Jo on Dynamic Circulation
Want a scan? Click through to Facebook below, follow the directions on the post, and Jo will reply with a scan.
Scans from Jo are closed now that the live calls have started.
Check our FB page for other scans available now.
You can download the podcasts and the separate Circulation Revitalizer Group Process Mp3 click here.
Dynamic Circulation
Circulation is not just your heart and blood vessels, it involves many systems:
- Blood circulation - blood moves through the heart and blood vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients to all tissue
- Energy circulation - energy moves through subtle channels (that "science" is just finally reluctantly agreeing exist like meridians and chakras)
- Fascia - also a vascular system, stabilizes all body structures and gives body strength. Its effect on circulation is massive.

- Lymphatic system (lymph, lymph nodes and lymph vessels) - drains fluids and proteins from the interstitial spaces of tissues back into the bloodstream
- Nerve plexuses - have an integral relationship with the circulatory system especially as far as rhythms eg. heart rate, arrhythmias, blood pressure
- Hypothalamus - is involved in controlling temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and other parts of our physiology
Every system in the body is dependent on the healthy circulation of blood and fluids. No matter what your health issue is, it is impacted by circulation!
- High or Low Blood Pressure / Dramatic Swings
- Heart Disease or Palpitations
- Strokes
- Parkinson’s
- Alzheimer/Dementia
- Kidney Disease
- Neuropathy
- Diabetes
- Peripheral artery disease (PAD)
- Hemorrhages
- Thrombosis
- Varicose or Spider Veins
- Distended or swollen abdomen
- Swelling in legs and arms (skin feels stretched)
- Cold feet or hands
- Dull or dry complexion
- Grey hair
- Joint Pain
- Lethargy
- Light headed or dizziness
- Muscle Weakness
- A “pins and needles” or tingling sensation on skin.
- Pale or blue skin colour
- Numbness
- Brain fog and memory problems
- Headaches
- Blurred vision
- Loss of smell
- Feeling of “internal electric shocks”
- Intolerance to heat
Here are highlights of what beta-testers for the first three mp3s of Dynamic Circulation program reported...
The inflammation in my knees has significantly decreased.
~ Katie O.
My legs don’t feel as tired and my body is not as bloated. ~ Beronica Garcia
My blood pressure is much more balanced and stable than it used to be. Before, when I had been sitting for some time and I stood up I’d always feel dizzy and shaky for the first few steps. This doesn’t happen any longer. ~ Antje S.
The swelling in my abdomen is a lot better. ~ Barb T.
I have noticed a significant decrease in the appearance of cellulite especially on the backs of my thighs. ~ Katie O.
My sleep has improved and I feel like I am sleeping more soundly. ~ Katie O.
I have had ridges on my fingernails for a long time. Now the nails on my left hand are completely smooth. ~ Gita S.
My large bulging varicose veins on my left leg no longer hurts and it feels smooth and softer. I’ve had it for at least 40 years.~ MB
My complexion feels brighter than it was before. ~ Katie O.
I am down 2 pounds. ~ Barb T.
I have lost one pound of weight and almost an inch (2 cm) around my waist. ~ Antje S.
My hair feels like it has gotten thicker and I have some new hair growth around my hairline at the top of my head. It also seems shiny and healthy. ~ Katie O.
The second unexpected improvement relates to tiny bumps (like milia) on both sides at the base of my neck. A couple of them are like tiny skin tags. And now they have all disappeared. ~ Gita S.
My cravings for sugar and unhealthy things have significantly decreased. ~ Katie O.
My spider veins slowly started to fade. ~ Antje S.
The swelling throughout the entire body and especially face/neck has improved significantly. ~ KM
Normally I should have swollen ankles with so much humidity – but they are slim and perfectly fine! ~ Antje S.
What makes this program unique?
As a medical intuitive with a deep knowledge of anatomy/physiology and keen scientific curiosity, Jo finds connections in the energy of our health that most have never explored.
Here are some of the key foci of this Circulation program:GLYCOCALYX – a gel-like layer that lines the inside of blood vessels and plays a key role in preventing blood clots by regulating anticoagulant activity. It keeps blood from sticking and clotting. It’s important to have healthy glycocalyx to prevent atherosclerosis, clots, and strokes.

