Kari on Quantum Hormone Balance 2
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You can download the podcast and the separate Pregnenolone Group Process Mp3 click here.
Quantum Hormone Balance 2
Balance your Progesterone, Estrogen, Testosterone, Insulin, Cortisol, Ghrelin, and more with Quantum Restorative Energy
Hormonal imbalances are connected to almost all health issues including weight, mood, energy levels, immune function, anxiety, overwhelm, loss of motivation, and other mental health challenges.
- Progesterone plays a vital role in maintaining healthy weight, mood stability, and overall resilience to stress and chronic illness.
- Imbalance in hormone levels can lead to irregular menstrual cycles, peri-menopause, and menopausal issues in women.
- They can also cause persistent fatigue, brain fog, and difficulty focusing, disrupting daily activities and affecting productivity.
- See this Mercola article for a brief but thorough explanation of the four most important hormones you should pay attention to. And a second Mercola article focusing more on estrogen.

Lost weight and Inches, sleep better, more energy!
My appetite has changed. I’m less hungry, eating less often and smaller portions too, and it starts to show. I’ve naturally lost a bit of weight and inches.I need significantly less food without the feeling of missing something. My blood sugar levels are more stable. I sleep much better since listening to this program, and I wake up refreshed which of course adds to having more energy.
As a beta tester, I listened to the audios at least once a day, but most of the times even twice, once in the morning and again once later in the day.
I am really happy with this program and can’t thank you enough for letting me take part in the betatest
~ A.S.
What happens when your hormones are imbalanced?

- Fatigue and low energy levels
- Digestive issues
- Chronic pain or discomfort
- Skin problems or irritations
- Excess weight or fluctuations
- Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
- Low libido
- Menopause symptoms
- Hair loss
- Sleep difficulties
- Poor blood sugar regulation
- Diabetes
- Constipation
- Elevated stress levels
- Mood swings or emotional volatility
- Anxiety or heightened sensitivity
- Persistent sadness or emptiness
- Difficulty in managing emotions
- Brain fog or lack of mental clarity
- Difficulty concentrating and focusing
- Memory lapses or forgetfulness
- Lack of motivation or enthusiasm
Conventional treatments for hormonal imbalances are often hit or (mostly) miss and have many unwanted side effects
Beta Test Results
~92% reported better overall health
~92% reported improved digestion
~70% reported that their chronic pain or inflammation is gone
~92% reported positive changes in their feelings
~100% have positive feedback when they play the MP3s.
~100% reported that they are continually experiencing positive changes each day
~100% are optimistic about the program’s long-term effectiveness
Here are highlights of what the beta-testers reported...
“I’ve naturally lost a bit of weight and inches.” ~ AS
“My friendship circle is expanding and I am experiencing a much much more connected life. I have never enjoyed my life like this! ” ~ Joslyn A.
“Wow, my sex drive has dramatically changed. It’s like these mp3’s are an aphrodisiac).” ~ Rachael
“My blood sugar levels are more stable. I sleep much better.” ~ AS
“I am excited that I have lost weight ( about 7 lbs), and it continues to slowly release. Sugar cravings have lessened as has my craving for coffee and carbs.” ~ Lynn A.
“I have been sleeping way better, where for 20+ years I’d pull all-nighters regularly due to insomnia. This is literally life-changing for me!” ~ Loreto D.
“I have been reducing in inches, with my clothes fitting better.” ~ Joslyn A.
“I have lost 10 lbs since beginning this program with ease, and in a gentle way that feels more ‘real’.”
~ Rachael
“I was able to walk away from the sweets that we had in the house. My digestion has definitely improved with this program!” ~ Katie O.
~ T Lyle
“I am experiencing overall mood and emotional improvement. ” ~ Matt V.
“Pounds are starting to melt away, not from starving myself,” ~ Jeff B.
“I would not have imagined that there was so much of my ability to gain insights, clarity ,and intuition connected to hormones!” ~ Bernadette D.
“Best of all, my constipation is improved! I have begun to have more regular bowel movements & I couldn’t be happier. .” ~ RL
“I have not only maintained my emotional stability, but been better than before! I cannot describe how amazing that is! ” ~ JV
“I noticed that my skin has dramatically changing the deep line between my brows that I have had since I was young.” ~ Rachael
Kari Alajoki can help you achieve wellness again with quantum restorative energy

