Susan on Miracles of Health & Wealth
Download the podcast and the activation mp3 >> Click Here
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Miracles of Health & Wealth
Feel abundant health & energy, safe, happy and satisfied with your life!
Are Old Energies Keeping you from Manifesting Wealth, Health and Joy?
- Connect to Your 'Angel Blueprint'
- Experience Miraculous Timeline Shifts
- Manifest Joyful Abundance with Sacred Energies
- Live a Life of Joyful Purpose!
- Enter the Realm of New Joyful Possibilities!

Create Your Miracles with Angels Songs, Light Language and Sound Therapy Frequencies
What is Sound Therapy?
What is Light Language?
What are Angel Songs?
Angels and Ascended Masters surround us. They are unseen, and reside “across the veil” in other dimensions. Using vibrational techniques to access angels and other realms – for communication, information, and healing – Susan connects to your Highest Guides and Angels by singing Songs with complete lyrics that even rhyme. It is a very unique gift Susan shares, that allows you to hear messages with songs to assist you to create more Joyful Abundance in your life! They are Beautiful loving messages delivered in songs!
Sound therapist Susan Reis offers sound therapy activations and channeled Angel Songs from your Higher Self/Soul/Universe/God and Angels using her voice, light language, and sound therapy tools to bring about Joyful Positive changes in all areas of life!
Meet with your Highest Guides and Angels (your soul team) and experience the highest consciousness that you are ready to receive, and experience Light Language that takes you beyond what your mind can conceive.
Develop a deeper understanding that saying YES to what you love that brings you Joy allows you to create what you came here to create and contribute a positive energy to our world. You will begin saying NO to interfering energies and limiting beliefs stopping you from creating all you desire.

I lost 100lbs after working with Susan
My Body was stopping me from living my life the way I knew I could be – I lost 100lbs after working with Susan! My life has changed completely. I now am happy and healthy and loving my life!!
~ Bonnie Jacobson, Milwaukee WI
With Feel Comfortable Being You, you will..

- Shift from the version of yourself that is worrying about health and wealth to the version of you that has an abundance - a Joyful Abundance
- Know how it feels to be in your own energy field of Joy
- Hear a beautiful message from the angels that will assist you to live with joy, no longer fear
- Be a joyful contributor to the world in a way that brings you great Joy
- Destroy and uncreate all energy that does not allow you to be in calmness and kindness
- Be 100% in your own energy field so you can create joyful abundance of health and wealth with ease
- Learn how essential oils help your body, emotions and overall well being bring you Joyful Abundance in your life!
3 year back injury can do full yoga after 1 session
I had a back injury for 3 years and could only do a child pose in yoga – After 1 session with Susan I could do a full yoga session the next day. My yoga teacher could not believe the changes and said it was a miracle!
~ Mandy Jonas, LA
Flow with my painting again after not painting for years
I was stuck – as an artist I had not painted for years and it was painful, and I did not understand the resistance! Susan gently brought in Sound Therapy and the healings from the Angelic Realm to bring me not only a flow with my painting again but also weaved in Sound Therapy Codes to heal all who would be drawn to my paintings. I am doing what I love, and I am grateful!
~ Janet Barns, Florida
40 MP3s

Chakra Class #1 – Clearing Overactive Chakras
Clearing Overactive Chakras In this class you will learn how to use remote healing with Essential Oils and what oils will help you feel protected, balanced and healthy so you create a life you Love! Hear a message from the Angels in song about creating a Business and World you love!
Chakra Class #2 – Underactive Chakras
In this class you will learn a powerful tool to assist you with boundaries and call in relationships of Love and Activate your Heart energy to call in your loving clients and friends! Learn a tool to call your clients to you with ease and Joy!
Chakra Class #3 – Balancing Chakras (with Activation)
Learn which essential oils help you to BE and feel Abundant health and energy and feel grounded, safe Happy and satisfied with your life! The Activation allows you to Play and Be Powerful!
Chakra Class #4 – Chakra Balancing for Your Physical Body
Learn what oils will help you boost your immune system so you can stop worrying about getting sick! The Activation at the end allows you to call in clients that will say- thank you I’ve been looking for you, and resources to assist you in creating Joyful Abundance of health and wealth and Joy!
Bonus Class – Enlightened Body Class
Begin to have the body you love as you experience Sound Therapy and learn about Essential oils to assist your body in being healthy and filled with Joy!
Bonus Class – Emotions Class
Learn how your body and emotions work together and how you can change your emotions with essential oils. Learn which oils to use to feel protected and stay in your own energy field and so much more!

