Tanja on Activate your Self-Healing Switches
Download the Podcast and Separate Shield Activation (2 MP3s) — Click Here
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Activate your Self-Healing Switches
When your Healing Switches are off you might feel FRUSTRATED that you...
- Try everything that works for everyone else, but it doesn’t work for you
- Eat clean and take supplements, that's supposed to work, right?
- Get your hopes up each time you try something new only to be disappointed again
- Have difficulty fully connecting with life - things just don’t interest or excite you
What are Self-Healing Switches?
Did you know that everybody has healing switches, and they can be turned on or off?
A healing switch is the ability that everyone has to activate or deactivate certain physiological processes and responses that can impact their health and well-being. These switches are connected to various systems in the body, including the immune system, the nervous system, endocrine/hormone system and also systems like the stress response, relaxation response, intimacy/connection response.
In the big picture, you can think of a master control room with levers, switches, and dials to illustrate how these switches can be activated or deactivated, turned up or down. For example, activating or dialing up the immune system can help fight off infections, while deactivating the stress response can promote relaxation and reduce anxiety.
The problem is that for some people most switches are either mostly turned off or turned on full-blast all the time and over responding. This can be caused by unresolved childhood or adult experiences, faulty “programming,” or a whole host of other earth school curriculum challenges.
Signs your Switches are Off
- Fatigue / Drained
- Brain fog / inability to focus
- Chronic health issues
- Pain or Soreness
- Challenges with losing weight
- Neglect of Self
- Disempowered
- Disconnected from your body
- Disconnected from Life
- Lack of interest in hobbies
- Inability to experience pleasure
- Inability to experience Intimacy
- Overthinking / Overdoing
- Heaviness in your mind and heart
- Doubt/Stress/Worry
- Out of alignment with your inner and outer purpose
- Procrastination / Overwhelm
- Frustration or burnt out
Fortunately you CAN reprogram the issues causing interference with your switches. When you discover and begin to work with your own switches, you then have the power to adjust them to suit your exact needs at any given time.
Once your healing switches are turned on, you can feel
- A new sense of calm and peace wash over you
- Empowered
- More confident and assured
- More balanced and in a state of flow
- Life just seems brighter, more alive, with endless possibilities in front of you
- The healing work you have already been doing begins to feel more grounded in your day to day reality
- Supplements, water, and overall nutritional intake becomes more fully absorbed and utilized by your system
- It all starts to come together, finally!
For example, others have reported...
“Lost 10 lbs fairly quickly since working with Tanja, more satisfied, not overeating” ~ Anonymous
“Extreme Pain In My Wrist Was GONE Within Minutes!” ~ Gwen L.
“Heart Pain Vanished… Started Getting New Clients Immediately After My Session!!” ~ Janice
“Incontinence 75% gone and sleeping through the night” ~ Anonymous
“9 Kidneys stones have passed” ~ Anonymous
“So many wonderful opportunities have been coming into my life and more money too!!!” ~ Gwen
“I Could Feel The Intense Energy Shifts And Clearings Throughout My Entire Body!” ~ Chris
“My focus has gone up; I am no longer caught up in analysis–paralysis. Now I have a clear roadmap ahead of me and am planning a long sabbatical from my work with no guilt. I am happy to move into the future” ~ Radha
“It is life changing and I really mean that! The results were instant and incredible!” ~ Mary
“As soon as we finished clearing my abundance container, an unexpected check for $1,500 was delivered to my door while we were still talking!” ~ Lisa
13 MP3s + 3 Group Calls
Remote Healing
3 Group Calls
Recorded and replay link provided
Protecting Against Psychic Interference in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensions
This process will start with a DNA plasmic triple helix from the upper realms into a group process to protect your field using a 12D Galactic shielding technique. You’ll be grounded into the core of Earth to clear density and open your receiving channels first so energies can work their magic!
We’ll be checking everyone’s shields and clearing your system to receive more healing and invite more magic into your everyday life!
Recorded and replay link provided
You’ll be experiencing your self-healing master control room where you’ll be able to access your personal switches, identify which ones are turned off and how to turn them on!