Unlike conventional approaches that often address symptoms in isolation, healing hormone imbalances by supporting the body to find its place of healing offers an experience without the side effects of drugs, synthetic hormones, and even bio-identical hormones (after all, bio-identical is still not the same).
Additionally, western medicine does not address the problems that CREATED the hormone imbalance in the first place! But with quantum restorative energy, these problematic roots can be healed.
Kari has created this program as part of the Root Cause series to support your body to achieve wellness again.
She has expertise in supporting healing at the cellular level and intuitively tapping into your body’s natural ability to return to a state of wholeness.
In working with thousands of clients, Kari has seen rapid turnarounds in well-being, weight balance, digestive health and early aging after the hormone receptors of the cells were released from incorrect programs.
Losing inches, more friends and connection, less cravings and appetite
I have experienced much more joy and happiness with these mp3’s. My friendship circle is expanding and I am experiencing a much much more connected life. I have never enjoyed my life like this!
I have had less cravings, finding myself wanting to workout more, and a decreased appetite. I have better digestion and have better-sustained energy throughout the day without the afternoon exhaustion. I have been reducing in inches, with my clothes fitting better. Interestingly enough, I felt a huge emotional release from the skin mp3 of old grief, and loss, and pain that had caused trauma on my timeline.
~ Joslyn A.
What this program addresses
- Stimulate Pregnenolone, the precursor to many hormones including Progesterone, DHEA, and Estrogen, supporting your body at every level
- Balance your Cortisol-to-DHEA ratio. Cortisol, a stress regulator, and DHEA, a powerhouse supporting your immune system, collectively influence your lifespan and guard against acute and chronic illnesses
- Bring Testosterone back in balance for enhanced mood, optimal body weight, strong and healthy bones, and optimal hair distribution
- Change long-standing patterns of carrying extra weight by stimulating fat to convert into usable energy while safely releasing the physical and emotional toxins and negative programming stored in fat
- Balance high or low Estrogen levels to increase libido, enhance skin vibrancy, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, stabilize emotions, and promote weight loss
- Boost T3 thyroid hormone to support the optimal functioning of other hormones like DHEA, Progesterone, and Pregnenolone
- Balance your insulin which is critical for weight and energy balance. Your pancreas plays a primary role in insulin production and regulation and we’ll also target insulin sensitivity so that natural blood sugar balance follows
When you have hormonal balance, you can expect:
- Pain relief
- Ideal weight
- Reduced belly fat
- Youthful skin
- Stress relief
- Improved mental clarity
- Emotional balance
- Relationship healing
- Increased resilience to stress
- Relief from constipation
- Bladder control
- Blood sugar balance
- Improved posture
- Improved libido
- Menopause symptom relief
- Blood pressure regulation
- Longevity
- Reduced Cancer risk

Lost 10bs, Sex drive up, husband estranged parents and brother healed
Everything has improved! I’m happy. My husband is happy. Our intimate life is incredible. (Also wow, my sex drive has dramatically changed. It’s like these mp3’s are an aphrodisiac). Our home has such good energy. My husband has a healed relationship with his parents (they visit on the phone with him & they want to move closer to us to be near him—after 20+ years of an estranged relationship!). My husband also had a brother call him & apologize for actions from 15 years ago!! He has not visited with said brother for years, but he was so shocked & excited to see him call & want to seek forgiveness!
I have lost 10 lbs since beginning this program with ease, and in a gentle way that feels more ‘real’. Fast weight loss never really seems to stick for me.
I noticed that my skin has been detoxing throughout this program, clearing out lots of skin issues and dramatically changing the deep line between my brows that I have had since I was young.
~ Rachael
When hormones are balanced, and you're RECEIVING what you need, your body will respond accordingly. You will experience more opportunities, more joyful relationships, a deeper, warmer connection with others, and a feeling like you're really LIVING
Are you ready to bring balance back to your hormones?
11 MP3s

