouraged to grow my hair to shoulder length.
Jo is incredibly intuitive and creative, whilst remaining so down to earth and caring. Her clients are her utmost priority. She is somebody who loves her work and this is evident in her enthusiasm and genuine care and love. She made me feel safe. She is very lovely and approachable. Her clients are always her priority. I will be eternally grateful to Jo for my miracle hair.
~ Mags
I had an amazing and interesting session with Jo regarding a problem that I had for almost 50 years, where my face would swell up almost daily, and on some days my face would look distorted and uneven. Sometimes I would even have pain in my face, and at other times I was highly sensitive to face creams and make up. It was something I had struggled with my whole life, was often embarrassed about, and would avoid photos being taken of me. I thought it was my past ongoing sinus and allergies that started in my childhood. As Jo is a fascia healer I thought she would be perfect to help me with this issue and I was not wrong.
Jo ended up discovering that the energy of my still born sister had been stored in my face since I was 2 years old, and I had also been carrying my mother’s pain of her death. I was so relieved to finally know what was going on. Within a few weeks of my session with Jo my face looked/looks amazing, and I now love having my photo taken. The biggest added bonus was that immediately after the session I felt freer, more in control, so much happier, less stressed, less conflicted and much clearer on what direction my life should go in. Also, since the session so much of my life and life decisions made more sense to me, and I was able to move on from the past leaving it behind me, and move forward into the present with much more excitement. I feel reborn!
I would wholeheartedly recommend Jo! Her compassionate, kind, gentle and sweet nature, and at the same time her assertiveness to see what is not right; together with her incredible gifts as a healer, and her deep knowledge of the human body and mind; is not only impressive, but also reassuring knowing you are in good hands with an ethical healer.
~ PB, Sydney, Australia, Female 52 years
Private Session with Jo
4 Group Calls
11 MP3S
Remote Healing
- 45 min 1:1 Private Session with Jo
- Call 1: Lymphatic Drainage + Lifting and Toning Head & Forehead Regions
- Call 2: Eye, Nose and Cheeks
- Call 3: Mouth, Lower Face and Neck
- Call 4: Q&A/Mini Sessions
- Eyebrow Raiser
- Heavenly Gaze
- Nose Lift
- Cheek Toner
- Kissing the Sky
- Chin Lift
- Fascia Neck Toner
- Crowning Glory
- Fountain of Youth
- 90 Days of Remote Healing
- Bonus - Judgment
- Bonus - Love
Special Offer
4 Group Calls
11 MP3S
Remote Healing
- Call 1: Lymphatic Drainage + Lifting and Toning Head & Forehead Regions
- Call 2: Eye, Nose and Cheeks
- Call 3: Mouth, Lower Face and Neck
- Call 4: Q&A/Mini Sessions
- Eyebrow Raiser
- Heavenly Gaze
- Nose Lift
- Cheek Toner
- Kissing the Sky
- Chin Lift
- Fascia Neck Toner
- Crowning Glory
- Fountain of Youth
- 90 Days of Remote Healing
- Bonus - Judgment
- Bonus - Love
Angela –
I listen to my audios every night and people tell me I look younger, and I noticed that I am losing weight, woot woot!! I just keep doing the work thanks to Jo’s facelift program.
Margaret –
I am just past my 70th year and people think I look younger ,thanks Jo your awesome
Laila Vahed –
It’s being around a year since my Purchase and i had my Personal Session in September last year .
Over the past few weeks i have being going through a very challenging time in my relationship with my Mother . I am 54 she is 84 and it feels like a lifetime of looping the same issues and after decades of trying to heal this in different ways it remains a traumatic relationship for me in it’s entirety .
I had the strong Guidance to go back to my session with Jo and re-listen . What a profound new experience it was again for me. This time hearing her words with a new awareness but also some of her words i did not quite hear back then but were directly relevant to what was going on with me right now !
