Jo on Fat Melting
Want a scan on the support your fat needs to be healthy? Click through to Facebook below, follow the directions on the post, and Jo will reply with a scan.
You can download the podcasts and the separate Fat Thermogenesis Group Process Mp3 click here.
Fascia Fat Melting
Release the "enlarged" fat cells and keep the important, productive small-celled fat
- The fat is so stubborn, it doesn’t want to leave my body!
- It’s always the same annoying spots that are the last to lose and first to gain
- When I do downsize, it piles back on far too easily
- I have to constantly monitor everything I do, say, think, eat, and drink in order to have any chance of changing things
- A small time of inattention or stress and I’m worse than before I started

- Low self-esteem
- Hiding from life
- Mood swings
- Fatigue
- Eating disorders
- Inability to focus
- Anxiety or depression
- Unwanted emotions
- High blood pressure
- Insomnia and poor-quality sleep
- Low sex drive
- Fertility problems
- Diabetes
- Heart issues
- Heavy, painful, or irregular periods
BUT and this is so important to realize, Fat is amazing and plays an essential role in good health and in looking young. Good "small cell" fat does so much for us:

- Collagen and Elastin production: Fat products collagen and elastin to keep your body and skin supple and youthful
- Structure: It works with the fascia to provide a framework for our skin andto prevent wrinkles and hollows that often accompany age.
- Hormone regulation: Fat produces hormones like leptin, which helps regulate appetite and metabolism, and regulates other hormones like estrogen and testosterone
- Immune function: Fat plays a role in immune function, with white fat cells producing cytokines to fight infection
- Energy storage: Fat serves as a source of energy when food is scarce or when the body needs extra fuel
- Inflammation modulation: Fat can modulate inflammation, with some types of fat (e.g., brown fat) having anti-inflammatory effects
The problem arises when you have too many enlarged, non-functioning fat cells and not enough small productive fat cells.
Our Expert

Jo Fernandes
Jo Fernandes is an expert in working with fascia, both physically and energetically, with a deep intuitive understanding of the entire fascia system.
In Jo’s view, the heart is the key player conducting the whole fascial system – fascia, lymph, extracellular matrix, fluids etc. This system is completely outside the control of the brain and nervous system.
Once the fascia system is balanced, it allows ALL aspects of the human to come to a state of Grace.
Every line, wrinkle, mole, spot means something and is connected to other parts of your body through your fascial system. If something is going on in your life, in your body for example, with one of your organs, it will show up in your face and body.
Jo works with the whole human to help you balance and restore your fascia to its full functionality, balance the issues in the other parts of your body, and erase the impact on your body!
What the program addresses