FASCIA – (Jo’s favorite system!) the heart is the key player conducting the whole fascial system, fascia, lymph, extracellular matrix, and blood. Fascia has almost omnipotent power to exert its own intelligent influence on the human, completely outside the brain and nervous system The blood moves the fastest in the large arteries and veins, and slowest in the capillaries, similar to how water moves in rivers. Here is the amazing part – the blood which is fascia actually stops moving in the capillaries, it comes to a complete stand still. This is necessary in order to efficiently exchange gases, nutrients, and waste products with the extra cellular matrix, part of the fascial system.

COSMIC ENERGIES – the effect of the moon, planets, and stars is often particularly noticeable on fluids (think of the moon’s effect on the tide). They also affect body rhythms. Working with the energies instead of against them aids in healthy circulation.

And for the first time, this program addresses ZETA POTENTIAL

- Reduces Surface Tension: Zeta potential helps decrease surface tension in blood vessels and cells, improving fluid dynamics and facilitating smoother circulation.
- Enhances Cellular Repulsion: By maintaining a healthy negative charge, zeta potential prevents cellular aggregation, keeping blood cells and proteins from clumping and promoting optimal flow, minimizing the formation of harmful fibrils and clots.
- Improves Membrane Permeability: Zeta potential regulates the electrical charge on cell membranes, facilitating efficient nutrient uptake, waste removal, and communication between cells.
- Supports Electrostatic Balance: Zeta potential helps maintain the delicate electrostatic balance necessary for proper lymphatic function, ensuring efficient toxin removal and detoxification.
- Optimizes Oxygenation: Zeta potential enhances red blood cell flexibility and deformability, allowing for improved oxygen delivery to tissues and cells, boosting energy production and overall well-being.
Why Jo is perfect expert to help you

After astonishingly healing herself completely from three major health challenges, Jo discovered she had a unique ability to tap into strange fields and virtual particles that momentarily exist in space. These have never been considered in healing before and they facilitate Mega Healing.
A close friend passing away about 20 years ago led her to research deeply into anything and everything from beyond the veil. Simultaneously she embarked whole heartedly into the study of various subjects. She was voracious and kept learning and exploring until she found what she resonated with the most — Healing in the Quantum Field.
She was inspired by the teachings of Russian Grigori Grabavoi. Having adapted a tool from his work Jo further revolutionized it with her Radionics work. Tweaking and developing it further she came up with a Quantum Healing Modality that can shift and heal almost instantaneously.Science
For further reading on the latest science on these topics, please see the following:
Here are your options to work with Jo to improve your circulation and health…
9 MP3s
3 Recorded Group Calls
Optional: Add your Household
Frequency Layers in the MP3s
- Telomere regeneration
- Collagen - cushioning in the skin
- Mitochondria
- Light Frequencies
- Astral Body
- Mental body
- Etheric body - balance blueprint of the physical body
- Spiritual body - soul field, soul purpose
- Biochemical body - balance our biochemistry - e.g hormones,
- Rhythmic body - balance all rhythms in the body eg breathing, heart
- Structural body - regenerate structures of cells, tissues
- Energetic body - balance energy field
- Psychological clearing thoughts, feelings and emotions
- Sacred geometric shapes - cube, cone, sphere
- Colour Therapy - turquoise, indigo, violet, magenta, gold, silver, copper amongst others
- Cymatic frequencies (relevant to area)

Covering the epithelial layer is a slippery protective layer called the Glycocalyx. This gel-like substance allows blood to flow through the walls without sticking and causing them damage.
According to the thrombogenic hypothesis of heart disease, blood clotting is the basic underlying pathological process in heart diseases (not cholesterol – see article referenced above in the Science section!)
If a clot is not eliminated from the artery epithelial cell wall through its normal repair mechanisms, another clot will stick on the same clot, then another and as this continues it causes damage on the wall leading to atherosclerotic plaque and eventually, heart attack.
Glycocalyx is very important in overall vascular health and helps clots not to stick to the lining of a blood vessel. It plays key roles in anti-inflammation, anti-thrombosis, vascular permeability control, and mechanosensing, as well as receptors for growth factors and anticoagulants. It regulates leukocyte-endothelial interactions, prevents platelet adhesion, and serves as a barrier to pathogens. In some cases, its dysfunction can lead to microcirculatory problems and organ injury.
This mp3 contains frequencies to regenerate and support the Glycocalyx so that it can perform its many functions in the circulatory system.

