Divine Soul Essence

Experience More Love In All Areas Of Your Life
Become Whole With Assistance Of The Divine Within
Attract more love in your life through the healing power of Spirit. Feel freer, happier and more well-being from within by allowing Spirit to heal areas of your life no longer in alignment with your wish for happiness, love and well-being.
Bring wholeness back into your life. Allow love to flow in all areas of your life with help of the Your Divine Soul Essence™ method of healing with Spirit.

Mia received this method from Spirit 13 years ago, through her ability to channel and has helped many people all over the world in bringing more wellness back in all areas of their life. The spiritual energy and channeled content in each module allows you and your Soul to shift rapidly from your existing state to a better, happier and more joyful state. Your true nature, your Soul Essence, is love. You are born that way. Each of the 8 modules in package A was developed with this foremost in mind.
Each module looks at a different area of life and will assist you to be come more of Who You Really Are, your authentic self. This also allows your Divine Soul Essence to express itself better in the area of your choosing.
Through each of the modules the flow of love will improve in the relevant aspects of your life. This creates a better,more balanced life, thus improving your overall quality of life.
If you are ready to experience more flow of love and well-being, more of Who You Really Are, then modules can assist you.
Each of these 8 module comprises of both an eBook and MP3s. The eBook helps with additional insights on how to improve the relevant area of your life.
More details at the end of each of the accompanying eBooks as well as in the last recording of each set.
After listening to a set of MP3s the spiritual healing will continue to run for 5 to 7 days afterwards. Each module can be repeated after a week. After listening to a module a break of 24 hours is needed before the next module can be listened to.
We are all born with a unique or authentic self within. This authentic self knows why you were born. It knows the overall direction of your life at any given moment. It completely understands you and knows what is needed to heal the obstacles you are dealing with. It knows why you are stressed or may not be feeling so loving or why you don’t like your present situation any longer.
With the help of spirit and the channeled content on each MP3, these blockages and stresses will automatically begin to clear. A more natural and authentic version of yourself will begin to emerge after you have listened to any of the MP3s. After each listening you can continue with your life as normal. Spirit knows the right timing for each of the embedded clearings. The wisdom of your soul and spirit will do all the clearings for you, while you can continue with your normal day-to-day living.
This Divine healing process is unique and was given to Mia in 2002, after which her healings became more profound and she was able to perform more and more miracle healings. Mia has a multisensory awareness and can simultaneously provide healing in multiple dimensions with help of her clairvoyant and channeling ability and with help of spiritual guidance.

I had laser surgery for diabetic retinopathy in my left eye in December 2009. It did not stop the bleeding—instead it caused permanent scarring and flashing in my eye! In September 2011 after several very intense healing sessions with Mia my eye has stopped bleeding.

I found the healing experiences with Mia excellent and noticed marked improvements particularly with my walking. Because of the Multiple Sclerosis I needed a walking aid before I started Mia’s healings. After several of her healings I can now walk virtually unaided. Thanks to the channeled information Mia received through her guidance I was also able to get a lot more insights about many of the core issues behind my Multiple Sclerosis. Because of these news insights I can now cope better. I am still able to volunteer my time several days a week and I can still help many families or people in need. Also some of Mia’s spiritual tools have provided additional help.
~ Gea S. – Enschede Netherlands

I received a distant healing from Mia after my tonsillitis had still not improved when I was halfway through my second course of antibiotics. I had already been in bed for 7 days due to lack of energy and was unable to eat due to extreme pain in my throat.
After only one brief distant healing with Mia, my symptoms immediately eased, whereby I was able to get up within a few hours and was able to eat solid food for the first time in a week.
I was able to go back to work within 3 days.
Two years later I was diagnosed with a cyst on my ovary which was not going away even while on medication. I received Mia’s help with the pain. The pain went away almost immediately after the healings occurred. Several weeks later my doctor did more tests and the cyst had completely disappeared. The doctor was surprised it had totally disappeared.
~ Brittany D.W. – Brisbane, Australia