You’ll have the opportunity to tap into and release the unforgiveness, resentment, and self-judgment so you can turn on and enhance your body’s circuitry in real-time. We will be clearing the resistance in your body to healing from things like grief, worry, doubt, lack, scarcity, stress, overwhelm, and overthinking.
We’ll be learning the triggers that turn these switches OFF and then learning how to turn them back ON. We work together to increase trust in your gifts, your sense of deserving healing, and confidence to receive and allow connection with your body’s circuitry.
Recorded and replay link provided
Enjoy a 30 day remote healing container that brings healing energy and support directly to you, effortlessly. This container is designed to aid and support you on your journey to healing and transformation, helping you achieve your desired outcome with ease and grace. You will set an intention for where you want to be at the conclusion of your healing journey. Tanja and her Team of Light will then work to hold you in a container of love and transformation 24/7, providing you with the support and guidance you need to deepen your capacity to heal.
This remote healing container offers a powerful way to access healing energy and support directly and effortlessly when you need it, without having to worry about scheduling appointments..You simply set your intention and allow Tanja and her team to do the rest. This powerful container of love and transformation will support you throughout your journey.
Begins within 48 hours of enrollment in the program.
ITEMS 5-10
6 MP3s
Connect with the biorhythms of the universe and activate quantum safety, allowing you to come into full coherence with this moment.
By activating a pillar of light coming from the highest realms of source, and the 12 pillars of light that surround your aura, this meditation allows universal intelligence to flood into your aura. Experience the repairing of any cracks or tears, sealing your porous aura, and clearing cords or attachments to your auric field, mind, body, and heart.
Using the elements of fire, water, and wind, ground into the earth everything that’s not yours. Create a 12 layered 12 colored shield around your aura to dissolve your inner armor to have outer shielding. Clears interference within the 3rd to 7th dimension, ensuring that all layers of your shield are up, anchoring you into your best and highest good template.
This meditation allows anything that’s not for you to bounce off your shielding, allowing only everything that is pure love and light to come into your aura. Get ready to call in the abundance of the universe and yourself with our life-changing meditation experience.
This is the ultimate quantum protection meditation experience for your home, space, cars, and place of work. Our guided meditation starts with a powerful energy field clearing that will leave your space free from any unwanted energy pockets that do not belong in your aura. You’ll become aware of what old energy needs to be blown away and clear your field from anything that doesn’t belong to you, including anything you’ve been carrying around in your body.
Activate safety, support, and protection in your space, giving you peace of mind. Call in the 12 golden rainbow rays of light to flood into your land, your home, and all your spaces, grounding your energy and home energy into Gaia.
Activate and breathe in different emotions like relaxation, peace, and connection in your sleeping quarters and living spaces. Send healing to anyone who lives with you, including your pets, and bless everyone who crosses your threshold with an arc of light, flooding the home with all good things like pure love.
This meditation assists with any change processes that are underway, allowing galactic abundance codes to come to you and Mother Gaia. A huge pillar of light comes down over the entire property and all vehicles, activating a temple, a cathedral around your home.
Call in spirit animals and dragons, hummingbirds, and butterflies, aligning the inner purpose and the outer purpose within you and within your home. Expand the personal 12D shield around the entire temple, knowing that anything that’s not love bounces off, and experience oneness with your space.
Disentangle from neighbors with divine detachment where needed, and activate our kinship with humanity as brothers and sisters. Activate your inner shield and create a temple of love and light around your home and spaces with our transformative meditation experience.
Release what no longer serves, and grow into your fullest expression of soul light and soul. This activation calls in all the support from the highest realms of light and love to be with you now. Allow this river of life to flow through you, releasing any density, heaviness, weight, or toxicity from your physical body.
Feel the water of life dislodge any places in your body that have been holding onto pain, soreness, tension, and stress. Let it wash away any mental weight stored in the physical body, ancestral or past life weight, and interference.
This activation also balances the divine feminine, divine masculine, and the divine inner child. Your relationship with fear will no longer be your foe but become your friend.
As you open yourself to receive, let trillions of nano-sized infinity symbols of pure healing consciousness, love, and light flood your temple, your vehicle, your vessel. With this activation, your brilliant light body will be fully recalibrated into the highest vibrational frequency and purest aspect of vitality for your ultimate highest and best good now.
