About Happivize
Happivize was dreamed up by Aimee Serafini, a woman’s empowerment coach.
Literally in the shower, she got a sudden realization that we need an Amazon for energy healing and coaching.
- Where it’s easy to find what you are looking for
- You can browse around at your convenience
- You can experience what it’s like to work with that healer/coach before you buy
- You can visit for a free pick me up whenever you need it
- AND importantly you can read ratings and reviews about the practitioner and the programs
Because yes we have testimonials in this industry, but everyone knows testimonials are cherry picked.

Aimee’s dream is that eventually healing and coaching will be so commonplace, that someone like Amazon would be our competitor. You could buy some shampoo, a phone case, and an EFT session!
Before Happivize, Aimee was still connecting healers and coaches to the world since 2012 under a different platform, which while much simpler to run, just didn’t give the customer experience she wanted it to.
So after 2 years of development, we finally launched and rebranded as Happivize in 2017. We are just getting started!
Please let us know any ideas you have, we love ideas! You can call, text, email (see upper right of this page for info) or open up a chat in the lower right.
Can’t wait for this shift to happen and YOU are a big part of it, so thank you!