Kari Alajoki on Empowered Mothers
Would you like a scan from Kari? She will be answering requests on Facebook in the post below for the next couple of weeks
Empowered Mothers
Empowering and Healing Mothers for healthy children (healing includes mom and child)
- Pesticides, insecticides, and toxic chemicals
- EMF from wifi, 5G, cell phones, and so many screens
- Negative self-esteem effects from social media
- Overprescribed pharmaceuticals
- Hormones in food and water
- Vaccines, vaccine adjuvants, and vaccine shedding
- Lockdown effects from COVID
- Loss of nutrients in food supply

AND yet they are also resilient and resourceful with an amazing capacity to overcome challenges!
My daughter’s attention span has really improved because she couldn’t even sit through a movie. Now she is sitting through multiple movies and enjoying them. She feels much less depressed overall. This work has really taken off the high highs and low lows. She is now attending college classes, getting high marks in her school, and getting out with friends and starting to excel. This is a big change from being unable to attend college level school, going out into public, severely depressed, unable to focus and thrive in life. She has even taken up reading, something she would never have done before !
~ A. B.
- Frustrated - you’ve tried so many things
- Guilt and shame - blaming yourself, blaming them, maybe blaming god - not knowing what else to do
- Drained and exhausted, low energy
- Sadness and grief - maybe they will just struggle their whole lives?
- Some mothers develop chronic illness themselves after depleting all their own energy

What if the best way to help your child is to help yourself first?
First of all, this is in no way about BLAME. You probably already do enough of that! This isn’t anyone’s fault. This is a combination of so many factors – what we are going to focus on is solutions moving forward.
This is about sharing your healthiest possible energy to your family.
How do you do that? By being the healthiest version, physically and emotionally, of yourself!
There is no relationship closer than Mother and Child. So no matter what you are projecting, it will be ‘heard’ and incorporated by your child.
Yes, your children have their own energies, but as the mother, they will also naturally absorb your energy too.
It’s not about being positive around them, encouraging them, trying to help them directly.
When YOU shift into health, wholeness, peacefulness, and joy, you provide them powerful energies as a foundation to restructure their life around!
Communication has always been a struggle for our son since he was very little. He had limited speech and found it challenging to express his needs and desire, which often made it frustrating for him and us as parents. Just by me being a part of this program, he is now articulating clearly and expressing emotions. What a turnaround! We have tried everything we could including countless therapies, but as he became an adult, it seemed as though he would never be able to thrive. Amazing!!
~ Karmen A.
The best news is this gives you a great “excuse” to focus on yourself!
In the Empowered Mothers program we are going to focus on…
- Letting go of worry and anxiety. Moms are professional worriers…holding the energy of what you don’t want to happen doesn’t help anyone!
- Release feelings of I have to do everything myself. Moms know their children best and feel like they are the only ones for the job. Start to attract and let in other resources!
- Ditch the frustration and overwhelm. You’ve tried everything, feel like you're spinning your wheels. Feel powerful and effective instead!

- Guilt, guilt, and more guilt. Replaying every possible parenting mistake you think you made. It’s not your fault!
- Stop putting everyone else first. That’s what moms are supposed to do right? Sometimes, not all the time
- Give, give, and more give! Another one moms overdo. Show your children that receiving is just as important as giving
D.C has two adult sons on the autism spectrum. LIsten as she talks about the many many improvements with her son Devon who is much more engaged in life, communicating, expressing emotions, understanding others, setting boundaries. All as a result of DC working with Kari for herself.
~ DebraWhat this program can help YOU with
- Reduced worry and anxiety
- Reduced feelings of guilt
- Reduced feelings of loneliness and isolation
- Relief of pain
- Reduce conflict
- Better communication
- Ability to focus
- Organization in life
- Digestive upset
- Better sleep
- More energy
- Vitality for life
- Reduced headaches
- Stronger immune system
- Increased flow with abundance
6 Live Group Calls
2 MP3s
90 Days of Remote Healing
Community Chat Group

Recorded and replay link provided

Recorded and replay link provided

Recorded and replay link provide

Recorded and replay link provided

Recorded and replay link provided

Tuesday, October 10, 2023, 2PM ET - (your time here) will be recorded and replay link provided



There is a remote energetic transmission that will be sent every week for 90 days for you and a child. You will be given directions to email Kari with the name of the child you’d like to be included. If you’d like to include more than one child, there will be option to add on additional children at checkout page.