21 MP3s
- Encoding New Light Energy
- Clearing Sabotage/Break Through Glass Ceiling
- Your Point of View to Create Joyful Abundance
- The Power of Asking to Create Joyful Abundance!
- Clearing Your Space for Joyful Abundance
- Call Your Energy into Your Name Vibration
- Enlightened Body for Joyful Abundance
- Wasted Day or Magnificent Day?
- Timeline Choices
- The Greatness of You!
- Command and Demand Your Empowered Self Now
- Manage Your Energy
- Celebrate the Breakdowns!
- Bending Time Transformation
- Movie of Your Choice
- Creation Transformation — Enlightened Marketing
- What’s right about this that I’m not getting?
- Your Big Bucket — Your Big Why!
- Gratitude Transformation
- Nighttime Energy for Joyful Abundance
- Be Joyful Always!

You will learn how to be an Enlightened Philanthropist now!
You will experience an activation with Angels Songs and Light Language to assist you in receiving and giving so you can contribute to the world in all ways that bring you Joy!
CLEARING — Remove energy that is not your own and learn how to be in our world with joy not fear. You will begin creating your Enlightened Philanthropist abundant life!
CONNECTING — What is your greatest joy? Learn what is the kindest thing to do for our world now. Learn how to create with calmness and kindness!
CREATING — Move into your Enlightened Philanthropist knowing self where you begin creating what you choose and ask for!
CONTRIBUTING — Be very honored, acknowledged and supported for your part in creating a world that we will all be very proud to live in! We are all one big, beautiful puzzle with each piece of the puzzle equally important to create the beautiful picture of Oneness. We celebrate with each other!
2 Courses
21 Days of Activations Mp3s
- Enlightened Body Program - 6 Classes
- 21 Days of Activations with Angel Songs, Sound Therapy and Light Language!
- Enlightened Philanthropist Intuitive Classes (EPIC)

Includes Everything in Package A PLUS
3 Group Calls
DNA Ascension Activation
90 Days Remote Healing
Private Facebook Group
5 Bonus MP3s
3 Group Calls

Recorded and replay link provided

Recorded and replay link provided

Recorded and replay link provided

- You get more intuition and inspiration
- You receive great amounts of light- the most light your body can hold
- You have a stronger Immunity which means more health
- You increase your positive psychic abilities
- You have more Energy
- You have more Joyful Abundance of Income/Love/Health
- You Increase and utilize your brain more
- You have more clarity and you can make better choices
- You have the ability to go to the unseen – the Unlimited Possibilities – they come to the surface so you can make better choices
- You release the unconscious patterns stored within – limiting beliefs and things not serving you
- You clear the family and genetic karmic family patterns
- You notice changes happen faster as your true self shines forth. You show up and be you!
- You accelerate your learning process
- You get strength to solve problems and things get easier
- You create a greater opening for future connections with your Higher Self
- You are empowered in all aspects of your life!
- To assist with Ascension Symptoms
- You will learn about essential oils to assist you at this time to create so much Joyful Abundance in your Life!

Remote Healing Transmissions Delivered Weekly on Mondays, for 3 Months, beginning the first Monday after registration. On the Monday after you sign up you will receive a remote Joyful Abundance Transmission that will continue every Monday for three months.
This transmission will allow you to experience an energetic shift by connecting you to your Highest Self, Multidimensional Soul Teams and Angels so that you will begin to experience Joy and watch for opportunities of Joyful Abundance to show up in your life! Watch for these and celebrate each and every one of the joyful things that will happen to you after this activation!
If you find a penny, celebrate and do a happy dance and more Joyful abundance will come to you! If you receive a compliment, celebrate! A free cup of coffee, Celebrate! Watch for more Joy to come into your life as you celebrate each Joyful little thing! Watch for the magical miracle things that will happen and celebrate them! Your life will become filled with Joyful abundance in more amazing ways than you can imagine! Celebrate with gratitude!
Get out a journal and write out all that you are grateful for and more will come to be grateful for! Write down all the joyful things you are celebrating and read your journal daily and at the end of 3 months you will be smiling and doing a Big Happy Dance!
There is nothing for you to do but to be open to receiving these energies.

Join Susan’s private Joyful Possibilities Earth Angels community where Susan will be celebrating with you!
You’ll gather together here to send Love and Light to Our World. Support each other and know that all who find their way here have very special gifts to share with the world. Honor, respect and share your special gifts here!
Whether you are an intuitive, light-worker, Earth Angel, spiritual worker, healer or just beginning to understand your gifts that you know you are to share, then this group is for you!
5 MP3s

MP3 - 13mins

Would you like to feel in charge of your health and feel good being here on the planet?
Release the energy in your body where you are holding a limitation — all sickness And PAIN! You will Be empowered and know how to heal yourself with this meditation!