- Furnace on Low - chances are your fat burning furnace is set to low, and you probably feel it in being cold (esp hands and/or feet) and having low energy. By restoring your mitochondria, thyroid, liver, and neurons, your fat burning will be cranked up to high. Expect to feel warmer and melt the fat off! This specifically targets the enlarged
- Target Enlarged Fat Cells - when fat cells become enlarged with fluid, waste, toxins, debris they not only take up more space but they also stop the productions of collagen, elastin, and hormones. By specifically targeing the fat burning to these cells (and drainage via the lymph), you will have mainly beneficial small fat cells.
- Cortisol and Bellyfat - Cortisol, released during physical and mental sress along with excess insulin together creates lipoprotein lipase, which causes belly fat to be stored. This is the hardest fat to shift. By reprogramming the adrenals back to original blueprint and normalizing the release of cortisol, belly fat is not
- Ancestral Programming - Our bodies are designed to store fat as a survival mechanism to sustain us during periods of food scarcity, Jo will reprogram this with Yamanaka Factor stem cells
- Emotions/Beliefs - Our mind and emotions are powerful. When you believe it’s not safe to be fit, you are not good enough, not worthy, no one loves/cares for me, your body uses fat as a protective mechanism AND stores emotions in the fat. Jo will help clear those beliefs, so your body will feel safe to release the fat
Beta Test Results
We had 10 beta-testers test 3 mp3s (mitochondria, liver gallbladder, adrenal/thyroid) for 6 weeks and added in the Fat Burner mp3 for the last 2 weeks based on feedback. We had one live group call. This is what they reported:
- 70% reported improvement in fat reduction in 3-5 areas
- 90% reported improvement in self-confidence
- 75% noticed improvements in mental health
- 80% felt their overall health was better
- 80% noticed improvement in appetite and cravings
*note the statistics above for each topic exclude anybody who reported the issue was not applicable to them in the beginning, ie if they already felt cravings were not an issue for them so it would not be possible for it to improve
Here are highlights of what the beta-testers reported...
“I lost an 1in from breast, 3/4in from belly and 1/2in from hips.” ~ J.S
“My belly is flatter now, I am happier about my figure.” ~ Jana J.
“Above and below navel measurement down 1 inch for both.” ~ K.M
“I have been told on my recent trip visiting home Australia that I lost weight and see a reduction in my clothes much looser.” ~ R.S
“ I had already noticed a difference by day 4. My internal energy had increased.” ~ M.B
“The abdomen area is not as big and doesn’t feel as much inflammation.”~ Antonia Garcia
“My meal portions are not as big. I am not needing as much food. I also noticed that I was not as constipated.” ~ Beronica Garcia
“Prior to this program, after exercise like this I would be on the couch for the next few days. Not anymore!! I feel great and excited to keep moving my body.”~ M.B
“My hair became browner and not so gray and slept deeper and longer – my anxiety improved.” ~ Jana J.
“My kidneys have healed. My eGFR is now 82 (massive improvement from an eGFR of 58 two years ago).” ~ M.B
“The clothes were looser and anyone I met said I seemed to have lost weight.” ~ N.M
We asked our testers what SURPRISED them...
There definitely was more flow/momentum. I was able to complete some projects. ~ G.D
My thinking feels clearer. ~ M.B
My daughter has lost weight. Feeling calmer. ~ Antonia Garcia
I feel like I am feeling so much better after getting compliments on how I have lost weight. Feel like I’m feeling happier at work. ~ Beronica Garcia
I feel more conscious in my life and could step out of the chaos that affected me from outside world. I feel calmer. ~ Jana J.
My mother despite her age healed through her injury – she was able to move more. She also has been less affected by outside chaos (fears from newspaper), in general calmer. ~ J.J
Deeper sleep. ~ J.S
Some things were improved in relationships and some good luck! ~ N.M
Very relaxed after listening to each recording. ~ K.M
Turn up your furnace to max fat burning!
3 Recorded Group Calls
9 MP3s
Fascia Fat Melting MP3s
Each of the mp3s are layered with base frequencies and then also specific frequencies for the related topic. The frequencies include:
- Structural body clearing - regenerate structures of cells, tissues
- Biochemical body - balance our biochemistry - Hormones & all biochemical including those created by our thoughts feelings and emotions.
- Rhythmic body - balance all rhythms in the body eg breathing, heart
- Energetic body - balance energy field
- Emotional body clearing - guilt, fear, shame, grief, sadness etc
- Mental body clearing - disgust, embarrassment etc
- Etheric body - balance blueprint of the physical body
- Spiritual body - soul field, soul purpose
- Sacred Geometry - eg sphere, cone,
- Colour - turquoise, indigo, violet, magenta, gold
- Cymatic frequencies (relevant to area)
- Telomere regeneration
- Collagen - cushioning in the skin
- Elastin - the most important factor - the ‘springs’ of the skin
- Hyaluronic Acid
- Amino Acids
- Light Frequencies
- Solar light frequencies





The pineal gland receives information about the state of the light-dark cycle from the environment and conveys this information by releasing hormones like melatonin which is a mood enhancer and sexual stimulant. But when there is an imbalance, it leads to fat accumulation.
Melatonin also stimulates Growth hormone secretion. Low levels cause fat to accumulate around the abdomen and internal organs. Unfortunately also our Growth hormone gets suppressed by sleep deprivation.
This mp3 balances the circadian rhythms to enhance melatonin levels to help to improve your sleep. An added feature is enhancing the first deep slow wave sleep which stimulates a big release of Growth Hormone.

Fat in our bodies is the fuel for the furnace of our body. Our Nervous system governs this process. Neurons turn up the intensity of the furnace. The relationship between our neurons and the fat of our body is key to powerfully accelerating fat loss. This mp3 helps to regenerate and restore neurons to increase the Burn factor. Our thermogenesis environment is the most important factor in fat loss.