All our cells have a genetic switch to reverse aging. This mp3 is designed to activate this switch and rejuvenate the vascular system, skin, and tissues. It also has frequencies to lengthen the telomeres and cap the ends to prevent unraveling.
It contains a number of frequencies including homeopathic colour frequencies and Cymatics including metaphysical technologies which create photobiomodulation of multiple wavelength energies. These are designed to penetrate very deep in the dermis, unlike the lasers the beauty industry uses which are shallow.
These can transform the epidermis, dermis and hyperdermis with an epigenetic and senolytic benefit.
Benefits and Results Skin Rejuvenation: Improves skin texture and tone, reducing wrinkles and fine lines, deep wrinkles, acne scars, sun spots, spider veins and stretch marks.

When our blood pressure fluctuates high or low it’s because our regulatory nerve plexus is blocked. This can be caused by a number of factors – Traumas, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional Biochemical, and also physical shocks to the body. This mp3 contains frequencies to clear these blocks and balance the fascial and vascular systems bringing the whole body into homeostasis. (A good test is to take the blood pressure on both arms. When these readings differ this shows that the fascial/vascular systems are out of balance). Blood pressure returns to normal as the rhythms of the Heart and Kidneys are also reset to bring them back to their optimum functions.
An added benefit of this mp3 is the calming effect it has on our autonomic system.


The medical establishment recognise varicose veins as swollen and twisted as a result of venous dysfunction. This is a good way of looking at them. As such and the mere fact that all veins run through fascia it has made it possible to create frequencies to release the fascia encasing veins. This alleviates pressure in encapsulating fascia, improves blood flow to the area, and reduces discomfort associated with varicose and spider veins.
Also Included in this track are another set of frequencies designed to clean out fat cells that are present in all blood vessels and restore their stem cell production. Fat tissue is a protected source of stem cells. These are unique cells, the blast cells which are precursors to stem cells. They help create vascular stem cells. With repeated use the area becomes vascularised and the tissue returns to its normal state.

This mp3 was partly inspired by the research led by Dr. Peter McCullough, where they explored siRNA and RIBOTACs to target and degrade residual mRNA from COVID-19 injections. This could potentially halt the ongoing production of spike proteins in the body, which lead to many health issues.
The study highlighted the concerns about long-term effects, including symptoms like cardiovascular issues, fatigue and brain fog, similar to “long COVID.” The researchers propose these molecular techniques as a way to reduce the risks from persistent mRNA in the body and prevent uncontrolled spike proteins.
This protocols in this mp3 have been designed to energetically execute the following:
- destruction and elimination of all the elements from the ‘manufactured’ mRNA in vaccines
- neutralise the imprints from Covid injection
- eliminate all chemical imprints
- denature all spike proteins
- clear all related ‘debris’ from the body
- restore the body to an earlier timeline before Covid 19 or injection
I have been using some of these protocols since the pandemic.
Continued use will reinforce the state of the body to the set timeline.
While some/many of us may chosen not to get jabbed, we still have exposure to spike protein either through the virus or through shedding from other people who got the virus or injection, so this is applicable to everyone.

This mp3 is made up of frequencies to optimise the blood flow so the digestive track receives sufficient oxygen supply. The lymphatic system is also energetically optimised around the digestive organs. Also added to this track frequencies to balance the hypothalamus which controls temperature issues in the extremities and the body generally and enhances sleep.
The circulatory and digestive systems work together to ensure the body receives the necessary nutrients. The digestive system breaks down food, absorbs nutrients in the small intestine, and transports them into the bloodstream via the villi and capillaries. Nutrient-rich blood flows to the liver for processing and is then distributed by the circulatory system to tissues needing nourishment. Platelets help transport and deliver these nutrients throughout the body. Both systems are essential in maintaining homeostasis and ensuring proper body function.