6 Live Group Calls
2 MP3s
90 Days of Remote Healing
Community Chat Group
- Call 1: From Worry and Anxiety into Freedom!
- Call 2: From Go-it-Alone to Full Support!
- Call 3: From Frustration and Overwhelm to Empowerment
- Call 4: From Guilt to Joy
- Call 5: From Self-Sacrifice to Balanced Contribution
- Call 6: From Over-Giving to Fully Receiving
- Gentle Sleep Meditation MP3
- Fire of Life MP3
- 90 Days of Remote Healing - Mother & Child
- Community Chat Group on Signal
Note for this program only, refunds are available until Sept 3, 11:59 am PDT before live calls start so that people on the wait list can join if you change your mind.

Includes Everything in Package A PLUS

This is an opportunity to dive deep and target your biggest area(s) of concern, physical, emotional, relationships, anything. Kari can also give you her reading on most important areas to target.Then she will help you clear as much as possible in your time together.
Private Session with Kari
6 Live Group Calls
2 MP3s
90 Days of Remote Healing
Community Chat Group
- 30 min 1:1 Private Session with Kari
- Call 1: From Worry and Anxiety into Freedom!
- Call 2: From Go-it-Alone to Full Support!
- Call 3: From Frustration and Overwhelm to Empowerment
- Call 4: From Guilt to Joy
- Call 5: From Self-Sacrifice to Balanced Contribution
- Call 6: From Over-Giving to Fully Receiving
- Gentle Sleep Meditation MP3
- Fire of Life MP3
- 90 Days of Remote Healing - Mother & Child
- Community Chat Group on Signal
Note for this program only, refunds are available until Sept 3, 11:59 am PDT before live calls start, or until you have your private session, whichever is sooner. This is so people on the wait list can join if you change your mind.

What People are Saying...
~ Kristina Y.
Our child had difficulty with change which causes stress and unsettling in our day-to-day life. It could be change from going to school, leaving a favorite activity, or moving from one environment to another. I could hardly believe the level of change that took place after I started my own program working with Kari. There is so much more peacefulness in our home, I didn’t even know was possible.
~ Susan N.
My son went through some major milestones recently. He had gone through many difficulties such as depression, psychosis, and OCD behavior. He was not able to work or really do anything at all. As an adult, he has been totally dependent on me.
He would only eat poultry, sweet potato, and one other thing. Now he is eating beef and a full variety of foods. I notice he is able to get out more and visit with people more. He was afraid before and wouldn’t want to leave the house hardly at all.
After the last session, he wanted to go out with me to buy sunflowers since he said that he felt very happy. This has never happened before where he is expressing himself this way and wanting to enjoy life.
~ Sindy W.
Our son’s incessant screaming and crying was emotionally draining for our entire family. It was a constant struggle to manage his communication challenges and emotions. With Kari’s help, we have seen a remarkable change in his behavior. He has learned new communication skills, which has significantly reduced meltdowns and frustration.
~ Karin A.
Our daughter’s separation anxiety was causing major disruption in our daily lives; every separation, whether dropping her off at daycare, or leaving her with a babysitter, would trigger fear and distress. After I started my program, we have seen changes in managing her separation anxiety. We have also been working on building trust, providing reassurance, and gradually increasing the length of separations. I was totally surprised at how much easier everything is getting.
~ Kimberly M.
It got to be hard to see our daughter struggle with social interactions; she had troubles starting conversations, understanding social norms, and making friends, which resulted in feeling lonely and excluded. She has since learned important social skills, such as active listening, perspective-taking, and problem-solving in social situations.
Repetitive behaviors were another big challenge for my daughter, which impacted her daily routines and interactions with others as well. She would engage in repetitive actions, look for sameness in her surroundings and struggle with transitions. This created barriers to her participation and caused frustration to her and our family. I can sincerely say that she is behaving so differently than before. She has transitioned into a settled and peaceful little girl.
~ Annettte L.
Private Session with Kari
6 Live Group Calls
2 MP3s
90 Days of Remote Healing
Community Chat Group
- 30 min 1:1 Private Session with Kari
- Call 1: From Worry and Anxiety into Freedom!
- Call 2: From Go-it-Alone to Full Support!
- Call 3: From Frustration and Overwhelm to Empowerment
- Call 4: From Guilt to Joy
- Call 5: From Self-Sacrifice to Balanced Contribution
- Call 6: From Over-Giving to Fully Receiving
- Gentle Sleep Meditation MP3
- Fire of Life MP3
- 90 Days of Remote Healing - Mother & Child
- Community Chat Group on Signal
Special Offer