Although not specifically caused by fat, bloating and water retention can give the appearance of having too much fat. In this bonus, Jo provides frequencies to balance recent cosmic energies causing many of us to hold on to water, lymphatic stimulation to give it a pathway for release, and assisting with detox.
ITEMS 8-10

Previously recorded and replay link provided

Plateaus – we experience plateaus when what we have been doing stops working to reduce fat or weight any lower. Many tend to give up at this point.
In this live call, we will focus on reprogramming the current set point and/or plateaus by manageable increments of 10lbs/5kg so that the body can readjust and find homeostasis at a lower weight. When you reach that lower weight, you can listen to the energy transmission of this call each day for a week to reduce it another increment, bypassing genetics and epigenetics.

Previously recorded and replay link provided
A deep dive into balancing hormones not just in our physical body but also around Karmic Influences, Adverse Childhood Events, Traumas, Genetics, Ancestral patterns, hormone disruptors, and psychological constraints.
Also included are short, easy energy techniques to incorporate in your daily life that magically help with fat loss.

Previously recorded and replay link provided
3 Recorded Group Calls
9 MP3s
- Mitochondria Regenerator
- Liver & Gallbladder Regenerator
- Thyroid and Adrenals
- Emotional Fat Burner
- Pineal, Human Growth Hormone, and Sleep
- Neuron Regenerator
- Yamanaka Factors & Ancestral Programming
- Calcium Circuit - Vit D, K, Magnesium
- Release Bloating
- Call 1: Set Points & Plateaus
- Call 2: Balancing Hormones
- Call 3: Q&A and mini healings

Includes Everything in Packages A PLUS

One personal session with Jo Fernandes is a profound and life-changing experience. Enjoy a 45-Minute Private Session with Jo to Receive a DEEP Dive into Your Unique Body for MEGA Energy Healing! Jo deploys her unique ability to tap into strange fields and virtual particles that momentarily exist in space but have never been considered in healing before.
This call is focused on YOUR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS including anything unique to you that hasn’t been cleared in the mp3s and group calls. If you have a particularly stubborn area, Jo will figure out the root cause and how to help bring that area into balance. She can also let you know which mp3s to work with the most going forward and give you a specific protocol for your issues.
45 min Private Session with Jo
3 Recorded Group Calls
9 MP3s
- 45 min 1:1 Private Session with Jo
- Mitochondria Regenerator
- Liver & Gallbladder Regenerator
- Thyroid and Adrenals
- Emotional Fat Burner
- Pineal, Human Growth Hormone, and Sleep
- Neuron Regenerator
- Yamanaka Factors & Ancestral Programming
- Calcium Circuit - Vit D, K, Magnesium
- Release Bloating
- Call 1: Set Points & Plateaus
- Call 2: Balancing Hormones
- Call 3: Q&A and mini healings