I’m one of your fellow TSSC members, and I wanted to give you a belated testimonial for your show. Remember the woman you worked with, who was having troubles with her hip? At the time, you said that that particular healing probably wouldn’t be available to others, since she had such a complicated personal tangle to undo around it.
Sol I really wasn’t expecting anything, but I noticed a short while later that my own hips (which are better but still a little rigid, the remains of a neuromuscularimmune etc. illness) were moving better! I had more fluidity, and more range of motion in them.
You may already have gotten tons of feedback of this kind, but I just wanted to be sure you know that your own range may be greater than you imagine!
~ Sunday US
Mia, your group calls are amazing! I’ve been on almost all of them and they seem to be getting more powerful each time. I feel I am getting the same benefit from the group healings as I do from private sessions with you. During last night’s call I was quite uncomfortable because my neck was acting up again. It was jammed, tight, and painful. By the end of the call I was very relaxed but my neck wasn’t any better. Something big shifted while I slept because when I woke up this morning my neck was fine!! Thank you for all that you do….you are a blessing in my life.
~ Marcia

Mia helped me with a very misaligned neck. I cleared and cleared and yet there was more to get to and Mia helped me let go of ancient and current events that I was having a difficult time getting out of my neck. I am very appreciative to be able to move without excruciating pain. My pain level went from a 10 plus to a 3 in a very short time.
Also within a week of listening to Mia’s weight loss MP3’s I lost five pounds and I was thrilled as I have been a very resistant case. I felt my body was finally responding. I even planned on eating nothing but smoothies but ate regularly after the first two and lost weight anyway. I appreciate Mia’s generosity, insight and steady belief it could happen. She took me back to my time at college and a volcanic eruption that disrupted my sense of safety. She assisted me beautifully in processing my frozen emotions with her clear energy.
~ Sherry Philips
Your Divine Soul Essence™ Method of Healing
A Quick, Easy and Proven Way to Start Living on Purpose and Become More of Your True Self
You Can Now Claim Love Back in all Areas of Your Life with Help of Spirit
This set of 8 modules each with a corresponding eBook and corresponding MP3s, is designed to increase more love and wellbeing in your life with the help of Spirit.
Each MP3 includes specific commands and has spiritual energy embedded to allow Spirit to heal you.
Item 1

MP3 plus eBook (3 MP3s and PDF)

This module helps you to improve the quality of love & well-being that is already present within your self. After listening to the 3 MP3s Spirit will begin to clear those aspects of your life where you might still be stuck.
Those memories, pains and upsets that may hold you in bondage in parts of your life and may also prevent your love to shine, will automatically begin to release after listening to this audio.
I bought Mia’s package when I was very depressed and filled with sadness and loneliness at the lowest point of my life. My session with Mia was so incredibly interesting—I think she is the most unique energy healer I have ever experienced! I felt a big shift in my heart by the end of the session and learned so much helpful info. The MP3 items in the package were amazingly helpful. They contain so many sections along with PDFs to summarize the sections all with numerous clearings for many different super helpful topics—it’s just like having Mia there to clear issues that come up!
I look forward to being able to use them whenever I feel stressed or worried in the future. I especially loved item #3, clearings for change, as I was having a lot of trouble being able to clear blockages to be able to move forward in a positive direction in my life. After I listened to the recorded clearings in the order stated I feel so much more positive and excited about my future. I don’t feel depressed anymore at all. Thank you so very much Mia for your amazing package! :)A million thanks and lots of love.
~ Kate B. - Miami beach, FL
Item 2

MP3 plus eBook (2 MP3s and PDF)

In this module Spirit will assist your true and authentic self to emerge.
Often life’s experiences, your inner conditioning and family and societal influences can prevent your true and authentic self to emerge.
Once these unresolved issues will begin to release, your own self acceptance will improve, thereby helping to restore that original love state that you were born with.
“What a wonderful experience. I had an incredible clearing on the first call. It seem to be that the calls just guided me through my questions and answered them , transitioning me to the next step. As I came to each answer another bit if information either opened me to another way of thinking or explained something I was needing to hear. It was so informative and refreshing. Mia really has a way of delivering messages in a context that they can be accepted and understood.I have been so calm and am feeling much improvement in my ability to deal with stress. My quality of life is better! This has been a blessing to be a participant in these group calls and am looking forward to my personal session. Thank you Mia your wonderful!”
~ Paula
Item 3

MP3 plus eBook (3 MP3s and PDF)

