Georgia Foster on 7 Days to Drink Less
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This Program can help you
- Increase your sober self esteem
- Lose that booze belly
- Have healthier sober coping strategies
- Reduce regular alcohol consumption by half or more
About Georgia Foster

Georgia Foster is known as the ‘Alcohol Reduction’ Expert in the UK and Australia.
For over 22 years Georgia was based in London, UK where she ran two busy clinics working with corporates, homemakers, amongst many to help them discover how to drink less.
Georgia believes ‘It’s the thinking before the drinking that is the problem!’
Her highly successful on-line program called 7 Days To Drink Less has reached more than 45k people.
1 in 6 Americans, 1 in 7 British and Australians drink heavily every week.
Most worried drinkers are fully functioning, highly educated, honourable people. These people do not want to quit drinking but are looking for a quick solution-based program to drink less.
Georgia has been featured regularly in the media such as Good Housekeeping, Psychologies Magazine, The Times Newspaper, The Morning Show, Sky News and more about her unique and highly successful approach to alcohol reduction.
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