I listened to it 3 times over 2 days and i cannot begin to tell you just how much clearing and healing and relief i received and feeling EMPOWERED in this situation !
I also decided to listen to my face lift Mp3.s and WOW !! visible improvements in my appearance .
It made me realize that it’s so worthwhile trying to purchase a Package with a Personal Session with a Healer like Jo because it is worth so so much more than you pay for .
Of course i have made my feelings about Jo as a Healer and her work clear in my previous feedback but i have to say again she is truly so amazing , kind , generous , understated yet so powerful in her abilities and what we receive from her work ! More than anything there is a sincerity about her that makes me emotional every time i connect with her because its so heartfelt .
Debra –
I am loving this package! So far I am noticing that my toes are straighter! I look forward to more changes as I continue to listen.
Susan Cress –
I had bought a lot of program from energy healers, and…have not seen results. I was not interested in buying yet another program, but was so impressed by Jo from the live call, I bought two programs from her and am looking forward to what Jo may be offering in the future. I am using the facial fascia program along with a face exercise program that I practice consistently. I believe that human body has tremendous ability to heal itself, and we do not have to buy into the mass beliefs of aging and ill health.
evagilde2 –
I have now used the facial facelift program for a while. It is really useful and effective. My face has changed to a younger version of me.
Thank you.
Jennifer –
I really love Jo’s work & own this program as well her other Fascia for body. MY skin is glowing & my lymphatic issues are much improved. Can wait to see how I look and feel in another month! And definitely want a session with her also!
Stacy K –
This is my first purchase from Jo and it’s packed with content! I’ve been listening as I am able as I’m sensitive to energy. I haven’t seen the results yet but I believe I will as I become more accustomed to her work and able to tolerate it more regularly. It’s definitely powerful. Thank you.
Diana –
Listening to Jo and Amy speak about fascia really fascinated me. I love playing the mp3’s every day. I’m not sure if there is any improvement as yet. So I will keep going though and I look forward to seeing the results so many others have stated. I’m so grateful to Jo for creating these fascia healings. Diana
Lorna M –
There is so much content in this programme that I’ve not been able to listen to all of it. However, I’ve been conscientious about listening to the Crowning Glory” followed by 2 others in the same upper facial area and WOW I can see a marked difference in.the skin on my forehead the lines have all but disappeared and the skin in general looks smoother and healthier and that’s with me not getting enough sleep and being under a lot of stress. I cannot wait for our one to one session and listening to all the other mp3. Jo is remarkably generous with her packages and time
Véronique –
The lymph flow in the first call in this package is worth it’s weight in gold! I agree with everyone that Jo is the most delightful and respectful healer as well as being very practical and grounded. The exercises she gives during her extensive calls or sessions are so simple but so powerful. I have had multiple trauma in my life so I have already peeled a lot of layers. Well with Jo I have been going to pools of grief I have never before been able (dared?) to touch. I have been releasing so much. I really encourage you to work with her especially if you have ascensions symptoms. And look around on the net to see her live in an interview, you will know she is applying what she teaches: she has the glow!!! The glow of someone who helped herself and now truly helps others.
Laila Vahed –
I wanted to please share with you my experience with Jo Fernandes after my personal session this past Friday . I had moaned to myself that it was a 4 month wait between purchasing my Package and having my session but it was so worth the wait . I have had personal sessions with healers over the years but eventually stopped purchasing those because in all honesty i did not get the help i needed or it was a very far fetched experience not relevant to what i needed help with or i was left feeling a bit disappointed …
After my session with Jo i cried tears of joy because i felt so grateful that i was BLESSED with a healer that helped me in such a grounded way , someone who is understated but with such huge abilities , compassionate , kind and with a generosity of heart and spirit . Most of all she addressed practically the challenges i am facing with tangible shifts felt . The experience felt God sent .
A big Thank you to Happivize as well for making it possible for me to be able to purchase a package with a session because of the payment plan available !