- This MP3 guides you through the process of releasing energetic, mental, and emotional blocks that are contributing to dense, stagnant energies in your physical being.
- Experience a release from unrecognized patterns and break up long-standing practices that are keeping you stuck and notice a change into a warmer and easier communication with others, even ‘broken’ relationships.
- Expect tasks to feel less difficult, and begin new habits and practices much more easily. Overwhelm will transform into resiliency and happiness is something you will experience, not just something you hope for.

- Focus on the potent hormone of progesterone and essential hormones of the adrenals – cortisol and aldosterone. Move through a restorative cellular process to revitalize the DNA.
- Increase stress resilience, reduce pain and weight by supporting your body with a true-to-you energetic transmission of these hormones.
- Address patterns of holding on to past hurts and stubborn attachments that cloud your cell membrane and dim your life force.
- Balance your flight-or-fight response with balanced epinephrine and norepinephrine. Here we will destructure harmful autoimmune programs and cellular mutations born from old traumas.
- Expect a sense of calm, while your metabolism returns to balance, sleep returns to normal patterns, and excess weight begins to fall away by adding the energies of GABA and L-theanine, nature's stress-busters.

- Address poorly regulated blood sugar, cholesterol problems, bone and muscle mass imbalances, circulation problems, poor skin health, weight gain, mood challenges, concerns with libido, and poor cognitive function.
- Let go of patterns of emotional struggle that may be linked to estrogen dominance and fluctuations. Patterns of lack and struggle are deeply connected with estrogen as well, and both males and females experience the effect of these patterns in this hormone in many ways.
- The energy of magnesium assists your liver in metabolizing hormones and eliminating harmful estrogen metabolites, nurturing a healthy internal environment.

PURPOSE: Harmonize the hormones of your liver and gut that may be overlooked in traditional hormone therapies
- Focus on important hormone production that occurs in the liver and gut including vitamin D, insulin like growth factor, gluco and mineral corticoids, ghrelin and leptin.
- Enjoy greater cellular energy by stimulating the DNA within the nucleus and mitochondria of your cells and freeing up trapped energies.
- Strengthen communication between your gut and brain to allow for a greater uptake of nutrients into the brain. Experience vibrant energy flowing effortlessly, promoting focus, clarity, and a sense of grounded peace.

- Regenerate beta cells which offers help for insulin deficiency, type 3c diabetes, severe hypoglycemia, and more.
- Experience a release from patterns and programs of confusion, shock, and bitterness that are hindering your pancreas's optimal function and prevent blood sugar balance.
- Energetic pancreatic islet transplantation is a revolutionary experience combining quantum energetic techniques with modern advancements to stimulate the regeneration of pancreatic beta cells, encouraging the production of insulin and restoring hormonal balance.

- Energetically address hormones that “down regulate” instead of “up regulate”. This allows for greater hormone balance and weight loss. A main component of obesity is a low-grade inflammation in the body and hormones play a strong role in inflammation.
- You will notice emotions you process, and how perceptions begin to shift as you move through the following days.