Use the energy of acceptance and surrender to unlock the unlimited potential of your mind, body, and soul. You will clear out any resistance, past traumas or emotional blockages that have been holding you back. You will invite unlimited possibilities, magic, opportunities, and synchronicities so they can flood in without the resistance of what was being held onto.
With a deep focus on healing the illusion of separation, you will be guided to see yourself as the bright light you truly are.
As you turn on all the self-healing switches in your body, you will scan your body to see what switches are turned off and activate them nviting the universal breath of life to go through, starting with respiratory system, activating the breathe into the digestive system into the solar plexus and going to into the endocrine system, the lymphatic system, the immune system, nervous system, turning on the electrical system on the body, brain balancing and brain waves, circadian rhythms and declaring peace in the mind.
This activation will also help you to clear out overthinking, overdoing, perfectionism, and any places that you defined yourself by others. You will fully define you!
Go on a journey of deep grounding and anchoring into your divine blueprint and the New Earth 5D and beyond. Using a quadruple helix with a double DNA mirrored into 4, Tanja will connect you to the ley lines, universal intelligence, and prime source creator, bringing in pure balance, joy, and bliss.
She will guide you through a process that begins by connecting plasma to the most central high sun, clearing your entire central channel from your soul star chakra to your earth star chakra and all your chakras in between. Then, you will be taken on a deep visualization journey, entering the third eye chamber to access ancient soul knowledge and wisdom.
Through a gentle decalcification of the pineal gland, using elements to clear out brain fog and expand the intuition center, you will activate your passion for life and receive messages and insights from your higher self. Recalibrating your relationship with your intuition, inner knowing, and inner beauty, you will come away peaceful, clear-headed, and grounded, increasing your capacity to align with synchronicities and flow with life in a more aligned way.
This Sacred Object Activation is a transformative experience that will deepen your connection with your chosen tool, whether it’s a crystal, a talisman, or any other sacred object. This activation is designed to amplify and activate the energy of your object, encoding it with blessings and codes for your highest good.
We will start with a grounding exercise to clear your space and your object, allowing its energy to be shared with you. With the intention to amplify your tool, we will flood it with diamond abundance codes, intergalactic heart codes, blessings of mother earth, divine masculine and father, pristine inner child, gift of breath and water, and the elixir of life from the rainforest.
As we fill your sacred object with these powerful energies, we invite pristine health and wellness, balance, clarity, focus, aligned action, grounding, protection, and assistance in releasing the past. Your tool will be encoded with a 360 degree beam of pure white light, and your connection with it as your ally will be deepened.
The activation will leave you with a beautifully encoded object, dancing and playing with your energy, supporting you in your journey as you continue your earthwalk.
7 MP3S
In this 9+ hour virtual retreat, you’ll learn about and receive the healings using Tanja’s unique Total Timeline Cleanse modality, which uses a quantum fiber, optic cord of light tool and process that she downloaded from her team in 2019.
You’ll get to experience this entire modality step by step by step, including connecting deeply with your inner child, your higher self, and tapping into every timeline you’ve ever lived! It’s time to pull out the contrast, the heaviness, density, stagnation that has been carried across from lifetime after lifetime, while retaining the gifts of the love and the lessons, and releasing as much as can be safely and gentle released in one giant energetic purge!
Strap on your thinking caps and your space suits for this in-depth dive into the unknown, many experience astral traveling and full body releases after taking this series. (Module 7a can be listened to repeatedly for optimal benefits as each time another deep layer is let go of)!
13 MP3s + 3 Group Calls
Remote Healing
- Class 1: Shields Up and Solid!
- Class 2: Increasing Your Capacity To Heal
- Class 3: Q&A with Individual Clearings and a spontaneous group activation
- 30 day 24/7 Remote Healing Container
- Psychic Protection 12D Shield Activation
- 12D Temple Shielding For Your Home
- Releasing the Physical Pain Body
- Self Healing Switches
- Third Eye Activation with Full Central Channeled Clearing
- Amplify Your Sacred Objects
- Ignite your Brilliance Virtual Retreat: Total Timeline cleanse 9+ hour Full Series
Includes Everything in Package A PLUS
- Step into complete alignment with your core self and regain control of your center
- Unlock your transformative potential–identify and let go of your primary fears
- Reprioritize your energetic boundaries and release what is no longer serving you
- During this sacred time together you’ll gain tools on how to overcome challenges when they arise and to assist you in calmly navigating through uncertainty, so you can feel unshakable in the face of adversity
Private Session with Tanja
13 MP3s + 3 Group Calls
Remote Healing
- 30 min 1:1 Private Session with Tanja
- Class 1: Shields Up and Solid!