Laila –
I waited to do my review after using the Mp3.s daily for 6 weeks . I am 53 and have very hooded eyes , fatty pockets on my undereyes and overall sagging face (loss of countours and shaping to my face ) and a double chin. I have not noticed any improvement in these areas YET but have a great deal of trust that the transformations will appear after a bit more time . I love this entire Package and Jo herself is one of the best Healers i have come across. I would not hesitate to recommend her and will purchase her next Package when it comes out !The very positive difference i have noticed is that despite it being the middle of winter and i have hardly used any skincare for these 6 weeks ( besides a bit on the odd day ) my skin has being soft and hydrated and no dryness at all . I found this quite remarkable and so valuable because saved on expensive hydrating skincare products . I look forward for what is to come from this Package .
Neena –
I love Jo, she is so caring and generous, and truly shifted my energies for me yesterday on my one on one call with her. She gifted me an additional session because the last one didn’t record properly! 💕 Jo is very gifted and guides you so gently to bring about a shift. I can truly say I see a difference in my chin and neck. I also like the exercises she taught us for unwinding the fascia. Thank you Jo! God Bless🙌
Judith –
Fascia. I highly recommend Jo, she is a wonderful healer. My skin on my face has improved so much with skin tone. Eyes lids and around mouth Improved. The shape of my face even seems to have changed! You won’t regret it!
Nancy –
Jo is very sweet, nothing has changed for me so far as I can see with this program.
Julia –
Jo is a generous and powerful healer. Her program, including the live calls and mp3’s was amazing. My face has a youthful glow and I can see a subtle lifting of my lower face. The healing goes deeper than the face healing the fascia all over the body. As Jo says, “fascia is everything.” I expect the healing and improvement in my face to continue.
Eileen Naughton –
I have taken other series from Jo and so I knew right away that I wanted to be part of this and am glad l did. I am most impressed by her knowledge and kindness. She is an amazing healer. Thank you Jo.
Eileen –
I feel lucky to be a part of this class. I have taken other classes from Jo and I feel she gets better and better. Most impressive to me is her extreme kindness and willingness to go the extra mile. She is an amazing healer. Thank you.
TM from Massachusetts –
I recommend the Fascia Facelift Glow series to anyone, as working with the fascia can have surprising and far reaching health benefits.
The group calls are powerfully healing and the mp3s are very pleasant to listen to. They either have either the sound of birds or the ocean and you can play the mp3s in the background and do other things while the mp3s are playing.
I have seen noticeable changes since beginning the series. What is interesting is my face now has a healthy color where before it was pale which I’m guessing means the circulation has improved. I also noticed that the puffiness on my upper eyelids has lessened and there is an overall younger look to my face. Another fascinating an unexpected thing that happened during one of the calls is that my jaw (which has been slipping off the joint the last few months) realigned to it’s proper position and has been totally fine since. Truly amazing!
I can’t say enough good things about this series. Jo is a very compassionate, kind, caring, generous person and an incredible healer. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to work with Jo and if you are able to also, I think you will be glad you did.
Heather –
Thanks Jo for your program my progress has been more subtle but definitely improvement I feel and look more youthful which is just awesome
Jo Fernandes is a truly gifted healer. She has an amazing knowledge of the human body and loads of experience in the healing and clearing of all types of conditions and ailments. This program is much more than the skin surface, as it might appear to be. It’s great on so many levels. It’s holistic, recognising the connectedness and influence of the fascia through the body and Jo offers a range of techniques to get specific relief and healing results, even with long-standing and stubborn issues. Jo is an amazing person. She is patient, kind, generous, authentic and really listens. Her deep compassion, authenticity and desire to really help others shines through in this program. I am so grateful for Jo’s work and feel so fortunate to have this opportunity to work with her.
Jannet Smithrim –
This was one of Jo’s most outstanding programs. We were all happy to hear she will be continuing this fascia healing with another program in the fall. I noticed considerable uplifting around the eyes. She also taught us many self healing techniques that we can continue to do for ourselves. Jo is a true gift to us all with her healing abilities, intuition and generosity of spirit.