PURPOSE: Stimulate the production and optimal functioning of Pregnenolone, the foundation of all steroid hormones, to promote a cascade of hormone balance throughout your entire body.
- This MP3 unlocks the power of the ‘mother’ hormone, Pregnenolone, the precursor to virtually all other hormones in the body. Optimizing Pregnenolone creates a positive cascade of hormone balance in the other hormones of your body.
- Promote vitality within your master stem cells and hormone communication.
- Witness the ripple effect of balanced Pregnenolone. Progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone will begin to work in harmony, and is the ‘secret’ to longevity and emotional stability. These hormones together are supporting your brain, memory, mood, and physical well-being.
- Experience a release from overwhelm, a common obstacle to Pregnenolone's flow. Destructure anxieties, depression, sleep struggles, and weight imbalances as you open pathways for radiant well-being.
- Expect to move to a higher state of joy and peacefulness.

PURPOSE: Promote optimal production of Testosterone (one of the ‘big 4’ when it comes to hormones), a key player in blood sugar balance, muscle to fat ratio, and resilience against infection and disease, supports other hormones and functions of the body. See this article on why aging women need testosterone.
- Achieve a ‘leaner’ look, increased metabolism, more drive and energy, and increase longevity, testosterone.
- This MP3 includes energies of Ashwagandha, a natural herb known for its balancing effect on testosterone levels. It provides additional support as your body is signaled to return to optimal levels.
- Witness your body find its natural strength, building a healthy muscle-to-fat ratio, and confidence as your hormones harmonize.

PURPOSE: Gentle energetic alignment of your hormonal timeline, from conception forward and addressing traumas such as circumcision, surgeries, and medical interventions.
- This MP3 promotes a timeline restoration by starting when your hormone imbalance began! Shifting from a trauma and lack based experience to one of possibility and alignment in all areas, offers a true foundational shift.
- Release experiences such as lack of nutrients or hormones while developing, surgeries, medical interventions and all that goes with that (chemicals, medications, tissue death, toxins, emotional trauma) that can set the groundwork in place for a lifetime of disease, dysfunction, auto-immune expression or a lifetime of chronic illness and weight problems rooted in hormone imbalances.

- Receive the energies of 60 essential nutrients, including Vitamin E, Zinc, Selenium, Iodine, and Vitamin D, each playing its unique role in your well-being.
- Homeopathic Sepia amplifies your natural healing potential. Night-time Arsenium album and Nux vomica offer their supportive melodies, guiding you towards restful sleep and renewed energy.
- Experience deeper, more restorative sleep, allowing your body and mind to fully recharge and awaken refreshed as you surrender to the calming embrace of the night-time supplements.

- Return to peace as this meditative journey helps you rediscover the steps guiding you back to a state of peace within.
- Once you achieve this, the opportunity becomes available for intentional transformation of your desired outcomes on every level.

11 MP3s
- Energetic Pathways Release
- Progesterone & Adrenals
- Estrogen
- Liver and Gut
- Pancreas and Insulin
- Fat
- Pregnenolone
- Testosterone
- Timeline Restore
- Energetic Supplements
- Bonus: Letting Light Ignite

Includes Everything in Package A PLUS
3 Recorded Group Calls
90 Days of Remote Healing
T3 (Thyroid Hormone) MP3
ITEMS 11-13

Previously recorded and provided as downloadable file
PURPOSE: Reclaim your skin’s vitality and repurpose the protein in loose skin to build a leaner, more muscle-toned you.
We’ll utilize the power of quantum energy to create alignment in your hormone system along with the natural superhero, CoQ10, to fuel your skin’s mitochondria, the tiny powerhouses of youthfulness and energy.
We’ll energetically assist the body to catabolize (break down) the extra protein in loose skin so that the skin tightens and then repurpose that protein towards building beautiful, firm muscles and nourishing your skin with essential amino acids. This optimizes collagen and elastin synthesis without causing muscle loss, the culprit behind loose skin.
Previously recorded and provided as downloadable file
PURPOSE: Experience healing from cravings, uncontrollable appetite, uncomfortable gut issues, and memories of food-related trauma. Cultivate a fulfilling, peaceful relationship with food from a place of self-love.
Food is supposed to be a fuel that nourishes and satisfies, not triggers pain. Eating should be an experience that leaves you feeling vibrant, satisfied, and ready for what’s next. This live call takes a deep dive into balancing hormones and the microbiome of your gut and releases trauma you may have experienced around food. This call will include:- The energies of Glycine to help balance appetite and cravings (and will also boost your production of collagen, building on the energies of the first live call).
- Microbiome support with probiotics, prebiotics, and sporebiotics to address cravings coming from our bacteria.
- Enzymes to aid in elimination of endotoxins produced in your gut that can cause discomfort, bloating, and elimination issues.
- Quantum restorative energy to allow the release of food trauma experiences.