This mp3 has frequencies to optimise blood circulation in the spine to repair and regenerate all tissues and psychological health.
The spine is a complex, sturdy yet flexible column that houses the spinal cord, supports the body and enables movement.
Unfortunately it is also a common source of pain and discomfort. Back and neck pain are some of the most prevalent conditions one experiences and the root cause often lies in the spine’s intricate structure and blood supply. Spinal health is essential for overall wellbeing affecting everything from posture and mobility to mental clarity and stress levels. Neglected the spine can face serious problems including back and chronic neck pain, Herniated discs, spinal stenosis, arthritis causing inflammation and degeneration of the joints and osteoporosis which weakens bones and makes one prone to fractures. These conditions can severely impact mobility, quality of life and overall well being.
When the body is stressed the blood takes calcium from the bones and deposits it somewhere else in the body in order to maintain its ideal pH. Energetic frequencies of eZorb anhydrous calcium are included to help remove calcium from these places and return to the spinal bones and balance posture.


This mp3 is made up of frequencies to repair and regenerate the blood vessels, tissues and cells and restore blood flow. The soleus muscle is of great importance. It is the heart’s pump and the only muscle that uses glucose and not glycogen for its fuel. Included are frequencies to balance this muscle and restore circulation. It releases tension and strengthens the feet, ankles and calves and has helped with peripheral neuropathy.
Pqeripheral neuropathy is characterised by numbness, pain and weakness in the feet, caused by blocked arteries.
Cold feet can be symptoms of poor circulation, which may be linked to conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes. Other signs include red or blue toes and tingling.
Three Group Calls

Previously recorded and replay link provided
In this first call we will work on the Vascular system including heart issues. The focus will be on repairing the blood vessels, the Endothelial cells and address Stiffness and hardening of arteries from calcification and balance the calcium pump. Other topics are Bone marrow, stem cells, genetics Covid 19 and vax injuries. We will also energetically complete healing with Nitric oxide.

Previously recorded and replay link provided
In this call we will work with anti-aging strategies.
We are going to work with balancing posture or body symmetry through the nerve plexuses using a process i call fascia strolling. Any imbalances in symmetry has an effect on facial features, complexion and other skin conditions and also the rest of the body. Fascia, the nervous System and lymphatic system also are a part of the symmetry and causing conditions like neuropathy and cold extremities or slow circulation that interferes with the body’s fat-burning processes. We will be doing a number of exercises and some breath work in this call.
The following Nerve plexus will be considered.. Pelvic plexus Naval plexus, Solar plexus, cervical plexus and the vagus Nerve.

Previously recorded and replay link provided
This final group healing session is devoted ENTIRELY TO YOU!
This Q&A call with Jo will include a review of all shared in the prior calls. Jo will also answer your questions and offer mini healings for participants to clear out the residual issues that continue to show up. When Jo works with individuals during this session, EVERYONE that listens will receive the healing. That means every mini healing is like an individualized mini healing for YOU! All you need to do is say YES and be open to receiving. This is a not to be missed opportunity!

Add everyone in your household to your Dynamic Circulation program, including pets, for just $49 per household (not per person)! Save $20 when you add on at time of purchase (it’s $69 if you ask to add it on later).
Every person/pet living under your same roof will receive the the remote activations and transmissions of the calls (whether they listen or not). Remote healing is included too if purchased before November 20, 2024. Directions will be given to email your names to Jo after checkout

(can live anywhere)
Gift full Package A a loved one who lives anywhere. After checkout, reply to your email receipt to send Happivize support the name and email of the recipient along with a gift message (optional). The recipient will receive email notification of who got them a gift and credentials to access the Resource Page directly. Includes the 90 days of remote healing if purchased before November 20, 2024.
3 Recorded Group Calls
9 MP3s
- Glycocalyx Regenerator
- Energetic Photobiomodulation Laser
- Blood Pressure (low or high)
- Swelling/Bloating/Edema - Fluid Balance
- Varicose & Spider Veins - Vascularization
- mRNA - Spike Protein Off Switch
- Circulation and Digestion
- Posture
- Feet, Ankles and Calves
- Call 1: Vascular, Heart, and Decalcification
- Call 2: Anti Aging & Posture
- Call 3: Q&A and Mini Healings

