
You're in the club!

Look for a welcome email with a link to the podcast and to download your gifts!

(check your Promotions or Spam folder if you don't see it)

Spiritual self-care is so important – and yet so many either don’t know about it or neglect it altogether.

We love having conscious, early adopters like you join us!

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We usually have 1 live event a week, usually Monday. Sometimes we have a live Q&A on Wednesday too.

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An email is on its way with details of how to participate in our online event easily from wherever you are

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The only thing you’ll need to connect is internet access or a phone. No special equipment required!

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And we’d love it if you’d help spread the word about our event. You can forward the email that brought you here to friends or have them visit https://happivize.com

Join our Facebook Happivize Community Our speakers stop by to answer direct questions there

How to Participate...

Live Podcasts

We will have one new speaker a week. If you can join us live, you'll have the chance to ask the speaker questions and/or receive a mini-healing! Listen by streaming through your phone, tablet, or computer. Or dial the number we provide if you like to use the phone.


We’ll also email you with the link to the replays. Our replays stay up indefinitely too, so you can listen whenever you want. Because there are often group energy healings, a lot of people choose to listen to intervews again whenever they need a pick me up.

First Week Discount

The first week of any new program has an early bird discount. So if the topic interests you, we recommend listening during that first week to see if the speaker resonates with you and you can take advantage of the early bird discount if you choose to work with the speaker more.

We'll see you on the next interview with one of our
amazing healers and coaches!

Have a Quick Question?

Shoot us an email! If you are wondering how to access your paid program (our most common question), login here: https://happivize.com/my-account and then go to Orders>Access