I will purchase all of her programs!
Kimberly Hruby –
I have been extremely impressed with Jo’s healing abilities and generous spirit. I have been a healing practitioner for the past 26 years and have had sessions with many other healers for my own issues and I feel very blessed to have found Jo as her work has been very helpful for helping me heal issues that I have not been able to fully heal until now. Our private session was wonderful and she is so generous with her time and energy. I highly recommend working with her if you can!
Katie O –
What an amazing program! The fascia is tied to all aspects of your body and once it starts to unravel, you start to notice that your face is glowing. All of the mp3 are very pleasant to listen to. I love how you can target a specific area with a small portable speaker. Jo is an amazing teacher and energy healer!
Jess Goldman –
Jo Fernandes has extraordinary multifaceted gifts. Part of Jo’s brilliance is lack of ego, which allows true healing to come through her. She is my best go to healer beyond any other! Thank you Jo💕
rckymtntopper –
I immediately noticed the lifting and tightening of my skin on my face and neck. It’s completely helped with my “turkey neck”. I love the Mp3’s and frequently fall asleep to them on repeat cycle all night long. Jo is very gifted and has helped me with several issues in the past year and a half. Highly recommend.
Deborah Powell –
The Fascia Facelift Glow by Jo Fernandes is one of the best healing programs I have experienced. Jo is extremely beneficial and packed with valuable information about healing the whole body. Everything is connected, so healing an arm or leg can also heal issues occurring in another part of the body. Jo is a gifted healer who guides and supports your self-healing process. I am blessed to have this opportunity to work with Jo.
ROSIE DI Matteo –
I love Jo techniques and she is an amazing person who gives a lot to those that purchase her programs. I have used the Fascia program and I love her techniques. If you want to look amazingly good without using any botox or turning to the scalpel, then this program will leave you looking amazingly good but in turn get to know more about your body and cells in a way that you never have done so before. Thank you Jo
edvige –
I love it. I really do
Gita Shankar –
I have done this type of work before and while I have noticed some improvements, this is the first time I have received compliments from others who noticed how good I look. Best one came from a classmate I haven’t seen since we left school. He saw my photo (taken last week) and remarked to a mutual friend “She hasn’t changed one bit since 1974.” What caused my face to look youthful was that my hollow cheeks had been filled out and there was also a general uplift to the whole face. This improvement is especially relevant because, owing to unforeseen concerns within my family, I was looking drained and haggard before I started listening to the audios. And while I was unable to use Jo’s entire program, if what little I have used has produced such remarkable results, I cannot wait to use the entire program as she recommends. Thumbs up Jo!
Nancy In Arizona –
I’ve never tried this type of energetics before and I must say that I am very impressed with Jo’s technique!!
My face looks like it has more elasticity & is tighter. I can really feel it in my forehead. The lines are softer and I get complements about how youthful I look at almost 68 yrs old (July 12th)…
Thank you for all the youthful healing!! 🥰💕💞💖
Gina –
I love this package! I have found that my neck is much tighter or firmer and not hanging so much! My whole face is actually much tighter and has a healthy glow to it.
Antje Seebohm –
This is an amazing program which does so much more than just reduce wrinkles. It goes really deep. After religiously using it for about 2 months now I look and feel like a new person. My whole face has changed, it is more defined, slimmer, the skin is tighter, clear and healthy and the lines are significantly reduced. Don’t get me wrong: I’m 67 and I don’t suddenly look like a teenager, which I wouldn’t even want. But it’s taken years off my face! Neck and shoulders which were very tight have softened. My hair is getting fuller again. And the effects don’t stop there. As Jo repeatedly pointed out in the live calls the areas in the face are energetically connected to specific organs through the meridians (just as an example the eyes and the bladder are on the same meridian). So the whole body benefits from her work. I feel great!