Includes Everything in Packages A PLUS

Enjoy a 45-Minute Private Session with Jo to Receive a DEEP Dive into Your Unique Body for MEGA Energy Healing!
One personal session with Jo Fernandes is a profound, life-altering experience. Now available is an opportunity to DIVE DEEP into your unique body system and all that needs to be healed to transform ALL areas of your health.
Jo deploys her unique ability to tap into strange fields and virtual particles that momentarily exist in space but have never been considered in healing before. This unique ability facilitates Mega Healing.
Grab this amazing opportunity while available and get a personal sessions with Jo. Go deeper and experience changes you didn’t think were possible!
45 min Private Session with Jo
3 Recorded Group Calls
9 MP3s
- 45 min 1:1 Private Session with Jo
- Glycocalyx Regenerator
- Energetic Photobiomodulation Laser
- Blood Pressure (low or high)
- Swelling/Bloating/Edema - Fluid Balance
- Varicose & Spider Veins - Vascularization
- mRNA - Spike Protein Off Switch
- Circulation and Digestion
- Posture
- Feet, Ankles and Calves
- Call 1: Vascular, Heart, and Decalcification
- Call 2: Anti Aging & Posture
- Call 3: Q&A and Mini Healings

What Jo's Clients are Saying...
I feel like my overall health has greatly improved. I am very consistent with my workouts and meeting my step goal of a minimum of 8,000 steps per day. I am very proud of myself for doing a strenuous hike up to Mt. Rainier. It was a 1,555 foot elevation gain. It took us 3 and 1/2 hours to hike it. I am 61 years old and I was hiking with a group of 6 sixteen year olds! I was able to keep up with them.
The inflammation in my knees has significantly decreased since I started this program which allowed me to complete this hike. I could not have done this prior to listening to the mp3’s.
My sleep has improved and I feel like I am sleeping more soundly. Before I would really hear my husband snoring throughout the night. Now I just hear him as I am going to sleep and then I usually don’t hear him the rest of the night. I am tired at night and ready for a good night’s sleep since I started Jo’s program and my new workout program.
I am happier and my mood has uplifted. I have one small area on my left lower leg that has spider veins. I wish i had taken a before picture so i could compare, but it seems like they have lessened a bit. My feet are always cold. Before this program I would sleep with socks on all night. Now I have noticed that I just wear them right when I go to bed and then kick them off for the rest of the night. My hands and body do feel warmer.
My complexion feels brighter than it was before. My digestion has improved with regular eliminations. Before I felt slightly constipated.
I had really bad cellulite on the back of my thighs. I have had to take my fitness photos every week for the Warrior Babe challenge and I have noticed a significant decrease in the appearance of cellulite especially on the backs of my thighs.
My hair feels like it has gotten thicker and I have some new hair growth around my hairline at the top of my head. It also seems shiny and healthy.
My cravings for sugar and unhealthy things have significantly decreased.
Having less pain and less inflammation in my body means more movement. It is such a freeing feeling to move your body without pain. ~ Katie O.BETA TEST: BLOATING, ENERGY MUCH BETTER
I have had ridges on my fingernails for a long time and I had assumed it was because of some mineral deficiency but I hadn’t done anything about it. About a week into this Beta Test, I noticed a change which kept improving. Now the nails on my left hand are completely smooth. The right hand nails have also improved although traces of the ridges are still there on 3 nails.
The second unexpected improvement relates to tiny bumps (like milia) on both sides at the base of my neck. A couple of them are like tiny skin tags. They cannot be seen, just felt and besides, they are covered on both sides by the chain I wear. I feel them only when I am showering and notice a change, also about a week into the Beta Test. And now they have all disappeared. ~ Gita S.
Overall I feel somehow lighter (and I’m not talking of the weight alone) and more active. In fact I have lost one pound of weight and almost an inch (2 cm) around my waist while the other measurements remained the same.
My blood pressure is much more balanced and stable than it used to be. Before, when I had been sitting in front of my computer for some time and I stood up my blood pressure would suddenly change and I’d always feel dizzy and shaky for the first few steps until it stabilized. That doesn’t happen any longer after listening to the audio!
Also it’s very hot and humid over here at the moment and normally I should have swollen ankles – but they are slim and perfectly fine!
I never had varicose veins, fortunately, but I do have some spider veins which I always found extremely ugly. Years ago I went to a doctor to have them removed with injections, but that didn’t help at all even though it was quite expensive.
Funny enough a few days after I started using these audios my spider veins appeared to get more visible (which absolutely makes sense to me when the blood flow improves). But then after a few more days they slowly started to fade. Currently they are still visible but not as bad as they used to be and I am positive that over time they will be completely gone.
A few months ago I noticed I had some strange sensations in my left leg whenever I touched it. My doctor and hospital examined me and ran some tests. They diagnosed diabetic neuropathy. I was told that nothing could be done for it and contact them if it got worse when they would monitor it and manage any other symptoms with medication.
