Kari Alajoki on Quantum Hormone Balance 1
Would you like a scan from Kari? She will be answering requests on Facebook in the post below for the next couple of weeks
You can download the podcasts and the separate Thyroid Group Process Mp3 click here.
Quantum Hormone Balance 1
Heal hormone imbalances in the "upper" glands - thyroid, pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus, and thymus
Hormone imbalance affects 80% of women at some point in their lives, yet remains one of the most under-addressed health concerns.
- Imbalance is a silent disruptor, quietly affecting our well-being, energy levels, and overall quality of life.
- Depression and anxiety always has an element of hormone imbalance - See this article
- And of course imbalance causes thyroid disorders and metabolic syndrome - which leads to all the chronic conditions

What happens when hormones are imbalanced?

- Skin Conditions
- Poor immune system
- Fatigue and lack of energy
- Weight gain
- Brain fog
- Headache
- Insomnia
- Stress and Anxiety
- Thyroid disorders
- Cognitive function decline
- Dry hair and brittle nails
- Brittle bones
- Bloating
- Relationship struggles
- Irritability
Conventional treatments for hormonal imbalances are often hit or (mostly) miss and have many unwanted side effects
Beta Test Results
~100% reported improved energy, uplifted and balance
~93% reported heightened emotions
~88% reported better or improved sleep and sleeping pattern
~50% reported they are less hungry than usual.
~93% reported positive changes in their feelings
Here are highlights of what the beta-testers reported...
“My skin looks younger, less wrinkles.” ~ Silvia
“I sleep better and it is easier to wake up.” ~ Annete
“My skin in general, my face, and skin of the body look healthier, younger, and even wrinkles in my face disappeared.” ~ Carol H.
“When menopause hit me, I woke up one morning and I felt like I didn’t know who I was in my body. Things were different, my body felt different. Doing this program, it felt like I was back.” ~ Theresa C.
“I feel a more sustained energy.” ~ Marsha
“I sleep deeper, I am fresher and well rested and my mood is more stable and lighter.” ~ Silvia
“ I eat less, this is what helped me to lower fat in my thighs. Digestion is soooooo much better!!!!.” ~ Jody O.
“I am clearer in my mind, my memory has improved, I experience less procrastinating.” ~ Carol H.
“I feel satisfied with less food. I don’t have any food cravings between meals.” ~ Annete
“My brain is much clearer and there is more order in my head.” ~ Silvia
“The MP3’s set a really nice tone and positive mood when I listen to them and leave me peaceful and rested..” ~ Angela H.
“No back pain anymore.” ~ Silvia
“I feel more balanced and not as hungry.” ~ Marsha
“I don’t feel overwhelmed and I feel calm in general.” ~ Annete
Kari Alajoki can help you achieve wellness again with quantum restorative energy

Unlike conventional approaches that often address symptoms in isolation, healing hormone imbalances by supporting the body to find its own place of healing offers an experience without side-effects of drugs, synthetic hormones, and even bio-identical hormones (after all, bio-identical is still not the same).
Additionally, western medicine does not address the problems that CREATED the hormone imbalance in the first place! But with quantum restorative energy, these problematic roots can be healed.
Kari has created this program as part of the Root Cause Series to support your body to achieve wellness again.
She has expertise in supporting healing at the cellular level, and intuitively tapping into your body’s natural ability to return to a state of wholeness.
In working with thousands of clients, Kari has seen rapid turnarounds in wellbeing, weight balance, sleep and early aging occur after the hormone receptors of the cells were released of incorrect programs and the glands were given the supportive frequencies they need to return to proper function.
What this program addresses