In this third module you will be releasing the more prevalen gender based issues which often dominate closer, more intimate relationships.
These patterns, that are blocking us to be in a more loving relationship usually stem from unconscious conditioning or from beliefs we adapted from society or we may have accepted or inherited in the past.
I had a tremendous breakthrough after listening to one of your clearing mp3 downloads. I had been stuck waiting for my husband to sign the legal paperwork and he was being very uncooperative and showing no sign of relenting. My focus for the clearing was achieving a more harmonious divorce. The next morning, totally unexpectedly my husband came round and signed. My lawyer was so surprised when I told her, after all the difficulties he had been causing.
Thank you Mia for such a wonderful gift!
~ Fiona
I have used the Relationship package 3 times and the results were amazing. I have tried numerous other modalities but this one is absolutely outstanding as you feel the layers clearing little by little and you feel lighter and happier along the way. The first time I used it, I slept with ease and bliss which hadn’t happened in 8 months. Mia’s voice is soothing and comforting and her instructions are clear. The most amazing thing is that you can use it on any type of relationship not only a loss or a broken heart, it actually also resets any relationship that is imbalanced.
It’s like the slate is clean and you can start anew without any previous tensions and conflicts. If your relationships are tense, confrontational and dense, I warmly recommend this series as it provides clarity and dissolves density. Thank you Mia! You are a blessing.
Thank you Mia for such a wonderful gift!
~ Rym - New York
Dear Beautiful Mia! I wanted to let you know about how wonderful your package is that I got from Eram’s show! I love how these clearings are in short "doses". How you and my soul do all the work, all I have to do is say "yes" but I can feel the once stuck energy move out of my body! When asked to think of a relationship I would like the clearing for, my relationship that ended 4 years ago came up. I honestly thought I had moved on and healed from that relationship breakup... After it had happened I didn't take it so well and spent most my time in bed for a year and a half filled with sorrow and agonizing over the loss of him. When doing the clearing, in my mind’s eye I could see a dagger that was placed in my heart transmute into sparkles and felt the sparkles tingle! In my current relationship I felt suspicious that he would break my heart also, but after the relationship clearings I no longer feel the suspicion and even feel more love for him! I am truly liberated from the Trauma that breakup caused! Thank you to you! And also the Beautiful Eram for introducing you to our community, you both are Angels sent by God!!
Kari from Ohio
Item 4

MP3 plus eBook (3 MP3s and PDF)

Your environment can affect you in many different ways. This can be because of memories you may have about a room, piece of furniture or a gift from someone.
Sometimes others, even a complete stranger, can trigger stressful emotions that could prevent your love from flowing.
This module will assist in clearing any such environmental triggers or memory patterns that are blocking your love from flowing freely.
“Mia’s special offer package and the session with her, help me to focus and move forward on my spiritual pas easy and effortlessly.
In our session Mia help me with discomfort in my thoracic area that I had for last 35 years.I don’t feel it now. Thank you very much”
~ Much Love Kveta – Canada
Item 5

MP3 plus eBook (3 MP3s and PDF)

Family dynamics can either support you in allowing a more loving state to emerge or they can have the opposite effect.
In this module we will clear origins and core patterns behind these perhaps somewhat difficult relationships between family members that are blocking your love from emerging in a natural way.
I am a complete new person now! I am so grateful to you, dear Mia, for all your help and wonderful clearings you have done for me on all levels.
Before knowing you I was living a pretty sad life, in black and white, but now everything is turning into beautiful colors again. I finished up being almost controlled by my partner, but you helped me getting my own power back again. Our relationship definitely changed into better, it is no longer a place of war and anger, but we communicate in a much kinder and more respectful way. Not only that, he is also making giant progress in his own healing process. I am experiencing deep inner peace and my connection with inner guidance and Spirit is getting stronger day by day. Yes, and this happened only in a short month’s time. I am so grateful to you for this transformation. If I had only known you earlier, so much pain and suffering would have been spared for me and all the people I interacted with in my life!
You have this special gift to get immediately to the exact point, to a past life, karmic issue, entanglements with others, in a present situation or past, no matter what it is, you find it and it is already cleared in that same instant. You see the overall picture! After having received clearings from you as well during private sessions as collectively during our group calls I just remain in awe for all the healing that took place instantaneously, a real miracle! I am reborn because deeply inside, hidden blocks, ancient fears, all those threatening distortions and entanglements which once pushed me through life having 100% command over me, finally got released and transformed. My life finally unfolds in a peaceful way while I feel I am safe and secure from an inside state. You helped me becoming myself again, a even better version of me.
May I say one more word about your group calls? It remains an enigma for me how you manage to bring all the various individual threats of each single participant together, knowing at the same time exactly where and what is going on individually and as a group, identify and pull that one threat which is uniting the whole group and get an instant healing done for each single person’s need, everybody included and no one left behind! All that with grace and ease! And I have not mentioned the ripple effect on a larger scale!
I will definitely recommend you to everyone, when needed, as the very best healer now available on the planet. In deep gratitude for God having sent you to us and in deep gratitude for you having accepted his call and doing such a glorious job!
~ With all my love, Silvia
I have used the Your Divine Soul Essence™ method with success on several occasions.
On one occasion I needed to resolve a longstanding disagreement between myself and my ex-partner.
When I started applying this method, this disagreement resolved itself “automatically” in no time and in the best possible way, in a way I never expected was possible.
On another occasion I used it at work.The tension around me was often unbearable.
Within one week it all began to ease and there is now far less stress around me compared to how it was before
~ Rob M. Wynnum - Australia
Item 6