I was at my wits end as this meant I would eventually lose the use of my leg and worse, end up in a wheel chair.
I was referred to Jo by a friend. She got to work on me immediately using her protocols, as she referred to them. After three sessions my leg is back to normal. She told me that the blood flow to my leg has been restored back to normal as she cleared the blocks.
I am so grateful to her for helping me get over this matter. I would be happy to recommend her to anyone. ~ Matt BrownFLUID RETENTION RELEASING, BRAIN FOG GONE
On a physical level, I have experienced a big shift with my brain integration. My brain fog has gone, my ability to focus, attention to details and ability to learn new tasks and absorb new information have all improved. My nervous system is no longer locked in hypervigilant mode and when it does get triggered, I am able to come back into harmony so much more easily and quickly. My visual processing and auditory processing issues have greatly improved as has my balance.
An unexpected observation is that my body’s persistent pattern of weight gain has ceased, and my body has started to let go of fluid it has been holding onto for the last few years.
Jo coming into my life has been life changing. Jo is the most gifted, beautiful heart-centred loving healer I have worked with in this lifetime. I’m feeling more balanced, peaceful, joyful and optimistic. It is a blessed way of being, particularly when life can be challenging. I’m no longer living daily life in fear mode which is so freeing. Love & blessings. ~ Melissa xx
Bloating of 40 years much better
I worked with Jo to help me with my bloating and my body felt twisted hence my knee was hurting. I experienced this bloating for about 40 years and the twist for about 10 years.
Since working with Jo, the bloating is much better, I feel lighter and my clothes are not as tight.
I am delighted that my walking gait has changed, and my pelvis is now moving correctly and is no longer blocked which means I feel much straighter and my pelvic muscles are not as tight on my right hand side. I feel much more natural now when I am walking so I can walk the dogs further and my knee doesn’t hurt.
Jo is very genuine, kind and generous and hugely talented and I wholeheartedly recommend her. ~ HelenHigh blood pressure meds gone and horrible side effects
After my retina was detached for the second time, the healing of the operation was taking an unusually long time. Being a diabetic with low thyroid, I was concerned of my sudden rise of blood pressure. I monitored it for a day and overnight. The next afternoon went to A&E only to find that despite being given a double dose of blood pressure tablets, my bp was still high. Later that evening when I got home, still with a raised bp, I contacted Jo.
After a session with Jo, I was asked to report back to the doctor. My bp was tested and was normal. And to my amazement the doctor threw out the bp meds I was given by A&E and told me I did not need them. The prescribed drug for my bp was amlodipine, the side effects were tiredness and extreme sleepiness, swelling in both my legs and hands, stomach pain, arrhythmia and palpitations. Jo energetically removed the harmful effects of this drug from my body leaving me feeling refreshed and whole again. Truly a miracle.
Jo helped to calm the storm within. Thoroughly recommend her. Call her now. ~ Teresa40-YEAR LYMPHEDEMA IN BOTH LEGS COMPLETELY REVERSED!
My body was posturally out of balance as I tend to strike my right foot on the floor with a thud and consequently also limp. I felt warmth in my hands and fingers which always seem to be ‘freezing’. My feet too warmed up in my socks and boots. Since then my hands and feet are much warmer and continue to improve with the tools Jo gave me.
My right leg is stronger and I have more muscle mass. I am also walking better and am much more flexible, also I don’t limp now. I mindfully follow her instruction to walk ‘heel-toe’ which has helped exponentially. I highly recommend everyone work with Jo. You know you are in safe hands. Her generosity of Spirit is unmatched. Give her a try, you will not be disappointed. ~ Rav GarciaEXCRUCIATING PAIN, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE HEALED BODY BACK TO NORMAL
Having just about recovered from a devastating journey healing from the effects from an accident and fractured right foot, I was finally mobile and looking forward to getting back on track. Then more disaster struck. I fell off my horse and sustained a double fracture in my left collar bone and substantial damage in my left shoulder, arm hand and fingers. Blood and fluid had pooled into these regions. I was immobile again as I could drive or go anywhere. I was confined to my chair as I was not able to lie down and therefore sleep was very much compromised. For months I was in excruciating pain while under the care of the NHS. All they could do was to subscribe pain killers.
Six weeks after that my collarbone had reset but my arm was still very painful. I started physiotherapy, the pain continued and medication barely touched it. My doctor couldn’t understand why my blood pressure was at times dangerously high and why I had kidney disease. More medication only exacerbated the problems. My condition was dire and I was very distraught and at this point on an emotional rollercoaster. Physiotherapists were doing their best but my condition improved very little. By the time Jo started working on me my body was tilted to my left. My arm was still in constant pain and swollen with very restricted movement.
For the first time during this ordeal, I relaxed and started to feel hopeful. After each session my body improved, the pain eased off, fluid drained and I got back mobility of my arm, shoulder and my neck was freed. I got my freedom back and was able to drive again.