Previously recorded and provided as downloadable file
- Step back in time to reprogram the energies and frequencies that influenced your hormones to become imbalanced at puberty and/or at pregnancy. Rewrite your story to line up with your original blueprint.
- Embrace the ideal weight within you, not dictated by external pressures or false perceptions, but guided by your unique inner wisdom.
- Let go of body shame and weight struggles, and discover your authentic, healthy weight expression at any age that aligns your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs.
- Experience the age-defying energetic power of Rhodiola, a potent adaptogen revered for its ability to boost energy, reduce stress, and support healthy weight management. This natural wonder unlocks your inner glow, leaving you feeling youthful and revitalized, whatever your age.

- This MP3 guides you through an empowering energy transmission, designed to awaken the potent potential of T3 – the thyroid hormone that fuels your metabolism, energy levels, and overall well-being.
- Experience the potent energy of T3 burning fat for efficient energy, supporting healthy weight management and effortless movement.
- Experience T3 flowing to your skin, hair, and nails, promoting healthy growth and a newfound glow.
- As your T3 levels harmonize, your body finds its natural rhythm, your metabolism burns efficiently, and your inner spark shines brighter than ever before.
12 MP3s
3 Recorded Group Calls
90 Days of Remote Healing
- Call 1: Tighten Loose Skin
- Call 2: Cravings, Appetite, and Trauma
- Call 3: Ideal Weight Alignment
- 90 Days of Remote Healing
- Bonus: T3 (Thyroid Hormone) MP3
- Energetic Pathways Release
- Progesterone & Adrenals
- Estrogen
- Liver and Gut
- Pancreas and Insulin
- Fat
- Pregnenolone
- Testosterone
- Timeline Restore
- Energetic Supplements
- Bonus: Letting Light Ignite

Includes Everything in Packages A&B PLUS

Private Session with Kari
12 MP3s
3 Recorded Group Calls
90 Days of Remote Healing
- 30 min 1:1 Private Session with Kari
- Call 1: Tighten Loose Skin
- Call 2: Cravings, Appetite, and Trauma
- Call 3: Ideal Weight Alignment
- 90 Days of Remote Healing
- Bonus: T3 (Thyroid Hormone) MP3
- Energetic Pathways Release
- Progesterone & Adrenals
- Estrogen
- Liver and Gut
- Pancreas and Insulin
- Fat
- Pregnenolone
- Testosterone
- Timeline Restore
- Energetic Supplements
- Bonus: Letting Light Ignite