MP3 plus eBook (4 MP3s and PDF)

Sometimes friendships that were once happy with like-mindedness between friends can begin to change because of differences that over time may have developed between friends.
These mp3s will help bring balance back in these situations.
They will clear unresolved situations where needed and will allow you to start releasing any stress or unresolved issues within the friendship.
Item 7

MP3 plus eBook (3 MP3s and PDF)

After the passing of a loved one we may feel empty or sad. Sometimes depression can also start. This module helps with clearing such states.
While grieving over the loss of a loved one is a natural process, the mp3s will help bring you into better alignment with your own Soul. This can give you comfort and can help with the grieving process.
Item 8

MP3 plus eBook (3 MP3s and PDF)

After the passing of a loved one we may feel empty or sad. Sometimes depression can also start. This module helps with clearing such states.
While grieving over the loss of a loved one is a natural process, the mp3s will help bring you into better alignment with your own Soul. This can give you comfort and can help with the grieving process.

72 hour healing weekend is a live component that was completed in July 2016, so is no longer part of the package

This eBook contains a compilation of channelings from Spirit, which Mia has received since the year 2000.
Some are concerning the present weather extremities.
Others provide a more general overview of where humanity will be heading in the next 20 – 50 years, unless there is a global shift in awareness about the planet’s resource management and population growth.

This recorded call holds clearings for the group on topics such as self-love, self-worth, self-value and wholeness as a state of being .
Package a
Love Myself Love My Life: 25 MP3S - 9 EBOOKS
- Increasing The Quality of Your Love
- Love And You
- Love And Relationships
- Love and Your Environment
- Love and Family
- Love and Your Friendships
- Love and Losing a Loved One
- Love and Your Completeness
- Our Future - Planetary Changes
- Group Call Clearings
Special Offer

Includes Everything in Package B Plus
One-on-one 30-minute session with Mia
Value $250

In this 30-minute personal session, Mia uses her gifts to channel your soul’s wisdom, and that of guides as well as from Spirit.
This is the same method she has also used for some of her so-called miracle healings, such as with autism, diabetic retinopathy, multiple sclerosis, and improved mobility.
You can give her any issue you wish to address and she will request Spirit for information.
All healings are under the direction of Spirit only.
The session can either be taken as a one-on-one session or as a remote healing session.
Package b
One-on-one 30-minute session
Special Offer