- Addressing migraines, headaches, and hormone receptors in the hypothalamus
- Normalizing weight regulation by balancing adequate levels of Growth Hormone and TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) produced in your pituitary gland
- Focusing on restoring proper production and balance of oxytocin, prolactin, and melatonin in your pituitary and pineal glands can bring back feelings of joy and serenity
- Improving thyroid health by supporting correct hormone conversion of T3 and T4
- Revitalizing skin, nails, and hair through hormone signaling
- Enhancing thymus function for better immunity. Usually overlooked or dismissed by conventional medicine, restoration of thymus function can help you enjoy a return to vibrant health
- Freeing hormone receptors within the cells from incorrect programming, leading to rapid improvements in overall well-being, sleep quality, and the aging process
- Stimulate metabolites of Melatonin such as DMT ( dimethyl 5-methoxytryptamine), tetrahydro-beta-carboline, benzodiazepine, methoxytryptamine, and methexylated indoleamine) for organ and gland health and hormone production optimization that has long lasting effects in the body.
When you have hormonal balance, you can expect:
- Radiant skin and youthful appearance
- Boosted immune response
- Improved cognitive function
- Weight balance (lose or gain depending on your issues)
- Enhanced sleep quality
- Better detoxification and infection clearing
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Stronger and denser bones
- Improved posture and muscular balance
- Improved relationships
- Deeper and warmer connections with others
- Trust and confidence
- Life working FOR YOU

When hormones are balanced, and you're RECEIVING what you need, your will experience more opportunities, more joyful relationships, a deeper, warmer connection with others, and a feeling like you're really LIVING
Are you ready to help your hormones achieve balance again?
7 MP3s

- Kari found in working the beta test that our energetic spaces have to be addressed and the energetic elements released so that you can achieve a long-lasting turnaround.
- This MP3 provides an energetic cleanse and allows you to experience a profound renewal of both body and spirit.
- Expect to feel renewed energy, vitality, and a deeper sense of well-being after the energetic pathway release.


- Expect greater mental clarity, increased desire to accomplish tasks, emotional and mental stability, and a feeling of strength throughout the body.
- Enjoy a harmonious communication between your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

- Expect better sleep and improved physical energy.
- Experience optimal hormonal balance and improved weight regulation.
- Notice a release of frustration and irritation, and watch your life mirror your newfound confidence.


- Boost your metabolic engine with this thyroid firestarter MP3 as your thyroid gland plays a vital role in regulating your body’s metabolic rate.
- Enjoy mental clarity, peaceful sleep all night long, and improved metabolism.
- You will often notice change the first time you listen. Your life will begin to reflect back to you warmer relationships, kindness, friendship, and a sense that ‘it’s a beautiful world”!

- Your Thymus is thought of as the guardian of your immune system, producing thymosine, which simulates the development of precursor T-cells mature T-cells.
- Experience healing from injuries at a rapid rate as well as a more youthful appearance due to the abundance of stem cells stimulating healthy tissues.
- Expect to feel a sense of confidence about the future, and a renewed feeling of youthfulness.


- Your Pineal Gland is a key player in the production of melatonin, which helps sleep regulation, gut health, infection release, and may prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
- Expect peaceful sleep, balanced gut flora, and mood stability.

- Experience better mobility and increased energy levels throughout the day.
- Maintain the right balance of calcium in the bloodstream and in tissues that depend on calcium for proper functioning. This is especially important for nerve and muscle function, as well as bone health.

7 MP3s
- Energetic Pathways Release
- Hypothalamus Support
- Pituitary Primer
- Thyroid Firestarter
- Thymus Restore
- Pineal Protector
- Bonus: Parathyroid Restore

Includes Everything in Package A PLUS
3 Recorded Group Calls
90 Days of Remote Healing
Private Chat Group

Recorded and replay link provided
Purpose: Feel a sense of amplified life in your body as you activate stem cells in your endocrine system and flood them with the frequencies of love.
On this call we will be encapsulating stem cells in the energy of love to stimulate healing of steroid and amino acid derivative hormones and their receptor proteins. This ensures that the DNA in your cells receive the correct information with flow and ease. This allows correct hormone communication, processing, and balance.
Expect to feel a sense of amplified life and vitality!