What People are Saying...
beta-tester: belly flatter, hair browner, sleep deeper
What I like most – after playing the powerful adrenals´mp3, my hair became browner and not so gray. I also slept deeper and longer – my anxiety improved. I havent had issues with my weight – my belly is flatter now, I am happier about my figure. I like playing liver – I feel more energized and in general less inflamed.
~ Jana J.
BETA-TESTER: 40 yrs of fibromyalgia and Chronic fatigue now energy levels normal
I must say a HUGE THANK YOU to JO FERNANDES!!! I have a 40+ year history with Fibromyalgia. Jo shares that the mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells. Mitochondria power is definitely lacking in people with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I can share that it truly makes a difference. I had already noticed a difference by day 4. My internal energy had increased. My Mitochondria are so happy. I no longer feel like I’m slogging along. I feel internal motivation. I’ve easily started walking the stairs with ankle weights. Prior to this program, after exercise like this I would be on the couch for the next few days. Not anymore!! I feel great and excited to keep moving my body. Also with Jo’s programs, my kidneys have healed. My eGFR is now 82 (massive improvement from an eGFR of 58 two years ago). My triglycerides have cut in half and many other biomarkers have improved as well. It’s all connected. I highly recommend this program with Jo!!
~ M.B
beta-tester: abdomen smaller, shirts looser
The abdomen area is not as big and doesn’t feel as much inflammation. Shirts are fitting bigger. Also haven’t had the need to take fiber for bowel movements. Only had to take one time. Not constipated.
~ Antonia Garcia
My sleep patterns improved. If I was stressed with a situation. I would respond in a calm manner.
~ G.D
beta-tester: lost 2+ inches clothes fit better
I lost inches! I lost an 1in from breast, 3/4in from belly and 1/2in from hips. My clothes fit better and I am wearing some pants that had been snug. I lost 2 lbs. at the beginning but didn’t lose any more after that.
~ J.S
BETA-TESTER: meal portions smaller, eating less
I have been going through a lot but in the past I have also gone through a lot and I was eating a lot. With the MP3s I noticed that I am not as hungry. For example I work 12 hour shifts on the weekends and I would pack myself a big lunch with 3 meals two for my two breaks and one for lunch. I wake up at 430am and by 545am I would have my first meal because I would get nauseous if I didn’t eat anything before my first 9am break. Now I don’t feel the need to have anything and I’m okay until 9am. My meal portions are not as big. I am not needing as much food. I also noticed that I was not as constipated as I was having more frequent bowel movements after each meal.
~ Beronica Garcia
beta-tester: everyone said I lost weight
I started the beta test while I was in New York and I did notice a change in my body. The clothes were looser and anyone I met said I seemed to have lost weight. Then I left for India, and while I was here, I started bloating and felt I gained the weight, I had lost. Maybe it’s the water here, or some stress levels gone up.
~ N.M
beta-tester: 1 in from above and below navel
Above and below navel measurement down 1 inch for both. No change in other areas yet. Seems like a shift in what I am able to eat for a week or so and then adjusts back. Overall feeling better in body.
~ K.M.
beta-testeR: Clothes looser, told i lost weight
I have noticed some reduction in my clothes much looser. Jo is aware of my mental health and current issue with my health so hence its been hard . I have been playing the MP3 and I have noticed some less emphasis on eating. I have been told on my recent trip visiting home Australia that I lost weight. As I said my clothes feel looser.
~ R.S
Very stubborn weight quickly released
After Jo’s healing, not only was I able to deal with the stress of the intense care- taking for my Mother, but, miracle of miracles…the very stubborn weight that I had been wholly unable to diet or exercise off began very painlessly to release quite quickly, peel off, so to speak. That was an unexpected side benefit which was wonderful. Losing the weight had seemed impossible at my age and so, made me very happy…but feeling stronger and more physically and mentally able was the true blessing.
~ Mary Ann
Off Metformin and Lowered Thyroid Med
For some time I have been feeling tired with increased thirst and frequent urination. However, that was not the only issue. On seeking medical advice, I was diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2. This must have been going on for some years now, with my sugar levels fluctuating high and low. I was prescribed Metformin to help control the sugar in my body. I am averse to taking any type of medication and resisted this route initially. For a few long months I tried to manage this through a low calorie diet. Much to my chagrin, I found this difficult to manage and succumbed to taking the metformin to control my blood sugars.
Suffering from a low thyroid function complicated matters and my body weight was difficult to manage. I consulted Jo as I felt my condition was very complex. I could take medication for my thyroid but the diabetes and weight control was baffling me.
Jo surprised me with how she was able to tap into some of the issues that were baffling me. Whilst the issues of the diabetes and thyroid condition were apparent, there were clearly underlying issues that were lurking beneath. On further sessions with Jo, I found I was more relaxed in my being, had more energy and this renewed energy also manifested in looking after my dietary needs in a new way.
I was also due for a blood test to check both my thyroid and sugar levels. The results are amazing. I no longer had to take the metformin to control my diabetes. I felt that I was on a new journey of recovery. I am quite sure that my sessions with Jo help speed up my healing. It was as if through her treatments she set me free in mind and body and spirit. I am over the moon and overjoyed that I now have control over my health and well-being. To my doctor’s amazement he had to lower my thyroid medication. I am having more session with Jo to balance my thyroid and my entire endocrine system. She mentioned that the Insulin was the priority and so had to be dealt with first in order to bring the others back in balance.
