Here is some information about our special event, and there is a link at the bottom to my calendar to discuss anything we may not have covered.
MISSION of summit
- Give listeners options for 2022 that they’ve never tried before so they can love, feel good in their body, and be healthy
- Share your #1 (or 2) tip they can implement right now
- Provide an (affiliate) link to a free gift, your sales page, or your funnel for a related program
The Most Successful PARTNERS are those who…
- Have outside the box / non-mainstream modalities that get RESULTS! (ie promoting 6 days to washboard abs would NOT be a good fit for my audience)
- Recognize it’s not just calories in/calories out that determines your weight / size
- Want to truly help our listeners get results, not just market a product
- Want to connect to a new audience who are already on board with alternative modalities
- One of the world’s leading energy / alternative healing summits since 2013
- 32,000 list size – 80% women, 80% North America, main demo is women 45-65
- Your host, Aimee Serafini, takes a personal interest in every speaker she interviews and is engaged in the conversation. She is not just inviting anybody who has a weight related program, but only those she thinks that will be a good fit for her audience.
- We are a selling platform most of the year where we sell products in each interview and then we have periodic topic based mini-summits like this one
- You can check out happivize.com/shop to see many of our programs that are still being offered evergreen
- 45-60 minute AUDIO ONLY pre-recorded interview with discussion around the following questions:
- What is the #1 (or 2) thing you would recommend to start doing in 2022 to feel good in your body
- How is your modality different than what else they have already tried, provide testimonials of people who struggled for a lot of their lives and found your work and saw success
- What a) program OR b) gift do you have for our listeners to help them in 22?
- Interviews start broadcasting Sunday, December 26
- Two to three interviews promoted by Happivize per day, depending on total speakers involved
- Speaker schedule will be arranged so that those who send us the highest number of opt-ins are scheduled in the best spots
- Each speaker to send two solo emails starting December 19th (there is a little leeway on dates if needed) directing your peeps to a opt-in page
- Minimum of 400 clicks (note that’s clicks, not optins) per speaker, most of you will accomplish this in 1-2 emails, those who need more promotion to get there can continue to promote
- We will promote your interview to our Happivize community plus new listeners both when it originally airs and also in replays, with reminders about the gift you are offering so that they don’t have to listen to the interview to still opt-in for your gift
- Swipe and graphics will be provided for emails and social media
We’ve made it as simple as possible for you!
- Pre-record interview with Aimee in November-ish (before December 11)
- Provide us an affiliate link to your program sales page, funnel, or free gift
- If linking to a sales page or funnel, we recommend providing a coupon code or expiring bonus to provide incentive to purchase now
- Bio and photo
- 2 solo emails / promotion as described above – we’ll provide swipe and graphics
- OPTIONAL: A small gift that all audience gets on registration to get them looking forward to hearing your interview, instant download from our site, no opt-in required. Helpful for people who don’t listen to all interviews, they still get exposure to what you can offer right at sign up and it may inspire them to take further action. A new gift or one rarely used as a freebie is recommended.