My body is back to normal, I’m straight and not in any pain. My doctor has confirmed that my kidneys are fine and I don’t have any blood pressure problems and completely off all medication.
I have no words to describe how grateful I am to Jo for giving me my life back. She has not only brought me back home from a despondent and helpless place but has also healed my horses. I would recommend, and have recommended her to anyone who is struggling with any health and emotional issue. ~ Sue K.My bloating and gut issues improved after my session!
I was having emotional issues regarding my family. I also had IBS, general low energy and lethargy. The symptoms were getting to the point where I rarely had a day when I felt well and I was stressed all the time.
She worked on my gut, which was often so bloated that I could not do my clothes up and was rock hard. After a session I would feel much calmer and more aligned as various traumas were released.
The work on my gut would usually bring the bloating and swelling down during the session. This was an enormous relief as I was then a great deal more comfortable.
She has done more for me than all the years of therapy. ~ Diana
Gut pain gone, varicose veins much smaller
Heart Issues, Stomach Issues, Neck Pain all healed!
I had issues with my heart and shortness of breath that remained long after covid (six months). Jo magically cleared in this session.
My breathing was instantly better, and gradually went back to completely normal, and issues with my heart (palpitations, skipped beat, pains) that were occurring daily, decreased to weekly, then monthly, and now hardly ever appear, and are much lighter.
On another occasion, she successfully helped me with different stomach issues, stubborn dry cough, concussion, neck pain, a strong throat pain on one side, for which the doctor sent me to the ultrasound that I never did because she healed it in one session, as well as many other physical and emotional issues.
The greatest additional benefit is my improved family dynamics! The relations in our family are much better!
I would absolutely recommend her work to other people wholeheartedly. I wish that everyone can get this kind of help. I wish her healing to everyone. Her personality is an additional remedy. This is why I asked her to work with my son too, and I am so grateful that she is helping him! Thank you for everything that you do! ~ Vladana DimitriouAnd examples of Jo’s other success stories...
This is just a short reminder of the time that you cured my very painful gout in my wrist in a matter of minutes when normally these things take two weeks. Not only was I grateful for the speedy recovery but I must admit I was puzzled how you did it.
You explained to me that you were able to link the gout to a stressful situation that occurred before that when Elizabeth, my wife, had had a painful fall from which she could not get up and had accused me wrongfully that I had not taken proper care of her when she was put to rest eventually. You had successfully linked the two events on a psychic level and worked it out on that level. As a biochemist I am more familiar with the explanation of gout on a chemical level, so-called blood chemistry as performed in a clinical laboratory. ~ Hans J., Ph.D.
Last September I was in hospital in ICU dealing with Covid 19 when Jo heard about me being ill. During my stay on ICU she worked with my body and mind several times a day. Trusting her, I never gave up, despite the worsening of my situation. She never told me when she worked with my body. Although she was in England and I in the Netherlands, I could feel these moments.
On Friday night, the 10th day on ICU I was very, very weak. The Docs wanted to put me on the ventilator and… as I did earlier that week, I told them I did not want to. As my condition was worsening they planned to induce me into a coma sometime during the night if I got worse.
A friend of mine came to visit, I could barely speak, so she read me a story. She left a couple of minutes before 8 pm. I closed my eyes and rested. At exactly 9, I had this feeling that my room was put into a blue-ish light. I have got no clue how long this lasted. Next day I texted Jo: did you switch on the light? And yes, at 9 o’clock that night she had worked on me. It was amazing, Saturday night the nurse told me they suspected I started recovering. Sunday night they told me their suspicions were right.
When I got home after a month I could barely walk 5m, because of lack of oxygen. Jo kept on working with me and she managed to relax my diaphragm, so I could breathe more easily. Now a couple times a week I do a 6 km-ish walk, I muck 5 horse stables every day and I have returned to work for about 8 hours a week. This within half a year after my very serious ICU visit. Compared to other Covid19 patients I think I recovered very, very well. All with the help of Jo. And I am totally convinced, that without Jo, I would not be sitting here.
I wholeheartedly recommend Jo’s work to everyone! In fact, I already have done this a couple of times! Not only is she brilliant doing what she is doing, helping people. She is also one of the most loving and caring being you can imagine, never giving up helping humans or animals! ~ JolandaPACKAGE B
45 min Private Session with Jo
3 Recorded Group Calls
9 MP3s
- 45 min 1:1 Private Session with Jo
- Glycocalyx Regenerator
- Energetic Photobiomodulation Laser
- Blood Pressure (low or high)
- Swelling/Bloating/Edema - Fluid Balance
- Varicose & Spider Veins - Vascularization
- mRNA - Spike Protein Off Switch
- Circulation and Digestion
- Posture
- Feet, Ankles and Calves
- Call 1: Vascular, Heart, and Decalcification
- Call 2: Anti Aging & Posture
- Call 3: Q&A and Mini Healings

