Interview with Mia den Haan
Upgrade Your Lower Body With Spirit Program...
- Improve the functioning of your lower body
- Strengthen your muscular system, tendons, and weakened parts of your lower body
- Help with painful joints and ligaments in the lower part of the body
- Achieve more flexibility
About Mia den Haan

Mia has been an energy worker for more than 30 years, initially offering hands-on healing.
After a major “awakening” in 2000, Mia’s healing work began evolving, whereby in 2002, she was given this special healing method, called Your Divine Soul Essence™.
Mia has spent many thousands of hours in one-on-one sessions, offering her spiritual services to clients in more
than 40 countries. As a spiritual healer and channel for Spirit, Mia receives information directly from your soul’s highest level of wisdom. She can receive guidance for any issues, personal or family matters, or business. She receives information about your body, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes, karmic issues, or your genetic lineage.
The miracle healings, including those of a physical nature, that people have received were all done through distant healings. Her autism healings were documented in two books, one authored by the mother of one of her severely disabled and autistic young clients.
Mia is also a certified Life and Business Coach, with many years of practical business experience as a business owner and employer since 1990.
Mary Attwood –
I am 7 months post partum and still working to heal my structural body from the birth of my beautiful, conscious baby. My back pain is very shifted and is continuing to improve even after this call. Energetically I was able to tap into each clearing offered and find the relevance on my soul level to clear what needs clearing for myself and others. Amazing work! Mia’s intuition and guidance is spot on!
catanne1111 –
Felt decreased pain/stiffness in back, hips & neck Thank you both.
carolyn_coccia –
Very interesting how she works and relates pain to its origins