Recorded and replay link provided
Purpose: Restore hormone receptors on the cell membranes so they can complete the tasks the hormones are telling them to do!
On this call we will focus directly on the hormone receptors of the cell membrane to restore their function to full vitality. This will amplify polypeptide and protein hormone conversion. Together we will be entering that point of stillness where it all happens. If you enjoy the feeling of energy moving through your body, you will feel it here!

Recorded and replay link provided
Purpose: Improve communication between cells so that all parts of your body work together with your newly balanced hormone loevels.
Improve communication between cells that results in a shift in your body. On this call to experience the shift in your body as your cells communicate with ease and flow. Your cells will send, receive, and convert hormones in the way they were designed to do. Amplified energy will fill your body as it all comes together.

Private Chat Group
3 Recorded Group Calls
7 MP3s
90 Days of Remote Healing
Private Chat Group
- Call 1: Stem Cell Love
- Call 2: Receptor Restoration
- Call 3: Cellular Communication
- Remote Healing
- Exclusive Members Group on Facebook
- Energetic Pathways Release
- Hypothalamus Support
- Pituitary Primer
- Thyroid Firestarter
- Thymus Restore
- Pineal Protector
- Bonus: Parathyroid Restore

Includes Everything in Packages A&B PLUS

Private Session with Kari
3 Recorded Group Calls
7 MP3s
90 Days of Remote Healing
Private Chat Group
- 30 min 1:1 Private Session with Kari
- Call 1: Stem Cell Love
- Call 2: Receptor Restoration
- Call 3: Cellular Communication
- Remote Healing
- Exclusive Members Group on Facebook
- Energetic Pathways Release
- Hypothalamus Support
- Pituitary Primer
- Thyroid Firestarter
- Thymus Restore
- Pineal Protector
- Bonus: Parathyroid Restore