Read some of Mia's success stories
“During the 1990s when I was still running my IT business, I began receiving guidance that I was no longer on purpose; however, initially I did not give it the attention it deserved. Thus I became gradually more and more stressed and only started to take more notice when I had a somewhat blurred vision in one eye. Ironically, I was denying my spiritual guidance and did not want to see the truth! Unbeknown to me my blood pressure was far too high (around 190-200). Resulting from that and other work-related stresses, my retina had started detaching, which could lead to blindness if not treated. As I only had weeks before I was scheduled for laser surgery, I decided to give it all and was able to reverse the high blood pressure and fixed the retina issue within weeks which the eye specialist later confirmed. Thus I avoided laser surgery. To this day my blood pressure has been within the normal range without ever needing any medication.
An elderly family member suffered from severe sciatic pains on one side of her body many years ago. By the time I found out she had already received many hours of physiotherapy as well as 15 injections. As nothing was helping she could barely speak from the pain when I phoned her from Australia. With her permission I started a very intensive daily distant healing process (she lives in the Netherlands) for about 5 days. After the 5 days she was pain free and that severe pain never returned. It turned out it was caused by a swelling or bulge around the spinal area called L4. Based on scans prior to giving her these healings, her specialist had decided she needed an operation. Spirit told me at the end of the 5 days healing that she no longer needed this operation. This was confirmed 3 months later, during a visit to the specialist who was going to perform her operation. This visit was already booked before I began the healings. She was told by this specialist she no longer needed the operation. That same problem has never returned.
Several years ago one of my relatives who was in her 80s, was diagnosed with end stage renal failure with less than 10% of her kidneys still working. It was no longer possible for her to get a transplant or receive dialysis because of other major health implications. When I began giving her distant healings she was already completely bedridden. Within less than two weeks she was fully mobile again. I was privileged to give her quality of life during that period. Much to the shock and amazement of those around her she was able to walk and travel and visit family until a few days before her transition 12 weeks later.”
Mia has successfully worked with people of all ages, including the very young, and has helped people with a variety of issues.
Here are some of the results clients have reported
- Permanent healing of diabetic retinopathy after laser eye surgery failed
- Permanent disappearing of ovarian cyst—confirmed by physician
- Cleared weight gain issues
- Multiple Sclerosis pain reduction, improved mobility, no longer needing a walking aid
- Reduced swollen feet that previously would not change by any means
- Cleared severe tonsillitis that no longer responded to antibiotics
- Long-standing diabetes type 1, permanent reduction of insulin intake, as well as stable blood sugar levels
- High blood pressure back to normal on a permanent basis without the need for medication
- Relief of backaches, headaches, and neck and shoulder pain
- Reduced stress levels, panic attacks, anxiety, and trauma
- Cleared sexual abuse issues both from early childhood and in relationships
- Cleared grief, sadness, loss, loneliness, and abandonment in both children and adults
- Cleared childhood issues, including those that are often no longer remembered (your soul always remembers)
- Cleared bullying issues, being stalked
- Improved self-worth, social anxiety, and shyness in adults and children
- Increased mental and emotional wellbeing
- Reduced carer strain or overload
- More harmonious family relationships between partners, siblings, and parent and child
- Reduced workplace stresses, cleared issues such as bullying and control in the workplace
- Spiritual guidance in career options, career development, help with study anxiety
- Improved corporate decision-making and management of business
- Improved management skills in dealing with difficult clients and staff
- Clarity with your purpose in life
- Insight through spiritual means, clarity on any issue
- Further development of Spiritual Gifts, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance
- Spiritual guidance on any issue
- Improved mobility
- No more autism, improved cognitive development, such as speech impediments
- Cleared nightmares with panic, improved sleeping patterns, and no more relentless crying
- Cleared fears in the classroom for other children or teachers, learning issues, bullying issues
- Cleared extreme shyness relative to the child’s developmental age
- Cleared headaches, bumps, bruises, and pains that were not quantifiable
- Cleared sibling rivalry, stopped biting issues, and cleared restlessness and anxiety-driven behavior
- Cleared any issues of loss, such as with a close friend, relative, or parent, or in the classroom
- Cleared suicidal thoughts or tendencies—however, always immediately seek professional help first
Here's what people are saying!
Mia’s group calls are powerful and have helped me to move to a new home, clear fears, and connect more fully with my soul. Love how Mia takes common threads and works with the group to clear and update them. She works with source energy and has high integrity.
Mia has amazing abilities that connect to the heart/soul of the matter, she sees and has the ability to help us heal in multiple dimensions. How cool is that!?
~ Kelly from California
I have had the privilege of being a part of your 3 group calls this March 2015. Many parts of the clearings that you did for other people resonated for me, and I believe created many shifts for me.
After listening to the 2nd call, I almost felt “spaced out”, and that I know was mostly due to the fact that I was processing things in a very big way! It actually took several hours. Lucky for me I was able to go to bed, soon after the call and let my body rest and sleep.Thank you!
I was very impressed by your level of work, your clearings and your very unique way of imparting these to us all on these group calls. Your ability to zero in on the individuals, and how many of the group were clearing things, how many were completing a particular clearing for the different processes that came up amazed me over and over again!
You also, again and again, checked in to see that whatever clearings you guided us through, were going to be in the highest good for everyone on the call or even for those who would listen on the replays. I believe I was cleared of multiple fears, resistances and blockages that held me back from going forward in life itself, as well as in my own “creations”.
You have a very high level of integrity, and your “Gift” of healing is surely something to be desired by many of us who are on this path! Thank You, is almost not enough. I very much look forward to other packages and calls that you will be offering in the future
~ Barbara, Alberta, Canada
I have received from you insight that I have never received before and I have spent many years on this path receiving insight from different people. The insight is at such a deep level that it goes into your multi-dimensional self (and this is amazing!!!). The work you have done on me has created shifts in my life. I have seen positive change in my relationship just as you had said would occur and this is so valuable to me. I am sure also that I have felt sensations in my body as you have been working on me remotely as these have occurred at the same time as you have said you will be working on my issues. Again this is amazing. Thank you for your gifts and sharing them with me.
~ Davin, United Kingdom
Mia is the real deal! Her ability to communicate with the soul, makes her very special. I am just beginning my journey with her tools, but I can already see forward momentum building in my life. Her group call sessions are unique, powerful, and totally in the moment. Without actively participating, all of my major issues were addressed by callers and Mia herself. How was this even possible?! I felt like she was inside of me, – inside of all of us, and guided by spirit. Mia does this with the utmost courtesy, the acknowledgement of choice, and respect for each souls journey. Her clearing processes are simple and effective. And when she holds you in her energy field, as she did for me, prior to a private session, the feeling was nothing short of amazing. I did not know she had done this until we spoke. I only knew how much better I felt! Mia doesn’t promise miracles, but acknowledges that they can occur. I truly appreciate her down to earth, common sense, no nonsense style. I look forward to working with her more.
~ Jo
Mia, for me your group calls were transformative. I looked forward to each one with hopeful anticipation. Each was a precious jewel. I’m working through a very deep grief. First, you guided me to insights underlying my grief … and brought a stillness and comfort that surpasses my understanding. The clearings you gave us to use between calls were gentle yet powerful. I continue to use them. Also, I found it didn’t matter whether I was chosen to speak with you on the call or not. Either way I received powerful clearings. Your last call was a most amazing experience … as you spoke, your words were like homing devices, latching onto hidden targets with rapid fire precision, searching out and destroying long buried hurts, trauma and physical manifestations. As a result of your calls … and the gifts you shared with us … I feel a gentle, quiet releasing of struggle … small, yet powerful insights are leading me back to myself, rekindling an excitement of spirit, emerging clarity and inner resilience. I’m so grateful for this … Thank you Mia.
~ Audrey G.(Colorado)
About Mia Den Haan