What People are Saying...
Lost 7lbs, less struggle with food, less triggered
I noticed a change in appetite as I moved through the program. At first there was a fluctuation in appetite and then it balanced out. There is less struggle around food. I am excited that I have lost weight ( about 7 lbs), and it continues to slowly release. Sugar cravings have lessened as has my craving for coffee and carbs. Salad and vegetables and other ‘clean ‘ foods are what I find myself most wanting.
I have also found that I am more able to self regulate when feeling triggered by others. I have less hormonal imbalances overall in my body and my skin is seeming to ‘heal’. I will continue to listen to this program as the changes continue and I can sense that I still have more to be gained.
~ Lynn A.
20+ year insomnia way better, healing from stroke and blindness, hopeful
I have been sleeping way better, where for 20+ years I’d pull all-nighters regularly due to insomnia. This is literally life-changing for me! I feel that my pineal gland is experiencing upleveling. Being able to sleep undoubtedly is allowing my body to heal from stroke and blindness. I have noticed a change in my shoulder pain-there has not yet been anything that has been able to help me in this area!
After listening to these mp3’s I have noticed that I am sensing at a greater level. I feel a strong connection to my intuition and I seem to communicate at a greater level. I’m feeling more hopeful, putting some things behind me, resolving life issues I’ve let slide, since doing the meditations/ mp3s.
~ Loreto D.
Sleep, sweet addiction, digestion improved!
My sleep patterns have noticeably changed since listening to these MP3s. I have gone many nights where I didn’t have to get up during the night to pee which is a welcome change for me! Last night I slept for a solid 8 hours. It was heaven!
I have been experimenting with intermittent fasting and I honestly believe that the MP3 helped in keeping my blood sugar in balance. My appetite didn’t increase. It stayed pretty stable and I was able to walk away from the sweets that we had in the house. My digestion has definitely improved with this program!
~ Katie O.
Better sleep, calm and connectedness to life
I have enjoyed better sleep in this program, and a greater sense of calm and connectedness to life. I notice that I am feeling positive (have been working on changing my mindset months before using this, but I do think it helped to keep me on track).
I have definitely been going to the toilet more…so it feels like a letting go physically. I also notice less excessive heat in my body.
~ T Lyle
Pounds melting away, cravings and appetite shrink, brain fog cleared
This beta program is the appetite shrinker I needed while having a relaxed listening system for my ears. Just popped my headphones, hit play, and let the soothing sounds get to me. It instantly calmed me down. My donut cravings have vanished, replaced by a newfound appreciation for vegetables. No more afternoon cookie cravings or late-night pizza binges.
Also, my brain fog cleared, replaced by a newfound clarity, all thanks to the program’s harmonious blend of audio, energy, and science. Pounds are starting to melt away, not from starving myself, but from finally eating what my body craved – real, delicious food.
~ Jeff B.
Intuition, sleep, digestion much improved!
I experienced a sense of reinvigoration and balance that had not been present before. As my digestion and sleep began to improve (greatly), I noticed that I have much more resilience to stress, easeful (and correct) perceptions, and intuitive connection. I would not have imagined that there was so much of my ability to gain insights, clarity ,and intuition connected to hormones! This has been incredible for me with life seeming to flow in ways they haven’t before. Manifestation has begun at a powerful level. People seem to hear me more clearly and correctly. I Intend to continue listening to this amazing program, just stellar!
~ Bernadette D.
Cramps and constipation gone, improved relationship with husband!
After this program, I have noticed that I definitely have a suppressed appetite. I don’t have the cravings for food I once used to. I previously also would have strong menstrual cramps & body aches with each cycle. After listening to this program, both have improved to the point where I needed no OTC medicine to help me through! Best of all, my constipation is improved! I have begun to have more regular bowel movements & I couldn’t be happier.
~ R.L.
Saved a lot of money, getting off couch!