What People are Saying...
Skin Better, Brain Clearer, Deeper Sleep
The greatest gift so far is that I feel and perceive energy very clearly while I am listening to these beautiful music tracks. My brain is much clearer; improvement in communication and expressing in words what before was difficult and hard for me to formulate. There is more order in my head, therefore also in my thoughts. It is easier now to study new things.
I always sleep little hours because at night there is finally peace, silence, and most important, I don’t get interrupted. However, I did notice a change in the sleep quality, my body is much more relaxed in all positions, no back pain anymore or difficulty to find a “good position”. I sleep deeper and have clearer dreams and in the morning, I am fresher and well rested. Even if I get up for the bathroom, I fall asleep as soon as I return, and sometimes I even do not have to get up during the night at all.
My mood is more stable and lighter. I feel less angry and we have a more peaceful time together. What surprises me is that he is somehow accepting more easily the fact that I go into my room and dedicate myself to what is important for me. Before I had to fight every day for my space. This situation improved a lot. My skin looks younger, less wrinkles.
~ Silvia M.
Sinus Cavity physically shifted and cleared
I am a young guy and didn’t really think I had much for hormone problems, but when I listened to the track for the hypothalamus I felt an intense pressure up in my sinus cavity and it felt like the bone on the top and to the back of the roof of my mouth was moving. It felt really weird but then all of a sudden my sinus shifted and my stuffy nose cleared. My whole head felt different. I’ve had numerous brain injuries and it feels like something really good happened.
~ G.W.
Sustained Energy, Balanced Sleep, and Reduced Hunger
I feel a more sustained energy, not as tired, even when I have very long days I don’t seem to tank out. I feel like my temperature during sleep is not as bad. Not as overheated. I feel more balanced and not as hungry.
~ Marsha J.
Uplifting & Energizing, Positive Mood
The hormone program is very uplifting and energizing. They are also calming and grounding. I have listened to them during the day and find them to be soothing and help me ground and be present. At night I listen to them one after the other, sometimes I go right to sleep, other times both play through in their entirety. For me they are both lovely and I especially resonate with the one that identifies with Over the Rainbow as familiar, endearing music but with a completely different context and effect. The MP3’s set a really nice tone and positive mood when I listen to them. They are great either in the morning to start my day or when going to sleep to leave me peaceful and rested.
~ Angela H.
I sleep better and it is easier to wake up. I continue to eat less. I feel satisfied with less food. I don’t have any food cravings between meals. I feel more in control, I don’t feel overwhelmed and I feel calm in general. I didn’t expect that for a change and I am happy about it. Thank you.
~ Annette
After listening to each single MP3 I feel uplifted and peaceful.
Since the first time listening to the “MP3 #1 Energetic Cleanse, I became able to feel, sense energy moving within my body and being present and alert while observing energy doing its work. It opened my inner senses. I am so grateful!
The skin of my fingernails have become more regular and look better. Before, the skin often got tears and certain nails grew irregularly, now they look nice and grow normally.
My skin in general, my face, and skin of the body look healthier, younger, and even wrinkles in my face disappeared. On my chin I had certain tiny hairs growing, which were strong and did really disturb me, now those are gone.
My sleep quality improved, I have more energy throughout the day until going to bed, even if I have slept only a few hours. And in the morning, I feel fresh to start a new day again. I don’t need to go to the bathroom every night anymore, now it happens that I sleep through to the morning more often
I am clearer in my mind, my memory has improved, I experience less procrastinating, and I am more present to myself and being in the NOW.
~ Carol H.
I felt more energetic and balanced. Felt more positive about being motivated to get things done.
When menopause hit me, I woke up one morning and I felt like I didn’t know who I was in my body. Things were different, my body felt different. Doing this program, it felt like I was back.
Energy and clarity was even better than before menopuase. I’ve felt more balanced. My body seems to be responding better to the changes that I am implementing. I feel more rested in the morning. I’m getting more REM sleep than I have before.
~ Theresa C.
I am more connected to my body’s wisdom about food. I eat less, this is what helped me to lower fat in my thighs. My digestion is good again. Digestion is soooooo much better!!!! What a great change. My belly is bloating less. My sleep is better and my energy levels too, even though since last week I need more sleep and napping. The hair loss is less than before. My lower back is not hurting anymore.
My legs are not as tight, I would say they are almost good.I don’t have uneasy legs anymore. l I feel much better, calmer and more centered. Thank you so much.
~ Jody O.
I have noticed an improvement in vaginal itching, which I have had more than a few months. I have also noticed a significant amount of stress reduction. I recently got married and I expected to experience stress and wondered how I would manage it, however I was delightfully surprised to have very minimal stress, thanks to these MP3s. I also usually experience moderate period cramps on the second day of my cycle, with my last cycle I experienced very mild cramps without the use of any pain reliever!
~ Christy B.
I experienced a calm, grounded mood after listening to most of the MP3’s and if I listened to them before bed, I slept soundly. Overall, these MP3’s provided some real grounding during a stormy period in my life where I could have certainly spun out on an emotional rollercoaster. I slept and continue to sleep better than I was before.
~ Vanessa R.
Private Session with Kari
3 Recorded Group Calls
7 MP3s
90 Days of Remote Healing
Private Chat Group
- 30 min 1:1 Private Session with Kari
- Call 1: Stem Cell Love
- Call 2: Receptor Restoration
- Call 3: Cellular Communication
- Remote Healing
- Exclusive Members Group on Facebook
- Energetic Pathways Release
- Hypothalamus Support
- Pituitary Primer
- Thyroid Firestarter
- Thymus Restore
- Pineal Protector
- Bonus: Parathyroid Restore

3 Recorded Group Calls
7 MP3s
Remote Healing
Private Chat Group
- Call 1: Stem Cell Love
- Call 2: Receptor Restoration
- Call 3: Cellular Communication
- Remote Healing
- Exclusive Members Group on Facebook
- Energetic Pathways Release
- Hypothalamus Support
- Pituitary Primer
- Thyroid Firestarter
- Thymus Restore
- Pineal Protector
- Bonus: Parathyroid Restore

7 MP3s
- Energetic Pathways Release
- Hypothalamus Support
- Pituitary Primer
- Thyroid Firestarter
- Thymus Restore
- Pineal Protector
- Bonus: Parathyroid Restore

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