Welcome to our 21 is Gonna be a Good year summit! Here is our second interview…
Elizabeth Wood on 2021
Elizabeth's Gift to You
- Horizons MP3 - A beautiful meditation album woven with light and awareness made to help you heal and feel empowered
- Healing the 3 Minds ebook - Learn practical and simple ways to heal your trauma and pain. Get your heart back into a place where you can feel like you're in charge again
- Galactic Forgiveness Meditation - a meditation for forgiveness, expansion and empowerment
- A Year Subscription to our community's monthly call where we check in with our awakened community and talk about all things scientific and spiritual
- Bonus class on 3rd Eye Development - Masterclass
About Elizabeth Wood
Elizabeth Wood is a Galactic & Quantum Anthropologist and an advanced Seer. She combines physics with spiritual concepts, and futurism with the power of the present to facilitate healing, self-awareness, and higher consciousness. Her scientific and esoteric work have bridged science and spirituality for healing and positive change all over the world.
Eleanor –
Elizabeth truly inspires me, and thankfully she speaks in a language I can understand.
May we keep smiling, and admiring the butterflies and rainstorms and all aspects of our life, including this Global Reset (my preferred name)
Terri –
I have listened to all of the speaker guests and found all had something worth while to contribute. I was really drawn to Elizabeth based on her background and study of interest which are similar to my own. Very good speaker having a lot to share that resonated with me, not only pertaining to spirit, energy but also bridging with science. I have signed up to learn more about her and her work / research.
Jessica –
Thank you for interviewing Elizabeth Wood! Her presentation was super informative and specific
I thought Ms. Wood did an excellent job explaining concrete ways that people can help themselves feel better in every facet of their lives- and how all facets are interconnected.
Ms. Michael Meyer –
Elizabeth is a newfound “friend” for me. Her presence, clarity of being, gentle yet fierce embrace of others, and profoundly focused enthusiasm so resonates with me that I feel her every word and expression could be mine. I am so grateful for these forums that provide access to our local and galactic brothers and sisters and co-creators! Blessings All…..