3 Recorded Group Calls
9 MP3s
- Glycocalyx Regenerator
- Energetic Photobiomodulation Laser
- Blood Pressure (low or high)
- Swelling/Bloating/Edema - Fluid Balance
- Varicose & Spider Veins - Vascularization
- mRNA - Spike Protein Off Switch
- Circulation and Digestion
- Posture
- Feet, Ankles and Calves
- Call 1: Vascular, Heart, and Decalcification
- Call 2: Anti Aging & Posture
- Call 3: Q&A and Mini Healings

Judy –
Listening to Jo’s MP3s has helped my circulation, especially my legs. I can move without the aches and pains and also have more energy. Easy to listen to her MP3s.
Pam –
Jo is a gifted healer with a very big heart.Previously she has helped my eyes (macular degeneration). The Dynamic Circulation MP3’s have helped my blood pressure fall into its normal range without spiking and also without medication.
Sylvia Svihel –
Jo went above and beyond what I expected from my package with a one on one call. When she heard what I was going through she donated more of her healing work for me to get me thorough. I am forever grateful for her time and attention.
Eleanor Bajrachary –
I have listened to jos mp3
and found them very helpful
Cindi Stamm –
I listen to all the MP3s on a regular basis. My blood pressure doesn’t go through the sky when I see the doctor, due to White Coat Syndrome. My feet stopped swelling every night. My trigger finger stopped as well. In early January I will have my one to one session. I can’t wait to see what else she can do!
Grace –
I have purchased 3 different programs of Jo’s. I love them all
Jo has been really helpful in personal sessions too.
Antje Seebohm –
I absolutely love this program and I still listen to it every day. The results are nothing short of amazing. My blood pressure that used to jump up and down is now completely balanced. But it’s not only that: I’m feeling much more balanced in total. My body temperature is perfect, I’m neither too hot nor too cold, which includes my hands and feet. I’m sleeping better, and I’m also dealing with stress much better, even though we have just moved to another town. It actually appears to have a positive impact on my whole body and life.