- Class 2: Increasing Your Capacity To Heal
- Class 3: Q&A with Individual Clearings and a spontaneous group activation
- 30 day 24/7 Remote Healing Container
- Psychic Protection 12D Shield Activation
- 12D Temple Shielding For Your Home
- Releasing the Physical Pain Body
- Self Healing Switches
- Third Eye Activation with Full Central Channeled Clearing
- Amplify Your Sacred Objects
- Bonus: Ignite your Brilliance Virtual Retreat: Total Timeline cleanse 9+ hour Full Series
What People are Saying...
Since working with Tanja I’ve lost 10 lbs in a fairly short amount of time and my body seems to be more satisfied because I can start pacing my meals and eat regularly instead of overeating. The incontinence I was dealing with has improved roughly 75% and I’m sleeping through the night without incident on more occasions than not, this has been an issue for almost 20 yrs now and it’s hard to express the relief this has brought me. Also, 9 Kidney stones have dissolved into 2 very small ones that my body should be able to pass on its own. I’m absolutely thrilled by my results so far since working with Tanja and her Team and I am so glad that I found her!
~ Anonymous in Canada
One year ago my relationship of 16 years had ended abruptly. I had been able to heal a great deal prior to the session but I consistently felt a heart pain and I knew my energy was still wrapped up with the ex. I felt lost and still broken a bit. I had stopped working in my passion because I just didn’t have the energy or the drive. I wanted to liberate myself from both of these symptoms and experience.
Tanja helped me clear the bindings that held me to having others dictate my worth, my love, my value, and my work. She assisted me in fixing hijacked DNA that kept me in patterns of codependency and sacrifice. Tanja also helped me to integrate my highest self, my Goddess self, and take 100% ownership of my gifts and power in this lifetime.
Since this session I have found more fire to return to my work and of course I began to receive clients almost immediately. The biggest thing is, the heart pain has vanished. I now know it was not mine to carry anymore. I also don’t feel the ex in my energetic field anymore. It’s like he has vanished. I still have my memories but I don’t feel sad or haunted. Now, honestly, I feel like his leaving did me a favor
The other great thing that happened is I can now effortlessly create healthier boundaries with people who usually tilt me. I know my worth, I love myself, and I feel solid and whole again.
My abilities and gifts feel on fire and spot on right now! It feels so good to come back to myself. The Healing was near instantaneous and it just keeps unfolding in miraculous ways. I would absolutely recommend this healer to everyone!
~ Janice
On the day of my session with Tanja… my wrist, hand, and arm pain I was experiencing was so extreme that I couldn’t even write. I didn’t really know if there was anything that could be done to help it. As Tanja and I were talking, she started to do energy work on it right away, I felt it get warm and then I was able to use it!
We also did a process that balanced my giving and receiving sides. I went from having a “small bump” of receiving and a “huge hill” of giving to a “mountain of receiving” that now matches what I give! AND my ability to receive with ease and trust has greatly increased. So many wonderful opportunities have been coming into my life and more money too!!!
It only took the time of our conversation for me to feel results and it’s been over a month and the wrist is still good! Only occasional twinges from overuse. And YES! I wholeheartedly recommend Tanja and her work to anyone that wants fast and lasting change!
~ Gwen Lepard, Mentor, Speaker, Healer
Intense Energy Shifts And Clearings Throughout My Entire Body
The activation was so powerful that I could feel intense energy shifts and clearings of old ways and blocks that resulted in a beautiful release to my scattered state. Tanja’s kind and knowledgeable guidance gave me a new direction and approach to life which I feel will only blossom with time as I continue to work on myself in ways she provided.
I am optimistic that following her advice I can grow in a more positive, uplifting and beneficial attitude while attaining my intentions, hopes and desires. Tanja is a cool lady with so much to offer and I am thankful for her crossing my path.