MP3 - 13mins
This mediation will activate and empower you to receive from your higher guides and angels to spread your wings and share your gifts and shine!
With light language, you will feel the new Emerald Green Energy of growing and being comfortable being here! You will receive the energy that will allow you to attract health, money and Joy for yourself and to share with others!
You will Experience the NEW Golden Light Energy to Create More Joyful Abundance than you can even imagine!
You will BE Empowered to Be in your full Power and create a life of JOY!
You will hear the message from the Angels of Gratitude and Be in the Vibration of Celebration and Joy to create all Joyful Abundance that you Ask for with Gratitude!

MP3 - 7mins

Enjoy Unplugging from all that does not give You Joyful Abundance!
This will assist you in unplugging from the problems of the world!

MP3 - 15mins

MP3 - 7mins

Just for the moment feel what it would feel like without worry or fear.
In this meditation the light language will empower you to choose Joyful Abundance in all areas of your life!
Hear a message from the Angels who remind us they are available to help with feeling calm and peace!
3 Group Calls
DNA Ascension Activation
90 Days Remote Healing
Private Facebook Group
2 Courses
21 Day Activations
5 Bonus MP3S
- Call 1: Clearing the Unknown Stuck Energies
- Call 2: Creating Joyful Abundance of Wealth and Miracles!
- Call 3: Celebration Class- As we celebrate we create more Joy
- DNA Ascension Activation with Essential Oils
- 90 Days Remote Healing
- Private Facebook Group Access
- Enlightened Body Program - 6 Classes
- 21 Days of Activations with Angel Songs, Sound Therapy and Light Language!
- Enlightened Philanthropist Intuitive Classes (EPIC)
- Releasing Limitations Meditation
- Be Empowered Meditation
- Unplugging Meditation
- Rainbow Ribbon Meditation
- Just for This Moment Meditation

Includes Everything in Package A&B PLUS

In an Angel Blueprint Session, you will connect with your Angels and other high dimensional guides and experience a shift to your Joyful Abundant healthy calm Self! With Sound Therapy Activations, Angels Songs Light Language, Crystal Bowl and Sound Therapy Frequencies you will clear what you are ready to clear and create what you are choosing to create.
Sound Therapy and Light Language bypasses the thinking mind and creates a rapid shift in vibration for the individual. As a result, you begin to create more calm and Joy and Fun!
Many have experienced life changing shifts after an Angel Session. Many clients’ clear things they have been stuck with for years and begin seeing Joyful Abundance of improved health, increased income, money and clients, and greater states of peace, joy and fun!
Creating with Sound Therapy and the Angels is fast, effective, and fun and is a Joyful way to bring abundance in all areas of your life.
Susan opens each session with Angels Song asking the highest Guides for the most Joyful Contribution to the session! You may have questions ready or just know that the Angels will give you the information you require to set you on your path to Joyful Abundance!
Note: Included and created during your session is a Sound Therapy Activation/Meditation created just for you to bring all the Joyful Abundance you choose and ask for! These are recorded and you can listen to it again and again.
Note: Private sessions are recorded and emailed to you.
Best reading I’ve ever had
Susan, thank you so much, this has been phenomenal. I think this is the best reading I ever had. It IS the best reading I ever had. it’s making me nervous, because I just don’t do many readings because I don’t feel they’ve been that beneficial, but this has been tremendous. I thank you very very much.
~ Jennifer, Boulder CO
All of her grounded advice showed up to be true
Susan gave me “ROCK SOLID” advice that guided me in to making HEALTHY choices for life… Which school for my teenage son would serve HIS NEEDS best. Which city to live in for my business would serve OUR highest and best purpose… and which direction to take with the woman I love, would best serve “All involved?” Now almost a year later, all of her GROUNDED advice showed up to be true. Her guidance was not only Healthy… it brought more Joy, Peace and Happiness into my life. Susan not only has been touched by the Angels… she givesGrounded Old Fashion good advice.
~ C. Otto, Wisconsin
Private Session with Susan
3 Group Calls
DNA Ascension Activation
90 Days Remote Healing
Private Facebook Group
2 Courses
21 Days Activations
+ 5 Bonus MP3S
- 30 min 1:1 Private Session with Susan
- Call 1: Clearing the Unknown Stuck Energies
- Call 2: Creating Joyful Abundance of Wealth and Miracles!
- Call 3: Celebration Class- As we celebrate we create more Joy
- DNA Ascension Activation with Essential Oils
- 90 Days Remote Healing
- Private Facebook Group Access
- Enlightened Body Program - 6 Classes
- 21 Days of Activations with Angel Songs, Sound Therapy and Light Language!
- Enlightened Philanthropist Intuitive Classes (EPIC)
- Releasing Limitations Meditation
- Be Empowered Meditation
- Unplugging Meditation
- Rainbow Ribbon Meditation
- Just for This Moment Meditation