6 Live Group Calls
2 MP3s
90 Days of Remote Healing
Community Chat Group
- Call 1: From Worry and Anxiety into Freedom!
- Call 2: From Go-it-Alone to Full Support!
- Call 3: From Frustration and Overwhelm to Empowerment
- Call 4: From Guilt to Joy
- Call 5: From Self-Sacrifice to Balanced Contribution
- Call 6: From Over-Giving to Fully Receiving
- Gentle Sleep Meditation MP3
- Fire of Life MP3
- 90 Days of Remote Healing - Mother & Child
- Community Chat Group on Signal
Special Offer

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Can this really work?
Yes, it can! We hear from people all the time who have all kinds of improvements in their lives through energy healing. Better Health, Abundance, Relationships, Career, Joy, Happiness.
And we also know that not every healer/coach is the right fit for every person. That’s why we give you the opportunity to listen to them work before you buy, so you can get an intuitive feel if it’s right for you.
Our best direction is to listen to your inner knowing, voice, guidance and wait until you connect with a speaker who gives you a clear YES. If it’s a kinda yes, then it’s not right for you right now. Maybe it will be later, or maybe you need to wait until you find the healer/coach who does inspire that YES!
Refund Policy
Products generally have a 30-day refund period with the following exceptions:
- If in the description of an item, a different refund policy is stated, the policy in the description supersedes this 30-day policy for that specific item only.
- If an item includes a private session, whether sold as part of a package or singly, the item is no longer refundable once the private session has been conducted or if it is less than 24 hours before a session is scheduled, even if it is less than 30 days after purchase.
- Private sessions, whether sold as part of a package or singly, must be availed within six months of purchase or will be forfeited and no refund given. Exceptions are if in the description of the package, the speaker specifies a different time limit
- Only one refund can be requested within a 90-day period.
- As of March 2020, Paypal stopped refunding their fees which are 5%, so you will get 95% of your money back. If you think you may refund an item, we recommend using the direct credit card option as then you will get 100% of your refund.
To obtain a refund, please forward a copy of your receipt to [email protected] within 30 days of purchase and for direct credit cards a 100% refund will be issued and for Paypal a 95% refund will be issued.
Not Medical or Financial Advice
All of our speakers are working with the underlying energy contributing to an unwanted situation. Most of you totally get that it is different from the medical, legal, financial etc professions, but we just want to reisterate that. Please make sure to visit a licensed professional if you are looking for specific advice.
The information and products contained on this website and pages within, is not intended to provide specific medical, legal, financial or tax advice, or any other advice, whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard. The services described on this website are only offered in jurisdictions where they may be legally offered. Information provided in our website is not all-inclusive, and is limited to information that is made available to Happivize LLC and such information should not be relied upon as all-inclusive or accurate.
The information and products on this site are not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, and products contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or any medical concerns whatsoever.
You can read our full Terms of Use for website use here.
Personal transformational experiences and extensive studies led to the discovery of Kari’s profound ability to intuitively connect with and support others in the areas of emotional, mental, physical, social and business challenges, now presented online, streaming and recorded.
Clients from countries around the world have benefited tangibly from her support and guidance in these areas. Kari now offers exceptionally powerful, fun and targeted MP3 audio and video suites, live group classes, and her cornerstone Restorative Programs.
Her work comprises purposeful led and guided meditations, that provide real life benefits, as well as silent meditations overlayed with soft music.
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