Mood stability is huge! I was previously paying for homeopathic care at $350-$500 per month. Since stopping 2 1/2 months ago I expected to have an emotional crash as this has been a consistent pattern. To my delight- no crash! I have not only maintained my emotional stability, but been better than before! I cannot describe how amazing that is! While I still get tired, I have been more involved in activities. Previously I was coming home and staying on the couch all evening. Now, i do things like grocery shopping or going for coffee 2-4 days per week. I don’t have a scale, but others have said that it looks like I have lost weight.
Love, love, love this program!
~ J.V.
Easier to connect with kids and siblings, more relaxed, mood improved!
I Feel more relaxed after listening. I have noticed more patience, it’s easier to connect with my kids and siblings. I even hosted a Christmas party for my family and they all came! That’s a first ! I am experiencing overall mood and emotional improvement.
~ Matt V.
Results shared from Hormone Balance Part 1
Before this program, I felt like I was living with a constant buzzing in my chest and a knot in my throat. My heart raced for no reason, and even simple things like driving brought on a wave of anxiety. The holidays, usually a time of joy, felt overwhelming and chaotic. Then I found this program. And let me tell you, it’s been nothing short of transformative.
From the very first session, I started to feel a shift. The inner peace I craved began to settle in, replacing the constant agitation. My resting heart rate, once stubbornly stuck in the high 550s, dropped back down to my natural rhythm. And for the first time in ages, I could raise my hand in class without a knot forming in my throat.
This program gave me the tools to unlock a confidence I didn’t know I had. The lingering anxiety that shadowed me for years began to lift, Even driving, once a source of stress, became a source of calm. This program didn’t just give me temporary relief; it gave me lasting change.
~ Linda
20+ years of fatigue 60% improved, relief from headaches and pain
I was struggling for over 20 years with chronic fatigue and low energy. I tried many therapies, and I tried many treatments, and nothing could seem to turn this around for me. I knew that some of my challenges were based on old trauma that had been trapped in my body. As I began to move through the hormone program, my energy levels began to change and shift and it was as if that dark cloud or fog had lifted off of me. My energy levels improved by over 60%, which is a lot considering I had no life. I can only recommend that everyone who struggles with low energy and low fatigue take this program because this is just the beginning of so many other changes that came forward for me as well. I began to feel relief from chronic headaches and pain that would move throughout my body for no explained reason. Thank you for this program, I would recommend this to everyone.
~ Cindy
13 yrs of MS fatigue improved, can do daily qi gong
Loving this program and still 2 days to complete the first “cycle”. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 13 years ago and one of my primary symptoms is fatigue; after about 4 weeks my energy was restored to the extent that I have been able to maintain a consistent daily qigong practice for the past several weeks (which I had previously been unable to do for years due to fatigue.) I also have detected a very distinct improvement/upgrade in my brain chemistry; there seems to be an uptick in positive pleasurable neurochemicals that has become more and more evident in the past few weeks. Relationally, I feel more stable and resilient in the course of day-to-day interactions with loved ones and others; little triggers or upsets that would normally set me off are of smaller consequence and I am able to maintain composure, balance, and resourcefulness in the midst of challenging/stressful situations.
~ Garic
Private Session with Kari
3 Recorded Group Calls
90 Days of Remote Healing
12 MP3s
- 30 min 1:1 Private Session with Kari
- Call 1: Tighten Loose Skin
- Call 2: Cravings, Appetite, and Trauma
- Call 3: Ideal Weight Alignment
- 90 Days of Remote Healing
- Bonus: T3 (Thyroid Hormone) MP3
- Energetic Pathways Release
- Progesterone & Adrenals
- Estrogen
- Liver and Gut
- Pancreas and Insulin
- Fat
- Pregnenolone
- Testosterone
- Timeline Restore
- Energetic Supplements
- Bonus: Letting Light Ignite

3 Recorded Group Calls
90 Days of Remote Healing
12 MP3s
- Call 1: Tighten Loose Skin
- Call 2: Cravings, Appetite, and Trauma
- Call 3: Ideal Weight Alignment
- 90 Days of Remote Healing
- Bonus: T3 (Thyroid Hormone) MP3
- Energetic Pathways Release
- Progesterone & Adrenals
- Estrogen
- Liver and Gut
- Pancreas and Insulin
- Fat
- Pregnenolone
- Testosterone
- Timeline Restore
- Energetic Supplements
- Bonus: Letting Light Ignite

11 MP3s
- Energetic Pathways Release
- Progesterone & Adrenals
- Estrogen
- Liver and Gut
- Pancreas and Insulin
- Fat
- Pregnenolone
- Testosterone
- Timeline Restore
- Energetic Supplements
- Bonus: Letting Light Ignite

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