What People are Saying...
Told me missing link in my business after decades stuck
I have spent over $20,000 and taken many years of classes to get my intuitive business going and still was stuck and not having my success! In one session Susan told me the missing link that was keeping me stuck! WOW- in one 20 minute session she cleared decades of where I was stuck and now I know exactly what to do to grow my business!! I am eternally grateful for her gifts!
~ Beth Wagner, SD
Lost 10 lbs first week, stomach problems gone, much more relaxed and calm
After working with Susan my stomach problems went away. I could go for a run again and my body was so happy – I lost 10 pounds the first week and I feel much more relaxed and calm. She introduced me to Essential Oils and they have really made a wonder difference in my life and I am so grateful to have met and worked with Susan.
~ Sharon, Sedona, Arizona
From tears and confusion to opening my own Dance Center
I did not know what to do with my life – I just knew there was more joy possible for me! Susan asked me what gives me my greatest joy and I said I like to dance! I went from tears and confusion to opening my own Wellness, Dance and Art Center in a major city after working with Susan. I love her energy and she has been a beautiful contribution to my life! I recommend her to anyone looking to live a joyful life!
~ Rosie Zeiglar, CA
From hated office job to doing what I love and making $10,000/month!
I went from working at an office job I hated 40 hrs a week to working when I want, where I want, doing what I love to do and making $10,000 a month doing it! I am so thankful for the tools and all I learned in Susan’s classes that allow me to live a life that is Amazing! I love my life and I am healthier than I have ever been too! Thank you Susan for helping me live a life I Love! Thank You Thank You Thank You!
~ Mary Carlson, Chicago
My daughter was giggling with her sister haven’t heard that in awhile!
Thank you so much for the session today! The energy in our house has completely changed around. Kaitlyn was even giggling with her sister when I got off the phone. I haven’t heard that sound in a while! You are truly a magical Mary Poppins!
~ Dennise
Finger healed up before our eyes, hip pain much better
I have had hip pains and a twisted pelvis for years and after a session with Susan and her sound and Light Language it felt so much better. I also had a painful finger that healed up before our eyes. This is amazing! I am so grateful!
~ Mapi
Private Session with Susan
3 Group Calls
DNA Ascension Activation
90 Days Remote Healing
Private Facebook Group
2 Courses
21 Days Activations
+ 5 Bonus MP3S
- 30 min 1:1 Private Session with Susan
- Call 1: Clearing the Unknown Stuck Energies
- Call 2: Creating Joyful Abundance of Wealth and Miracles!
- Call 3: Celebration Class- As we celebrate we create more Joy
- DNA Ascension Activation with Essential Oils
- 90 Days Remote Healing
- Private Facebook Group Access
- Enlightened Body Program - 6 Classes
- 21 Days of Activations with Angel Songs, Sound Therapy and Light Language!
- Enlightened Philanthropist Intuitive Classes (EPIC)
- Releasing Limitations Meditation
- Be Empowered Meditation
- Unplugging Meditation
- Rainbow Ribbon Meditation
- Just for This Moment Meditation
Special Offer

3 Group Calls
DNA Ascension Activation
90 Days Remote Healing
Private Facebook Group
2 Courses
21 Days Activations
+ 5 Bonus MP3S
- Call 1: Clearing the Unknown Stuck Energies
- Call 2: Creating Joyful Abundance of Wealth and Miracles!
- Call 3: Celebration Class- As we celebrate we create more Joy
- DNA Ascension Activation with Essential Oils
- 90 Days Remote Healing
- Private Facebook Group Access
- Enlightened Body Program - 6 Classes
- 21 Days of Activations with Angel Songs, Sound Therapy and Light Language!
- Enlightened Philanthropist Intuitive Classes (EPIC)
- Releasing Limitations Meditation
- Be Empowered Meditation
- Unplugging Meditation
- Rainbow Ribbon Meditation
- Just for This Moment Meditation
Special Offer

2 Courses
21 Days Activations
- Enlightened Body Program - 6 Classes
- 21 Days of Activations with Angel Songs, Sound Therapy and Light Language!
- Enlightened Philanthropist Intuitive Classes (EPIC)
Special Offer

Margaret –
I love Susan Elizabeth’s joyful exuberant interactions , I responded to this program with many positive and freeing experiences finding myself entering into a higher level of joy . I think it is great she has a vast knowledge of working along side of angels as well as the use of essentials oils. Susan’s calls were personal, sweet and filled with loving care and angel songs.!!