Mia has been an energy worker for more than 30 years, initially offering hands-on healing.
After a major “awakening” in 2000, Mia’s healing work began evolving, whereby in 2002, she was given this special healing method, called Your Divine Soul Essence™, through her ability to channel Spirit. This method is currently still the main modality in her healing practice.
Mia has spent many thousands of hours in one-on-one sessions, offering her spiritual services to clients in more than 40 countries.
With her gift, Mia has helped many of all ages, including medical practitioners, lawyers, businessmen and women, scientists, film stars, healers, alternative healing practitioners, and individuals including young children.
As a spiritual healer and channel for Spirit, Mia receives information directly from your soul’s highest level of wisdom. She can receive guidance for any issues, personal or family matters, or business. She receives information about your body, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes, karmic issues, or your genetic lineage.
The miracle healings, including those of a physical nature, that people have received were all done through distant healings. Her autism healings were documented in two books, one authored by the mother of one of her severely disabled and autistic young clients.
Mia has, from time to time, received prophecies, such as ones about future weather and planetary changes that are now happening, which were documented in an earlier published book she authored.
Mia is also a certified Life and Business Coach, with many years of practical business experience as a business owner and employer since 1990. Her spiritual gifts have also been used in business dynamics, such as with workplace bullying, management, burnout, and a variety of interpersonal, staff, and management-related issues.
Package a
Love Myself Love My Life: 25 MP3S - 9 EBOOKS
- Increasing The Quality of Your Love
- Love And You
- Love And Relationships
- Love and Your Environment
- Love and Family
- Love and Your Friendships
- Love and Losing a Loved One
- Love and Your Completeness
- Our Future - Planetary Changes
- Group Call Clearings
Special Offer

Package b
Includes everything in Package b PLUS
One-on-one 30-minute session
Special Offer

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