~ Chris
Felt The Energy Explode in me..releasing Everything That No Longer Served Me!
In my session with Tanja I asked for financial clearings. This is something I have had issues with my entire life. Tanja did a quantum session with me. In the session I saw some angels that she called in including Archangel Gabriel who just came to help me. Tanja was able to pick up I had been doing a lot of work on clearing. I felt the energy entering me immediately.
There was a hose bringing things into me. And I also felt that some things that were not serving me left. I felt that energy explode in me… It was a good clearing! That night I had a very vivid dream. That was helping me integrate the rest of the session. I believe there is still some integrating happening. I feel good about the session and about my future. Yes, I would recommend Tanja!
~ Barbra
“The Results Were INSTANT… In Just One Session Tanja Cleared Me From Years OF Self Neglect & Procrastination!”
10 years of neglect, procrastination cleared
For almost 10 years now I have been neglecting myself totally, always putting others first. I had also become prone to procrastination in the past few years. Tanja scanned my Aura and found an ancestral lineage for self-neglect (both parents) where it was coming from.
She did a clearing for nearly 30 generations before and after me and cleaned my thought blockage causing my present issues of self-neglect & procrastination. The results from her session were instant, I felt as if my insides were vacuumed out with a machine and the entire muck was thrown out into earth whilst making way for new & better things.
As a result my focus has gone up; I am no longer caught up in analysis – paralysis. Now I have a clear roadmap ahead of me and am planning a long sabbatical from my work with no guilt. I am happy to move into the future. I strongly recommend Tanja and her amazing work!
~ Radha Raghavan
I highly highly recommend this work! It is life changing and I really mean that! The results were instant and incredible… and if you are ready to live an empowered, focused, knowing what you want and deserve kind of life, then do not hesitate to book a session! You deserve to be whole and glorious!
~ Mary Kathryn Medlock, New York, NY
That Low, Under-Current Vibration Of The ‘Unsolvable Situation’ Is Finally GONE! I Can’t Believe How Different I Feel NOW!
$1500 unexpected check while still in session.
Tanja is a powerful healer, intuitive and coach, I am grateful from the bottom of my soul for the life-changing session I recently had with her. We looked at my abundance “container” and Tanja assisted in sealing up leaks and clearing cords attached to it. As soon as we finished an unexpected check for $1,500 was delivered to my door while we were still talking! I was simply Amazing! She is deeply insightful and has the ability to cut right through to the heart of any issue. I can’t believe how different I feel since then! That low, under-current vibration of what appeared to be an “unsolvable situation” is finally GONE! If you get the chance to work with Tanja, do it! Give yourself the gift of receiving her support! She can help you to move past wherever you’ve gotten yourself stuck. I recommend Tanja whole-heartedly!
~ Lisa Warner
Private Session with Tanja
13 MP3s + 3 Group Calls
Remote Healing
- 30 min 1:1 Private Session with Tanja
- Class 1: Shields Up and Solid!
- Class 2: Increasing Your Capacity To Heal
- Class 3: Q&A with Individual Clearings and a spontaneous group activation
- 30 day 24/7 Remote Healing Container
- Psychic Protection 12D Shield Activation
- 12D Temple Shielding For Your Home
- Releasing the Physical Pain Body
- Self Healing Switches
- Third Eye Activation with Full Central Channeled Clearing
- Amplify Your Sacred Objects
- Bonus: Ignite your Brilliance Virtual Retreat: Total Timeline cleanse 9+ hour Full Series
Special Offer
13 MP3s + 3 Group Calls
Remote Healing
- Class 1: Shields Up and Solid!
- Class 2: Increasing Your Capacity To Heal
- Class 3: Q&A with Individual Clearings and a spontaneous group activation
- 30 day 24/7 Remote Healing Container
- Psychic Protection 12D Shield Activation
- 12D Temple Shielding For Your Home
- Releasing the Physical Pain Body
- Self Healing Switches
- Third Eye Activation with Full Central Channeled Clearing
- Amplify Your Sacred Objects
- Bonus: Ignite your Brilliance Virtual Retreat: Total Timeline cleanse 9+ hour Full Series
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