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About Brooklin Rayne

Brooklin Rayne is an intuitive channel, heart oracle, and quantum field interpreter. Through her direct communication with Source she is able to connect and stabilize a zero point plasmic field within the space she holds for others. This allows for alchemy of the physical, mental, emotional, and spirit bodies to be experienced and grounded into One’s currently expressed reality. Through her diamond crystalline plasma structure she embodies the Christos Archetype of the Mirror, holding a space of diamond clarity for others to remember who they are and why they are here. Assisting others to return their original Source DNA blueprint combined with their Christos template, allowing a fuller embodiment of the I AM presence, Self realization, and unity consciousness. Through group transmissions, private sessions, speaking engagements, and daily Life Brooklin remains unwavering in her desire and commitment to be in the greatest service to all beings in accordance to the highest expression of unified consciousness, Prime Source Creator Law & Order.