Jo has the expertise and the vision to quickly get to the root cause of a problem. She is my go to Healer. I highly recommend her for any health or other issue you may be encountering. She will truly astound you with unique reasons of why something is out of synch with you! You will thank yourself for doing so!
~ Teresa
Leaky Gut Healthy, Psoriasis since childhood all but gone
I have to say that Jo’s work has been singularly the most successful at rebalancing my mind and body on both physical and mental levels.. On a physical level she told me that my psoriasis, which I have suffered from since childhood, was a symptom of my leaky gut which I had no idea I had, despite battling for years against constant discomfort, dull headaches, nausea and tiredness. Jo’s revelation got me researching and studying the condition and ultimately I have radically changed my diet. I have to say that my gut is the healthiest and happiest it has ever been, I now almost don’t even know I have a gut and the psoriasis is now all but gone. I would recommend Jo without reservation or hesitation.
~ Lissa Elcock
No more indigestion, relationship improved
When I came to JoI had chronic fatigue, anxious, no vitality, with digestive problems. I had relationship issues and financial worries which you pointed out are related to constant anxiety and fatigue.
Physically She found: gall bladder/liver issues connected to indigestion and gait issues relating to not being in the flow of life. Today No more indigestion.
My relationship improved tremendously and I know that financial issues will improve.
I am sooooo thankful and grateful. Warmest love,
Couldn’t walk 20 yards now take long walks
I had angina pains and constant left shoulder and right forearm pain. I had a triple bypass 5 years ago and several stents put in, the last three last October, making a total of eleven stents. Any activity brings on the angina pains. I could barely walk 20 yards before I got an attack.
I am now able to enjoy long walks with my wife, and do maintenance jobs around the house and tend to my garden, especially mow the lawn which progressively became impossible.
I am much calmer and able to better handle the day to day stress and challenges as I care for my wife who has dementia
My shoulder pain was gone and so was my forearm pain. All gone. Jo is very skilled in what she does. She makes the impossible possible.
~ Brian
For over 8 months I was experiencing severe pain in my right elbow and in my left shoulder and upper arm. I would awaken several times through the night in agony. There was no reason given for what caused my pains except that I was suffering from “connective tissue disorder”. Doctors only suggested steroids which I refused.
I started listening to the mp3s and after about 2 weeks, I noticed that my pain was so much better that I even started gardening (which I hadn’t done in years). After another 2 weeks (4 total), it occurred to me one day that I was no longer in pain AT ALL. I had forgotten all about it! I couldn’t believe it.
Aside from that, my calcium levels went from high to normal and a toothache suddenly stopped hurting. Jo is truly an amazing healing facilitator and a sweet and caring woman. She is like none other. I was so skeptical (since I am a Ph.D. scientist) and I am truly in awe of how she was able to help me. I also feel that I’ve become a calmer person as a result from working with her.
~ C.O.
My symptoms were Bloating and my body felt twisted hence my knee was hurting. The Bloating has been for about 40 years and the twist for about 10 years. The bloating is much better, I feel lighter and can my clothes are not as tight. I am delighted that my walking gait has changed, and my pelvis is now moving correctly and is no longer blocked which means I feel much straighter and my pelvic muscles are not as tight on my right hand side. I feel much more natural now when I am walking so I can walk the dogs further and my knee doesn’t hurt.
Jo is very generous with her knowledge and she has given me tools such as geometric shapes which I use to harmonise and balance my energetic field, I use these in-between sessions and when working with Jo the results hit new levels. I feel lighter now and more connected to my higher self and the direction I need to follow to fulfil my purpose. Each session touched on an emotional block and Jo sensitively released them without me needing to remind myself of any difficult or painful feelings. My dreams are more memorable now and I am learning more from the messages that I receive from these too. Jo’s work has accelerated me to a place of transformation and life feels very exciting.
I felt the results Immediately and it’s ongoing since as she is my mentor!
I Wholeheartedly recommend Jo. She is very genuine, kind and generous and hugely talented
~ Helen S.
I had been suffering from Lymphedema in both legs for close to 40 Years. My thighs to my feet were enormous and swollen though I was very slim in my upper body. In one session this completely reversed…as Jo found and instantaneously healed an imbalance in the right kidney area due to a childhood school trauma.
~ Anne
45 min Private Session with Jo
3 Recorded Group Calls
9 MP3s
- 45 min 1:1 Private Session with Jo
- Mitochondria Regenerator
- Liver & Gallbladder Regenerator
- Thyroid and Adrenals
- Emotional Fat Burner
- Pineal, Human Growth Hormone, and Sleep
- Neuron Regenerator
- Yamanaka Factors & Ancestral Programming
- Calcium Circuit - Vit D, K, Magnesium
- Release Bloating
- Call 1: Set Points & Plateaus
- Call 2: Balancing Hormones
- Call 3: Q&A and mini healings
Special Offer

3 Recorded Group Calls
9 MP3s
- Mitochondria Regenerator
- Liver & Gallbladder Regenerator
- Thyroid and Adrenals
- Emotional Fat Burner
- Pineal, Human Growth Hormone, and Sleep
- Neuron Regenerator
- Yamanaka Factors & Ancestral Programming
- Calcium Circuit - Vit D, K, Magnesium
- Release Bloating
- Call 1: Set Points & Plateaus
- Call 2: Balancing Hormones
- Call 3: Q&A and mini healings
Special Offer

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